I'm trying to draw a chevron shape inside my UIView subclass. The chevron appears, but the line cap style and line join styles that I'm applying aren't being reflected in the output.
- (UIBezierPath *)chevron:(CGRect)frame
UIBezierPath* bezierPath = [[UIBezierPath alloc]init];
[bezierPath setLineJoinStyle:kCGLineJoinRound];
[bezierPath setLineCapStyle:kCGLineCapRound];
[bezierPath moveToPoint:CGPointMake(CGRectGetMinX(frame), CGRectGetMaxY(frame))];
[bezierPath addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(frame), CGRectGetMaxY(frame) * 0.5)];
[bezierPath addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(CGRectGetMinX(frame), CGRectGetMinY(frame))];
return bezierPath;
[self.color setStroke];
UIBezierPath *chevronPath = [self chevron:rect];
[chevronPath setLineWidth:self.strokeWidth];
[chevronPath stroke];
According to Apple's docs, they say that "After configuring the geometry and attributes of a Bezier path, you draw the path in the current graphics context using the stroke and fill methods" but that isn't working here —-- I've tried moving the setLineJoinStyle and setLineCapStyle statements around (e.g., after adding LineToPoint, inside drawRect) and it seems like no matter how many times I call them it isn't working. Any ideas what's going wrong?
Your code is applying those styles, you just can't see them because your chevron is being drawn all the way to the edge of your view then getting clipped. To see the ends of your chevron, change your call to the chevron method to this,
UIBezierPath *chevronPath = [self chevron:CGRectInset(rect, 10, 10)];
Whether 10 points is enough of an inset will depend on how wide your line is, so you may need to increase that.
I want to make custom drawing so that i could convert it to image.
i have heard of UIBezierPath but donot know much about it, my purpose is to change color of it on basis of user's selection of color.
Create a CGGraphcisContext and get an image like this:
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(bounds.size, NO , [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]);
// set the fill color (UIColor *)
[userSelectedColor setFill];
//create your path
UIBezierPath *path = ...
//fill the path with your color
[path fill];
UIImage *outputImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
You might have to combine multiple paths to get your desired shape. First create the 'drop' with bezier paths. The path might look something like this:
//Create the top half of the circle
UIBezierPath *drop = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithArcCenter:CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth(bounds)*0.5f, CGRectGetWidth(bounds)*0.5f)
//Add the first half of the bottom part
[drop addCurveToPoint:CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth(bounds)*0.5f,CGRectGetHeight(bounds))
//Add the second half of the bottom part beginning from the sharp corner
[drop addCurveToPoint:CGPointMake(0,CGRectGetWidth(bounds)*0.5f)
[drop closePath];
Not entirely sure if this works since I couldn't test it right now. You might have to play with the controls points a bit. It could be that I made some error with the orientation.
In iOS 9 Apple introduced the collisionBoundsType to UIKit-Dynamics.
I have no issue when setting this UIDynamicItemCollisionBoundsTypeRectangle or when I set this to UIDynamicItemCollisionBoundsTypeEllipse.
The screenshot below is from a game I am making where the collisionBoundsType of the player is set to rectangle and the ball is set to ellipse:
However, when I set the player's collisionBoundsType to path I get weird behavior as seen here:
The view appears higher than it should and the collision body is to the right of where it should be.
Currently I have collisionBoundingPath set to this:
- (UIBezierPath *)collisionBoundingPath
maskPath = [[UIBezierPath alloc] init];
[maskPath addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(SLIME_SIZE, SLIME_SIZE) radius:SLIME_SIZE startAngle:0*M_PI endAngle:M_PI clockwise:NO];
return maskPath;
Additionally, my drawRect function looks like this:
- (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect
if (!_color){
[self returnDefualtColor];
if (!maskPath) maskPath = [[UIBezierPath alloc] init];
[maskPath addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(SLIME_SIZE, SLIME_SIZE) radius:SLIME_SIZE startAngle:0*M_PI endAngle:M_PI clockwise:NO];
[_color setFill];
[maskPath fill];
Why is this happening? How do I set the path of the collision body to be the same as the drawing in the view?
Additionally, the red is just the background of the view (i.e. view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];).
From the documentation on the UIDynamicItem here, the following statement about the coordinate system for paths seems to represent what is wrong:
The path object you create must represent a convex polygon with
counter-clockwise or clockwise winding, and the path must not
intersect itself. The (0, 0) point of the path must be located at the
center point of the corresponding dynamic item. If the center point
does not match the path’s origin, collision behaviors may not work as
Here it states that the (0,0) for the path MUST be the center point.
I would think that the center of your arc path should be (0,0) and not (SLIME_SIZE/2,SLIME_SIZE/2). Have you perhaps set the width and height of the UIView frame to SLIME_SIZE rather than SLIME_SIZE*2?
SLIME_SIZE really seems to define the radius, so the frame width should be SLIME_SIZE*2. If it is set as SLIME_SIZE, then that would explain why you need to translate by SLIME_SIZE/2 as a correction.
I was able to answer this by changing:
- (UIBezierPath *)collisionBoundingPath
maskPath = [[UIBezierPath alloc] init];
[maskPath addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(SLIME_SIZE, SLIME_SIZE) radius:SLIME_SIZE startAngle:0*M_PI endAngle:M_PI clockwise:NO];
return maskPath;
- (UIBezierPath *)collisionBoundingPath
maskPath = [[UIBezierPath alloc] init];
[maskPath addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(SLIME_SIZE / 2, SLIME_SIZE / 2) radius:SLIME_SIZE startAngle:0*M_PI endAngle:M_PI clockwise:NO];
return maskPath;
The key difference is that I modified the center of the arc by dividing the x and y values by 2.
Debugging physics is a thing. It's probably not something that iOS users have tended to think a lot about as they've generally done very simple things with UIKit Dynamics. This is a bit of a shame, as it's one of the best aspects of the recent editions of iOS, and offers a truly fun way to make compelling user experiences.
So... how to debug physics?
One way is to mentally imagine what's going on, and then correlate that with what's going on, and find the dissonance between the imagined and the real, and then problem solve via a blend of processes of elimination, mental or real trial & error and deduction, until the problem is determined and solved.
Another is to have a visual depiction of all that's created and interacting presenting sufficient feedback to more rapidly determine the nature and extents of elements, their relationships and incidents/events, and resolve issues with literal sight.
To this end, various visual debuggers and builders of physics simulations have been created since their introduction.
Unfortunately iOS does not have such a screen based editor or "scene editor" for UIKit Dynamics, and what is available for this sort of visual debugging in Sprite Kit and Scene Kit is rudimentary, at best.
However there's CALayers, which are present in all UIKit Views, into which CAShapeLayers can be manually created and drawn to accurately represent any and all physical elements, their bounds and their anchors and relationships.
CAShapeLayers are a "container" for CGPaths, and can have different colours for outline and fill, and more than one CGPath element within a single CAShapeLayer.
And, to quote the great Rob:
"If you add a CAShapeLayer as a layer to a view, you don't have to
implement any drawing code yourself. Just add the CAShapeLayer and
you're done. You can even later change the path, for example, and it
will automatically redraw it for you. CAShapeLayer gets you out of the
weeds of writing your own drawRect or drawLayer routines."
If you have an enormous number of interacting elements and want to debug them, CAShapeLayer's performance issues might come into play, at which point you can use shouldRasterize to convert each to a bitmap, and get a significant performance improvement when hitting limits created by the "dynamic" capabilities of CAShapeLayers.
Further, for representing things like constraints and joints, there's a simple process of created dashed lines on CAShapeLayers, by simply setting properties. Here's the basics of setting up a CAShapeLayer's properties, and the way to use an array to create a 5-5-5 dashed outline with a block stroke, width of 3, no fill.
CAShapeLayer *shapeLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
[shapeLayer setBounds:self.bounds];
[shapeLayer setPosition:self.center];
[shapeLayer setFillColor:[[UIColor clearColor] CGColor]];
[shapeLayer setStrokeColor:[[UIColor blackColor] CGColor]];
[shapeLayer setLineWidth:3.0f];
[shapeLayer setLineJoin:kCALineJoinRound];
[shapeLayer setLineDashPattern:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:10],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:5],nil]];
This question is for the iOS development platform.
I am looking for something that will have some text on it and will recognize taps. Once tapped, it will do some stuff and change the text on itself. (It will be a part of a game like app).
At first I considered using a UIButton with a custom image. But on trying to change the text on it, I realized that it is read-only.
Then I considered using a UILabel, but it didn't suit my use as, at a later stage, I would like to make the View have a custom shape with an outline.
Right now, I am considering adding a generic UIView and add a Label as a subView to it. (Can I give the UIView a custom shape?)
Please can someone point out a better solution or if I am wrong above.
For creating custom shaped objects use UIbezierPath. Through UIbezierPath we can create custom shaped UIViews. Touch inside those views can handle adding gestures to that views.
UIBezierPath* path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(view.frame.size.width, 0)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(view.frame.size.width, [self headerBackGroundView].frame.size.height)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)];
[path setLineWidth:1.0];
[[UIColor lightGrayColor] setStroke];
[path stroke];
As Desdenova said, his solution worked for me.
UIButton's title isn't read only. You can use setTitle:forState: method.
I want to achieve the shape shown in image using UIBezier Path, and too the shape is filled with blocks in image it shows one block is filled, how to achieve this.
I have tried the following code taken from here
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:CGPointMake(0, 10)];
[path addQuadCurveToPoint:CGPointMake(200, 10) controlPoint:CGPointMake(100, 5)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(200, 0)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
[path closePath];
It looks to me like both the outline and also each block has the same shape. What you would probably do is to make one shape for the outline, and stroke it, and one shape for each cell and fill it.
Creating the shape
Each shape could be created something like this (as I've previously explained in this answer). It's done by stroking one path (the orange arc) which is a simple arc from one angle to another to get another path (the dashed outline)
Before we can stroke the path we to create it. CGPath's work just like UIBezierPath but with a C API. First we move to the start point, then we add an arc around the center from the one angle to another angle.
CGMutablePathRef arc = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(arc, NULL,
startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
CGPathAddArc(arc, NULL,
centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y,
Now that we have the centered arc, we can create one shape path by stroking it with a certain width. The resulting path is going to have the two straight lines (because we specify the "butt" line cap style) and the two arcs (inner and outer). As you saw in the image above, the stroke happens from the center an equal distance inwards and outwards.
CGFloat lineWidth = 10.0;
CGPathRef strokedArc =
CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath(arc, NULL,
kCGLineJoinMiter, // the default
10); // 10 is default miter limit
You would do this a couple of times to create one path for the stroked outline and one path for each cell.
Drawing the shape
Depending on if it's the outline or a cell you would either stroke it or fill it. You can either do this with Core Graphics inside drawRect: or with Core Animation using CAShapeLayers. Choose one and don't between them :)
Core Graphics
When using Core Graphics (inside drawRect:) you get the graphics context, configure the colors on it and then stroke the path. For example, the outline with a gray fill color and a black stroke color would look like this:
I know that your shape is filled white (or maybe it's clear) with a light blue stroke but I already had a gray and black image and I didn't want to create a new one ;)
CGContextRef c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextAddPath(c, strokedArc); // the path we created above
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(c, [UIColor lightGrayColor].CGColor);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(c, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor);
CGContextDrawPath(c, kCGPathFillStroke); // both fill and stroke
That will put something like this on screen
Core Animation
The same drawing could be done with a shape layer like this:
CAShapeLayer *outline = [CAShapeLayer layer];
outline.fillColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor].CGColor;
outline.strokeColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
outline.lineWidth = 1.0;
outline.path = strokedArc; // the path we created above
[self.view.layer addSublayer: outline];
I'm trying to programmatically recreate the indented button look that can be seen on a UINavigationBarButton. Not the shiny two tone look or the gradient, just the perimeter shading:
It looks like an internal dark shadowing around the entire view perimeter, slightly darker at the top? And then an external highlighting shadow around the lower view perimeter.
I've played a bit with Core Graphics, and experimented with QuartzCore and shadowing with view.layer.shadowRadius and .shadowOffset, but can't even get the lower highlighting to look right. I'm also not sure where to start to achieve both a dark shadowing with internal offset and a light shadowing with external offset.
It seems as though you want a border that looks looks like a shadow. Since the shadow appears to some sort of gradient, setting a border as a gradient won't be possible at first glance. However, it is possible to create a path that represents the border and then fill that with a gradient. Apple provides what seems to be a little known function called CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath. This takes a path (say, a rounded rect, for example) and creates a new path that would be the stroke of the old path given the settings you pass into the function (like line width, join/cap setting, miter limit, etc). So lets say you define a path (this isn't exactly what Apple provides, but's it's similar):
+ (UIBezierPath *) bezierPathForBackButtonInRect:(CGRect)rect withRoundingRadius:(CGFloat)radius{
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
CGPoint mPoint = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(rect) - radius, rect.origin.y);
CGPoint ctrlPoint = mPoint;
[path moveToPoint:mPoint];
ctrlPoint.y += radius;
mPoint.x += radius;
mPoint.y += radius;
if (radius > 0) [path addArcWithCenter:ctrlPoint radius:radius startAngle:M_PI + M_PI_2 endAngle:0 clockwise:YES];
mPoint.y = CGRectGetMaxY(rect) - radius;
[path addLineToPoint:mPoint];
ctrlPoint = mPoint;
mPoint.y += radius;
mPoint.x -= radius;
ctrlPoint.x -= radius;
if (radius > 0) [path addArcWithCenter:ctrlPoint radius:radius startAngle:0 endAngle:M_PI_2 clockwise:YES];
mPoint.x = rect.origin.x + (10.0f);
[path addLineToPoint:mPoint];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(rect.origin.x, CGRectGetMidY(rect))];
mPoint.y = rect.origin.y;
[path addLineToPoint:mPoint];
[path closePath];
return path;
This returns a path similar to Apple's back button (I use this in my app). I have added this method (along with dozens more) as a category to UIBezierPath.
Now lets add that inner shadow in a drawing routine:
- (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect{
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathForBackButtonInRect:rect withRoundingRadius:5.0f];
//Just fill with blue color, do what you want here for the button
[[UIColor blueColor] setFill];
[path fill];
[path addClip]; //Not completely necessary, but borders are actually drawn 'around' the path edge, so that half is inside your path, half is outside adding this will ensure the shadow only fills inside the path
//This strokes the standard path, however you might want to might want to inset the rect, create a new 'back button path' off the inset rect and create the inner shadow path off that.
//The line width of 2.0f will actually show up as 1.0f with the above clip: [path addClip];, due to the fact that borders are drawn around the edge
UIBezierPath *innerShadow = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithCGPath: CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath(path.CGPath, NULL, 2.0f, path.lineCapStyle, path.lineJoinStyle, path.miterLimit)];
//You need this, otherwise the center (inside your path) will also be filled with the gradient, which you don't want
innerShadow.usesEvenOddFillRule = YES;
[innerShadow addClip];
//Now lets fill it with a vertical gradient
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGPoint start = CGPointMake(0, 0);
CGPoint end = CGPointMake(0, CGRectGetMaxY(rect));
CGFloat locations[2] = { 0.0f, 1.0f};
NSArray *colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)[UIColor colorWithWhite:.7f alpha:.5f].CGColor, (id)[UIColor colorWithWhite:.3f alpha:.5f].CGColor, nil];
CGGradientRef gradRef = CGGradientCreateWithColors(CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), (__bridge CFArrayRef)colors, locations);
CGContextDrawLinearGradient(context, gradRef, start, end, 0);
Now this is just a simple example. I don't save/restore contexts or anything, which you'll probably want to do. There are things you might still want to do to make it better, like maybe inset the 'shadow' path if you want to use a normal border. You might want to use more/different colors and locations. But this should get you started.
There is another method you can use to create this effect. I wrote an algorithm to bevel arbitrary bezier paths in core graphics. This can be used to create the effect you're looking for. This is an example of how I use it in my app:
You pass to the routine the CGContextRef, CGPathRef, size of the bevel and what colors you want it to use for the highlight/shadow.
The code I used for this can be found here:Github - Beveling Algorithm.
I also explain the code and my methodology here: Beveling-Shapes in Core Graphics
Using the layer's shadow won't do it. You need both a light outer shadow and a dark inner shadow to get that effect. A layer can only have one (outer) shadow. (Also, layer shadows are redrawn dynamically, and force CPU-based rendering which kills performance.)
You'll need to do your own drawing with CoreGraphics, either in a view's drawRect: method or a layer's drawInContext: method. (Or you draw into an image context and then reuse the image.) Said drawing will mostly use CGContext functions. (I'll name some below, but this link has documentation for them all.)
For a round rect button, you might find it tedious to create the appropriate CGPath -- instead, you can use +[UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:cornerRadius:] and then the path's CGPath property to set the context's current path with CGContextAddPath.
You can create an inner shadow by setting a clipping path (see CGContextClip and related functions) to the shape of the button, setting up a shadow (see CGContextSetShadowWithColor and related functions), and then drawing around the outside of the shape you want shadowed. For the inner shadow, stroke (CGContextStrokePath) a round-rect that's a bit larger than your button, using a thick stroke width (CGContextSetLineWidth) so there's plenty of "ink" to generate a shadow (remember, this stroke won't be visible due to the clipping path).
You can create an outer shadow in much the same way -- don't use a clipping path this time, because you want the shadow to be outside the shape, and fill (CGContextFillPath) the shape of your button instead of stroking it. Note that drawing a shadow is sort of a "mode": you save the graphics state (CGContextSaveGState), setup a shadow, then draw the shape you want to see a shadow of (the shape itself isn't drawn when you're in this mode), and finally restore state (CGContextRestoreGState) to get out of "shadow mode". Since that mode doesn't draw the shape, only the shadow, you'll need to draw the shape itself separately.
There's an order to do this all in, too. It should be obvious if you think about the order in which you'd paint these things with physical media: First draw the outer shadow, then the button's fill, then the inner shadow. You might add a stroke after that if the inner shadow doesn't give you a pronounced enough outline.
There are a few drawing tools which can output source code for CoreGraphics: Opacity is one that I use. Be careful with these, though, as they code they generate may not be efficient.