AEM 5.6.1
I am trying to run some server side testing using the sling testing tools. I have deployed the junit.core bundle and I can navigate to the JUnitServlet at /system/sling/junit/
When I hit this url there are tests visible from multiple bundles, I don't want to run the adobe ones but I can't figure out how to filter package names past the period using the url.
Available tests:
I tried:
/system/sling/junit/com/ <--works but isn't detailed enough
/system/sling/junit/ <-- breaks unsurprisingly
/system/sling/junit/com%2Emy <-- also breaks with 501
Is there an expected way of doing this? I couldn't find any documentation about this and the javadoc didn't really help either.
/system/sling/junit/ should work - you are right that the /system/sling/junit servlet should make this more explicit. There are examples of running such tests from proxy JUnit tests in the Sling codebase, see SlingServerSideTest for example.
I am running Fitnesse on several dispathers and then copy Fitnesse history and logs from all dispatchers to a separate machine. Some other project members need access to test results on this machine but I don't want them to be able to click Test or Suite there. Is it somehow possible to disable Test and Suite buttons?
I would be glad for any options: either somehow configure it in Fitnesse, or get a patched fitnesse.jar, or any other options.
On the main Fitnesse site (, there is the following note: "Note, the Test and Suite buttons on this site have been disabled because search engines tend to invoke them and put my server under stress. This site is actually created with FitNesse.". So I need something like that, if possible.
Is it possible? Not sure I can find a corresponding place in source code to patch and re-build it. My hope is whether someone already did it or find it easy to help. I raised an issue in GitHub where Fitnesse source code is located but I didn't get any feedback yet.
Thank you!
It is indeed possible, that is indeed what is done for
I'm not 100% sure how its done but I suspect it is done by disabling 'responders', see
In that page a description is given to disable creating new pages:
You can probably also use this to disable SuiteResponder and TestResponder, by using:
The full list of responders is in fitnesse.responders.ResponderFactory
On a side note: why do need a full FitNesse installation to show test results? I recommend you look into generating tests results in html format, and just publish that html somewhere. I usually use the jUnit runner to run the tests on a build server (it also creates html output) and then publish the html files generated as build artefact which people can open/view.
Sample, from FitNesse project, generating html in build/fitnesse-results:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class FitNesseRunnerTest {
I'm trying to use DRT for running acceptance tests.
Because it's an acceptance test I need to change the location to open the page under test. But of course, after I've done it my test script is gone.
I tried to use iFrames as a workaround, but Dart doesn't provide any means of getting the content of an iFrame. Which means that it's possible to load the page under test into an iframe, but it's impossible to get its html.
I've checked all the DRT tests in the Dart repo:
but it seems that none of them changes the location.
Is it possible to use DRT for running acceptance tests? Is there a workaround I didn't think of?
We haven't come up with a good trick (redirection or iframes) to load the app as it is written and runs the test code on top of it. Instead, you could copy the entrypoint of an app and include the test code there, then run the modified app directly in DRT.
Here is an example from the web-ui codebase of a test that does this. This test runs the TodoMVC app and interacts with it:
All we did is copy the original app's html, add the 'testing.js' script tag, and replace the dart script tag with the test code. It might be possible to create a script that automates what we do manually today, but we haven't done that.
I have installed the grails web plugin. I can now browse to :
And I can see the console displayed over there. I have bunch of test-cases written for application. I wish I can test my app from this web console.
Is it possible to do so? I'm very new to grails.
Thanks in advance.
Short answer no. The grails console is meant to write groovy code that interacts with your running application. Your running application does not include your test cases or the grails command line by default.
Long answer sort of. Provided you have all of your projects source code available somewhere in the file system where your application is running, you could call an external process to run test-app and return the result to the user. Here are some docs on running external processes in groovy: I suppose you could also package you application somehow to make this work, but I think doing that would be fairly complex.
I am not sure this is a good use case for the console plugin over all. Hope this helps
I use Dreamweaver heavily for modifying Liferay templates (Velocity files), and then have to run Apache Ant from Command Prompt to deploy the WAR to Tomcat . Is there anyway I can streamline this process so I can save/deploy straight from Dreamweaver?
I tried to setup a site and specify Tomcat as the local server, but obviously Dreamweaver just tries to push the raw file and does deploy the WAR.. Is there some sort of extension or way I can call Apache Ant from Dreamweaver?
I've not seen such an extension, you can search for one at the Adobe Exchange: , however if there isn't one already available, which I suspect there isn't, it would be possible to write one of your own. The following links are for the extending Dreamweaver, and Dreamweaver extensibility APIs:
In this particular case, I believe that you'd need to use an undocumented API call to communicate with an external process (in your case Ant), such as DWfile.runCommandLine() or MM.runCommandLine(). Paul Boon found these and blogged about them and a couple of others here:
I'm investigating Grails vs. other Agile web frameworks, and one key use case I'm trying to support is the ability to modify controllers and install plugins post deployment. It appears that this isn't possible with Grails, but I want to make sure before I write it off.
As far as modifying controllers goes, it would be sufficient if the Groovlet behavior existed (compile-on-demand).
As far as plugin installs go, I understand this may be a long shot, but I thought I'd check to be sure.
For your information, I need this because I work on a product that requires a little site-specific customization, such as adding validation of simple meta-data, integrating with customer security environments, and maybe even including new controllers/pages quickly.
Out of the box, no, grails doesn't really support what you want. There may be ways to customize it but I've never looked into it. A PHP framework might be more of your ally since there is no real deployment process other than copying PHP files to a location.
That said, I personally would prefer a strict set of deployment policies. And honestly, deploying changes with Grails is as simple as running the 'grails war' command and copying that war to your servlet container. The site's downtime is negligible and if you have multiple web servers with a load-balancer, your customers should never see down time due to deployments.
Although it's not recommended for complex coding; You could execute groovy code from a string that you could store in database or a file on the fly at run time:
check out Groovy template engine:
but even then, you are still limited on what you can do or can't do let alone debugging will lack. you may want to consider an interpreted language; few to mention PHP/Perl/Coldfusion.