How to read content from plain text remote file with objective-c - ios

I want to read a list (in plain text) from a remote file line by line.
I have found some answers but they're not the ones I'm looking for.
p.s. I've been programing in objective-c and developing in iOS for about 2 months, I'm a rookie i might not understand or recognize some terms. Please answer like you are talking to a beginner.

If i am not wrong you just want to read a text from remote file, so here it is.
NSString * result = NULL;
NSError *err = nil;
NSURL * urlToRequest = [NSURL URLWithString:#"YOUR_REMOTE_FILE_URL"];//like ""
result = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL: urlToRequest
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&err];

To load the remote txt file, you should take a look at NSURLConnection or AFNetworking (there are other possibilities, these two are probably the most common).
You will then get the content of the file. Depending on what you intend to do with it, you may have to parse it, either with something as simple as -[NSString componentsSeparatedByString:] or with something a bit more powerful like NSScanner.

There are three steps involved in loading a file
create the object that specifies the location of the file
call the appropriate NSString class method to load the file into a
handle the error if the file is not found
In step 1, you need to either create an NSString with the full path to the file in the file system, or you need to create an NSURL with the network location of the file. In the example below, the code creates an NSURL since your file is on the network.
In step 2, use the stringWithContentsOfFile method to load a file from the file system, or the stringWithContentsOfURL method to load a file from the network. In either case, you can specify the file encoding, or ask iOS to auto-detect the file encoding. The code below auto detects while loading from the network.
In step 3, the code below dumps the file to the debug console if successful or dumps the error object to the console on failure.
Missing from this code is multithreading. The code will block until the file is loaded. Running the code on a background thread, and properly notifying the main thread when the download is complete, is left as an exercise for the reader.
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSStringEncoding encoding;
NSError *error;
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url usedEncoding:&encoding error:&error];
if ( str )
NSLog( #"%#", str );
NSLog( #"%#", error );


Can I get the source code from the .m file?

I want to get the source code from .m file so I use this way:
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"ViewController" ofType:#".m"];
NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
NSLog(#"%#", content);
However the console print "null".
I wonder if there any way we can use to get .m file's content even if use private method.
If you're copying the actual source file inside your application's bundle and including it, then sure, that'll work, although I don't know why you'd want to do that.
If you're wondering if you can decompile a binary file back to Objective-C code, then no, you can't do that—at least not simply. If you have good enough skill with assembly language, of course, you can read a disassembly of the code, figure out what the original Objective-C did, and use that knowledge to recreate it.

How to know a file is writing via NSFileManager

I got a problem , How to know the file is accessible ???
For example , the file is writing , but not finish yet.
And I check the file again ,
I use
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:filePath];
It return true ... but the file is not accessible .
How to determine the file is ready ?
Maybe I'm not telling my problem clearly . I mean if you start transport a video file . before transport finish . the video file is not accessible , but you still can get a part of transporting file.
Write Data in async way using GCD concept and once it is completed, the completion handler will be executed.(Where completion of a writing process shall be detected)
The dispatch I/O convenience API lets you perform asynchronous read and write operations on file descriptors. This API supports stream-based semantics for accessing the contents of the file-descriptor.
void dispatch_write ( dispatch_fd_t fd, dispatch_data_t data, dispatch_queue_t queue, void (^handler)(dispatch_data_t data, int error) );
Basically you need to check the attributes of the file and particullary the NSFileBusy attribute:
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:filePath]) {
NSDictionary *attributes = [fileManager attributesOfItemAtPath:filePath error:nil];
NSLog(#"File Busy %#", [attributes objectForKey:NSFileBusy]);
NSFileCoordinator and NSFilePresenter are created just for that. You may find interesting Advanced iCloud Document Storage video from wwdc that covers the usage of this classes. Building a Document-based App will be great to watch too.
Try to fetch data of file by using following code :
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
NSData *readData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];

Obtain the path of app Group from FileManager

I am trying to update my app for WatchKit and I save a NSKeyedArchiver file to the NSDocumentsDirectory normally.
With updating to app groups I need to store it in the app groups folder. The issue I am having is I cant figure out how to just get the path, and not have it referenced as a file I am looking for.
The way it is set up now is to find the file it gives the path as a NSString
but when I store to app groups, no matter which way I access the folder, it is returned
What is the best way to just obtain the path to the shared group, rather than have the app looking for the direct file?
So coffee deprived me had forgotten about the .path for filemanager.
NSURL *fileManagerURL = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:#""];
NSString *tmpPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", fileManagerURL.path];
NSString *finalPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[string stringByAppendingString:#"/Favourites2"]];
I was running into the same problem. I was going through the whole process of building a string to my save location and now I'm switching over to app groups and using the
NSURL *fileManagerURL = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:groupID];
Well, the problem is, now instead of a string to the location that starts with "/Users/yourname/Library..." you get "file:///Users/yourname/Library..."
Here's what I did. I created the NSURL. Then I called absoluteString on it.
NSURL groupPath = [[fileManager containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:groupID] absoluteString];
I now have a string that I need to strip off the first 7 characters of, then my old code works just fine, except now instead of being in the Documents directory, it's in a shared app group that can be accessed by both my old code and my new watchkit extension.
Here's the code to strip off the first 7 characters (index 6 since you start with 0), you should be able to use either method...
NSString *newGroupPath = [groupPath substringFromIndex:6];
NSString *newGroupPath = [groupPath substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(6, [str length]-6)];
This just removes the "file://" from the absoluteString that was made from the NSURL and gives you back your older string path the starts "/Users/YourName/Library/Developer/yada yada yada"
Hope that helps you, I have spent 4 hours figuring it out.
It seems to work for me on the simulator, I haven't tried it on the Watch yet. But at least my app is now working the way it was before, just saving the data in a shared app group. (I have a singleton that manages all of my data throughout my app, and I want that same singleton to provide data to my watch app).

NSData to NSString not working (for use in QCComposition)

I have A NSdata value that it needs to be converted into a string.
So far my app works fine loading a QC composition from a server however, I have a warning when I tell QC to load data from server.
It loads the file just fine but is there a way to avoid this worming?
I have tried to convert data to string using
NSString* newStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:urlData
HOwever, it is giving a null location of the file
Find the way I was loading the file with wrong method the correct one is:
QCComposition *qc = [QCComposition compositionWithData:urlData];

NSURL for a downloaded or otherwise obtained file to open an iOS app with: What is its filepath?

I have found that so far the path sent to application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: is:
To check that the filesystem operations that I am about to perform are indeed likely to succeed (and that the url given to me is not a location outside the sandbox), it looks like I have to do this:
NSString* hdurl = [[#"file://localhost/private" stringByAppendingString:NSHomeDirectory()] stringByAppendingString: #"/"];
NSString* path = url.absoluteString;
if ([path hasPrefix:hdurl]) {
// now ready to e.g. call fopen on: [path substringFromIndex:#"file://localhost".length]
Now, I seem to vaguely recall (and this is probably wrong) that in the past I have seen the file:/// style URL being used. That would clearly cause this code to fail.
How am I to know that it will always give me a file://localhost URL prefix?
Apple's documentation on URLs is strangely missing a section on file URLs.
An NSURL that points to a file on the local file system is called a "file URL". To convert the NSURL to an NSString representing the file's path you use:
NSString *filePath = [url path];
To check to see if an NSURL represents a file URL, use:
BOOL isFileURL = [url isFileURL];
Keep in mind that if your app is passed a file URL, you will always have access to the file. There is no need to check if it starts with any prefix. Why would iOS pass you a file that you don't have access to?
