I want to use swift to implement in-app email. When I click the button, the email window pops up. However, I am unable to send my email. Moreover, after I click cancel-delete draft, I cannot go back to the original screen.
import UIkit
import MessageUI
class Information : UIViewController, MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate{
var myMail: MFMailComposeViewController!
#IBAction func sendReport(sender : AnyObject) {
myMail = MFMailComposeViewController()
// set the subject
myMail.setSubject("My report")
//To recipients
var toRecipients = ["lipeilin#gatech.edu"]
//CC recipients
var ccRecipients = ["tzhang85#gatech.edu"]
//CC recipients
var bccRecipients = ["tzhang85#gatech.edu"]
//Add some text to the message body
var sentfrom = "Email sent from my app"
myMail.setMessageBody(sentfrom, isHTML: true)
//Include an attachment
var image = UIImage(named: "Gimme.png")
var imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0)
myMail.addAttachmentData(imageData, mimeType: "image/jped", fileName: "image")
//Display the view controller
self.presentViewController(myMail, animated: true, completion: nil)
var alert = UIAlertController(title: "Alert", message: "Your device cannot send emails", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default, handler: nil))
self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
func mailComposeController(controller: MFMailComposeViewController!,
didFinishWithResult result: MFMailComposeResult,
error: NSError!){
case MFMailComposeResultSent.value:
println("Email sent")
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
Since you haven't set the current view controller as the mailComposeDelegate of myMail, the mailComposeController:didFinishWithResult method isn't being called. After you init myMail, make sure to add:
myMail.mailComposeDelegate = self
and you'll be good to go
In case anyone is looking for a non MFMailCompose option, here's what I did to send using Gmail's SMTP servers.
Download a zip of this repo: https://github.com/jetseven/skpsmtpmessage
Drag and drop the files under SMTPLibrary into your XCode project
Create a new header file - MyApp-Briding-Header.h
Replace new header file with this:
#import "Base64Transcoder.h"
#import "HSK_CFUtilities.h"
#import "NSData+Base64Additions.h"
#import "NSStream+SKPSMTPExtensions.h"
#import "SKPSMTPMessage.h"
Go to Project(Targets > MyApp on the left)/Build Settings/Swift Compiler - Code Generation
Add path to header file under Objective-C Briding Header -> Debug (i.e. MyApp/MyApp-Bridging-Header.h
Go to Project/Build Phases/Compile Sources
Select all .m files and click enter. Type -fno-objc-arc and hit enter.
Use this code to send email:
var mail = SKPSMTPMessage()
mail.fromEmail = "fromemail#gmail.com"
mail.toEmail = "tomail#gmail.com"
mail.requiresAuth = true
mail.login = "fromemail#gmail.com"
mail.pass = "password"
mail.subject = "test subject"
mail.wantsSecure = true
mail.relayHost = "smtp.gmail.com"
mail.relayPorts = [587]
var parts: NSDictionary = [
"kSKPSMTPPartContentTypeKey": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
"kSKPSMTPPartMessageKey": "test message",
mail.parts = [parts]
Hope it helps someone. I didn't want to use the MFMailCompose option because I didn't want to have to prompt the user.
This is how I have composed my email with attached PDF file document.
Just to test this example you need to drag and drop a sample PDF named "All_about_tax.pdf"
#IBAction func sendEmail(sender: UIButton)
//Check to see the device can send email.
if( MFMailComposeViewController.canSendMail() )
print("Can send email.")
let mailComposer = MFMailComposeViewController()
mailComposer.mailComposeDelegate = self
//Set to recipients
mailComposer.setToRecipients(["your email id here"])
//Set the subject
mailComposer.setSubject("Tax info document pdf")
//set mail body
mailComposer.setMessageBody("This is what they sound like.", isHTML: true)
if let filePath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("All_about_tax", ofType: "pdf")
print("File path loaded.")
if let fileData = NSData(contentsOfFile: filePath)
print("File data loaded.")
mailComposer.addAttachmentData(fileData, mimeType: "application/pdf", fileName: "All_about_tax.pdf")
//this will compose and present mail to user
self.presentViewController(mailComposer, animated: true, completion: nil)
print("email is not supported")
func mailComposeController(controller: MFMailComposeViewController, didFinishWithResult result: MFMailComposeResult, error: NSError?)
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
I have what I believe is a unique problem. I am having trouble getting my email window to dismiss. I am using Xcode 8.
The email dismisses correctly the first time I open it, but if I open it again it won't. If I press "Cancel" it does not give me the option to "Delete Draft". If I press "Send" the email is sent, but the window does not dismiss.
My code is below. The mailComposeController gets called correctly the first time, but it never gets called a second time. Does anyone have any ideas about what I am missing?
let mail = MFMailComposeViewController()
func sendEmail(body: String, subject: String) {
if MFMailComposeViewController.canSendMail() {
mail.mailComposeDelegate = self
mail.setMessageBody("\(body)", isHTML: false)
if let data = (body as NSString).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue){
//Attach File
mail.addAttachmentData(data, mimeType: "text/plain", fileName: "data.txt")
present(mail, animated: true)
} else {
// show failure alert
func mailComposeController(_ controller: MFMailComposeViewController, didFinishWith result: MFMailComposeResult, error: Error?) {
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
You need to create a new MFMailComposeViewController each time. Moving your mail declaration inside sendEmail works…
func sendEmail(body: String, subject: String) {
if MFMailComposeViewController.canSendMail() {
// Create a new MFMailComposeViewController…
let mail = MFMailComposeViewController()
mail.mailComposeDelegate = self
mail.setMessageBody("\(body)", isHTML: false)
if let data = (body as NSString).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue){
//Attach File
mail.addAttachmentData(data, mimeType: "text/plain", fileName: "data.txt")
present(mail, animated: true)
} else {
// show failure alert
As to why…?
I'm trying to develop an app, that take a number from a variable then open in "Messages" app with (1500) in the field To: and the variable value in Text Messages field like this
I tried this answer how to open an URL in Swift3 and Swift: How to open a new app when uibutton is tapped but i didn't figure out the URL for Messages app
what should I use? Big thanks.
use this
if MFMessageComposeViewController.canSendText() == true{
let recipients:[String] = ["1500"]
var messageController = MFMessageComposeViewController()
//messageController.messageComposeDelegate = self // implement delegate if you want
messageController.recipients = recipients
messageController.body = "Your_text"
self.present(messageController, animated: true, completion: nil)
You need to import "MessageUI" to your class and use the below code.
func sendMessages() {
if MFMessageComposeViewController.canSendText() == true {
let recipients:[String] = ["9895249619"]
let messageController = MFMessageComposeViewController()
messageController.messageComposeDelegate = self
messageController.recipients = recipients
messageController.body = "Your_message_text"
self.present(messageController, animated: true, completion: nil)
} else {
//handle text messaging not available
func messageComposeViewController(_ controller: MFMessageComposeViewController, didFinishWith result: MessageComposeResult) {
controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
My application can open PDF-files. So I registered it for PDF-files. When I open a PDF-file from the mail-app my application get called and the following function is called:
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
let rect = app.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.view.bounds
viewController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
let picker = UIPickerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 100, width: (rect?.width)!, height: (rect?.height)! / 3))
picker.delegate = self
picker.dataSource = self
let okButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 100 + ((rect?.height)! / 3), width: ((rect?.width)! / 2) - 20, height: 30))
okButton.setTitle("Ok", for: .normal)
okButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(AppDelegate.endApp), for: .touchUpInside)
app.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
return true
This works! If the user click on the ok Button I want to go back to the mail-app. How can I do this? I read, that apple don't allow you to switch between apps. But whatsApp is doing this.
I tried it with removing the viewController:
But then I only get a black screen.
The only way to launch other applications is by using their URL schemes, the only way to open mail is by using the mailto: scheme, which will always open the compose view.
let email = "foo#bar.com"
let url = URL(string: "mailto:\(email)")
Edit: this answer might help you
This will not help you to go back to mail app viewController.view.removeFromSuperview()
It will just remove views from your viewcontroler and black color window is showing.
There is no way to get back to mail-app even if you use openURL.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"mailto:"]];
This will open email composer, but practically you will not be able to get back to mail app.
let url = URL(string: "mailto:\abc#xyz.com")
This will open email composer with sender as abc#xyz.com.
If you want to attach file and send it through email composer, then make like below code.
import UIKit
import MessageUI
class ViewController: UIViewController, MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate {
#IBAction func launchEmail(sender: AnyObject) {
var emailTitle = "EmailTitle"
var messageBody = "Email BodyFeature request or bug report?"
var toRecipents = ["abc#xyz.com"]
var mc: MFMailComposeViewController = MFMailComposeViewController()
mc.mailComposeDelegate = self
mc.setMessageBody(messageBody, isHTML: false)
self.presentViewController(mc, animated: true, completion: nil)
func mailComposeController(controller:MFMailComposeViewController, didFinishWithResult result:MFMailComposeResult, error:NSError) {
switch result {
case MFMailComposeResultCancelled:
print("Mail cancelled")
case MFMailComposeResultSaved:
print("Mail saved")
case MFMailComposeResultSent:
print("Mail sent")
case MFMailComposeResultFailed:
print("Mail sent failure: \(error?.localizedDescription)")
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
I made it with the following code:
viewController.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)
let mailURL = NSURL(string: "message://")!
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(mailURL as URL) {
UIApplication.shared.openURL(mailURL as URL)
Thats good enough for me.
thank you #Jeremy your link helped me!
In my app i have a option to login to the app using google sign in. Login is working fine. Once i click the Logout Button, I am not able to logout from google. When ever I click on login button it's not showing login page as image given below:
Instead its redirecting to authentication dialog page as image given below:
Code :
override func viewDidLoad()
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().uiDelegate = self
let button = GIDSignInButton(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100))
button.center = view.center
#IBAction func signOutButton(sender: AnyObject) {
1.import below
import GoogleAPIClient
import GTMOAuth2
2.declare below variable
let kKeychainItemName = "your app name"
let kClientID = "your app clinet id"
let scopes = [kGTLAuthScopeDrive]
let service = GTLServiceDrive()
3.replace this methods to your existing one
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let auth = GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.authForGoogleFromKeychainForName(
clientID: kClientID,
clientSecret: nil) {
service.authorizer = auth
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
if let authorizer = service.authorizer,
canAuth = authorizer.canAuthorize where canAuth {
} else {
animated: true,
completion: nil
func fetchFiles() {
let query = GTLQueryDrive.queryForFilesList()
query.pageSize = 10
query.fields = "nextPageToken, files(id, name)"
delegate: self,
didFinishSelector: #selector(GoogleDriveVC.displayResultWithTicket(_:finishedWithObject:error:))
// Parse results and display
func displayResultWithTicket(ticket : GTLServiceTicket,
finishedWithObject response : GTLDriveFileList,
error : NSError?) {
if let error = error {
showAlert("Error", message: error.localizedDescription)
if let files = response.files where !files.isEmpty {
for file in files as! [GTLDriveFile] {
// Creates the auth controller for authorizing access to Drive API
private func createAuthController() -> GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch {
let scopeString = scopes.joinWithSeparator(" ")
return GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch(
scope: scopeString,
clientID: kClientID,
clientSecret: nil,
keychainItemName: kKeychainItemName,
delegate: self,
finishedSelector: #selector(GoogleDriveVC.viewController(_:finishedWithAuth:error:))
// Handle completion of the authorization process, and update the Drive API
// with the new credentials.
func viewController(vc : UIViewController,
finishedWithAuth authResult : GTMOAuth2Authentication, error : NSError?) {
if let error = error {
service.authorizer = nil
showAlert("Authentication Error", message: error.localizedDescription)
service.authorizer = authResult
dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
// Helper for showing an alert
func showAlert(title : String, message: String) {
let alert = UIAlertController(
title: title,
message: message,
preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert
let ok = UIAlertAction(
title: "OK",
style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default,
handler: nil
presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
at last logout using
func logout(){
//logout code
this is the full implementation
If OP is still looking (doubt it since it's been 3 years) and if anyone is still working on this I think I figured it out.
I'm using Objective C but the methodology is still the same.
I have an app that uses Google Sign In to authenticate. This work as OP has described. For our sign out I have the following:
GIDSignIn *gidObject = [GIDSignIn sharedInstance];
[gidObject signOut];
[gidObject disconnect];
NSString *logOutUrl = #"https://www.google.com/accounts/Logout";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: logOutUrl] options:#{} completionHandler:nil];
Make sure signOut is before disconnect (i originally had those two reversed and it did not sign the user out).
For our workflow I have it so that the logout url appears. This works because if the user wants to sign in again then they need to authenticate. If the user is signed in already it bypasses the authentication and goes directly into application.
I have made a simple game using the Game template in Xcode, coded in swift. I created a shapeNode, and when it is touched, I would like this code to run:
if SLComposeViewController.isAvailableForServiceType(SLServiceTypeFacebook){
var controller = SLComposeViewController(forServiceType: SLServiceTypeFacebook)
controller.setInitialText("Testing Posting to Facebook")
//self.presentViewController(controller, animated:true, completion:nil)
This code is run in the GameViewController.swift file, but gives this error. This error occurs on the commented line.
Could not cast value of type 'UIView' (0x379480d0) to 'SKView' (0x37227ad0).
Update: If you are targeting iOS 9 or above there are some small changes to make this work. You will need to add the correct URL schemes to your info.plist otherwise the check to see if the app is installed will not work.
NOTE: Its is a better idea to now use UIActivityController for sharing. This allows you to only use 1 button and you can share to all sorts of services.
To present a viewController in a SKScene you need to use the rootViewController
I use a little helper for this using swift 2 protocol extensions, so you can use it anywhere you like in your app. The Facebook part looks like this, twitter is basically the same.
import SpriteKit
import Social
/// URLString
private struct URLString {
static let iTunesApp = URL(string: "Your iTunes app link")
static let facebookApp = URL(string: "Your Facebook app link")
static let facebookWeb = URL(string: "Your Facebook web link")
/// Text strings
private struct TextString {
static let shareSheetText = "Your share sheet text"
static let error = "Error"
static let enableSocial = "Please sign in to your account first"
static let settings = "Settings"
static let ok = "OK"
/// Social
protocol Social {}
extension Social where Self: SKScene {
/// Open facebook
func openFacebook() {
guard let facebookApp = URLString.facebookApp else { return }
guard let facebookWeb = URLString.facebookWeb else { return }
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(facebookApp){
} else {
/// Share to facebook
func shareToFacebook() {
guard SLComposeViewController.isAvailable(forServiceType: SLServiceTypeFacebook) else {
guard let facebookSheet = SLComposeViewController(forServiceType: SLServiceTypeFacebook) else { return }
facebookSheet.completionHandler = { result in
switch result {
case .cancelled:
print("Facebook message cancelled")
case .done:
print("Facebook message complete")
let text = TextString.shareSheetText
facebookSheet.setInitialText(String.localizedStringWithFormat(text, "add your score property")) // same as line above but with a score property
facebookSheet.addImage(Your UIImage)
self.view?.window?.rootViewController?.present(facebookSheet, animated: true, completion: nil)
// MARK: - Private Methods
/// Show alert
private func showAlert() {
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: TextString.error, message: TextString.enableSocial, preferredStyle: .alert)
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: TextString.ok, style: .cancel) { _ in }
let settingsAction = UIAlertAction(title: TextString.settings, style: .default) { _ in
if let url = URL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString) {
self.view?.window?.rootViewController?.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)
To use the helper you simply go to the SKScene you need to call the methods and implement the protocol
class YourScene: SKScene, Social {....
Now when the Facebook node/button is pressed you can call the methods as if they are part of the scene itself.
openFacebook() // opens app or safari
shareToFacebook() // opens share sheet textField
all thanks to swift 2 and protocol extensions. The cool bit about this is say you want to use this helper in a regular UIKit app, than all you have to do is import UIKit instead of spriteKit
import UIKit
and change the protocol extension to this
extension Social where Self: UIViewController {....
Its quite nice and very flexible I think
Hope this helps.