Spurious cell reordering when collection view is reloaded - ios

I'm reloading a collection view, and cell reuse order seems to be non-deterministic.
It's not a problem in itself, but I'm loading images asynchronously with SDWebImage and filtering them with GPUImage (which also works asynchronously, as far as I can tell). The result is nasty flickering, even when the collection view content does not change, because it would almost always swap adjacent cells.
Of course, I can add some synchronous in-memory cache that would have post-processed images, so the image is set before the cell is configured, as opposed to a callback later, but it comes at the expense of needless increase in complexity, which I want to avoid.
Is there a way to reload individual collection view cells "in place" without collection view cell reuse kicking in?

Instead of full reload, batch updates should be used to insert and delete individual rows. It keeps existing cells in place.
[collectionView reloadData];
[collectionView performBatchUpdates:^() {
// Use insertItemsAtIndexPaths, deleteItemsAtIndexPaths,
// insertSections, deleteSections
// to add and delete sections and rows
} completion:nil];
The downside is that refresh logic can get much more complicated, as you need to diff previous and current data sources.


UICollectionView reload every second

My sport app keeps track of who is on and off the field, and for how long. I normally have 20-30 people to swap around, during training time. I have a timer to reload the visible cells of the collection view every second. The whole collection view reload can cost between 120-150ms.
The scrolling performance is good, however, sometimes the tapping to swap players does not respond. I think that is when the collection view is trying to reload the cells.
I can see there might a couple of ways:
Use UITableView, with each row to have 4 different elements.
Use UIScrollView, and preload all elements there. We used to use KKGridView library here, but it is way outdated. That is why we move to UICollectionView after 6-7 years
Have anyone had the same issue, and which way should provide the acceptable level of efficiency but not too complex to implement (to reduce the number of bugs)
Keep the record of the cell's index that need to update, then get the Cell from collection view, call method ask it to update itself, push the view update to the cell class, it wont mess with your collection view tap/drag...
Reload whole collectionView is only needed when whole dataSource change, yours is simply cell-by-cell update as I notice

UITableview cell reinitializing every time in iOS 7

I hope most of you know that with ios7 there is not need to do a null check for tableview reuse
if (cell == nil) {
But unfortunately, because of that the cells are always reinitialized, as we put the code in the same method for initializing values. The problem is only with text fields inside the tableview though.
Let me explain the scenario. I have a table view with multiple rows, and some rows contain multiple text boxes. I populate the textboxes with data from server when the page is loaded. Since the cells are always re-initialized as i explained above, whatever I enter in the field goes away and the server data is re populated once i scroll down and come back to the initial stage. This is because the populating the data code is also in the same place. After fetching a reusable cell it populates the data.
Previously till ios6, we used if(cell==nil) and hence we loaded server data inside the cell and when reusing the cell, this piece of code will never be called.
I have other dirty solutions, but would like to know if someone else has a graceful way of dealing this. Please help.
You just don't store any data in the table view cell but in the model that fills the table cell. This is always the way it should be done.
Looking from the MVC standpoint than the UITableViewCell is a view. Since it is reused by iOS you should use a model to the view.
Yes, this is the expected behavior of UITableView. For performance reasons, cells are reused. Thus, it is your responsibility to populate the views in a Table View Cell every time tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: is called.
The thing I don't understand from your question - are you making a network call every single time a cell comes into view? If so, cache the results somewhere. Or, if it's a small amount of data, consider just doing it all in one shot at the beginning (still need to be asynchronous though).
One thing I see a lot of developers do is move a lot of code into UITableViewCell subclasses, which sounds like a good idea because it's modular, but makes solutions for problems like this more difficult. Have the Table View Data Source manage the network calls.
If you need some inspiration, look at Apple's LazyTableImages sample.

Variable sized UITableViewCells

I have somewhat of an odd problem. I've already got a UITableView setup with custom heights for my table cells. The problem comes in when the content is loaded in the background for the cells. I need the cells to load asap, but theres a big image for each cell, that may take some time to load (from the network or flash), so the load is started in the background when the cell is first loaded. This means that the height for the cell is initially wrong, and needs to be updated later with a minimum of glitching. The problem I'm having is that it doesn't always want to update the table, or the image, and can cause some excess scrolling.
It's also incredibly slow. I have some optimizations I need to do to make it a bit less slow (make smaller copies of the main image, and cache the height for the cells temporarily).
I've tried all sorts of things. I make sure the table is told to update in the main thread, I've tried a bare set of beginUpdates/endUpdates, reloadRows/reloadSections (table is in grouped mode, with one row per section). I have yet to get the table to update properly once the image has finished loading.
If anyone has some insight into how to get this to work as smoothly as possible I'd appreciate it.
The place to go is your heightForRowAtIndex: method. It needs to know if the image exists or not and return a value accordingly. Every time each row finishes loading it's image, you should call reloadRows~ method like this:
NSArray *indexPaths = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:x inSection:y]];
[self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPaths withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
I'm not entirely sure if this will cause some heavy scrolling on your tableView, but it's an option.
Another option is to update in chunks. Say every 5-10 images (depending on how many you have) that get loaded reload their respective rows with that same method.

iOS iterate UITableView

I have a UITableView that collects data from a database. What I would like to know is if there is some way I can iterate in the UITableView collection and check the values of the cell? The reason I ask is because I would like to update each cell based on the current value that it has (change font, size, color, etc.). I've seen in another SO post regarding this topic, but since the cells are already created and their values are changed it is a bit harder for me. I was thinking of iterating through the UITableView before I call reloadData, but any other suggestions are welcome.
You should not iterate over the cells of UITableView, because some of them (in fact, most of them) may not be present until you request them. UITableView aggressively recycles its cells, so if a cell is not visible, it is very likely that you would be creating it from scratch only to put it back into recycle queue moments later.
Changing your model and calling reloadData the way your post suggests would be the right solution. iOS will ensure that it runs the update in a smallest number of CPU cycles possible, so you do not need to worry about the cells that are already created. This is also the easiest approach in terms of your coding effort.
A table view is for displaying data. The properties of your table cells should only be written to, not read from. The appropriate way of handling this situation would be to update your underlying model objects -- the objects that you use to populate the table view -- as the data changes, and then reload the affected rows.
The issue you'll encounter is that UITableView reuses table cells. Once a table cell scrolls off the screen, it's quite likely that the table view will reuse the same cell to display a different row.
This means it's fundamentally not possible to iterate over the table cells. When you need to refresh a row because its data has changed, you should call reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: (or reloadData if all rows have changed) and if the row is visible on screen, UITableView will call your data source methods and give you an opportunity to configure the cell for display.

Graphical glitches when adding cells and scrolling with UITableView

I am using a UITableView to display the results of a series of calculations. When the user hits 'calculate', I add the latest result to the screen. When I add a new cell, the UITableViewCell object is added to an array (which is indexed by tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:), and then I use the following code to add this new row to what is displayed on the screen:
[thisView beginUpdates];
[thisView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:newIndexPath] withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
[thisView endUpdates];
This results in the new cell being displayed. However, I then want to immediately scroll the screen down so that the new cell is the lowermost cell on-screen. I use the following code:
[thisView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:newIndexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];
This almost works great. However, the first time a cell is added and scrolled to, it appears onscreen only briefly before vanishing. The view scrolls down to the correct place, but the cell is not there. Scrolling the view by hand until this invisible new cell's position is offscreen, then back again, causes the cell to appear - after which it behaves normally. This only happens the first time a cell is added; subsequent cells don't have this problem. It also happens regardless of the combination of scrollToRowAtIndexPath and insertRowsAtIndexPath animation settings.
I've now started inserting cells at the second-to-last position of the table, rather than the end, and the problem still occurs - when first inserted, a cell is 'invisible' until it goes offscreen and comes back on again. What could be causing this, and how can I force the cell to be drawn as soon as it is added to the table?
You're having problems because your updating the table without updating the data model backing it. Tables don't actually know how many rows they have nor what cells to display. They depend on the datasource and the delegate to tell them these things. Your design expects the table itself to track them.
insertRowsAtIndexPaths: is intended to be used for moving existing rows around a table, not for adding entirely new logical rows. When you insert an entirely new cell, the tableview looses track of how many rows it actually has.
Before you display a new row, the first thing you should do is update the values returned by:
– numberOfSectionsInTableView:
– tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
... to reflect the addition of the new rows. This will allow the table to understand how big it is.
Then you need to update cellForRowAtIndexPath: to return the correct cell for the added row. Then you need to reload the table.
After you've done that, you should be able to scroll the tableview to the end and have the cell display properly.
The important thing to remember about tables is that they are dumb. The table itself holds no data, doesn't know how many sections and rows it has or what order the rows and sections come in. All the logic about data, sections, rows, cells and cell contents comes from the datasource and/or the delegate. When you want to change a table, you actually change the datasource and/or the delegate and then the table will reflect those changes automatically.
Upon rereading the parent, I see that your putting the actual UITableViewCell objects in your data array and that you have one cell for each row.
This is not how tableviews are supposed to work and this will not scale beyond a few dozen rows at most.
Tableviews are intended to be an illusion that allows you display a lOGICAL table which has an arbitrary high number or rows. To that end, it only keeps enough UITableViewCell objects alive to cover the visually displayed area in the UI. With a default cell height of 44 pixels this means a tableview will never have more than 9 cell objects at a time.
Instead of eating memory holding cells that are not displayed, the tableview lets the delegate dequeue a cell that has scrolled off screen, repopulate it with the data of another LOGICAL row and then display it in a new position. This is done in cellForRowAtIndexPath:
You really need to start over here with your design. Your data needs to be kept separate from the user interface objects. You don't want to have more cells alive at anyone time than absolutely necessary because your memory use will balloon and your response time will degrade. Your current problem is the result of this unusual design.
When you've done that, you can add the result row as outlined above.
Try to scroll with some time shift after cell update via NSTimer or performSelector:withDelay:. It can help but to fix all problems I think there need to do more work.
The glitches may be caused because a UITableView considers itself the owner of any UITableViewCell instances it is displaying, and reuses them as needed. Part of that process is calling prepareForReuse on the cell. Since you are keeping the cells in an array, you do not want them reused. Try implementing an empty prepareForReuse in your UITableViewCell class. Or just create cells dynamically in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: as apple recommends.
I used what Skie suggested to avoid the problem in the following way:
Immediately after adding the row:
[self performSelector:#selector(scrollToDesiredArea:) withObject:newIndexPath afterDelay:0.4f];
This called the following:
-(void)scrollToDesiredArea:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
UITableView *thisView = (UITableView*)self.view;
[thisView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];
The delay of 0.4s seems to be sufficient to avoid the glitching; any less and it still happens. It may have to be different on varying models of iPhone hardware, though - I only tested on emulator.
