Detecting bad sectors using Delphi or freepascal - delphi

Thanks to help by David Heffernan I have a program written in Freepascal (but a Delphi solution to my question would suffice) that reads a physical disk sector by sector. It does so using the Windows API CreateFileW function for the disk handle, then FileFile, FileSeek etc to navigate and read. If all the sectors are OK, it works fine. However, if the disk had bad sectors, I need to treat them differently.
My question is, is there and procedures or libraries that can be used, while reading these sectors, to determine if they are bad sectors? If not, how might I go about it? I gather it is the disk controller that knows what sectors are bad and which are not, so I don't think my program can actually access a bad sector, so how can I detect which are the bad ones and act accordingly? Does one need to query SMART and if so, how?
I have searched this site (only found this C post, which relates to a program, not code) and Googled it and no obvious solutions came to my attention.

Generally speaking, you can't access bad sectors at all (they have been remapped already so are out of LBA). What you can access are pending sectors, attempts to read them will always cause a read error. SMART will tell you nothing but the number of bad/pending sectors. So you probably should continue using chosen API interpreting persistent read errors as diagnostics for "bad" sectors, just make sure they aren't caused by access sharing violation.
If you want to obtain a p-list or g-list somehow, it is only possible (for PATA/SATA, not SCSI) in terminal mode, what requires connection to HDD's service port, USB-to-COM adapter and is vendor- and product-specific, if possible at all.

Sectors and their hardware status are not things that normal user-level code needs to deal with so there is no easy copy/paste API available for this purpose.
Also in general the sector concept is abstracted away on multiple levels. For one example see the Wikipedia: logical disk address translation. Physical sector status is very low-level concept. Some hardware vendors even don't expose it through public API at all. Bad (or suspicious) sectors are often detected in the hardware itself and automatically redirected to other places. So in general the bad disk-sector concept does not exist
MSDN Logging Guidelines
...Bad sectors. If a disk driver encounters a bad sector, it may be able to read from or write to the sector after retrying the operation, but the sector will go bad eventually. If the disk driver can proceed, it should log a Warning event; otherwise, it should log an Error event. If a file system driver finds a large number of bad sectors and fixes them, logging Warning events might help an administrator determine that the disk may be about to fail...
If you really need to work with this low-level concepts then first forget about Pascal or Delphi as your requirements.
Learn how to use the Windows API and once you know it bind to the API in your language of choice (you can map any Win32 user-level API function to Free Pascal easily).
For understanding how user-level code sees the disk abstraction start reading documentation at MSDN → Dev Center - Desktop → Device Management Reference → Device Management Functions → DeviceIOControl function
For understanding how the kernel-level code sees the hardware and how does it communicate with user-level code start reading documentation at MSDN → Dev Center - Hardware → Develop → Drivers → Concepts for all driver developers
For example of reading S.M.A.R.T. disk information see WinSim Inc. DISKID32 source code function ReadPhysicalDriveInNTUsingSmart() in diskid32.cpp
In my opinion you are going to swim in a dark & deep waters without flashlight and swim ring and you should think twice about what you (or your users) really need/want and perhaps improve the question to get a reasonably-sized on-topic answer


STM32 Memory Dump and Extracting Secret Key

I am quite new at embedded development and started with a STM32F429 board to improve myself.
I have just developed a basic Caesar encryption application for my board. It is working well, and defined the secret key as "3". Now I would like to extract this super secret(!) key from my device.
How can I do it? Should I dump the memory or firmware of my device, and how?
May you suggest me any software for this proccess? (Not ST Utility or STM softwares please. Because I would like to try gained experiences on other devices as well.)
I take it the value you're looking for is hardcoded. In that case it resides in the internal flash. So yes, a memory dump will be necessary.
I will go the long way and assume that you know very little about how it works, so if you know some of this stuff, well, good for you. I will try to give a few pointers.
Specifically about STM32:
You have an option to boot the microcontroller from the so-called system memory, which is read-only memory, and it is already preprogrammed from factory with a bootloader. You can talk to that running bootloader via UART (most common way, comes with ST-Link, but any cheapo USB-UART bridge also works). Or it can be some other protocol. You can ask that bootloader to read its flash out to you, among other things. This is covered in AN2606.pdf. It has some useful links in it, such as:
names of documents, where you can find specific bootloader commands for any interface you wish. Of course, you only care about interfaces, that the bootloader of your specific MCU F429 supports, which are found in the same AN2606, page 172 (for bootloader version 0.7, there is also 0.9 for those MCUs, I have no idea how to tell which one you have, so...try? UART configuration seems identical anyway):
So what exactly needs to be done? Flip the state of BOOT0 pin - permanently - of the MCU and reset it (power cycle or reset pin, both ok). You will boot the MCU into bootloader instead of booting program from flash. You can read about it in the Reference manual STM32F429, page 69. It talks about states of BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins on boot. What pins are boot0 - if they're not marked on your board, then you'll have to consult F429 datasheet, page 69 (I swear, it's a coincidence). Depending on your specific IC, it will be one pin or another.
It will activate all MCUs peripherals as per docs above and it and wait on its UART and other pins for commands. Commands listed in the documents I provided above. Let's take a look at AN3155 about USART of bootloader:
And the commands are
are all in that document, the table of contents in pdf really helps to find stuff quickly. Of course, if you need specific details, and you will need specific information about specific commands, it's all in there too. How many bytes in command, how many bytes at a time you read from flash etc. Basically, you can either write your own program that does that (even program another microcontroller to program that microcontroller using victim's bootloader), or use any other software that knows what commands to send to the bootloader. It can be ST utility, it can be any other program. They all implement the very same command set, so it doesn't actually matter much. I couldn't find many programs that do that, the only thing that stood out was stm32flash. Never used it myself. I'm ok with ST stuff, since I know what it does (I think).
Oh yeah back to getting the secret value out. I almost forgot about that. Well, then you open the dump in hex viewer/editor, and scroll it around looking for interesting combination of values. Yeah, that's kinda what it looks like. One can run it via disassembly. Scroll disassembled code around, see if there are any numeric values that stand out. You know, some random number 0xD35B581 or something hardcoded in the middle of pretty program could mean something, like be a serial number or a secret number. Unfortunately, I'm reaching boundaries of my competence here, so won't go any further on what one can do with dump.

What is difference between PF_RING technology and PACKET_RX_RING

I stumbled upon PF_RING while reading about PACKET_MMAP kernel documentation (
Can someone explain the difference between the actual technology (implementation details and differences) between PF_RING and PACKET_RX_RING/PACKET_TX_RING in PACKET_MMAP
PF_RING has two very different modes of operation.
The one called "vanilla" operates "above" driver level, so it should be mostly similar to PACKET_MMAP. They both simply share a buffer between the user application and the network stack. I think PF_RING also discards the packets, so it could be say it's exclusive. PACKET_MMAP, on the contrary, lets the kernel stack process the packets after the copy to userspace.
The "DNA" or "zero-copy" mode implements kernel bypassing. Instead of copying data to a shared ring buffer, the driver's buffers themselves are shared. This, obviously, requires custom drivers and means no other processes will be able to receive traffic from the affected interfaces. Many commonplace cards are supported. Due to this reduced copying and context switches and interrupts (you can do polling if you want to) you can squeeze quite a lot more of performance. The upstream technology that comes the closest is AF_XDP.
I may have gotten some things wrong (I just Googled for a bit out of curiosity and am by no means an expert in PF_RING), so watch out for other answers. I do think most of what I wrote is accurate.

Does simulating memory-mapped I/O using VMX require instruction decoding?

I am wondering how a hypervisor using Intel's VMX / VT technology would simulate memory-mapped I/O (so that the guest could think it was performing memory mapped I/O againsta device).
I think the basic principle would be to set up the EPT page tables in such a way that the memory addresses in question would cause an EPT violation (i.e. VM exit) by setting them such that they cannot be read or written? However, the next question is how to process the VM exit. Such a VM-exit would fill out all the exit qualification reasons etc. including the guest-linear and guest-physical address etc. But what I am missing in these exit qualification fields is some field indicating - in case of a write instruction - the value that was attempted to be written and the size of the write. Likewise, for a read instruction it would be nice with some bit fields indicating the destination of the read, say a register or a memory location (in case of memory-to-memory string operations). This would make it very easy for the hypervisor to figure out what the guest was trying to do and then simulate the device behavior towards the guest.
But the trouble is, I can't find such fields among the exit qualifications. I can see an instruction pointer to where the faulting instruction is, so I could walk the page tables to read in the instruction and then decode it to understand the instruction, then simulate the I/O behavior. However, this requires the hypervisor to have a fairly complete picture of all x86 instructions, and be able to decode them. That seems to be quite a heavy burden on the hypervisor, and will also require it to stay current with later instruction additions. And the CPU should already have this information.
There's a chance that that I am missing these relevant fields because the documentation is quite extensive, but I have tried to search carefully but have not been able to find it. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction OR confirm that the hypervisor will need to contain an instruction decoder.
I believe most VMs decode the instruction. It's not actually that hard, and most VMs have software emulators to fallback on when the CPU VM extensions aren't available or up to the task. You don't need to handle every instruction, just those that can take memory operands, and you can probably ignore everything that isn't a 1, 2, or 4 byte memory operand since you're not likely to emulating device registers other than those sizes. (For memory mapped device buffers, like video memory, you don't want to be trapping every memory accesses because that's too slow, and so you'll have to take different approach.)
However, there is one way you can let the CPU do the work for you, but it's much slower then decoding the instruction itself and it's not entirely perfect. You can single step the instruction while temporarily mapping in a valid page of RAM. The VM exit will tell you the guest physical address access and whether it was a read or write. Unfortunately it doesn't reliably tell you whether it was read-modify-write instruction, those may just set the write flag, and with some device registers that can make a difference. It might be easier to copy the instruction (it can only be a most 15 bytes, but watch out for page boundaries) and execute it in the host, but that requires that you can map the page to same virtual address in the host as in the guest.
You could combine these techniques, decode the common instructions that are actually used to access memory mapped device registers, while using single stepping for the instructions you don't recognize.
Note that by choosing to write your own hypervisor you've put a heavy burden on yourself. Having to decode instructions in software is a pretty minor burden compared to the task of emulating an entire IBM PC compatible computer. The Intel virtualisation extensions aren't designed to make this easier, they're just designed to make it more efficient. It would be easier to write a pure software emulator that interpreted the instructions. Handling memory mapped I/O would be just a matter of dispatching the reads and writes to the correct function.
I don't know in details how VT-X works, but I think I see a flaw in your wishlist way it could work:
Remember that x86 is not a load/store machine. The load part of add [rdi], 2 doesn't have an architecturally-visible destination, so your proposed solution of telling the hypervisor where to find or put the data doesn't really work, unless there's some temporary location that isn't part of the guest's architectural state, used only for communication between the hypervisor and the VMX hardware.
To handle a read-modify-write instruction with a memory destination efficiently, the VM should do the whole thing with one VM exit. So you can't just provide separate load and store interfaces.
More importantly, handling atomic read-modify-writes is a special case. lock add [rdi], 2 can't just be done as a separate load and store.

Write-Only Memory

I know there exists read-only values in many languages (final in Java const in C++ etc.) but does such a thing as "Write-Only" values exist? I've heard a variation of this in jokes, such as write-only code, but I'm wondering if this is actually a legitimate concept in computer science. To be honest, I can't see how it would be helpful in any situation, but I'm just wondering.
In unix shell scripting there is a concept of write only memory. But it's not part of any shell or scripting language, it's a device: /dev/null.
The write-only device /dev/null is used to discard output you don't want. Generally by allowing the caller to redirect stdout and/or stderr to it.
There are other write-only memory on a computer. One example is your sound card which on some (older) unix machines are mapped to /dev/audio or /dev/dsp. Writing values to it makes your speaker produce sound but reading from it gets you nothing.
At the lower level of the device drivers themselves, these hardware devices are often connected to a specific memory or I/O address (some CPU architectures don't have separate memory and I/O address - just a single address space shared by RAM and all other hardware). So in a real sense these memory locations are really write-only.
There were certainly some FPUs for PCs that used a somewhat weird setup, by existing as memory-mapped devices. To perform some operations, you would simply write the value you wanted to operate on, to a memory address indicating what operation you wanted performed, the value would then (eventually) be available at another address.
I don't know if you would define this, strictly, as "write-only memory", it is rather memory where (part of) the address is used as an opcode.

How to log mallocs

This is a bit hypothetical and grossly simplified but...
Assume a program that will be calling functions written by third parties. These parties can be assumed to be non-hostile but can't be assumed to be "competent". Each function will take some arguments, have side effects and return a value. They have no state while they are not running.
The objective is to ensure they can't cause memory leaks by logging all mallocs (and the like) and then freeing everything after the function exits.
Is this possible? Is this practical?
p.s. The important part to me is ensuring that no allocations persist so ways to remove memory leaks without doing that are not useful to me.
You don't specify the operating system or environment, this answer assumes Linux, glibc, and C.
You can set __malloc_hook, __free_hook, and __realloc_hook to point to functions which will be called from malloc(), realloc(), and free() respectively. There is a __malloc_hook manpage showing the prototypes. You can add track allocations in these hooks, then return to let glibc handle the memory allocation/deallocation.
It sounds like you want to free any live allocations when the third-party function returns. There are ways to have gcc automatically insert calls at every function entrance and exit using -finstrument-functions, but I think that would be inelegant for what you are trying to do. Can you have your own code call a function in your memory-tracking library after calling one of these third-party functions? You could then check if there are any allocations which the third-party function did not already free.
First, you have to provide the entrypoints for malloc() and free() and friends. Because this code is compiled already (right?) you can't depend on #define to redirect.
Then you can implement these in the obvious way and log that they came from a certain module by linking those routines to those modules.
The fastest way involves no logging at all. If the amount of memory they use is bounded, why not pre-allocate all the "heap" they'll ever need and write an allocator out of that? Then when it's done, free the entire "heap" and you're done! You could extend this idea to multiple heaps if it's more complex that that.
If you really do need to "log" and not make your own allocator, here's some ideas. One, use a hash table with pointers and internal chaining. Another would be to allocate extra space in front of every block and put your own structure there containing, say, an index into your "log table," then keep a free-list of log table entries (as a stack so getting a free one or putting a free one back is O(1)). This takes more memory but should be fast.
Is it practical? I think it is, so long as the speed-hit is acceptable.
You could run the third party functions in a separate process and close the process when you are done using the library.
A better solution than attempting to log mallocs might be to sandbox the functions when you call them—give them access to a fixed segment of memory and then free that segment when the function is done running.
Unconfined, incompetent memory usage can be just as damaging as malicious code.
Can't you just force them to allocate all their memory on the stack? This way it would be garanteed to be freed after the function exits.
In the past I wrote a software library in C that had a memory management subsystem that contained the ability to log allocations and frees, and to manually match each allocation and free. This was of some use when attempting to find memory leaks, but it was difficult and time consuming to use. The number of logs was overwhelming, and it took an extensive amount of time to understand the logs.
That being said, if your third party library has extensive allocations, its more then likely impractical to track this via logging. If you're running in a Windows environment, I would suggest using a tool such as Purify[1] or BoundsChecker[2] that should be able to detect leaks in your third party libraries. The investment in the tool should pay for itself in time saved.
[1]: Purify
[2]: BoundsChecker
Since you're worried about memory leaks and talking about malloc/free, I assume you're in C. I'm also assuming based on your question that you do not have access to the source code of the third party library.
The only thing I can think of is to examine memory consumption of your app before & after the call, log error messages if they're different and convince the third party vendor to fix any leaks you find.
If you have money to spare, then consider using Purify to track issues. It works wonders, and does not require source code or recompilation. There are also other debugging malloc libraries available that are cheaper. Electric Fence is one name I recall. That said, the debugging hooks mentioned by Denton Gentry seem interesting too.
If you're too poor for Purify, try Valgrind. It it a lot better than it was 6 years ago and a lot easier to dive into than Purify.
Microsoft Windows provides (use SUA if you need a POSIX), quite possibly, the most advanced heap+(other api known to use the heap) infrastructure of any shipping OS today.
the __malloc() debug hooks and the associated CRT debug interfaces are nice for cases where you have the source code to the tests, however they can often miss allocations by standard libraries or other code which is linked. This is expected as they are the Visual Studio heap debugging infrastructure.
gflags is a very comprehensive and detailed set of debuging capabilities which has been included with Windows for many years. Having advanced functionality for source and binary only use cases (as it is the OS heap debugging infrastructure).
It can log full stack traces (repaginating symbolic information in a post-process operation), of all heap users, for all heap modifying entrypoint's, serially if needed. Also, it may modify the heap with pathalogical cases which may align the allocation of data such that the page protection offered by the VM system is optimally assigned (i.e. allocate your requested heap block at the end of a page, so even a singele byte overflow is detected at the time of the overflow.
umdh is a tool which can help assess the status at various checkpoints, however the data is continually accumulated during the execution of the target o it is not a simple checkpointing debug stop in the traditional context. Also, WARNING, Last I checked at least, the total size of the circular buffer which store's the stack information, for each request is somewhat small (64k entries (entries+stack)), so you may need to dump rapidly for heavy heap users. There are other ways to access this data but umdh is fairly simple.
NOTE there are 2 modes;
MODE 1, umdh {-p:Process-id|-pn:ProcessName} [-f:Filename] [-g]
MODE 2, umdh [-d] {File1} [File2] [-f:Filename]
I do not know what insanity gripped the developer who chose to alternate between -p:foo argument specifier's and naked ordering of argument's but it can get a little confusing.
The debugging sdk works with a number of other tools, memsnap is a tool which apparently focuses on memory leask and such, but I have not used it, your milage may vary.
Execute gflags with no arguments for the UI mode, +arg's and /args are different "modes" of use also.
On Linux I've successfully used mtrace(3) to log allocations and freeings. Its usage is as simple as
Modify your program to call mtrace() when you need to begin tracing (e.g. at the top of main()),
Set environment variable MALLOC_TRACE to the file path where the trace should be saved and run the program.
After that the output file will contain something like this (excerpt from the middle to show a failed allocation):
# /usr/lib/tls/[0xf44b795c] + 0x99e5e20 0x49
# /opt/gcc-7/lib/[0xf6a80f78] - 0x99beba0
# /usr/lib/tls/[0xf44b795c] + 0x9a23ec0 0x10
# /opt/gcc-7/lib/[0xf6a80f78] - 0x9a23ec0
# /opt/Xorg/lib/video-libs/[0xf668ee49] + 0x99c67c0 0x8
# /opt/Xorg/lib/video-libs/[0xf668f14f] - 0x99c67c0
# /opt/Xorg/lib/video-libs/[0xf668ee49] + (nil) 0x30000000
# /lib/[0xf677f8eb] + 0x99c21f0 0x158
# /lib/[0xf677ee61] + 0xbfb00480 0x400
# /lib/[0xf678d7f9] - 0xbfb00480
