Neo4jclient query gives me error - neo4jclient

What is wrong with this query
var result = Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher
.Match("(A:" + objWorld.getLabel() + " { Name : {Name} })")
.Create("(A)-[R:" + Rel_World.world_country + "]->(B:" + objcountry.getLabel() + "{ objcountry }")
Name = objWorld.Name,
objcountry = objcountry
.Return((B, R) => new
CountryCount = B.Count(),
RelationCount = R.Count()
I am getting this error
Message=SyntaxException: Invalid input 'R': expected whitespace, comment or ')' (line 3, column 1)
"RETURN count(B) AS CountryCount, count(R) AS RelationCount"
I am using Neo4jclient to interact with neo4j

Forgot to add a ')' in the query field.


org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException: Invalid input 'ConfigNode': expected an identifier (line 1, column 86 (offset: 85))

org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException: Invalid input 'ConfigNode': expected an identifier (line 1, column 86 (offset: 85))
"WITH $batch AS document UNWIND AS data FOREACH (node in data| CREATE(m:'ConfigNode') SET m = node )"
Cypher Query:
{"data":[{"uuid":"4567-c102-47ft-a87786876","name":"address 1"},{"uuid":"6432dd4d-8a43-4471-bbbb-5a9f47dac6f7","name":"address Group 1"},{"uuid":"6511a9ee-a37e-4ead-a71d-dde04394c3cc","name":"address 2"},{"uuid":"1234567-a37e-4ead-a71d-1234567","name":"Security Rule 1"},{"uuid":"PolicyA-a37e-4ead-a71d-PolicyA","name":"PolicyA 2"},{"uuid":"Policy B-a37e-4ead-a71d-PolicyB","name":"PolicyA 2"},{"uuid":"PolicyA-a37e-4ead-a71d-PolicyC","name":"PolicyA 2"},{"uuid":"PolicyA-a37e-4ead-a71d-Policy1","name":"PolicyA 2"},{"uuid":"PolicyA-a37e-4ead-a71d-Policy2","name":"PolicyA 2"},{"uuid":"PolicyA-a37e-4ead-a71d-Policy3","name":"PolicyA 2"},{"uuid":"PolicyA-a37e-4ead-a71d-Policy4","name":"PolicyA 2"},{"uuid":"PolicyA-a37e-4ead-a71d-Policy5","name":"PolicyA 2"}]}
String q3 = "WITH $batch AS document " +
"UNWIND AS data " +
"FOREACH (node in data| CREATE(m:'ConfigNode') SET m = node )";
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = "{\"data\":"+ gson.toJson(nodes) +"}";
try (Session session = getWriteTenantDBSession(driver, tenantId)) {, parameters);
}catch(Exception e){
// log.error("Unable to create node due to exception {}", e.fillInStackTrace());
throw new UnableToSupportOpException("Unable to create node due to exception:"+e.getLocalizedMessage());
You don't need the quotes for ConfigNode. Also, you don't need the UNWIND because you are already doing a FOREACH loop. UNWIND will do a loop on each item in data (json)
String q3 = "WITH $batch AS document " +
"FOREACH (node in data| CREATE(m:ConfigNode) SET m = node )";
String q3 = "WITH $batch AS document " +
"UNWIND AS data " +
"FOREACH (node in data| CREATE(m:'ConfigNode') SET m = node )";

Construct queries with a condition

I am using Spring Data Neo4j and I have a repository like this:
public interface MyNeo4jRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Object, Long> {
#Query("with ['X', 'Y','Z'] as list_labels, "
+ "$appsFilter as appsList\n "
+ "MATCH (apps:) where apps.n IN appsList "
+ "MATCH (a)<-[:event]-(nodes) "
+ "WHERE any(x IN labels(nodes) WHERE x IN list_labels) "
+ "CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(nodes, { "
+ "relationshipFilter: 'R1|R2>',"
+ "labelFilter: '-l1|>l2',"
+ "maxLevel: 6,"
+ "endNodes: [apps],"
+ "uniqueness: 'NODE_PATH'}) YIELD path "
+ "unwind nodes(path) as n "
I want to create this query using conditions like this:
#Query("with ['X', 'Y','Z'] as list_labels, "
+ "$appsFilter as appsList\n "
+ "MATCH (apps:) where apps.n IN appsList "
+ "MATCH (a)<-[:event]-(nodes) "
+ "WHERE any(x IN labels(nodes) WHERE x IN list_labels) "
if (condition) + "WHERE ...." else + ""
+ "CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(nodes, { "
Is there a way to do it in the Neo4j query or do I have to do it with Spring composable repositories?
I think what you are looking for is the CASE construct
'WHERE ....'
WHEN condition1 THEN 'cypherFragement1'
WHEN condition2 THEN 'cypherFragement2'
ELSE 'cypherFragementElse'
Maybe you can rewrite your entire cypher via or functions, which provide conditional judgment.

How can I perfom an update with jena fuseki?

I've wrote this query that normally works
String query2 = "PREFIX publ: <>\n" +
"PREFIX pub: <>" +
"DELETE { publ: " + id + " pub:like ?o }\n" +
"INSERT { publ: " + id + " pub:like " + nbLikes + " }\n" +
"WHERE {publ:" + id + " pub:like ?o .}\n";
RDFConnection conn2 = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(DATABASE);
QueryExecution qExec2 = conn2.query(query2) ;
And when I execute I encounter this error
org.apache.jena.query.QueryParseException: Encountered " "delete" "DELETE "" at line 2, column 52.
Was expecting one of:
"base" ...
"prefix" ...
"select" ...
"json" ...
"describe" ...
"construct" ...
"ask" ...
In SPARQL, query and update are parsed separately; they are separate languages which use many of the same elements but have different syntax for their functionality ("SELECT" vs "INSERT" etc).
Use update(...).

QueryBuilder update with concat

I have the following raw SQL query:
UPDATE mySock s1
LEFT JOIN mySock s2
ON s1.parentId =
s1.status = 1
s1.mylevel = (s2.mylevel + 1),
s1.parentString = CONCAT(s2.parentString, ':' CONCT( as char))
s1.zz = 0;
and in create in Symfony 3.2
public function updateParentNew($idParent)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('s1')
->update('MyBundle:Stock', 's1')
->leftJoin(''MyBundle:Stock', 's2', 'WITH', ' = s1.parentId')
->set('s1.zz', 1)
->set('s1.leveltask', 's2.leveltask + 1')
->set('s1.parentString', '?par2_string')
->where('s1.zz = 0')
->andWhere('s1.parentId = ?par1')
->setParameter('par1', $idParent)
->setParameter('par2_string', s2.parentString + ':' + (string)
It doesn't work. What is the way to Concat values (string and number)?
I would try something like this:
public function updateParentNew($idParent)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('s1')
->update('MyBundle:Stock', 's1')
->leftJoin('MyBundle:Stock', 's2', 'WITH', ' = s1.parentId')
$qb->set('s1.zz', 1)
->set('s1.leveltask', $qb->expr()->sum('s2.leveltask', 1))
$qb->expr()->concat(':', $qb->expr()->literal(''))
->where('s1.zz = 0')
->andWhere('s1.parentId = :par1')
->setParameter('par1', $idParent)
return $qb;

How do I append an int value into a string array in Swift?

I'm learning Swift now (with basic programming know-how), and I'm making a String array containing a deck of 52 cards via a for loop, but I'm not sure how to append a value with an int and string values.
I know using \(int) converts an int to a string, but it doesn't seem to work when appending to an array. My code, including the error messages are below:
var suits = ["Spades", "Hearts", "Clubs", "Diamonds"]
var deck:[String] = []
for s in suits
deck.append("Ace of " + s)
deck.append("King of " + s)
deck.append("Queen of " + s)
deck.append("Jack of " + s)
for (var i = 2; i < 11; ++i)
deck.append(\(i) + " of " + s)
//error message: "Expected ',' separator"
//error message: "Invalid character in source file"
You need to have your (i) in quotes in order for it to be converted to a String.
deck.append("\(i)" + " of " + s)
You could also do this:
var value = String(i)
deck.append(value + " of " + s)
