Left side is a treeview menu and right side need to be the content - asp.net-mvc

I'm developing a ASP.NET MVC5 razor project and I have a cshtml divided into two parts, left part has a div with a treeview with options like a menu and the right part is a div that I would like to load cshtml that correspond to the option selected in treeview, ¿how can I do to achieve this?

I am making the assumption that this is a simple navigation that is consistent amongst all pages, for which you can put the common navigation in the _Layout.cshtml. This file contains all the common , , tags used for each page. If you put your navigation in here then it will also be displayed on each page.
The navigation options can then link to your normal actions which display the corresponding views within the layout page.
In this tutorial the author discusses adding a simple navigation (in the section "Using a Layout for common site elements") in the _Layout with the difference that the navigation is at the top and not at the side. You can use css to style the page differently.


Templating a secondary menu with linking pages

I'm using ASP.NET MVC with Razor C# and I have implemented a main menu appearing on every page through _Layout.cshtml.
One of the pages linked to this menu opens a page that includes a secondary menu.
This page with the secondary menu links to several different pages which are navigated via the same secondary menu.
I've used Partial views to hold each secondary menu page, and I'm wondering what is the easiest/preferred way to output these partial pages via the page with the secondary menu? (Or perhaps I shouldn't even be using Partial views to save having to add the secondary menu to each page).
Ok, A friend, who is also working on the same problem, just showed me this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrlU8sr5Tqc
So the answer seems to be Nested Layouts.

Wrap section and main body into one form in ASP.NET MVC 3

In my ASP.NET MVC 3 project I have a master layout with a section defined. This section is responsible for displaying content in a sidebar, when it has any content assigned to it.
The problem I've encountered is the following:
I have some edit views, where both the sidebar and the main area is used for editing data. In this case the sidebar and the main body should be wrapped into one single form with a single submit button.
What is the best solution for this? The solution I came up with is that when the functionality I mentioned is necessary, I set a boolean property in my ViewBag. If this property is true, the master layout is rendered with the sidebar and the main content area wrapped in a form.
Is there a better way to this? The solution I described is a bit 'hackish' for me.
I would have two layouts. One with a seperate side-bar, and one without. Then, in the pages you need a sidebar with editable fields, you include the sidebar in your content page, not in the master.
The boolean you are using in the ViewBag can be better represented in the Model for the view of the master page. You can then include the side bar using a partial view. It would look somehting like this...
#using (Html.BeginForm("ActionName", "Controller", "POST")){
// Master form elements go here
//Side bar
#Html.Partial("MySideBarPartialView" [, Model.SideBarModel ] )
You model (if any) should have a property that is set with the model for the side bar.

show sub menu in asp.net mvc

I am using MvcSiteMap.Core.dll in order to show sitemap in tab form.I want to show sun menu (in tab form) just beneath the parent tab.How to achieve this.
I could not get the submenu() call to work based on a selected node at the top level so I 'borrowed' code from eth source and wrote my own helper: http://mvcsitemap.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=57379 you can then style the results anyway you want. Hope this helps

how to position partial view in asp.net mvc through java script?

i am using partial view for my project but my problem is that my links are on right side of masterpage and when i clicked on particular link the view should displayed on left side on contentplace holder of master page. but right now its showing exactly below so my whole disgne is distrubed.
how to position partial view in asp.net mvc through java script?
so please if anyone know the solution tell me.
Do you basically mean your HTML is not set to allow the Content on the left, and the Menu on the right?
Maybe you would benefit from a CSS Layout Template? Put the Content placeholder in large column, and the menu PartialView in the side bar.
It might be a problem with your page CSS. Look at your styles for "Float" 's. If you want your content to be to the left of your page, surround your contentPlaceHolder with a div tag and add a "float:left" style to it.
If that doesn't work it might be your view is wider than your master page design is set up for. So it will pop below every other page element to fit on your page!
This is not realy asp.net mvc specific but html. You will have a better chance to solve your problem if you tag your question as html and css.
You can just save the source (I mean the rendered source from within the browser) of the page that doesnt display properly with the extension html in the root of your web. Then start playing with the html.
Request the page by calling http://yourserver/yourpagetodebug.html.

asp.net mvc 2 menus between 4 controllers

I want to have 2 navigation menus- One will be a "Top Level" menu, with 4 choices, each pointing to the index of a separate controller.
I would like to have a "Controller-Level" sub-menu on the left of my screen. This will correspond to links relevant to the controller selected in the top menu.
The "controller-level" menu is not static and needs to be customized based on roles of user.
The top-level one is basic. But how can i create the second menu that will change when a controller is selected from top?
I'm working on a similar situation where I need two menus. Was a "best-practice" ever resolved here? I have the need for one menu on the left, and a dynamically created tab-like menu at the top depending on what page I'm working with/on.
The user actually needs the ability to add/remove/hide top tabs depending on preferences. We are using MVC 2 and I'm not sure if the tab bar belongs in a control, on individual views, or what...and also how to make them both interact with my pages. (The left nav needs to show where the user is at all times, and the top tab needs to be highlighted based on the sub-page the user has selected.
If you are using MVC 2 RC or MVC Futures, then use RenderAction.
Create a controller for the dynamic menu, and call RenderAction("action", "controller"). This will invoke the controller, and you can have your logic in the controller to show the correct menu.
