How to implement controller in order to handle the creation of one or more than one record? - ruby-on-rails

I am using Ruby on Rails 4.1. I have a "nested" model and in its controller I would like to make the RESTful create action to handle cases when one or more than one records are submitted. That is, my controller create action is:
def create
#nester = Nester.find(:nester_id)
#nesters_nested_objects =
# ...
# ...
def create_params
params.require(:nesters_nested_object).permit(:attr_one, :attr_two, :attr_three)
I would like it to handle both cases when params contain data related to one object and when it contains data related to more than one object.
How can I make that? Should I implement a new controller action (maybe called create_multiple) or what? There is a common practice in order to handling these cases?

Well, if you insist on creating those records aside from their nest, I can propose to go with something like this (it better be a separate method really):
def create_multiple
#nest = Nester.find(params[:nester])
params[:nested_objects].each do |item|, :attr_two, :attr_three))


Is it bad practice to create a new record inside the new action?

If, for whatever reason, I don't require a user to input data into a form to create a new record in my rails application, and instead just do this:
def new
#blahblah = Blahblah.create({
x: "blah",
y: "blah"
redirect_to action:'index'
Would it be considered bad practice to just create the new record inside the new action like this? I find myself often in situations where I need to save data to the database but have no need to get the data from the user via a form (sent to the create action, where I normally 'create' records).
I my view you should not make Restful dirty. You should not touch new or create action. You should go for another action in controller and do whatever you want.
This is not right way to add create code in new action. So either go to create action directly or my preferred go and make another action and put your code there.
You can create another action instead of new. So your new action won't affect.
get 'whatever/create_record' => 'whatever#create_record', :as => 'create_record'
and in your controller
redirect_to create_record_path(:attr1 => val1 ...)
This will take you create_record method properly. And your new action won't affect. Because new/create/update/edit/destroy specially design for restful routing.
You can use the create action. In the other hand, if you manage custom business logic you can use a custom action in your controller (don't forget to update you routes.rb with new action)
Would it be considered bad practice
The entire ethos of Rails is a CRUD based infrastructure:
Where would the web be with out acronyms? REST stands for
REpresentational State Transfer and describes resources (in our case
URLs) on which we can perform actions. CRUD, which stands for Create,
Read, Update, Delete, are the actions that we perform.
Although, in
Rails, REST and CRUD are bestest buddies, the two can work fine on
their own. In fact, every time you have written a backend system that
allows you to add, edit and delete items from the database, and a
frontend that allows you to view those items, you have been working
with CRUD.
All this basically means is that when you have controllers, models and routes, you're working with objects.
Your question of:
def new
#blahblah = Blahblah.create({
x: "blah",
y: "blah"
redirect_to action:'index'
breaks the Rails convention of CRUD. If you wanted to create an object without any input, why don't you either hard code it, or manually seed it into the database?
class Blahblah < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.x
# value
def self.y
# value
This would allow you to call:
#geolocation = Geomap.x * Geomap.y
where I need to save data to the database but have no need to get the
data from the user
What data do you need to save?
If it's stuff like role information, just include it in the User creation process, with callbacks including before_create:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :set_role
def set_role
role_id = "0" unless self.role

How to get the parent objects class name from an attribute

Is it possible to return the parent object of a given attribute?
a = User.birthdate
a.parent_object ... should return the user record that is the parent of the birthdate attribute
A better example?
def item_grade(subject, obj)
obj.scale.grades.find(subject.grade_id).name # would return something like "Pass", "Fail", "Good Job"
In the view
item_grade(#course.subject, #course)
This approach requires two options to be passed to the helper. It seems I should be able to pass #course.subject and then get the parent object from that
def item_grade(subject)
a = subject.parent_object.scale
This approach requires two options to be passed to the helper.
You can remove some duplication by doing this, for example.
def item_grade(obj, property)
item_grade(#course, :subject)
Now you don't have to repeat #course in the call.
Having to pass two parameters is much less harmful than any sort of hackery you can come up with (thanks #muistooshort). There's no built-in way to do this.

Organizing site navigation actions in Rails

I'm new to Rails (I've worked in MVC but not that much) and I'm trying to do things the "right" way but I'm a little confused here.
I have a site navigation with filters Items by different criteria, meaning:
Brand.items # by the parent brand
Category.items # by a category
The problem is that I don't know how to deal with this in the controller, where each action does a similar logic for each collection of items (for example, store in session and respond to js)
Either I have an action in ItemsController for every filter (big controller) or I put it in ItemsController BrandsController, CategoriesController (repeated logic), but neither provides a "clean" controller.
But I don't know witch one is better or if I should do something else.
Thanks in advance!
You're asking two separate questions. Items.popular and Items.recommended are best achieved in your Item model as a named scope This abstracts what Xavier recommended into the model. Then in your ItemsController, you'd have something like
def popular
#items = Item.popular
def recommended
#items = Item.recommended
This isn't functionally different than what Xavier recommended, but to me, it is more understandable. (I always try to write my code for the version of me that will come to it in six months to not wonder what the guy clacking on the keyboard was thinking.)
The second thing you're asking is about nested resources. Assuming your code reads something like:
class User
has_many :items
then you can route through a user to that user's items by including
resources :users do
resources :items
in your routes.rb file. Repeat for the other nested resources.
The last thing you said is
The problem is that I don't know how to deal with this in the controller, where each action does a similar logic for each collection of items (for example, store in session and respond to js)
If what I've said above doesn't solve this for you (I think it would unless there's a piece you've left out.) this sounds like a case for subclassing. Put the common code in the superclass, do the specific stuff in the subclass and call super.
There's a pretty convenient way to handle this, actually - you just have to be careful and sanitize things, as it involves getting input from the browser pretty close to your database. Basically, in ItemsController, you have a function that looks a lot like this:
def search
#items = Item.where(params[:item_criteria])
Scary, no? But effective! For security, I recommend something like:
def search
searchable_attrs = [...] #Possibly load this straight from the model
conditions = params[:item_criteria].keep_if do |k, v|
searchable_attrs.contains? k
conditions[:must_be_false] = false
#items = Item.where(conditions)
Those first four lines used to be doable with ActiveSupport's Hash#slice method, but that's been deprecated. I assume there's a new version somewhere, since it's so useful, but I'm not sure what it is.
Hope that helps!
I think both answers(#Xaviers and #jxpx777's) is good but should be used in different situations. If your view is exactly the same for popular and recommended items then i think you should use the same action for them both. Especially if this is only a way to filter your index page, and you want a way to filter for both recommended and popular items at the same time. Or maybe popular items belonging to a specific users? However if the views are different then you should use different actions too.
The same applies to the nested resource (user's, brand's and category's items). So a complete index action could look something like this:
# Items controller
before_filter :parent_resource
def index
if #parent
#items = #parent.items
#items = Item.scoped
if params[:item_criteria]
#items = #items.where(params[:item_criteria])
def parent_resource
#parent = if params[:user_id]
elsif params[:brand_id]
elsif params[:category_id]

Can I make Rails update_attributes with nested form find existing records and add to collections instead of creating new ones?

Scenario: I have a has_many association (Post has many Authors), and I have a nested Post form to accept attributes for Authors.
What I found is that when I call post.update_attributes(params[:post]) where params[:post] is a hash with post and all author attributes to add, there doesn't seem to be a way to ask Rails to only create Authors if certain criteria is met, e.g. the username for the Author already exists. What Rails would do is just failing and rollback update_attributes routine if username has uniqueness validation in the model. If not, then Rails would add a new record Author if one that does not have an id is in the hash.
Now my code for the update action in the Post controller becomes this:
def update
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
# custom code to work around by inspecting the author attributes
# and pre-inserting the association of existing authors into the testrun's author
# collection
params[:post][:authors_attributes].values.each do |author_attribute|
if author_attribute[:id].nil? and author_attribute[:username].present?
existing_author = Author.find_by_username(author_attribute[:username])
if existing_author.present?
author_attribute[:id] =
#testrun.authors << existing_author
if #post.update_attributes(params[:post])
flash[:success] = 'great!'
flash[:error] = 'Urgg!'
redirect_to ...
Are there better ways to handle this that I missed?
EDIT: Thanks for #Robd'Apice who lead me to look into overriding the default authors_attributes= function that accepts_nested_attributes_for inserts into the model on my behalf, I was able to come up with something that is better:
def authors_attributes=(authors_attributes)
authors_attributes.values.each do |author_attributes|
if author_attributes[:id].nil? and author_attributes[:username].present?
author = Radar.find_by_username(radar_attributes[:username])
if author.present?
author_attributes[:id] =
self.authors << author
assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association(:authors, authors_attributes, mass_assignment_options)
But I'm not completely satisfied with it, for one, I'm still mucking the attribute hashes from the caller directly which requires understanding of how the logic works for these hashes (:id set or not set, for instance), and two, I'm calling a function that is not trivial to fit here. It would be nice if there are ways to tell 'accepts_nested_attributes_for' to only create new record when certain condition is not met. The one-to-one association has a :update_only flag that does something similar but this is lacking for one-to-many relationship.
Are there better solutions out there?
This kind of logic probably belongs in your model, not your controller. I'd consider re-writing the author_attributes= method that is created by default for your association.
def authors_attributes=(authors_attributes)
authors_attributes.values.each do |author_attributes|
author_to_update = Author.find_by_id(author_attributes[:id]) || Author.find_by_username(author_attributes[:username]) ||
I haven't tested that code, but I think that should work.
EDIT: To retain the other functionality of accepts_nested_Attributes_for, you could use super:
def authors_attributes=(authors_attributes)
authors_attributes.each do |key, author_attributes|
authors_attributes[key][:id] = Author.find_by_username(author_attributes[:username]).id if author_attributes[:username] && !author_attributes[:username].present?
If that implementation with super doesn't work, you probably have two options: continue with the 'processing' of the attributes hash in the controller (but turn it into a private method of your controller to clean it up a bit), or continue with my first solution by adding in the functionality you've lost from :destroy => true and reject_if with your own code (which wouldn't be too hard to do). I'd probably go with the first option.
I'd suggest using a form object instead of trying to get accepts_nested_attributes to work. I find that form object are often much cleaner and much more flexible. Check out this railscast

rails: checking which controller method was called from within the model

Is there a way to check which controller method was called from within the model?
Say the controller create method was called:
def create
do something
Then in the model do something only when create in the controller was called
if create?
do something
I'd imagine you could examine the call stack but this is exactly what models are not for: they should now nothing about the controller.
Examining the stack:
if caller.grep /create/
# do something
elsif caller.grep /update/
#do something else
Should do the trick.
Just pass a create flag to the model method, or make two different methods in the model and call the appropriate one from the controller. Otherwise you are creating a rather unpleasant dependency between the controller and the model. As you noted, validation methods take a parameter to specify when they are run.
if params[:action] == 'create'
Inside your model you can ask/know if the record you are handling is a new record or not
p =
p.new_record? => true
p = Post.first
p.new_record? => false
maybe that helps you enough?
Otherwise inside a model you can add callbacks, e.g. a before_create that is only called before a new record is saved. To keep your model lean, and you should have a lot of callbacks, those could be grouped inside an observer.
Hope this helps.
