Installing Malware Bytes from Powershell - powershell-2.0

I'm trying to create a script to install malware bytes through powershell silently. This is what I have got so far:
$down = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$url = '';
$file = 'c:\Program Files\malwaresetup.exe';
c:\Program Files\malwaresetup.exe /install=agent /s;
This downloads and starts the install but then the user then has to at there end finish off the installation (Selecting language location etc) is there anyway of completely silently installing the software so the user doesn't have to do anything?

When you run malwaresetup.exe /?, you'll get list of accepted command line parameters. You can write:
c:\Program Files\malwaresetup.exe /install=agent /verysilent
for no GUI whatsoever, or:
c:\Program Files\malwaresetup.exe /install=agent /silent /suppressmsgboxes
for unattended GUI installation (showing progress bar).


Erlang: How to install Erlang for Windows with specifying location

I would like to install Erlang for Windows.
Erlang provides a Windows installer but the installer installs Erlang into fixed folder "Program Files".
I need to install Erlang into optional location.
Please let me know how to install Erlang for Windows with a path which I want to install.
The RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
You can run the following command to specify a different installation location. Note that you should run the installer as an administrative user:
otp_win64_20.3.exe /S /D=C:\the\path\you\want
Thanks #Luke Bakken for your answer. I was able to wrap this into my script and am copying this here in case someone finds it useful. I also borrowed from
Function Install-Erlang {
"Starting Erlang installation..."
# Install Erlang
# Update/review below path along with version of erlang being installed
$args = "/S /D=C:\erl10.2"
Start-Process -Wait otp_win64_21.2.exe -ArgumentList $args
Write-Error "Function Install-Prerequisites failed:" $_
Exit 1
"Erlang installed successfully"
# Determine Erlang home path
$ERLANG_HOME = ((Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Ericsson\Erlang)[0] | Get-ItemProperty).'(default)'
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ERLANG_HOME", $ERLANG_HOME, "Machine")
# Add Erlang to the path if needed
$system_path_elems = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "Machine").Split(";")
if (!$system_path_elems.Contains("%ERLANG_HOME%\bin") -and !$system_path_elems.Contains("$ERLANG_HOME\bin"))
Write-Host "Adding erlang to path"
$newpath = [System.String]::Join(";", $system_path_elems + "$ERLANG_HOME\bin")
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $newpath, "Machine")

Get Lua running with Torch on Windows 10 (with limited admin rights)

Setting up Deep Learning Framework [Lua, Torch]:
I need to set up Lua running with Torch
on Windows 10 and the ZeroBrane IDE, with limited possibilities of installing Software and restricted download rights.
It took me so Long, so I thought I might share a recipe for you guys. I would be glad if it helped you.
(Admin) Download/Install tdm64/gcc/5.1.0-2.exe Compiler
(Admin) Download/Install ZeroBrane (Lua IDE)
Download lua/5.3.4.tar.gz (
Write batch file build.cmd
#echo off
:: you may change the following variable's value
:: to suit the downloaded version
set lua_version=5.3.4
set work_dir=%~dp0
:: Removes trailing backslash
:: to enhance readability in the following steps
set work_dir=%work_dir:~0,-1%
set lua_install_dir=%work_dir%\lua
set compiler_bin_dir=%work_dir%\tdm-gcc\bin
set lua_build_dir=%work_dir%\lua-%lua_version%
set path=%compiler_bin_dir%;%path%
cd /D %lua_build_dir%
mingw32-make PLAT=mingw
:: create a clean "binary" installation
mkdir %lua_install_dir%
mkdir %lua_install_dir%\doc
mkdir %lua_install_dir%\bin
mkdir %lua_install_dir%\include
copy %lua_build_dir%\doc\*.* %lua_install_dir%\doc\*.*
copy %lua_build_dir%\src\*.exe %lua_install_dir%\bin\*.*
copy %lua_build_dir%\src\*.dll %lua_install_dir%\bin\*.*
copy %lua_build_dir%\src\luaconf.h %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
copy %lua_build_dir%\src\lua.h %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
copy %lua_build_dir%\src\lualib.h %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
copy %lua_build_dir%\src\lauxlib.h %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
copy %lua_build_dir%\src\lua.hpp %lua_install_dir%\include\*.*
%lua_install_dir%\bin\lua.exe -e"print [[Hello!]];print[[Simple Lua test successful!!!]]"
--- Quick and dirty ---
Download and unzip the desired binary build from:
Generate user.lua file in C:\Users\Name.zbstudio:
path.lua = [[C:\app\tools\torch\bin\luajit.exe]]
Move the C:\app\tools\torch\lua folder to C:\app\tools\torch\bin
--- Untested alternatives ---
Not tested, but I encourage you:
Maybe second best option is to build a virtual environment with linux
Note: More information on Torch can be found here
I recommend Torch Video Tutorials to get the basics straight (
This is a Torch Cheetsheet for further reading (
- Newbies
- Installing and Running Torch
- Installing Packages
- Tutorials, Demos by Category
- Loading popular datasets
- List of Packages by Category

Open .sln file from cmder?

Is it possible to launch devenv.exe and open a .sln file from cmder? After I clone a git repo from the command line, I'd like to quickly open the solution in Visual Studio without having to leave cmder.
Danny is correct, you simply type xxx.sln.
I'm a bit lazy and developed the script below to be able to type vs and it will find and open the first sln file it finds in the current directory.
Here are some example commands:
vs - Will open the first sln file it finds, if it doesn't find one it will just open Visual Studio without a solution. I default to opening with Visual Studio 2017. Just change the default case in the Get-VisualStudioCommand function if you'd rather default to a different version.
vs 15 - I have a bunch of versions of Visual Studio on my machine, so this will open similarly to vs, but will open with Visual Studio 2015.
vs 13 'helloWorld.sln' - this will open a specific sln file, i.e., helloWorld.sln. One of the projects I worked on recently had multiple solutions in the same directory.
vs -WhatIf -Verbose - this will show you what the script would do if it ran and will print out the Write-Verbose messages. Handy for debugging. I show and example of this in the image below.
For this solution, I'm assuming that you're using a PowerShell console. If so, you can define a .ps1 file that will run before the console opens via the -File option. It's like defining a different PowerShell profile with different commands per console window (very powerful).
See the image below where I show going to settings and modify the PowerShell:PowerShell task to execute PowerShell -NoExit -NoLogo -File C:\src\ps\Cmder\general_setup.ps1 -new_console:d:"C:\src"
Here is the image (note, although I use an alias for ls that outputs in PowerShell like a Linux ls command...this is a PowerShell console):
If you add the following script to the C:\src\ps\Cmder\general_setup.ps1 file (or wherever you want to put it) can then type in vs and it will execute. Notice in the Get-VisualStudioCommand function, I've put all the file paths...not the most elegant looking code, but if your file paths to devenv.exe are different than mine, just change them there.
Note, you could also get fancy and add a pass-through to the -ArgumentList or flag for the /SafeMode command to be able to open Visual Studio in safe mode when needed, I've just created these as a quick and dirty shortcut.
function Get-VisualStudioCommand
param ( [AllowNull()][String] $vsVersion )
$vs10 = """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"""
$vs13 = """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"""
$vs15 = """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"""
$vs17 = """${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"""
switch ($vsVersion)
'10' {$vs10}
'13' {$vs13}
'15' {$vs15}
'17' {$vs17}
default {$vs17}
function Get-SolutionName
param ( [AllowNull()][String] $Name )
if (!$Name)
$Name = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.sln
if ($Name)
$Name = ('"{0}"' -f $Name)
return $Name
function Start-VisualStudioProcess
param([String]$Version, [String]$Sln)
$VsCommand = Get-VisualStudioCommand -vsVersion $Version
$Sln = Get-SolutionName -Name $Sln
Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting: command={0} solutionName={1}' -f $VsCommand, $Sln)
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($VsCommand, 'Start-Process'))
if ($Sln)
Start-Process -FilePath $vsCommand -ArgumentList $sln
Start-Process -FilePath $vsCommand
Set-Alias -Name vs -Value Start-VisualStudioProcess
Let me know if you have any questions. I hope it helps.
Run this command in your prompt(cmd, cmder, etc.)
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /d "doskey vs=for /f \"delims=\" %a IN ('dir /b *.sln') do start %a" /f
Write "vs" for open the first *.sln in folder of Solution and be happy!

yaws failed to start yet erlang works very well

I downloaded and installed win32 yaws-1.98 installer for my win7 and tried to start it from windows command prompt with: yaws -i. the result I got is just as right below. where I have placed # was a simicolon.
Failed to create the process entirely.
Tried to invoke: erl.exe -pa "C:/Program Files/Yaws-1.98/ebin" -conf "C:\Program Files\Yaws-1.98\yaws.conf" -run yaws -yaws id default #
Make sure you have erl in your environment PATH
after some research, I placed the following paths in the O.S environment variables list separated by semicolon, first under the name ERL_LIBS and then PATH all with no change :
C:\Program Files\erl5.10.3\erts-5.10.3\bin
C:\Program Files\erl5.10.3\bin
what could I be missing
...s.b help.

Using Xbuild with Xamarin.Android (formerly Mono for Android)

We have a Xamarin.Android project that we are trying to build using Jenkins on a Mac. The Solution file contains several different projects, one of which is the MonoDroid project. The MonoDroid Project is dependent upon the other projects in the solution.
The problem that I have is that when I use xbuild to build the solution file, I have no way to use the /t:PackageForAndroid target, since it only is valid for the MD Project File.
Currently in Jenkins, I'm doing it like this:
xbuild MyCoolDroidAp/MyCoolDroidApp.sln /p:Configuration=Release /t:Clean
xbuild MyCoolDroidApp/MyCoolDroidApp.sln /p:Configuration=Release /t:Build
xbuild MyCoolDroidApp/MyCoolDroidProject.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /t:PackageForAndroid
This is working, but it seems to me that there should be a way to eliminate the 3rd step. Does anyone have any insight?
You don't need to use Xamarin.Studio/MonoDevelop to sign & zipalign your APK, you can do that at the command line. I've had luck using rake to compile, sign, and zipalign my APK files. Would something like that work for you?
Failing that, here is a simple Powershell script that you could probably port over real easy:
# First clean the Release target.
msbuild.exe HelloWorld.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /t:Clean
# Now build the project, using the Release target.
msbuild.exe HelloWorld.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /t:PackageForAndroid
# At this point there is only the unsigned APK - sign it.
# The script will pause here as jarsigner prompts for the password.
# It is possible to provide they keystore password for jarsigner.exe by adding an extra command line parameter -storepass, for example
# -storepass <MY_SECRET_PASSWORD>
# If this script is to be checked in to source code control then it is not recommended to include the password as part of this script.
& 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin\jarsigner.exe' -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ./xample.keystore -signedjar
./bin/Release/mono.samples.helloworld.apk publishingdoc
# Now zipalign it. The -v parameter tells zipalign to verify the APK afterwards.
& 'C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools\zipalign.exe' -f -v 4
./bin/Release/mono.samples.helloworld-signed.apk ./helloworld.apk
Hope this helps.
The consensus around the interwebs seems to be that I am doing this the right way.
Regarding Signing your apk i'm using something like this as a part of my makefile and it works ok:
BUILD_DIR = ./builds/$(platform)
KEYSTORE_PATH = your_keystore_pass
STORE_PASS = your_keystore_pass
ANDROID_SDK_PATH = path/to/your/android/sdk/dir
#example ANDROID_SDK_PATH = /Developer/AndroidSDK
RES_APK = my_apk.apk
APK_NAME = my_signed_apk.apk
(cd $(BUILD_DIR); jarsigner -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore $(KEYSTORE_PATH) -storepass $(STORE_PASS) result.apk $(STORE_PASS))
(cd $(BUILD_DIR); $(ANDROID_SDK_PATH)/tools/zipalign -v 4 result.apk $(APK_NAME))
(cd $(BUILD_DIR);rm result.apk)
(cd $(BUILD_DIR);rm $(RES_APK))
Hope this helps
