build Compiler 'protobuf' from source and use it with it's shared objects from within cmake - jenkins

I'm using a CMake build in a Jenkins environment and want to build the protobuf compiler from source.
This all works but in the next step I'm trying to use the compiler to translate my proto files which doesn't work, cause it cannot find it's own shared objects. I've tried defining the search path in the CMakeLists.txt file but it won't detect the shared object location in my repository tree $PRJ_MIDDLEWARE/protobuf/lib. I've tried telling cmake or the system where to search by defining:
But it always fails when trying to invoke the protoc compiler I just build. I tried invoking ´´ldconfig´´ from CMake but that doesn't work cause the jenkins user doesn't have the right to do this. Currently my only solution is to login to the build server an do this manually as root. But that is not how I want to do this... the next release moves to a new directory—this has to be done again. Do I have other options? Preferably directly from CMake, from Jenkins or maybe even Protocol Buffers?
Thank you

Two ideas come to mind:
Build protobuf compiler as a static binary (I don't know if that's possible but it usually is.)
Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable before invoking cmake to point to the location of protoc shared libraries.


How do I get the path to SPM when I perform a archive?

I am now trying to use WireGuardKit, where it asks to create an "External Build System" and fill in the Directory with ${BUILD_DIR}/... /... /SourcePackages/checkouts/wireguard/Sources/WireGuardKitGo (this path has been modified and I guarantee that this path will allow me to pass the compilation).
However, when I execute archive, Xcode reports an error unable to spawn process '/usr/bin/make' (No such file or directory).
I suspect that $(BUILD_DIR) doesn't have a value when the compilation is executed, or I can't use this environment variable at this stage. Because when I don't use relative paths and use absolute paths to assign values to Directory, the project is able to archive successfully.
So my question is, when I execute the archive, how do I get the path of the package I inherited using SPM? Or can I use $(BUILD_DIR) environment variable when I execute archive? Why is it different from when compiling?
I learned that $(BUILD_DIR) uses $() within it and when I try to use $() directly, it still reports an error, I also tried variables like $(BUILD_PATH), $(BUILD_ROOT), $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR), but none of them work.
So could it be a problem with $(), an environment variable that has no value when the archive is executed?
How do I get the SPM directory when executing the archive?
I was able to solve this issue with an alternative configuration for External Build System
Here is a tutorial (see section "Manual Xcode steps")
The main idea is to use script in your External Build System configuration:
Build Tool: $(PROJECT_DIR)/Scripts/
Arguments: $(ACTION)
Directory: <empty>

Configure bazel toolchain without modifying project/workspace

I have a Bazel project (the new tcmalloc) I'm trying to integrate into a typical GNU Make project that uses it's own build of compiler/libc++. The goal is to not fork the upstream project.
If I pass all the C++ options correctly to bazel (one set of which is -nostdinc++ -I<path to libc++>), Bazel is uhappy The include path '/home/vlovich/myproject/deps/toolchain/libc++/trunk/include' references a path outside of the execution root. (tcmalloc is a git submodule sibling # deps/tcmalloc). It's possible to get this "working" by giving Bazel a custom script to invoke as the compiler that injects those flags so that Bazel never sees them. However, I'd like to just define a toolchain to work properly.
I've read all the documentation I could find on this topic but it's not clear to me how to glue all these docs together.
Specifically not really clear where I should place the toolchain definition files or how to tell Bazel to find those definitions. Is there a way to give bazel a directory that it uses to find toolchain definitions? Am I expected to create a top-level WORKSPACE # /home/vlovich/myproject & register tcmalloc and my toolchain there, & then invoke bazel from /home/vlovich/myproject instead of /home/vlovich/myproject/deps/tcmalloc?
Toolchain support is rather complicated, and it is hard to understand, if you are not a bazel maintainer.
You can use CC and CXX environment variables to set a different compiler like: CC=your_c_compiler CXX=your_c++_compiler bazel build .... You can write your own custom script wrapper which will act as a normal C++ compiler
That -I<path to libc++> does not work, because all normal include paths have to be defined in srcs attribute or via dependencies indicated by the deps attribute. For system-wide dependencies use -isystem Read more about it

Can a ROS node be created outside a catkin workspace?

I want to create a ROS publisher node outside a catkin workspace.
Can it be created?
Of course you can. Treat ROS like any other cpp library or python package.
In python you have to keep PYTHONPATH environment variable pointing to ros packages in /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages.
In cpp you have to tell compiler where to look for includes (/opt/ros/kinetic/include), libraries (/opt/ros/kinetic/lib) and which library to import. For the simplest application -lroscpp -lrostime -lrosconsole should be sufficient. Ex:
g++ node.cpp -o node -I/opt/ros/kinetic/include -L/opt/ros/kinetic/lib -lroscpp -lrostime -lrosconsole
Remember that you still need ros environment variables like ROS_MASTER_URI.
However, I don't know if there is an easy way to generate custom ros messages without using catkin_make and cmake files.
Yes, in Python, you can write ROS nodes outside your catkin workspace.
Launch your roscore and then run the Python script in a new terminal normally like python filename and it runs as it would if you had placed in inside your catkin workspace and built and sourced it.
I have successfully created subscriber and publisher nodes and run them on an actual TurtleBot2 without the nodes being inside the catkin workspace.
I don't think the method I have described works for C++. It only works for Python. In C++ you will have to link the libraries while compiling. So, check that. For example, we do g++ filename.cpp -lm, where -lm links the math library to be used in the filename.cpp, so you might need to check how to do that. On the other hand, it is easier to just add the file in your catkin workspace or just shift to Python.
You have to include ros/ros.h and std_msgs/message_name.h where message_name is replaced by whatever message you're using in code. You might find these files somewhere or you can get the source code of the files online by searching.

Specifying maven nar plugin compiler and linker executable paths

I need to specify the full path to the compiler executable for building with maven-nar.
The file seems to only accept certain predefined values for the compiler name.
How do I tell the nar plugin exactly where my compiler and linker executables are. In this case I am trying to compile for ios from macosx.
Looks like the only way is to add the compiler to CppTasks and install the 'hacked' version on your build host.
Here is the version I would use as a starting point:
There is starting to be some effort to merge the NAR branches
Would be worthwhile raising issues there.
For Windows 32/64 bit support different compiler paths where needed if wanting to run maven once without changing environment variables to build both platforms.
There is a work in progress, been using for a while, but not really published it. I'm using windows only and never tried it on mac.
I was aiming to merge it with trunk and have not had a chance yet to load the matching cpptasks changes required to allow provision of the path and some other settings.
Unfortunatly there where also a bunch of other changes that may be uncessary around configuration.

Blackberry 5.0 - Add reference to a Java Library Project

It seems to me that what I'm trying to achieve is incredibly simple, yet is becoming incredibly painful.
I have ProjectA which is a BlackBerry Application project. I have ProjectB which is a Java library project. I want to refer to ProjectB from ProjectA. I can add a reference but when I run ProjectA, it doesn't work. I have source code for both the projects and both are compiled using Java compiler 1.4
I have tried multiple things but everything fails for some reason:
1. pre-verify.exe on ProjectB
It fails with an error "JAR file creation failed with error -1" I can see that the cod and jar files have been created but when add the jar file to ProjectA and run it, it doesn't work. Not sure if I need to add the .cod file.
2. Create new BlackBerry Library Project and reference it in ProjectA
I create a new project ProjectC and then add the jar of ProjectB to it. Then I add a reference to ProjectC in ProjectA. But I cant import classes from ProjectB
Pls suggest a way out.
I'm using Eclipse Plug-in and relying on Eclipse's build capabilities
Figured out answer myself. Publishing here in case someone stumbles upon this. Here are the steps:
Create your library and export as JAR (or download the 3rd party JAR)
Run preverify.exe on the JAR
preverify.exe -verbose -classpath "C:/Program Files/Research In Motion/BlackBerry JDE 5.0.0/lib/net_rim_api.jar" jarname.jar
If you are lucky, you won't run into any issues and you will be done. But I wasn't lucky enough. I got the below error
Error: No such file or directory. JAR file creation failed with error -1
There are two possible causes of this:
jar.exe is not added to your PATH. If so, add it (found in your JAVA
installation directory) to PATH
cvfm or -cfm option on jar.exe fails to execute. I'm not aware of the reason but the way to fix this is to use -cf option, point to the .class files but don't use the manifest file. here is an
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin\jar.exe" -cf "output\json-1.0.jar" tmp12996/
tmp12996 contains the preverified .class files.
You may run into different issues other than the one I've listed above.
Once jar is created from above step, make sure that it's structure is as you anticipate. One way to check is to rename the .jar to .zip, unzip it and then check it. If it is not as you need, you can change the structure and then repack it (I wouldn't do any major changes though)
Then add this newly built jar to your BlackBerry application as a reference i.e. add to Java Build Path in your eclipse and Check it in Order and Export window.
That's it! You are good to go! Run you app!
You may face error indicating that the module contains verification errors when you try to run in the simulator. One possible cause of this issue is that your library (the original JAR) contains APIs that are not compatible with J2ME or BB JRE. You may not get a compiler error when you build your library independently as it is compiled against Java 1.4 (or whatever your version is). Best to figure the issue out is to move all your code into your BB App project and then build it. That will tell you all the issues upfront. You make the changes as required and then move the code back to the library. If you don't have source code for the library you are using (like a 3rd party library), you may be out of luck! Also remember that there could be other issues than what I've hit upon and solved.
I'm documenting this at length as it has taken an awful amount of time for me to figure all this out; and to say the least, was most frustrating!
I found another solution. If you get error -1 while preverifying your JAR file, just run your library application once. Because if you don't run the application, the deliverables folder will be empty. Make sure this folder is not empty.
