Why is there no animation while rotating disclosure button? - uitableview

My button rotates upon clicks in an animated way by using UIView's animateWithDuration:animations:, however the button is not animating.
I'm trying to reimplement UITableView's disclosure indicator. I am making my own because UITableView's is not flexible enough. For example, I would like mine to be on the left, but this is not possible.
My disclosure button subclass almost works. It rotates correctly, but when it rotates there is no animation. It should goes from the non rotated to rotated; there is no animation in between.
#define DegreesToRadians(x) ((x) * M_PI / 180.0)
- (void)rotateToOpenPosition {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
[self setTransform: CGAffineTransformMakeRotation((CGFloat)DegreesToRadians(90))];
- (void)rotateToClosedPosition {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
[self setTransform: CGAffineTransformMakeRotation((CGFloat)DegreesToRadians(0))];
I'm also using Auto Layout in the nib that contain the UITableViewCell the disclosure button is in.
This might be related to the problem. Here are the constraints:
EDIT: This is most likely not the problem, as I tried removing auto layout from the same nib, and the problem still occurs.
Why is it not rotating, and how can I fix it?

I was calling [tableView reloadData] right after I called the methods to start animating the button.


Stop a UITableView from automatically scrolling

I have a UITableView that I'm autoscrolling with setContentOffset. Like so:
CGFloat point = self.table.tblMinutes.contentSize.height - self.table.tblMinutes.bounds.size.height;
[self.table.tblMinutes setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, point) animated:false];
[self.table.tblMinutes layoutIfNeeded];
[UIView animateWithDuration:20.0 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear animations:^{
[self.table.tblMinutes setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, point - 500) animated:false];
} completion:nil];
What I want to achieve is for the scrolling to smoothly slow down and stop. I haven't been able to achieve that.
Calling [self.table.tblMinutes.layer removeAllAnimations] stops the animation, but moves the contentOffset for some reason, not achieving what I want.
I tried using the UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState option in a animation but that did nothing.
Any suggestions?
This is a subset of the classic problem of interrupting an existing animation and replacing it with a different animation.
The problem here is that if you merely remove the existing animation, you will jump to the end of that animation.
The solution to that is to consult the presentation layer and set the layer to that position before removing the existing animation. Now you are starting from midstream and can apply another animation.
Take a look at Kyle Truscott's excellent blog post about this for UIScrollView. UITableView inherits from UIScrollView, so in theory, it should work.

prevent to view appear with animmation

I have a problem that my custom navigation bar appears for the first time with animation. I think it happens because I use auto-layout and it animates it self into the state of landscape or portrait. But I want to have a functionality, that after first time I enter the screen everything is still, and where it belongs. and after that if I turn the screen or if I do something all the animations appears like now.
Is there a good think to omit the first animations when the view creates itself?
The animations are : labels floating from left to right. and 1 label appears as from 0px width and height it scales into 100% width and height
[self.navigationController.navigationBar addSubview:self.topBar];
self.topbar is UIView. I have added it to block [UIView performWithoutAnimation:^{ }]; but it does not helps, everytime the view appears for the first time I have my labels floating from left to right.
The answer is that I used some methods [self layoutIfNeeded]; After setting the constraint. The solution is to have a method set like this:
- (void) yourAnimation:(BOOL)animated{
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
//your animated code
//[self layoutIfNeeded];
[UIView performWithoutAnimation:^{
//your stuff without animation

How to create an animation like in Facebook Pages top menu?

In facebook'a new app, Pages, when you swipe down the menu appears at the top. The animation I am trying to do is the animation when you tap the settings button which is when each cell moves to the left one at a time, but very smoothly. How can I achieve such an animation without using Facebook's pop engine in Objective C ?
Bear in mind that each cell is probably a custom subclass of UIView (i.e. not UITableViewCell or other apple class) so you will have to design your UI carefully.
The animation, however, is easily achievable using the UIView class. Apple's documentation is a good place to start to learn about animation.
What you want is something like:
NSTimeInterval delay = 0.2;
for (UIView *myView in myViewArray) {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 delay:delay options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut animations:^{
* This is where you set the properties you want to animate.
* If you're using AutoLayout (i.e. NSLayoutConstraint) you need to set the constant property of the relevant constraint, not the view's frame property.
} completion:nil];
delay += 0.2;
This will provide you with animations that occur one after the other (0.2 seconds apart).

How can I make a table view appear when a button is pressed/tapped?

I am trying to make a UITableView appear when a user taps on a button and disappear when the button is re-tapped.
I implemented the following code but nothing seems to appear when I tap the button.
- (IBAction)dropDown:(UIButton *)sender
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.6];
CGAffineTransform transfrom = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, 200);
self.markersTableView.transform = transfrom;
self.markersTableView.alpha = self.markersTableView.alpha * (-1) + 1;
[UIView commitAnimations];
What may potentially be the issue?
I was able to make the UITableView appear and disappear by adding self.markersTableView.hidden = YES; in viewDidLoad() and self.markersTableView.hidden = NO; in the IBAction method.
However, the table view disappears when I initially tap on the button as shown in the screenshot:
The fading of the rows is an indication it is moving down the screen, and then it disappears.
It only reappears when I re-tap on the UIButton the 2nd time.
Any clues?
Don't use a transform on your table view. That will make it LOOK like it's in a different position, but it won't respond to taps correctly.
Instead, use the newer UIView block-based animation methods and change the view's center.
The code might look like this (if you're NOT using auto-layout)
[UIView AnimateWithDuration: .2
animations: ^
CGPoint center = self.markersTableView.center;
center.y += 200;
self.markersTableView.center = center;
If you're using auto-layout, though, that won't work and you will need to animate the view's position using constraints.
From memory, here's an outline of how to do auto-layout based animations: You would create a vertical position constraint on your table view and connect the constraint to an IBOutlet in your view controller. In your animation code you change the constant of the constraint (the vertical position) and then in the animation block, send the view a needsLayout message.

UIView animation while scrolling a table

I have a UITableView in an iPad, and its right half side is covered with a view.
What I want is: when the user scroll the UITableView, I want the covering view to slide (with an animation) to the right until its origin.x is at the end of the right side of the table, so the UITableView is clear to see (just like in the Twitter app for iPad).
The problem is: You can scroll the UITableView and animate a view at the same time. When I start scrolling, I use didStartDraging and even DidScroll to create a [UIView animate...] method, but this method stuck my scrolling.
I tired with block animation. I tried with Gestures. I tried with CABasicAnimation, and it goes quite OK, but somehow all the UISubview "Touch area" in my sliding view stay at the old place (what I mean is that the view gets its new frame, but I can scroll a UIScrollView, which is a UISubview of my view, even when my finger is out of the superviews frame S-:, even that there is no view at that point on screen.)
Any thoughts how can I make the animation without damaging the scroll of the table? (and I heard about the timer in the K and the runloop common modes. Not so helping)
scrollview Delegate methods will be invoked for tableView also ............
you can use following code it worked for me and hope will work for you also.......
-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
[scrollView setFrame:CGRectMake(50, scrollView.frame.origin.y, scrollView.frame.size.width, scrollView.frame.size.height)];
-(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
[scrollView setFrame:CGRectMake(100, scrollView.frame.origin.y, scrollView.frame.size.width, scrollView.frame.size.height)];
set x position of scrollView(tableView) as your requirement......
Have a happy coding....
