Loading model/service contents before table is shown on the screen - odata

I have some complex problem in which I am supposed to get data from a service before my screen gets loaded.
I am using ODataModel in the application. What I want is, I want to populate data from a service and show it in another table in one of the columns while other columns of the table should have data from my static json.
I was trying to create one table and tie it with the data from the service we want but setting the table to invisible as I don't want to make use of this table. The purpose of creating this table is to have data from the service loaded and the purpose of setting it to invisible is not to show users the things of no use. But I got to know that, unless and until the table is rendered on the screen, we don't get the data from the model.
How can this be achieved? Help would be appreciated.

Have a look at this example : http://jsbin.com/qilaf/2/edit?js,console,output
I have used a local JSON model instead of an OData model, but if you look at the console, it perfectly shows the program flow (and that the model is loaded prior to the table rendering):
controller.loadData() - data is loaded
view.createContent() - table is created (not yet rendered)
controller.onInit() - table now rendered
view.onAfterRendering() - everything is now rendered
On a sidenote, I would not advice loading a model from the view, but that's a matter of style/taste, this example was merely intended to show the creation/loading of a model is totally independent from the creation/rendering of UI controls


row cannot be found for locating... when view with triggers is used

currently, my DbGrid uses a view that map directly to a table in the Database. (SQL Server 2012 and up)
Now I needed some readonly extra informations in my table so I need to implement a UNION in my view. I created the new view "WITH_METADATA" and implement for all operations "INSTEAD OF" triggers.
It works mostly but sometimes on little changes when I post the data I get the error
row cannot be found for locating
I tried all variants of this in the QueryBeforePost event.
Query.Properties['Update Criteria'].value :=adCriteriaKey;
But it doesn't change anything.

getting mvc index and details for to display an actual value vs an ID value?

yeah the question is: can mcv display on the details and index form the text data values vs just ID value that gets stored in the database .
It seems that mvc is very limited in what it can display to the screen. All of the demos and tutorials seem to stop short of showing this is a possibility most just show the user typing in the the full text value. So for example the user has a user interface form that has a list of values drop down element. THey click the value and the ID gets stored to the database.
Later on recall the user wants to pull the data back up for review... in mvc it seems you are stuck with displaying the ID field in the textbox.
but in most other systems you can make a datatable and return the text value of the field back to the form... Is this possible with MVC or are you limited to saving the full text value to the the database?
enter image description here
enter image description here
yeah the answer is: Make a view in SQL Server and then Link that View to the application via the EDMX. Details below.
Finally! I was able to figure out and I will post the solution so that it may help some one get around the mvc / normalized database limitation that seems to exist when you try to follow some of the tutorials.
The key is to build a SQL view outside of MVC. This can then be linked to the application and it will appear to be a table.
So if you use the database first method and you are using SQL server you will need to simply make a view in SQL server. This take mvcs out of the picture all and is much easier.
Step 1: Make a SQL view... that has everything you need joined in one big super view for what you need to display.
So in my case I made a sql server view that has the storage table linked to the support tables. Think of the query builder in MS Access where you link your tables to make a query.
You draw out your tables and links.
Add that to your Database First EDMX and in your controller use that new super view... and in your index and details forms you change the #model to your new super sql view and change the field name in the textboxfor... Boom problem solved... pretty swell how it all works... in this way you don't have to build some complicated view model. You just take the class that the wizard builds and then make a partial class to rename fields to give them user friendly names.
And you are no longer limited by mvc limitations
hope this helps!

single view - page - showing data from a group of normalized of tables

What I hope is a basic question,
I am designing an MVC project with the entity framework and code first and in it has a number of normalized tables that later will make up a combined view.
For example say I have a table called JOBS. This table has foreign keys for a CUSTOMER table, a STATUS table, a JOBSTYPE table.
If I want a view (a page) that displays the job with the customer, its status and its jobtype how do I manage this outcome?
In other words if I want a page that shows the job, the customer and the jobs address (sourced from the address table - itself linked via a foreign key in the customer table) how do I do the view for this?
Further, with a focus on CRUD, If I want an update page how do I display a page that has text boxes to update things like the job's address or the status which are in different tables to the actual job table.... and to press a button on the page saying "update" and each table updating automatically..
Look forward to any help clearing the confusion...
Kind Regards
Just as the question, this answer is hypothetical as well. What you can do is have a look at your page design and figure out the columns/properties you want to show from multiple tables, you then create a ViewModel for this page, then you can write a LINQ projection query to bring the results as your viewmodel.
Another other option will be to use lazy loading all linked tables and render related entities, but this this approach you have to make sure that the EF context is not disposed till the whole view has rendered.
The ViewModel and Projection approach also works well with updates and your update action will take in your view model and translate back to EF entities for updating.
For translations from ViewModel to EF Model entities and vice versa you can use automapper

Table dynamic loading SAPUI5 / UI5

I want to display a huge set of data in a SAPUI5-Table component. I used to implement these datatables with dynamically loading, which means that the table initially loaded ~50 records. After the user scrolled down far enough, the next set of 50 records were loaded into the table. This way it was possible for me to display a table of more than 160.000 entries without any performance issues.
Now I need to do the same with SAPUI5-Table. I already implemented the server side, the OData service is ready to use. I already implemented the clientside but without that dynamic loading. The page always tries to load all records out of the database.
How can i achieve this? Is there any premade way to implement this? I know that the OData service can be called with various parameters which specify the dataset it will deliver, but i dont know how to make the table to these calls while scrolling?
Generally, a table bound to an OData Model does the most of it for you.
If you´re using sap.m.Table you can take a look at the growing properties here.
An example on how to use paging with a sap.m.Table can be found in the Explored app in the List section.
Using sap.ui.table.Table the threshold property controls the fetch size and is described here. Additionally you can choose a navigationMode. It can be a Paginator as well as a Scrollbar.
A very simple example for sap.ui.table.Table looks like this:
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("<yourURL>", true);
var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({
columns : [], //set up columns as usual
threshold : 50 //your fetch size here

Partial Page Postback'ish MVC 4

First, I apologize if this is a dumb question, but I'm new to MVC and am trying to get up to speed as quickly as possible. I have spent hours searching for answers and even went and bought a book on MVC 4, but it still didn't answer my question.
I have a form I'd like a user to fill out to add a new product to the catalog. They choose the category, enter the name, a description, etc.. On the same page I'd like them to be able to add sizes or product options such as Small, Medium, Large, etc.. The problem is I'm not sure how to go about this.
I need to temporarily store the size options for example in some sort of collection until the user actually 'saves' the product, then I need to be able to read the collection. What I'm trying to avoid is to have the user add the basic product info, then save it, then select it, then choose to add options to it. I'm trying to just do it all on one form. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
There is nothing preventing you creating a view model with its own collections for the detail items and have those mapped to some sort of javascript control for selecting multiple items such as one that writes to an mvc hidden form control.
The controller handling the postback will simply create the master model from the postback data (the updated view model) and then create the child records. The whole thing could be achieved with ajax calling a controller action that returns a partial view of the updated ui.
Similar to this but have the list as a property of the master model
A little more advanced on how to manage your own bindings http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=584
Sounds like u need to roll your sleeves up and get a control written in javascript that allows child items to be added client side whist serializing e.g. Into json when they save and saving it to an mvc hidden control ready for postback. Use json.net to hydrate these values into your pocos. http://erraticdev.blogspot.co.uk/2010/12/sending-complex-json-objects-to-aspnet.html
