I have a table in my application which consists of some names and phone numbers and orderIDs and dates (4 columns).
I want to get an array of all distinct phone numbers (Note that someone with a phone number may have several orderIDs).
Test case: suppose that this is the current records of my table.
Name phoneNumber orderID date
John 1234 101 2014-12-12
Susan 9876 102 2014-12-08
John 1234 103 2014-12-17
I want an array of distinct phone numbers only, something like: {1234, 9876}
How can I perform such a fetch in core data?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
P.S: As I knew in SQL I could do something like:
SELECT phoneNumber FROM orders
GROUP BY phoneNumber
You can use Distinct Keyword. so your query will become
SELECT DISTINCT phoneNumber FROM orders
I have a table with approximately 8 million rows in it. It has a uniqueness constraint on a column called Customer_Identifier. This is a varchar(10) field, is not the primary key, but is unique.
I wish to retrieve some customer rows from this table using SQL Developer. I have been given a text file with each record containing a search key value in the columns 1-10. This query will need to be reused a few times, with different customer_identifier values. Sometimes I will be given a few customer_identifier values (<1000 of them). Sometimes many (between 1000 and 10000 of them). For the times when I want fewer than 1000 values, it's pretty straightforward to use an IN clause. I can edit the text file to wrap the keys in quotes and insert commas as appropriate. But SQL developer has a hard limit of 1000 values in an IN clause.
I only have read rights to the database, so creating and managing a new physical table is out of the question :-(.
Is there a way that I can treat the text file as a table in Oracle 12.1, and thus use it to join to my customer table on the customer_identifier column?
Yes, you can treat a text file as an external table. But you may need DBA assistance to create a new directory, if you don't have access to a directory defined in the database.
Thanks to Oracle Base
**Create a directory object pointing to the location of the files.**
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY ext_tab_data AS '/data';
**Create the external table using the CREATE TABLE..ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL syntax. This defines the metadata for the table describing how it should appear and how the data is loaded.**
CREATE TABLE countries_ext (
country_code VARCHAR2(5),
country_name VARCHAR2(50),
country_language VARCHAR2(50)
country_code CHAR(5),
country_name CHAR(50),
country_language CHAR(50)
LOCATION ('Countries1.txt','Countries2.txt')
**Once the external table created, it can be queried like a regular table.**
2 FROM countries_ext
3 ORDER BY country_name;
----- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
ENG England English
FRA France French
GER Germany German
IRE Ireland English
SCO Scotland English
USA Unites States of America English
WAL Wales Welsh
7 rows selected.
I am trying to join four tables (users, user_payments, content_type and media_content) but I always get duplicates. Instead of seeing for example that user Smith purchased media_content_id_purchase 5011 for a price of 3.99 and he streamed media_content_stream_id 5000 for a price of 0.001 per min, I get:
multiple combinations such as, media_content_id_purchase 5011 costs 3.99, 1.99, 6.99 etc. with media_content_id_stream that also has all sorts of prices.
This is my query:
select u.surname, up.media_content_id_purchase, ct.purchase_price, up.media_content_id_stream, ct.stream_price, ct.min_price
from users u, user_payments up, content_type ct, media_content mc
where u.user_ID=up.user_ID_purchase and
up.media_content_ID_purchase=mc.media_content_ID or up.media_content_ID_purchase is null and
My goal is to display each user and what they have consumed with the corresponding prices.
Perhaps you should try using select distinct?
As you can see here select DISTINCT is supposed to show only the different (distinct) values.
I apologize if I'm missing something really obvious here, but hopefully you'll humour me!
I have these models
Employee - with id, first_name, last_name
Shift Type - with id, shift_name
Date Indices - with id, date
Locations - with id, location
Allocated shifts - with employee_id, shift_type_id, date_index_id, location_id
Now I can write queries that show me allocated shifts and join with locations, names etc. but what I was is to be able to produce a table that takes dates as columns and employees as rows to produce a roster like such
|employee|date 1 |date 2 | date 3 |
|'dave' |early shift|late shift |day off |
|'martha'|day off |early shift|early shift|
I'm sure I'm just pretty dumb, but how can I create these 'virtual' columns and link them to the employee?
You are looking for a "pivot" or "crosstab" query. Postgres has the additional module tablefunc for that. More info in this related answer:
PostgreSQL Crosstab Query
And many links to similar questions on SO from there.
In my ETL process I am using Change Data Capture (CDC) to discover only rows that have been changed in the source tables since the last extraction. Then I do the transformation only for this rows. The problem is when I have for example 2 tables which I want to join into one dimension, and only one of them has changed. For example I have table Countries and Towns as following:
ID Name
1 France
ID Name Country_ID
1 Lyon 1
Now lets say a new row is added to Towns table:
ID Name Country_ID
1 Lyon 1
2 Paris 2
The Countries table has not been changed, so CDC for these tables shows me only the row from Towns table. The problem is when I do the join between Countries and Towns, there is no row in Countries change set, so the join will result in empty set.
Do you have an idea how to solve it? Of course there might be more difficult cases, involving 3 and more tables, and consequential joins.
This is a typical problem found when doing Realtime Change-Data-Capture, or even Incremental-only daily changes.
There's multiple ways to solve this.
One way would be to do your joins on the natural keys in the dimension or mapping table, to get the associated country (SELECT distinct country_name, [..other attributes..] from dim_table where country_id = X).
Another alternative would be to do the join as part of the change capture process - when a row is loaded to towns, a trigger goes off that loads the foreign key values into the associated staging tables (country, etc).
There is allot i could babble on for more information on but i will be specific to what is in your question. I would suggest the following to get the results...
1st Pass is where everything matches via the join...
Union All
2nd Pass Gets all towns where there isn't a country
(left outer join with a where condition that
requires the ID in the countries table to be null/missing).
You would default the Country ID value in that unmatched join to something designated as a "Unmatched Value" typically 0 or -1 is used or a series of standard -negative numbers that you could assign descriptions to later to identify why data is bad for your example -1 could be "Found Town Without Country".
We're having a small issue and could use some help - we have the need to combine multiple resultsets from one stored procedure into one resultset (the limitation of our Java reporting framework). We've looked at Union, etc. but the problem is that the stored procedure resultsets are multiple crosstab results and the (1) number of columns for each resultset are unknown and (2) the column names for each resultset are unknown.
Basically, if the sp_ has 3 results like:
ID Name
1 Sam
2 Time
ID FName LName
1 John Jacob
2 Tim Test
3 Sam Hopkins
ID Amount
1 1000
2 5000
The ideal result would basically return the above text as-is which our framework would print to the user. Also please note that these 3-4 resultsets are not related to each other.
We're using SQL Server 2000 and Java 1.4.
Any advice would be appreciated.
PS: An alternative explaination in case the one above is not very clear.
In SQL Query Analyzer if we have 3 select statements:
select * from countries; {returns id,countryname,countrycode}
select * from people; {id,countryname,countrycode}
select * from balance; {id,countryname,countrycode}
Then the results are displayed in three separate resultset boxes. We need to these resultsets to be returned as one resultset by the stored procedure (while not knowing the number/name of the columns due to the crosstab-ing taking place).
Your question does not specify which database vendor, or which client application framework you are using, but most databases with stored procs have the capability to return multiple resultsets, and the few client frameworks I am familiar with (VB6, C++, .Net, etc.) all have the capability to retrieve these multiple resultsets from a single database access and manipulate them to do just about whatewver you might want...
based on your comment, if your reporting framework can be hard coded to generate the column headings (firstName, lastName, amount, etc) without getting these strings from the database, then you could do this:
Select ID, Name as value1, null as value2
From TableA
Select ID, FName as value1, LName as value2
From TableB
Select ID, Cast(Amount as VarChar(20)) as value1, null as value2
From TableC
The key is that the number of columns returned by each select must be the same (3 in this example) and their names (aliases) and datatypes must be the same as well...
if the ids from the different tables are related, then your t-SQL should be left joins.