Adobe DTM header for a library download - adobe-analytics

Background: My company is starting a proof of concept for adobe DTM and I am starting to familiarize myself with it. We have many different domains and many different internal sections that all may want to use different libraries on different pages. We are using the library download setup in DTM. I've watched a lot of the tutorials the tool and have read all of the documentation that I could find on the headers.
Issue: I believe that the libraries are all created with the DTM tool. For instance, if we create a rule, or add 3rd party javascript to DTM, then that would be placed in the library. Because of the way that the team has generally thought about js libraries before, where we upload them ourselves, most of the team believes that we can physically place the 3rd party js libraries in the location designated by the header and that we can reference them with an include() call in the Javascript/Third Party Tags section of a rule. I don't believe this is possible. Is there anyone who can shed some light on this?
Thanks for your time,

(I already answered this at the Adobe Forums, but I thought I would include the reply here for others looking at stack exchange)
I could be wrong in my assumptions, but I have always understood this method as a way to simply host DTM functionality on your own servers for downtime/uptime/SLA reasons. :) Meaning, you would want to go with this option simply because you need to ensure that DTM embed urls/scripts never ever go down and that they are lightning fast and never give you issues. :) You would then use the script loading capabilities by configuring the DTM UI to load the 3rd party scripts or custom built scripts through rules. You would load them either on pageLoad top or bottom, domReady, or onLoad. There is more documentation on this option here and some reasons why you would use that option:
However, you can also include these scrips just like you would with any other javascript reference like you mentioned above. The trick would be just figuring out the url to include as your src attribute. DTM itself has an API that you can use to load scripts, and it also includes a "settings" property and "configurationSettings" property that you can use to find a lot of those scripts that you are interested in loading. See all _satellite object documentation here:
In more detail, you could do something like this to get your script path dynamically after DTM embed scripts have loaded:
var scriptSrc = "//" + _satellite.settings.scriptDir + "scriptSrc.js";
Then you could use this function on the _satellite object to load the script you are interested in:
_satellite.loadScript: function (url, callback)
url: the URL of the script
callback(optional): the function to be called after the script has loaded.
DESCRIPTION: Load an external script.


How to properly format an image url in a Vue.js single-file-component?

After about a week of tinkering, I have managed to introduce webpack and Vue.js single file components into my existing Orchard (ASP.NET) module.
Now I've unexpectedly hit a snag, and for the life of me, I'm stumped. I have several image resources that are part of my custom Orchard theme, which is a separate module (*.csproj) within my Orchard solution.
So (at the risk of demonstrating my woefully inadequate understanding of URL concatenation in web projects) I innocently add this line to my Vue.js single file component:
<img src="~/Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png">
Now when webpack tries to process this and bundle my component I get this error:
Can't resolve 'Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png' in 'redacted' C:\Projects\Orchard\Modules\redacted\Module not found
This kind of makes sense, because the layout of my projects and resources locally and the layout after deployment to Azure obviously differ.
So what is the right way to specify the url for my image as it will exist at runtime on the server, without specifically testing for it's existence when transpiling with webpack?
I'm not going to accept this as the answer, in case someone can offer something better, but after some tinkering I was able to solve my problem by using this:
<img :src="theimage" />
and adding a computed property like this:
computed: {
theimage: function () {
return '/Themes/MyOrchardTheme.Theme/Images/AnImage.png';
This will bypass the Webpack transpiler (or vue-loader or whatever) check to make sure the resource can be located and has the added benefit that I can programmatically control the image displayed, which (although not mentioned) is ultimately what I wanted to do (code not shown). I was expecting to use v-if or v-show with multiple image tags, but using a computed property killed two birds with one stone.
Thanks to everyone who provided feedback. - I have a great deal to learn!

VSCode extension IPC with UI inside HTML preview

I wish to develop a unit test runner extension for VSCode. The extension should display discovered tests grouped into expandable hierarchy, annotate run status, display output and errors for each test, provide run/debug commands on different levels, and of course the red/green bar.
Roughly spearating this into "model" and "view", I plan to implement the model in the extension process, and I plan to implement the view as HTML preview based on a TextDocumentContentProvider. (Is there a better approach?)
Now, the model and the view should communicate with each other. I want to implement the view as a single-page application. The view will send commands to the model, and the model will send events to the view (or the view will poll the model for events). The view will update itself according to received events.
My question is, what communication technique should I use? Can HTML page inside the HTML preview access VSCode/Atom/Electron/Node APIs? Can I share object instances, or do some lightweight IPC? By far I didn't figure out.
I've found that I can invoke VSCode commands or refresh the entire page, when the user clicks a link with href set to specific scheme (command:// or the one I registered for my TextDocumentContentProvider).
I do succeed to open an HTTP listener (http.createServer) in the extension process, and communicate through XMLHttpRequest on the HTML preview side. But it looks to me like a heavy overkill.
I wonder if there are more appropriate ways to do this?
Almenon is referring to the currently proposed Webview API that was released in version 1.21 (Feb 2018). For the time being, this appears to be a much better approach for HTML previews. But in order to use the API, there are special instructions. From the release notes:
These APIs are still proposed, so in order to use it, you must opt into it by adding a "enableProposedApi": true to package.json and you'll have to copy the vscode.proposed.d.ts into your extension project.
What isn't clarified (and probably should be) is how to add the downloaded declaration file to a project. One way to do it is place the file in $/node_modules/vscode, next to vscode.d.ts, which is generated during postinstall. Then add the following line to the top of vscode.d.ts:
/// <reference path="vscode.proposed.d.ts" />
That will link the type declaration files. To make this part of the installation process, write a build task to do it and then call it in the vscode:postinstall script in package.json.
VSCode has a new API that makes this easier.
You can find the new API here
To try the new API:
Add "enableProposedApi": true to your package.json
Manually download vscode.proposed.d.ts and add it to your project:
Run your extension with the latest VS Code insiders build

Awesome desktop manager widgets

I came upon this problem before, but only now it really renders awesome desktop manager useless.
I was searching how to connect to Wifi with awesome. Found Gigamo Wifi Widget. Cool, how do I eat it?
The awesome wiki entry on widgets does not really answer this question.
I know my question is very stupid and the answer is somewhere in the documentation but I have no idea how to read it. How and where do I add widgets I find on the Net to my awesome lua files?
when searching where is the rc.lua file henfiber mentioned, I came upon Archlinux wiki on Awesome, which put most important things in one page.
You can always use NetworkManager which is available for installation in most official repos. It contains an applet which creates an icon at your system tray. You can launch the applet at start-up, placing this line in your rc.lua file:
or you can start it manually from your terminal, writing:
$ nm-applet &
Then you can left-click at the NetworkManager Applet icon at the system tray and select from the list of available wifi access points. Additionally, the Network manager applet allows you to perform more advanced functions, like connecting to VPN.
Also, it is quite easy to use 3rd-party widgets you find in the wiki or in github. It requires these steps:
Download the widget .lua file - let's say it is called
move it in ~/.config/awesome/ so it is :
An alternative is to use the structure
it is better when your widget requires more than one files.
Load the widget at the top of your rc.lua file:
cool_widget = require("cool_widget")
Add the widget in a wibox (toolbar) in the same way you add built-in

Why is WSCript object not known to my script that's controlled by a custom IScriptControl?

I am using someone else's library that provides its own scripting host instance, it appears.
This lib provides me with functions to define the type of scripting language such as "jscript" and "vbscript", and I can supply it with script code and have that executed, with passing arguments in and back. So, basically, it works.
However, when I try to access the "WScript" object, I get an exception saying that this keyword is undefined.
The developer, not knowing much about this either (he only made this lib for me because I do not want to deal with Windows SDKs right now), told me that he is using "IScriptControl" for this.
Oh, and the lib also provides flags to allow "only safe subset" and "allow UI", which I set to false and true, respectively.
Does that ring a bell with anyone? Do a user of IScriptControl have to take extra steps in order to make a WScript object available? Or, can he use IScriptControl in a way that this is supplied automatically, just as when running the same script from wscript.exe?
Basically, all I need is the WScript.CreateObject function in order to access another app's API via COM.
I don't know why WScript is not known, but I suspect it is because the script host doesn't provide it. Maybe only wscript.exe does this.
If you are using Javascript, to create an object you can use new ActiveXObject(). If you are using VBScript, you can just use CreateObject.
See this article for some background.

Firefox extension: Embed javascript in a webpage

I want to insert some script into every page, which have some functions that will be called by the modified HTML of that page, using a Firefox extension. I am able to insert the JavaScript into the head of the HTML, and also modify the page, but the java script functions are not called by the onmouseover event.
Does someone has any pointer on how to do that, using java script in local extension or as a online resource.
No GreaseMonkey, I need to do it with my plugin and not ask user to install greasemonkey, my plugin and the scripts.
Greasemonkey does this. It's excellent!
Make a Greasemonkey script. See for lots of example ones to work off.
Why not use Greasemonkey? It allows you to execute javascript on any page on Firefox, and if executing the code you enter isn't good enough you could dynamically add links to the head, too.
you can modify the DOM using Firebug. I am not sure if you can load files locally.. sounds malicious. Also, you can just run arbitrary javascript commands in the Firebug console (a la python/ruby console)
There are some Greasemonkey-to-extension "compilers" (or extension-wrappers) out there:
Arantius's GM compiler
Gina Trapani's multiple-GM-script compiler
I've used the first one with extensive internal tweaking over time. However, I don't believe the compiler is actively maintained (default max-version is only 3.0), so may not be up-to-date with the latest GreaseMonkey, or FireFox.
I think Gina Trapani's is more designed for multiple scripts targetting the same domain, but I haven't used it.
Neither of these is a "GreaseMonkey solution" per se, as the end-user never has to install GreaseMonkey. They get a real-live FireFox extension. The core is very similar to GM, but you can change or add as much as you like.
