Twitter Ruby API: How do I unfollow a person? - ruby-on-rails

I wanted to know if there is any method known as Twitter::unfollow to unfollow a person using Twitter Ruby API.
I have read the documentation provided on Github but it doesn't seem to help me with this issue.

Although it's not in the documentation, an examination of the source shows that you can do


Display or not Apipie documentation

I'm using Apipie on my Rails app. I'm also using Cancancan to manage authorizations according to user's status.
I was wondering if anyone has already try to join these 2 gems to allow users to see API documentation or not.
Basically, I'm wondering if there is any way to dismiss API Documentation according to variables.
well yes you can. You should write you own check of the authorization, but have a look at the second answer here:

Post photo to pinterest by API

I need to post a photo to my own board in Pinterest via their API.
However, I cannot find any mention in their API documentation of how to accomplish this -
I have tried to search for an approach but found only dated information.
The following script does exactly what I'd like to do, however I want to implement it via Ruby/Rails -
Any advice or documentation on how I could implement this functionality would be helpful.
Thank you in advance!
You may find this gem handy, though its a bit dated:
There is a project, that helps to create pin automatically via undocumented Pinterest API

Ruby on Rails with twitter APIs

Is this possible in Ruby on Rails to update your blog posts on your twitter account using twitter APIs and omniauth. Please suggest me.
More: I have a blog, where i create a new post on blog, this update should go to my twitter account as well as I tweet , this tweet should be shown to my home of blog.
Please suggest me. how it is possible.
Vieenay Siingh
When you post to this website, we are expecting you to have done a background search before.
Anyway, you should find what you need On the rubygems website

Github Authentication API in Rails

I've been frustrated in my efforts to find information about this because a lot of the links posted on StackOverflow and elsewhere to related topics are 404'd. The Github API only says how to do things from the command line, and none of the gems I've found have given this kind of support. I know, however, that it is possible, because I've seen it done before.
How would I go about getting a user's current Github login information? That is, if a user is logged into Github, I want to find that out and use some of their user information in my website. If they are not logged in, I want to connect to Github to log them in.
Is there a gem for this, and if so, what is it and how does it work (if there isn't sufficient documentation)? If there isn't, then how do I go about using the Github API to do this in Ruby?
For authenticating with github, use the excellent omniauth gem with the (offcial) omniauth-github strategy.
You can see what basic information about the user you will get when the user authenticates with github here.
And here is a list of omniauth strategies that people have posted. For a good getting-started example, see the facebook strategy.
I found this blog post on using the Omniauth-Github gem. Provides a great tutorial top to bottom.
I used it today with no issues. Blog Post: Omniauth-Github Tutorial

rails Gem's the Access the GMAIL, Y! Contact Lists via an API

Anyone know of any solid GEMs that integrate with the GMAIl and Y! Mail APIs to download a user's contacts (emails)?
You login to gmail using AuthSub mechanism.
Try google contacts using some method as :
For gmail it's easy: or maybe better for your purpose:
I'm gonna have another look for yahoo...
yahoo is supposed to be part of but no example given
Another way to see the question is to use the opensocial API as mentionned here. It could be a worthy generic solution even if resources are a bit scattered.
Maybe contacts gem:
