When I try to use flymake on a simple java program it immediately tells me that it is switching off because it cant find a build file. I thought that flymake would make all of the files it needed to execute on its own and that all that was required for Emacs 24 was to put (require 'flymake) and (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook) in the .emacs file.
I am using the flymake that came with Emacs 24 on Ubuntu 14.04.
This is my first post so please tell me what I can do to improve my questions! Thank you for your time!
The solution is to use flycheck instead of flymake, along with the flymake-java package found on github.
I am trying to load Lua script from HAProxy. In the Lua script, the following line is causing an error:
local http = require("socket.http")
Intially I gathered from journalctl -xe output that the library was not installed. I installed it using luarocks install luasocket. This did not solve the issue. The new error is module "socket.http" not found. Following the comment in this post I realized that I must change the settings for Lua library path in order to resolve this issue.
Now, I want to know the following:
Do I have install HAProxy+Lua from source and modify the library path pre installation?
If building from source is not necessary then, I believe I must change the path using syslog as suggested by the comment from post linked above. If this is the case, how do I do that and what settings do I need to change/add to syslog.conf?
Are there are any other solution that I am overlooking which, would easier than any of the above?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I have modified both LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH as follows:
I am still getting the same error as reported before.
Found this post on Lua require function quite helpful. Following the discussion, I tried the following:
I added these lines at the top my lua script that's causing the error. I also modified the environment variables, LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH with the same value. The error still persists.
I am out of all possible options at this stage and would be glad if someone can shed some light on this issue.
For example, I want to follow this guide on how to disable Brew analytics (under warning) but I have no idea how to find my environmental variables.
Most of the guides out there I found, such as this one, are all outdated; ~/.bash_profile doesn't exist according to how the answer described it. Can some please explain to a new MacOS user how all this now works?
Please note my understanding of Unix-based filesystems are limited. Treat me as a noob.
You can create ~/.bash_profile. The easiest way to create it is to use the touch utility: touch .bash_profile . It is common to have a .profile which is read if bash can not find .bash_profile. You can get the documentation from a terminal with man bash. You can edit either of these files with any text type editor (not word processor).
In case you're using zsh like me, you need to modify ~/.zshrc
I Android Gradle project root I do
gradle app:assembleDebug --stacktrace
but I get error
Minimum supported Gradle version is 5.4.1. Current version is 5.1.
and message says
/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties to gradle-5.4.1-all.zip
but it is
so why is Gradle not building?
Has anyone got dxgettext running under Windows 10?
I installed dxgettext from the offical homepage under Windows 10, which worked fine.
But whenever I try to run some of the installed tools (e.g. msgfmt.exe), they don't really run, but call themselves again, generating thousands of processes and making the system crawl.
This is what happens:
I call msgfmt --help
the executable msgfmt hangs, blocking the command window
in the TaskManager I see houndreds of msgfmt.exe processes popping up
I think, I have to replace the gettext tools of the dxgettext package with some newer version but before trying to figure it out I first wanted to ask if someone else experienced similar problems and found a working solution.
My questions:
Has anyone got the tools coming with dxgettext running under Windows 10?
What steps have been necessary to get it to run?
I resolved the problem in the following way:
I downloaded https://github.com/mlocati/gettext-iconv-windows/releases/download/v0.19.8.1-v1.14/gettext0.19.8.1-iconv1.14-static-32.zip from https://mlocati.github.io/articles/gettext-iconv-windows.html
I replaced the following files from the installation directory of dxgettext with files from the zip archive:
Dxgettext and the tools, I use, seem to work fine. I found no problems with my workflow so far, with one exception:
If I use assemble to embed mo-files into an exe compiled with JvGnugettext.pas, I get the following error:
Pach code “6637DB2E-62E1-4A60-AC19-C23867046A89” was not found in .exe file. Are you sure the .exe file has been compiled with the correct libraries?
This may not be related to the original problem. However, it is resolved by replacing the original assemble.exe with the version from https://sourceforge.net/p/dzlib/code/HEAD/tree/buildtools/trunk/ (see answer by #dummzeuch).
The installer on the official home page is pretty old. Last time I looked it contained several outdated dlls and executables from the original gnugettext project that did not work correctly under recent Windows versions. You could take those from my buildtools repository on OSDN. These work for me. No guarantee that they work for you though.
I've been having these issues too with dxgettext 1.22, in Windows 10 1607. I changed some DLLs at first but kept having the bash.exe looping and hogging my PC to death.
So what I did was basically install latest Cygwin 32bit and replaced the appropiate DLLs. I kept the ones for gettext. Instructions:
Download and fresh install dxgettext-1.2.2.exe from http://dxgettext.po.dk/download as admin. Restart.
Download Cygwin 32bit from https://cygwin.com/install.html in a different folder from dxgettext (I took the default, c:\cygwin)
Run setup-x86.exe and select "Base" Package (Install). Next, Select Required packages just in case.
Move the following files from dxgettext folder to a backup folder (we'll use some DLL later):
Copy from c:\cygwin to the dxgettext folder the following files:
bash.exe (set to run as admin)
Recover the file(s) below from the backup folder (See #4) and copy to the dxgettext folder.
Running like this, you might get error 740 (requires elevation). So: Set ggmerge.exe,ggfmt.exe to run as admin
** EDIT** Found online this very interesting link, from a programmer who offers a free backup written in Delphi. The good thing is he adapted the dxgettext tools to run in Windows 10. This helped me a lot.
Hi I am trying to install the emacs rails reloaded mode from https://github.com/dima-exe/emacs-rails-reloaded.
As per the directions I have cloned the repo and added the lines to my .emacs file. However it asks for byte compiling by -
Next bytecompile, press [M-x] and type rails/bytecompile.
However I cant find that function, what do I do ?
Note that you should restart Emacs between the steps
After that add bellow code in your the .emacs file:
(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/rails-reloaded")
(require 'rails-autoload)
Next bytecompile, press [M-x] and type rails/bytecompile.
Also, before restarting, make sure that you have changed "~/.emacs.d/rails-reloaded" to the actual path where the file rails-autoload.el lives. If you cloned the git repository, that path name should almost certainly end in emacs-rails-reloaded (and not just rails-reloaded).
If that path is incorrect, Emacs will report an error when it tries to execute (require 'rails-autoload). If it is correct, M-x rails/bytecompile should work.
Hopefully, despite similar question titles, this isn't a duplicate issue.
I've installed ImageMagick-6.7.5-6-Q16-windows-dll.exe.
I have php_imagick_dyn-Q16.dll renamed to php_imagick.dll in PHP's ext directory.
I have extension=php_imagick.dll in my php.ini.
I try to run a basic test: php -r "var_dump(class_exists('Imagick'));".
I get this error:
PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialise module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options must match.
CLI has stopped working.
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.
> Check online for a solution and close the program
> Close the program
What have I done wrong?
First install :
Download :
Choose the TS one
Open your php.ini file
Add this line :
Restart your apache server
open php_info()
Now your imagick lib is ready to use.
This works for me.