Confused about properties and ivars - ios

I realize that there are already many property vs. ivar questions on here, but after doing a lot of research I can't seem to find a clear answer.
I understand that when you declare a property like the following, that the compiler automatically synthesizes the backing ivar and the two accessor methods for you:
#property NSString *myString;
What still confuses me is, is myString an actual instance variable? The reason I ask this is because you can never access it like this:
NSLog(#"Value of myString is: %#", myString);
You either have to use the backing ivar _myString, or one of the getter methods like [self myString] or self.myString. So I'm confused because normally you could just use the variable name plain and simple.
To top it all off, I've been told that you should not refer to myString as a property, and that the word property should only be used to refer to the two accessor methods that are synthesized for you by the compiler when you use the #property directive.
Would it really be wrong for you to say "I have a property called myString" , and if that is wrong then what would be the correct way to say it?
Any help clearing this up would be greatly appreciated. I've been struggling with solidifying the idea of properties and ivars being different things all day now.

Here are answer of your questions -
is myString an actual instance variable? - No
Would it really be wrong for you to say "I have a property called myString" , and if that is wrong then what would be the correct way to say it? - No its not wrong to call it.
So it looks like what actually confuses you is naming conventions, if you go through the naming conventions behind properties -
When you use the #property syntax to declare properties on an object, as described in “Encapsulating Data,” the compiler automatically synthesizes the relevant getter and setter methods (unless you indicate otherwise). If you need to provide your own accessor method implementations for any reason, it’s important to make sure that you use the right method names for a property in order for your methods to be called through dot syntax, for example.
Unless specified otherwise, a getter method should use the same name as the property. For a property called firstName, the accessor method should also be called firstName. The exception to this rule is for Boolean properties, for which the getter method should start with is. For a property called paused, for example, the getter method should be called isPaused.
The setter method for a property should use the form setPropertyName:. For a property called firstName, the setter method should be called setFirstName:; for a Boolean property called paused, the setter method should be called setPaused:.
Check the developer website for detailed description -

I'm pretty much a noob in objective c, but i understand it as follows:
As any other OOP language objective c has instance vars and getters+setters methods.
Basically every getter or setter looks the same, so XCode let you synthesize those automatically using the #property syntax.
In previous versions on XCode you had to declare both the ivar and its #property + #synthesize, but now the compiler does that for you.
This code:
#interface SomeClass : NSObject {
NSString* _myInstanceVar; //declare the ivar
#property (non-atomic, strong) myInstanceVar //declare the property+accessors
Is equivalent to this code:
#property (non-atomic, strong) myInstanceVar //declare the ivar+property+accessors
This documentation pretty much sums its up.
Hope i helped in anyway...


Specifying only getter generates warning b/c no setter, but setter won't compile

I believe the image is pretty descriptive of my problem. If I define only a custom getter as below:
- (UIImage *) secondaryIconImage {
if (_secondaryIconImage) return _secondaryIconImage;
return nil;
then I get an error: 'cannot pair a synthesized setter with a user defined getter'. However, if I try to declare the setter as well my code won't compile at all:
- (void) setSecondaryIconImage:(UIImage *)secondaryIconImageVar {
_secondaryIconImage = secondaryIconImageVar;
In particular this gives me the compile time error 'Use of undeclared identifier _secondaryIconImage'
I thought perhaps once I declared the setter I would have to synthesize the instance variable myself, so I tried adding:
#synthesize _secondaryIconImage;
This didn't help. What's going on here and how can I fix it?
p.s. I have a custom getter because I will eventually need to do something fancier, but I didn't see a reason to complicate the example since even this basic example is giving me a problem.
As it notes, you cannot define the getter without the setter. (Your getter makes no sense of course, so I assume your actual getter is more complex?)
If you define the getter and the setter, nothing will be synthesized for you (since you've written everything, there's nothing to synthesize), and no ivar will be defined for you. You need to define it yourself if you need it.
You need to explicitly request an ivar via your #synthesize (thanks to Richard Ross for setting me straight):
#synthesize secondaryIconImage = _secondaryIconImage;
Your code asks for a property called _secondaryIconImage, so the ivar would be __secondaryIconImage.

Objective-C member variable vs property in source file

I understand the difference between member variable and property in Object-C, but there is one thing make me confused. See the following code.
#interface test : NSObject
#interface test()
NSString *memberStr;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *properyStr;
As showed, the memberStr and propertyStr can't be see by outside. I want to know what is the difference between them. Because I don't how to chose the solution when i want to use local variable.
properyStr will have the getters and setters generated automatically.
you can define custom setter for propertyStr as below. When you use self.propertyStr, it will create a default object for you. It will be useful for initialising objects like NSMutableArray, NSMutableDictionary etc.
- (NSString *)properyStr
if(_propertyStr == nil)
_propertyStr = #"";
return _propertyStr;
memberStr will not have these options.
I understand the difference between member variable and property in Object-C
I'm not sure that you do.
A member variable is a variable that's visible only within the scope of instance methods.
A property is some attribute of the class that can be set or get. The compiler will write appropriate getters and, optionally, setters, and will organise storage for itself, unless you override any of those things.
Both member variables and properties can be declared either in the #implementation or in the #interface.
A member variable can never be accessed directly by unrelated classes, regardless of where it was declared. If it's in the #interface then it can be accessed by subclasses.
A property can always be read and, optionally, written by any other class, regardless of where it was declared. External classes can use the key-value coding mechanism even if the #property isn't visible to them.
Questions you may therefore be likely to ask:
Q) Why would I put a member variable into the #interface?
A) It's unlikely you would. It will expose it to subclasses but usually wanting to do so is a design flaw. However, in olden times you had to put all member variables into the #interface for reasons of how the old Objective-C runtime worked. So older code and stuck-in-their-ways programmers will still sometimes follow this pattern.
Q) Why would I declare a property visible only to the #implementation?
A) It's unlikely you would. However in olden times this was the only way to create member variables that weren't visible in the #interface so was the way people did most member variables for a brief period. Similarly, you could declare something, say retain, then use the getter/setter and assume correct memory management was going on, so it acted as some syntactic sugar in the days before ARC was introduced. As with the previous answer, there are therefore some people who still do so through habit and some code that still does so on account of being older. It's not something you'd often do nowadays.
EDIT: a better summary: properties adjust your class interface. Member variables adjust its implementation. In object-oriented programming you should be thinking of the two things as entirely disjoint.
One of the main purposes of object-oriented programming is to have a bunch of discrete actors that say "I can do X" with exactly how they do it being nobody else's business.
A property says what a class can do. A member variable is for the benefit of how the class does it.
Semantically they're completely separate issues.
First of memberStr is an instance variable or ivar.
There is no need to have memberStr any more if you have a property setup for this all you need is.
#interface test()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *properyStr;
The reason for this is that the ivar will be automatically created for you along side the setter and getter methods.
The only difference between declaring the property in the implementation files (.m) interface over the interface file (.h) is that it will be private to this class only. There are many advantages for having this such as maybe you don't want anything outside of the class to know about it but you want the property to be in scope for this class still. One thing that they are used for in this manner is when you have a readonly property declared public but you still want the setter to be in scope for this class. So you may have something like
#interface MyObject : NSObject
// Other classes can see this property as it is public however they can only see
// it's getter and not the setter
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *firstName;
#interface MyObject()
// But we still want to use the setter for this class only.
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *firstName;
Otherwise except for being private to that class only; having the property in the implementation file (.m) will be the exact same as having it in the interface file (.h) they will act and do the same thing.

what is the difference between local declarations in objective-c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a difference between an "instance variable" and a "property" in Objective-c?
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
What is the difference between these declarations, lets call them red and orange:
pros, cons?
The red set is properties, and the orange set is instance variables.
A property declaration tells the compiler to define a getter method, and possibly a setter method. (No setter method if the property is readonly.)
In newer versions of Objective C, declaring a property also creates an instance variable that is used to save values for the property. By convention the instance variable has the same name as the property, but with an "_" prefix. There is a way to change the name of the instance variable, but let's ignore that for now.
The property foo:
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *foo;
Would have a getter method:
- (NSString *) foo;
and a setter method
- (void) setFoo: (NSString *) foo;
That enables you to use code like this:
NSString *aString =;
NSString *aString = [self foo];
(2 different, equally valid ways of invoking the getter)
And invoking the setter = #"a string";
[self setFoo: #"a string"];
(2 different, equally valid ways of invoking the setter)
Properties are really useful when you want to create a public interface to get and set values in your class from outside. If you declare a property as "atomic" the compiler adds additional code to the getter and the setter so reads and writes to the property are "thread safe", and can be accessed from background threads.
Before ARC, properties also were a very clean way to manage retains and releases. You declared a property as "retain" and the setter was written to retain the object that was passed in. That's less of an issue in ARC, because the system takes care of retains and releases for you.
It is also possible to write a custom getter or setter method that invokes your own code instead of the compiler-written code. You can use that to do things like log information, send notifications about changes, update labels, etc, etc. You simply add a method body to your .m file that has the same method signature as the getter or setter and the compiler uses that method instead of the automatically generated one.
As I said before, the code: = #"a string";
is the same as
[self setFoo: #"a string"];
and invokes the setter method. The setter method sets the internal instance variable _foo.
However, the code
_foo = #"a string";
changes the instance variable directly, without invoking the setter. If you do define a property, you should use it instead of the instance variable.
Objective-c use to be simple...and tedious. You would declare instance variables for a class (the orange) and then you would define (usually) 2 methods for each, one so that an external class could set each instance variable to a new value, and one that returned the ivars value so an external object could read it. Aka, you had to write a getter and setter for each ivar. This was two lines of code in the interface and sometimes around 10 lines of code for the implementation file.
Then came properties, declared with #property. There was much rejoicing and drinking in the streets. These single #property lines told the compiler to write those methods for you, including the correct memory management code and even mutex locking code (depending on what you specified when declaring the #property)
Theres a whole lot of history, but nowadays, with automatic reference counting, it really only makes sense to use #properties in your interface, when you want to make an ivar public, and declare your private ivars in your implementation file.
Lastly, not that #property not only tells the compiler to implement your getter and setter, but it also automatically provides an instance variable with the same name, but prefixed with an underscore (this is only if you have implicit synthesizing of properies enabled...more history)
So, thats the difference. #property tells the compiler to write code for you (essentially). What code it actually writes is modified by all the different ways you can declare a #property.

If I'm creating completely custom getter and setter methods do I still need an #property declaration?

So I want to have a "property" on a class but I don't want to just hold that property in memory, I want to actually store it as an NSUserDefault and retrieve it when you get that property.
So as such I have methods like this:
- (void)setUser:(User *)user {
// actually set the user as an NSUserDefault here
- (User *)user {
// get the user from the NSUserDefaults and return it
As I'm building these methods to do the work for me is there any point in having an #property declaration in the header file?
I'm getting mixed messages. Some people say that you should declare the property to force people to use the getter/setter methods, but I can't see why people wouldn't be forced to use those methods if they're all that are available?
Just looking for a bit of clarification.
Many thanks.
You should use #property because that's the modern way to define properties on Objective-C objects, even if you implement the setter and getter yourself.
Rather than relying on convention you are making your intentions much clearer to the compiler. You will also get better syntax highlighting when using dot-notation in the IDE (although that's arguably an Xcode bug).

Objective-C 101 (retain vs assign) NSString

A 101 question
Let's say i'm making database of cars
and each car object is defined as:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface Car:NSObject{
NSString *name;
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;
Why is it #property(nonatomic, retain) NSString *name; and not #property(nonatomic, assign) NSString *name;?
I understand that assign will not increment the reference counter as retain will do. But why use retain, since name is a member of the todo object the scope of it is to itself.
No other external function will modify it either.
There's no such thing as the "scope of an object" in Objective-C. Scope rules have nothing to do with an object's lifetime — the retain count is everything.
You usually need to claim ownership of your instance variables. See the Objective-C memory management rules. With a retain property, your property setter claims ownership of the new value and relinquishes ownership of the old one. With an assign property, the surrounding code has to do this, which is just as mess in terms of responsibilities and separation of concerns. The reason you would use an assign property is in a case where you can't retain the value (such as non-object types like BOOL or NSRect) or when retaining it would cause unwanted side effects.
Incidentally, in the case of an NSString, the correct kind of property is usually copy. That way it can't change out from under you if somebody passes in an NSMutableString (which is valid — it is a kind of NSString).
and don't forget to access it via = something;
name = something;
will not care about the generated setter/getter methods but instead assign the value directly.
Without retain there is no guarantee the NSString* you are setting name with will live any longer than the assignment statement itself. By using the retain property for the synthesized setter you're allowing it to tell the memory management system that there is at least one more object interested in keeping the NSString* around.
For those who are looking for it, Apple's documentation on property attributes is here.
The self. in: = something;
is important! Without it, you are accessing the variable directly and bypassing the setter.
The older style (correct me if I am wrong) would have been:
[self setName:something];
Anyway, this notation was the (vaguely familiar sounding) advice that I really needed when I went looking for proper #properties on NSStrings. Thanks Axel.
After reading so many Articles, SO posts and made demo apps to check Variable property attributes, I decided to put all the attributes information together
atomic //default
strong=retain //default
weak= unsafe_unretained
assign //default
readwrite //default
so below is the detailed article link where you can find above mentioned all attributes, that will defiantly help you.
Many thanks to all the people who give best answers here!!
Variable property attributes or Modifiers in iOS
retain = strong
it is retained, old value is released and it is assigned
retain specifies the new value should be sent -retain on assignment and the old value sent -release
retain is the same as strong.
apple says if you write retain it will auto converted/work like strong only.
methods like "alloc" include an implicit "retain"
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;
#synthesize name;
assign is the default and simply performs a variable assignment
assign is a property attribute that tells the compiler how to synthesize the property's setter implementation
I would use assign for C primitive properties and weak for weak references to Objective-C objects.
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *address;
#synthesize address;
Google's Objective-C Style Guide covers this pretty well:
Setters taking an NSString, should always copy the string it accepts.
Never just retain the string. This avoids the caller changing it under you without your knowledge. Don't assume that because you're accepting an NSString that it's not actually an NSMutableString.
Would it be unfortunate if your class got this string object and it then disappeared out from under it? You know, like the second time your class mentions that object, it's been dealloc'ed by another object?
That's why you want to use the retain setter semantics.
