Multiple html pages using Intel App Framework - appframework

So I have an app that I am trying to strip out all of the JQuery Mobile and now use Intel's App Framework. I am having trouble figuring out how to integrate multiple html pages into the app so that I don't have to have all my code in a single file. I tried this:
but that doesn't seem to work. I get a 'loading content' spinner but nothing seems to happen.
How do I link pages together from different files?

Ok so I have figured it out. The documentation can sometimes be hard to search and there is no search box available on their website right now. But if you go to the quickstart and then then AFUI(on the left) and then panel properties they say:
data-defer="filename.html" - This will load content into the panel
from a remote page/url. This is useful for separating out content into
different files. af.ui.ready is not available until all files are
loaded asynchronously.
So in my index.html file I have something like this:
<div id="afui">
<ul class="list">
<li>Post a Lunch</li>
<li>Personal Profile</li>
<li>Select University</li>
<!--Main View Pages-->
<div class="panel" title="Events" id="event-list_panel" data-defer="event-list.html" data-load="loadMainEventsList"> </div>
<div class="panel" title="Description" id="description_panel" data-defer="description.html" data-load="loadEventDetails"> </div>
<div class="panel" title="Select University" id="select-university_panel" data-defer="select-university.html"> </div>
</div> <!--id="afui"-->
and then I have the details of each page in seperate files. In my mind this does a literal copy/paste, and I haven't found any evidences yet that it isn't just a copy/paste.
in AF3 data-defer is now data-include


Foundation top-bar breaks when loading another page

I am currently building a small website using ruby on rails and foundation as the css framework. I implemented a top bar for navigation with 2 items being nested drop downs.
Here is the code of the top-bar that is inside my layout/application.html.erb:
<div class="top-bar">
<div class="top-bar-left">
<ul class="dropdown menu" data-dropdown-menu>
<li class="menu-text">Logo</li>
<ul class="menu">
<li>Infected items</li>
<li>Detective items</li>
<ul class="menu">
<li>Beginner tutorial</li>
<li>Mod rules</li>
<li>Strategy guide</li>
<li>How to be a good detective?</li>
As shown in the following picture:
The code behaves as intended until I open the statistics page right next to home, as shown in this one:
If I enter the stats page manually, I get no problems until I switch back to home. This happens anytime I click a link of the top bar that is not the same page that I currently am at.
I currently have no custom javascript or jQuery listeners implemented at all and I'm using a fresh foundation installation using foundation-rails.
Why is this happening and how can I solve it? Is it related to rails?
Thank you
This was due to a conflict between foundation and turbolinks.
For anyone running into this kind of apparently random issues, I solved this by following the approach suggested here:

Delaying load of page contents until menu item clicked in a multi-page template

I'm not sure I understand what's possible with multi-page templates in JQM so I need a bit of help. I'm using version 1.4.5.
Let's say my app has only two pages (Page A and B) generated by a multi-page template. It takes the server several seconds to generate each page because they require many database calls and data processing. Currently, this multi-page template is generated by a single script on the server,
Both pages are accessed by the user through a navbar. Page A is the first page in the template so it's visible to the user first.
To speed up the app, I want the HTML for Page B to get generated and fetched from the server only after the user taps the navbar menu item for Page B.
After Page B loads, the user should now be able to switch between pages instantly since the content for both pages are loaded into the DOM.
What is the proper way of accomplishing this desired result?
Do I tie the navbar tap on Page B to an ajax call and inject the server response into Page B? This seems kludgy.
I'm thinking I'm missing something fundamental about JQM but I'm not sure what. Can someone help?
<!-- PAGE A -->
output <div data-role="page" id="page_a">
output <div data-role="navbar">
output <ul><li>Page A</li>Page B<li></ul>
output </div>
output <div role="main" class="ui-content">
output </div>
output </div>
<!-- PAGE B -->
output <div data-role="page" id="page_b">
output <div data-role="navbar">
output <ul><li>Page A</li>Page B<li></ul>
output </div>
output <div role="main" class="ui-content">
output </div>
output </div>
For your architecture the best approach is single page template but you can use the pagecontainer API to load any page programmatically.
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("load", "about.html", { role: "dialog" });
Check the jQM docs for more information.

jQuery Mobile: about the page container ($.mobile.pageContainer)

$.mobile.pageContainer refers to the element that contains other virtual pages. It is set to <body>. So I assume that it can be changed. Indeed, some JQM methods (changePage) lets you specify non-default page container for a page. The JQM docs are lacking the necessary details. So my questions are:
Can you change the default page container in markup/code? How?
What are the reasons to have a page container other than <body>?
Does it mean that there can be multiple page containers with some "pages" residing in one page container and other "pages" residing in other containers? Why would you want to do this?
1 You can place your page divs within a container element in markup.
2 I use ASP.Net Webforms which requires a FORM element, so sometimes I add my jQM pages to a top level FORM instead of the body allowing me to use ASP.Net controls within my separate pages while sharing the same FORM element.
3 I think you need to keep all pages within the same container, otherwise links between pages break. Here is a jsFiddle with 2 pages in a container linking to eachother. Try putting them in separate containers and you will see the linking stop working.
<div id="PageContainer1">
<div data-role="page" id="page1">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>My page 1</h1>
<div data-role="content"> Go to Page 2
<!-- insert separate container here
<div id="PageContainer2">
<div data-role="page" id="page2" data-theme="a">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>My page 2</h1>
<div data-role="content"> Go to Page 1
UPDATE: As pointed out in the comments, you can certainly navigate to pages in other containers via changePage, just the standard href="#page2" links break.
$.mobile.changePage("#page2", {"pageContainer": $("#Container2")});
I am not sure of a use case for having separate containers, perhaps code organization?

How can I load a div in rails in response to clicks on another div?

I'm very new to Rails (and web) programming, so I'm not even sure what technology I should be looking for for this.
I've downloaded and run through the first five chapters of the Rails tutorial, but now have a very simple request.
On the left hand side of a web page, I will have a table. If the user clicks on an element in that table, I want to have the right hand side of the page show something new.
I already have a page to display the table, viz:
<div class="center hero-unit">
<div class="container">
<h2>2012 Yearly Report</h2>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div class="span4">
<table border="1">
<div class="span6">
<!-- load stuff here based on what someone clicks on in the table -->
And I'm using bootstrap layouts to display everything. I just don't understand how to change the contents of the 'span6' div based on user behavior in 'span4'.
This is a difficult question to answer. It really depends on what kind of data you're trying to display and what sort of interactivity you're looking for.
You don't really provide much information about what you're trying to accomplish, but if I had to guess, you're trying to load data from your database and insert it into an element without leaving the current page. This is what AJAX is for (your tutorial goes into it a bit in chapter 11) and involves a good deal of javascript, which is generally beyond the scope of a server side language like Ruby. Luckily, rails includes helpers for making it easy to include AJAX features into your web application without having to write a lot of javascript (although you'll have to write some).
As an example, suppose your table has a list of articles, and you want to display the contents of an article in a div when its link is clicked on.
First the link:
<%= link_to, article_url(article), :remote => true %>
The remote option tells Rails that it's an AJAX link.
Next, you need to render a javascript template for your article's show action. You'll name it show.js.erb.
Supposing the div you want the data to be loaded into looks like this,
<div id='article-content'></div>
you'll want your show.js.erb to contain the following:
$('#article-content').html("<%=javascript_escape #article.content %>");
This javascript (with embedded ruby) code will be evaluated when one of your remote links is clicked and will replace the content of your div with the article's content.
There is plenty of resources online to give you more information. It looks like railscasts just released an episode on this topic just a week ago. It requires a subscription to view, but is well worth it (especially if you're just starting out).

many little partials take up lot's of time to render, why, and how can I speed this up?

I have some 'boxes' that use a javascript scrolling library to display content. The box contains 4 visible content nuggets like this:
<div class="item nugget lesson">
<a href="/en/dance_genres/22-authentic-jazz" title="Details and Information for 'Authentic Jazz'">
Authentic Jazz
<div class="thumb">
<a href="/en/dance_genres/22-authentic-jazz" title="Details and Information for 'Authentic Jazz'">
<img alt="22" src="">
History: Grounded in vintage videos, the modern revival of ...
<a href="/en/dance_genres/22-authentic-jazz" title="Details and Information for 'Authentic Jazz'">
<img alt="Lesson_view" src="/images/objects/lesson_view.png?1276105734">
When I render more than 50 of these partials, rails rendering load time is noticeable slow (over 2 seconds). I've optimized the sh*% out of my db queries and even added counter_cache fields, so that is not the slowdown.
I'm not talking about load in the browser, but rails processing time.
Please see load times here:
Is this normal?
This is normal. You can try rendering a collection, for a bit of a performance gain. (Or cache.)
