NSFileManager leads to SourceKit Service Terminated - ios

It's totally confusing on using this line
var docContents : NSArray! = NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(archieveDirectoryPath,error:
I get the alert like SourceKit Service Terminated Editor Functionality temporary limited continuously, and gone swift coding style. But When I comment this line, all are disappeared.
Any one experienced this or is this a common error?
Note: I've tried this post's answer, But won't work. Just comment that line, it gets work. But I need that line. I'm using Xcode-6-beta-2

Finally fixed by below code. I think, it may common error. Just replace ! with ? symbol.
var docContents : NSArray? = NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(archieveDirectoryPath,error:
But I didn't see any docs related how this happen. If anybody know, let me know. I think, this may temporary workaround.


Could not cast value of type 'SPTSession' (0x110afab98) to 'SPTSession' (0x10f17f638)

I am using the Spotify iOS SDK and I am storing a session using NSKeyedUnarchiver
However the following code causes an error(some code omitted just for clarity's sake):
sptSession = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(sessionData as! NSData)
let auth = SPTAuth.defaultInstance()
auth.session = sptSession as! SPTSession
The last line of code is throwing the error Could not cast value of type 'SPTSession' (0x110afab98) to 'SPTSession' (0x10f17f638). I read that error as somehow there are two different types of SPTSessions but I'm not sure why or how to resolve the issue.
the answer seems to be related to this SO post:
Swift only way to prevent NSKeyedUnarchiver.decodeObject crash?
I have added an issue to the GH repo for Spotify's iOS SDK (https://github.com/spotify/ios-sdk/issues/759), and posted this temporary workaround as a comment on the issue:
for the time being, I have found a workaround - I can simply write NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("SPTSession", for: SPTSession.self) before I archive the session, and write NSKeyedUnarchiver.setClass(SPTSession.self, forClassName: "SPTSession") before unarchiving.
While this fixes the crash, I will leave the issue open as I am not sure if a change can be made in the underlying library to fix this

How can I open a pdf link when click a button on Swift?

I am trying to open a pdf from my Swift application but I cannot make it to work.
I know that there are a lot of questions related with this and in most of them they use this code:
UIApplication.shared.openURL(URL(string: "http://www.url.com" + id)!)
But I am getting the following error:
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
so I thought that the error was because the id was nil so I made two prints to see what was retrieved: one for url and one for id. Both of them are correct and if I copy the url on the browser navigation bar it works perfectly (I cannot provide the real url because it is of a client).
I have this function wrapped inside an #IBAction to detect when a button is clicked so I looked if the connection had been broken. It is also correct.
So I cannot understand why this error is happening. I spent some hours but cannot figure out what is causing this error.
Am I missing something? Should I codify the url in some way?
P.S: I am using Xcode8 and Swift3.
UPDATE: If I set www.google.es it is working perfectly. Can it be a problem using variables inside of the url?
Thanks in advance!
Finally, after some hours searching about the problem and following the recommendation of #rmaddy (Thanks!) I have split my function in three parts and I could see that the URL was returning nil value.
It was strange because I could copy the string into my browser navigation bar and it worked well so I thought that it could be something about encoding. One time I have encoded it I noticed that the id of the pdf was retrieved with a \r at the final of the id. Like this:
The solution that I have done is the following:
var string = "http://www.url.com" + id
var index1 = string.index(string.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)
var substring1 = string.substring(to: index1)
let encodedString = substring1.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)
UIApplication.shared.openURL(NSURL(string: encodedString!) as! URL)
Encoded string is necessary because if not the link no longer work.

What is wrong with this line of Swift iOS Code?

I have created an iOS app using Swift and everything is working fine and dandy on the simulator. I get no errors or crashes at all, but when I submit my app to put up on the app store Apple rejects it and lets me know that it crashes when the user makes a selection. I cannot recreate this error/crash. I took the crash logs and symbolicated them. This line of code came up as the culprit for the crashes:
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
This line is trying to store the resulting Dictionary from the getLinks() function I created. It for sure is getting a dictionary and if there is no dictionary to send back I create a dictionary which has error information in it, so it is for sure returning a dictionary in that format no matter what. Seeing as I cannot recreate the crash, I am just trying to error check this line of code in any way possible so it does't crash when I resubmit to Apple.
I tried checking if the resulting dictionary was nil like so:
if(getLinks(seasons) != nil){
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
This is not valid though, and XCode lets me know that UInt8 is not compatible with NSDictionary or something of that nature.
I then fixed that line and changed it to this:
if(getLinks(seasons) != ["":[""]]){
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
I am just not sure if this is even a good way to check for errors. I was wondering if there were any suggestions on how I may go about making sure this line does not fail and result in a crash. Thank you very much.
Here is my getLinks() function if that helps add more info to the problem:
var season = ""
let hymn_links = Hymn_Links()
func getLinks (nameofseason:String) -> NSDictionary
switch (nameofseason)
return ["Maps Not Found": []]
EDIT #2:
This is my updated getLinks() function with the use of optionals.
func getLinks (nameofseason:String) -> NSDictionary?
switch (nameofseason)
return nil
Also in my statement of linksToPass I changed it to:
if let links = getLinks(season) as? [String:[String]]
linksToPass = links
hymnnames = [String] (linksToPass.keys)
There are some known issues with the Swift optimiser. Some people have resorted to shipping with debug builds.
My suggestion would be to test with an optimised build to see if you can reproduce it. You can then try shipping a debug build to the App store.
General Code Comments
Why are you returning an NSDictionary rather than a Swift dictionary anyway? Without knowing the contents and creation method for your hymn_links object I can't be sure how good it is.
I would avoid as casts until Swift 1.2 and stick to using as? and then handling the nil case. At least in your "Edit 2" a nil will cause a crash as nil cannot be cast to [String:[String]] although [String:[String]]? should be possible.
Can you guarantee that all of the items returned by the switch statement will never under any circumstances be nil? If not getLinks should return an Optional.
Note that is is virtually impossible for getLinks to know that one of the items will never be nil and in Swift un-handed nils are a crash waiting to happen. Unless all these methods correctly handle nil.
Return an Optional and handle that in the statement that calls getLinks.
Languages handle nils differently, Objective-C handles them rather well, Java and Swift by crashing. But Swift has a mechanism to handle nils without crashing: Optionals, use it.

Calling ZipZap's updateEntries method causes a crash in Swift

I've been trying to create an archive using the ZipZap library (https://github.com/pixelglow/zipzap) and to be more specific the 8.0 release. The library is consumed in Swift code.
I've read that when calling:
newArchive.updateEntries(archiveItems, error: error)
Requires the "archiveItems" to be NSMutableArray and it is defined as such. At this point I tried creating an archive that contains just one directory so the array looks like:
var archiveItems = NSMutableArray()
archiveItems.addObject(ZZArchiveEntry(directoryName: "\(archiveName)/"))
"newArchive" is created the following way:
var newArchive = ZZArchive(URL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: archivePath), error: error)
The error I see is: EXC_BREAKPOINT(code=1, subcode=0x1001bc998)
And I've also seen: EXC_BREAKPOINT(code=1, subcode=0x100100998)
In case I do not call the updateEntries method the code does not crash. So my assumption is that the crash happens inside this method.
At the end it was me not reading the spec as it is written in the example on GitHub.
After a help from Glen Low (pixelglow) the issue was that I am actually trying to create a new file without sending an option to create the file in case it does not exist.
So a massive thanks goes to pixelglow for his help and the great library!
The proper way to call the init when you need to create the file is:
var newArchive = ZZArchive(URL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: archivePath), options: [ZZOpenOptionsCreateIfMissingKey: true], error: &archiveError)

.or query in parse unity crashes on iOS

I'm doing a .or query which in every platform works fine except in iOS.
As soon it reaches the line where it does the .or, it crashes with:
System.Collections.Generic.List> doesn't implement interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>
Assertion: should not be reached at mini-trampolines.c:183
Here's the code:
var isChallenger = ParseObject.GetQuery("Match")
var isChallenged = ParseObject.GetQuery("Match")
ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = isChallenger.Or (isChallenged); // Crashes here.
I'm doing it just like in the docs, not sure what's wrong.
Any help would be much appreciated!
I think this is a bug I reported here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/750897958275392/
Except, I only saw this bug when using ParseQuery. The workaround I used is to use ParseQuery only, but I see you're already doing that. Is the code you posted exactly the same as the code you're actually using?
