Can't update from a remote repository after having local changes - libgit2sharp

I'm currently trying to update my local repository from a remote one.
This works as long as I don't have any local changes in my files.
using (var r = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(repo))
var options = new MergeOptions
MergeFileFavor = MergeFileFavor.Theirs,
var result = r.Network.Pull(localSignature, new PullOptions { MergeOptions = options });
I found that answer before: StackOverflow.
However, while trying this with the above code, it's just marking my repo as "Up2Date" (status of the result) instead of actually merging my local changes with the remote updates.
How can I actually achieve this?


How can I get the last commit for a folder using LibGit2Sharp?

I've got a large number of projects all in a single repository. I want to determine the volatility of all of these projects, i.e., when there was last a commit that affected each project. I've got a list of all of the project paths, and I'm trying to find the last commit for each one. My code looks like this:
public CommitInfo GetLastCommit(string path)
// resolve any \..\ and pathing weirdness
path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(path));
var relativePath = path.Substring(BaseRepoPath.Length + 1).Replace("\\", "/");
if (!CommitCache.TryGetValue(relativePath, out CommitInfo result))
var options = new RepositoryOptions()
WorkingDirectoryPath = BaseRepoPath
using (var repo = new Repository(BaseRepoPath, options))
var filter = new CommitFilter()
IncludeReachableFrom = BranchName
var commit = repo.Commits.QueryBy(relativePath, filter).First().Commit;
result = new CommitInfo
When = commit.Author.When.DateTime,
Who = commit.Author.Name,
Message = commit.Message,
Files = commit.Tree.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()
CommitCache.Add(relativePath, result);
return result;
This works, but the line where the commit is actually retrieved:
var commit = repo.Commits.QueryBy(relativePath, filter).First().Commit;
Can take up to eight minutes to complete. As far as I can tell, there's nothing especially complex about those folders...a sample of them reveals maybe twenty commits. I suspect I'm doing something wrong like loading the entire repo graph when I need something more specific, but I haven't been able to figure out a better way.
Your requirement is producing following git command through lib2gitsharp package.
$ git log -1 -C "relativePath"
You can limit the size of commits with the help of Take(numberOfCommits) extension in lib2gitsharp. Please have a try with putting Take(1) before your First() like following;
var commit = repo.Commits.QueryBy(relativePath, filter).Take(1).First().Commit;
Hope this helps.

LibGit2Sharp - Merge develop in master branch

I want to merge my develop in my master branch with LibGit2Sharp, but I can't find any examples on the GitHub wiki of LibGit2Sharp.
How can I do that?
Code snippet:
using (var repo = new Repository(repoDirectory))
var masterBranch = repo.Branches["master"];
var developBranch = repo.Branches["develop"];
Commands.Checkout(repo, masterBranch);
// merge dev in master
// tag master
Commands.Checkout(repo, developBranch);
// merge master in dev
I found a solution, I'm not sure if it could be done in another way, but I works.
using (var repo = new Repository(repoDirectory))
var masterBranch = repo.Branches["master"];
var developBranch = repo.Branches["develop"];
var merger = new Signature(AuthorName, AuthorEmail, DateTime.Now);
Commands.Checkout(repo, masterBranch);
repo.Merge(developBranch, merger, new MergeOptions());
Commands.Checkout(repo, developBranch);
repo.Merge(masterBranch, merger, new MergeOptions());

How to get the Commits against a VSTS WorkItem that uses Git as source control

I have a VSTS project that uses Git for source control. The project has multiple repositories (11 to be precise) each with multiple branches.
Given a VSTS Id I am trying to get a list of all the Commits that are associated with that Id.
I am currently coding as follows
VSTSHelper helper = new VSTSHelper(); // my helper for establishing a connection
ProjectHttpClient projectClient = helper.Connection.GetClient<ProjectHttpClient>();
GitHttpClient gitClient = helper.Connection.GetClient<GitHttpClient>();
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Core.WebApi.TeamProject project = projectClient.GetProject(helper.Project).Result;
List<GitRepository> gitRepositoryList = gitClient.GetRepositoriesAsync(project.Id).Result;
GitQueryCommitsCriteria criteria = new GitQueryCommitsCriteria()
IncludeWorkItems = true
foreach (GitRepository repo in gitRepositoryList)
List<GitBranchStats> branchStatsList = gitClient.GetBranchesAsync(repo.Id).Result;
foreach (GitBranchStats branchStats in branchStatsList)
criteria.ItemVersion = new GitVersionDescriptor() { Version = branchStats.Name, VersionType = GitVersionType.Branch };
List<GitCommitRef> commits = gitClient.GetCommitsAsync(repo.Id, criteria).Result;
if (commits.Count > 0)
List<GitCommitRef> commitsWithWorkItems = commits.Where(pc => pc.WorkItems.Count > 0).ToList();
if (commitsWithWorkItems.Count > 0)
// WorkItemIds is a list of int
List<GitCommitRef> workItemCommits = projectCommitsWithWorkItems.Where(
pc => pc.WorkItems.Any(x => this.WorkItemIds.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(x.Id)))).ToList();
// get the changes associated with the commit here
if (workItemCommits.Count > 0)
foreach (GitCommitRef wiCommit in workItemCommits)
GitCommitChanges wiChanges = gitClient.GetChangesAsync(wiCommit.CommitId, repo.Id).Result;
The work item id that is passed to my code (e.g Id = 810) has code that was originally committed against another Work Item Id (e.g. 675) in a different branch and then moved to the given Id. The code was then edited and then committed against the new Id (810)
My code above only ever finds the original commit against item 675 - and all the code changes are shown against this Id - including those that I was expecting to see against 810. Nothing is ever returned for Id 810.
Despite lots of googling I find myself struggling big time and I presume that I am misunderstanding some big time!
Any help or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
You can use below code to get all the commits which link to a given work item:
As the REST API GET a work item with Fully expanded, all the links information exist under relations object. Then you can get the commits by filtering the url which contains vstfs:///Git/Commit.
int id = workitemID;
var token = "PAT";
String Uri = "";
var Connection1 = new VssConnection(new Uri(Uri), new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, token));
WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingClient = Connection1.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
WorkItem workitem = workItemTrackingClient.GetWorkItemAsync(id, expand: WorkItemExpand.All).Result;
Console.WriteLine("Related commits contain: ");
foreach (var relation in workitem.Relations)
if (relation.Url.Contains("vstfs:///Git/Commit"))
Console.WriteLine("commit: {0}", relation.Url);
To Get the commit sha-1 value (commit ID), it's located in the last 40 characters of the relation.Url which separate with repository ID by %2f. So the url format actually is vstfs:///Git/Commit/{projectID}%2f{repositoryID}%2f{commitID}.
Such as for a relation.Url as below:
The commit sha-1 value is b802c91e68f321676fe31eca9dda048e7032ea11.
The repository ID is ad3acf8e-b269-48e5-81bc-354251856b51.
The project ID is f7855e29-6f8d-429d-8c9b-41fd4d7e70a4.

History log in sub directory

I'm trying to figure out how to get the commit log for a sub directory. According to this thread, it should work fine in libgit2sharp.
For testing I'm using a small repo, that has 8 total entries for the whole repository.
I cloned it locally in root c:/nugetpackages, from that folder I can do.
git log -- devbox
on the command line and I will get two commit entries for the /devbox sub directory as expected.
Sample Xunit test code to do the same using libgit2sharp
public void testSub()
// Extract the git commit history
using (var repo = new Repository(#"C:\nugetpackages"))
Trace.WriteLine("repo count=" + repo.Commits.Count());
// absolute path
IEnumerable<LogEntry> history = repo.Commits.QueryBy(#"C:\nugetpackages\devbox");
Trace.WriteLine("subdir count=" + history.Count());
I'm expecting count of 8 and 2, but this is what I get.
repo count=8
subdir count=0
What am I missing ?
Use a relative path from the repository's base diretory:
using (var repo = new Repository(#"/Users/sushi/code/sushi/Xamarin.Forms.Renderer.Tests"))
D.WriteLine("repo count=" + repo.Commits.Count());
IEnumerable<LogEntry> history = repo.Commits.QueryBy(#"AlarmSO");
D.WriteLine("subdir count=" + history.Count());
ref: FileHistoryFixture.cs
Follow up, is there a way to combine subdir with a filter, for example. CommitFilter filter = new CommitFilter(); filter.FirstParentOnly = true;
Not sure if this is what you are looking for... if not please in a new question, thanks.
using (var repo = new Repository(#"/Users/sushi/code/sushi/RealmJson"))
var subDir = "media";
var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { FirstParentOnly = true }).Where(
(Commit c) => c.Tree.Any(
(TreeEntry te) => te.Path.StartsWith(subDir, StringComparison.Ordinal)));
foreach (var commit in commits)
D.WriteLine($"{commit.Sha} : {commit.MessageShort}");

Changing the remote url of a repository in libgit2sharp

How can we change the remote url of a repository?
using (var repository = new Repository(repositoryPath))
//Change the remote url first
//Then checkout
How can we change the remote url of a repository?
var newUrl = "";";
Remote remote = repo.Network.Remotes[name];
// This will update the remote configuration, persist it
// and return a new instance of the updated remote
Remote updatedremote = repo.Network.Remotes.Update(remote, r => r.Url = newUrl);
For what it's worth, most of the remote properties can be updated by following the same pattern. Feel free to take a peek at the RemoteFixture.cs test suite for more detailed examples.
They had made public virtual Remote Update(Remote remote, params Action[] actions) obsolete.
var newUrl = "";
WorkingRepository.Network.Remotes.Update("origin", r => { r.Url = uri; });
