Secure 2 different web applications with one identify service -

Secure 2 different web applications with one identify service
Identity Service: Thinktecture Identity Service V2
Application 1: MVC 5 application
Application 2: Web API application
The above Applcation 1 and Application 2 are different projects and hosted in different servers. Now my scenarios are
1. Want to secure Application 1 with Identity Service.
2. Want to secure Application 2 with Identity Service.
Use case 1: If user access Application 1 it should redirect to identity service login page, once I entered the credentials and login in to application 1, the same token allow me to access Application 2.
Use case 2: If user try to access any API from Application 2 without login into Identity service, the request should reject.

I found a way to do this using pure SAML tokens. The trick is you need to create a delegation account in Identity Server to allow your web app to delegate identity to a specific realm (where your service lives). Then in the web app you make a service call using the the token that the user already has to get a new token which you use to access your service.
I asked a very similar question and answered it myself here.

Ok. I did eactly the same thing just now. Everything required to get that done is written here. If you're using IdentityServer, you need to configure the Token Type of your RP to be JWT:
this allows you to later extract the token from your authenticated MVC 5 application (see the link above to see how to do this) and then send that token to your Web API. You then need to tell you web api to accept that token, using Microsoft's JwtSecurityTokenHandler class. This class has a ValidateToken() method which accepts 2 parameters, the first being the access token that you put into your auth headers of the requests to the Web API, and the second, the validation parameters are basically what you've defined in IdentityServer's config:
validationParams = new TokenValidationParameters
AllowedAudiences = _allowedAudiencesAndSigningKeys.Select(x => x.Key),
ValidIssuer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IssuerIdentity"],
ValidateIssuer = true,
SigningTokens = _allowedAudiencesAndSigningKeys.Select(x => new BinarySecretSecurityToken(Convert.FromBase64String(x.Value)))
The Audience(s)/Realm(s) you want to allow access to, the issuer name (your Identity Server name) and the signing symmetric key(s) of the applications you have defined in Identity Server and want to grand access to. The ValidateToken() method returns an ClaimsPrincipal with a list of the claims extracted from the token. The code to do all this can be put in a message handler:
public static void Configure(HttpConfiguration config)
var authNConfig = new AuthenticationConfiguration();
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new MyTokenValidationHandler());


Check OpenID Connect user against local web application users with OWIN

I need to add OpenID Connect authentication to an existing ASP.NET MVC web application. For that, I am using OWIN.
Once the user has been successfully authenticated by the authentication server (Azure Active Directory in my case), I need to check that the user can be mapped to a local account in my web application. If the user has no valid local account, the actual login process should fail. Is there a standard way to do that?
In the sample I have found (, it seems that as soon as the user is successfully authenticated by Azure, then it is logged in the application. Can we add custom code to the OWIN-OIDC sign-in process to perform additional checks?
Thanks for your help.
Good question and there are 2 levels here, as you are finding:
Authenticating with the Authorization Server / Identity Provider
Access to the application being allowed
If the first is successful but the second is not, then the standard behaviour is to redirect the user to an 'Access Denied' page (this page must allow anonymous access, to avoid a redirect loop). The login has not failed, but the user is not authorized to access the app.
OWIN uses response_type='code id_token' meaning that you will have an Open Id Connect User Identity to work with. If you can't find the user in your own data you can perform a redirect in the below callback:
var openidOptions = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
// Point to a callback to check the identity against my own system
// This callback can perform a redirect if the app does not recognise the user
AuthorizationCodeReceived = HandleAuthorizationCodeReceived

Azure ACS with ADFS Server

We have a scenario where we have a single application that will be accessed from our organization and also accessed from a outside organization. We will be hosting this web application in azure. I am using MVC 5 with the Owin WSFederation Middleware. I can connect to my Local ADFS Server and it works as expected.
new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
Wtrealm = "https://localhost:44321/",
MetadataAddress = ""
When I use ACS as the Main STS and set up our ADFS server as an IDP, it routes to the correct ADFS login page, but once I authenticate I get this error
ID4037: The key needed to verify the signature could not be resolved from the following security key identifier 'SecurityKeyIdentifier
IsReadOnly = False,
Count = 1,
Clause[0] = X509RawDataKeyIdentifierClause(RawData = MIIC4DCCAc...'. Ensure that the SecurityTokenResolver is populated with the required key.
new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
Wtrealm = "https://localhost:44321/",
MetadataAddress = ""
I feel like this is an issue because the Federated metadata contains the key for the signature and since the owin middleware only has the metadata from the ACS the signer can't be determined.
Is the realm configured in ACS?
If I was implementing this, then i would probably use ADFS instead of ACS for my Home Realm Discovery because ACS is on it's way out.
I would configure Azure as an additional Claims provider in ADFS and only have my application using ADFS.
You also get a little more control around what the HRD pages look like.

OWIN OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server + custom membership provider

I have a working site with custom membership provider
connected as http module.
I need a create OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Server + Resource Server
Main scenario of using is Authorization
Code Grant.
Here is a good example of creating what I need (see source code of example)
What is my problem:
I want to bind Authorization Server to subdomain of main site - and when user came from external site to my
Authorization Server, this server check if user is already
authenticated on main site( and if yes - he must just press
Grant button and allow external site access, if no - he must enter user name and password and after this he must automatically be log in
to main site and Authorization Server must be authenticated too.
I've already connected my custom membership provider as http
module(another variant of using not impossible now) to Authorization
Server and Authorize action of this server is already authenticated
when user already logged in to main site.
I don't understand how I must configure Authorization Server(or create some customizations) that it can accept a cookie from main
site(or automatically synchronize and create a new cookie for
Authorization Server using info from already authenticated request).
I was try to configure CookieAuthenticationOptions with same cookie name as cookie name of main site and check that in cookie of main site domain is ...but nothing happend and variable ticket in code = null
var authentication = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication;
var ticket = authentication.AuthenticateAsync(Auth.AuthenticationType).Result;
Or may be I need another library, not based on OWIN? I saw DotNetOpenAuth library but seems its OAuth client, not server.

ASPNet Identity Authentication MVC5 Client web site->Auth Server-> Web API server

I'm a newbie for ASPnet identity services and we require a following requirement.
Following is the architecture setup
1. Appserver
Appsever having
a. Entity Framework
b. ASP.Net Web API2 Odata services
c. Authorization server
2. Webserver
ASP.Net MVC 5 application (Client which access the App server)
The flow needs to be
MVC5 Cleint application having a login / Register form
While register / login the information needs to send to the authorization server int he app server, Authorize and creating the claims using Identity Services.
Once the Identity has been created in the Authorization server, the client application should logged in
I'm aware of getting bearer token from authentication server and that will be used as header information to access the API service
All we are lacking is the MVC client application should use the same identity claims that have created in the Authorization server.
Is there any way to access the claims which are created in the auth server.
I have got some samples about how to authenticate in the auth server and receiving token though OWIN and from this token we can access the API securely but I need of the client web application needs to sign in based on the token
I have gone through the following links
Also, I require to add claims when ever it requires after login as well
I have resolve this issue as follows, but I'm not sure this is the effective method
Once log-in and retrieve the bearer token (this token should assigned with claims identity already such as username, role .. etc)
In the web api AccountController, need to create a method to retrieve the default claims which requires for client web application. Please check the follows
public UserInfoViewModel GetUserInfo()
var firstname = ((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).Claims.Where(c => c.Type.Equals("FirstName")).SingleOrDefault();
var lastname = ((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).Claims.Where(c => c.Type.Equals("LastName")).SingleOrDefault();
var IsApproved = ((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).Claims.Where(c => c.Type.Equals("IsApproved")).SingleOrDefault();
var userinfo = new UserInfoViewModel
UserName = User.Identity.GetUserName(),
FirstName = firstname.Value.ToString(),
LastName = lastname.Value.ToString(),
UserApproved = Convert.ToBoolean(IsApproved.Value.ToString()),
HasRegistered = externalLogin == null,
LoginProvider = externalLogin != null ? externalLogin.LoginProvider : null
return userinfo;
From the client, this actin will be called through the token as a header.
Once we have got the information (is in Json string format) needs to serialize with the UserInfoViewModel class (user defined viewmodel is based on the info we require and send from webapi account) with javascript serializer
Using these viewmodel information, assign them to local storage and using (cookies for my case) as a identity at local
keep logout webapi too when ever you logs out from web app.
Please let me know if you need more info or code

How to develop user-authenticated REST service with Azure ACS

I'm developing a REST service that uses MS Azure Access Control Service for authentication. If the examples are any indication, the typical way to secure a REST service this way would be to provide a global username and pw, private key, or X.509 cert for the protected service. However, I want to use the passive user login mechanism on a mobile device with a flow more like the following:
Unauthenticated user attempts to access protected service from app
Mobile app redirects to browser app (or embedded browser)
User selects identity provider to use for login (facebook, google, etc.) from ACS login page
User enters credentials for identity provider
Browser redirects back to app
App somehow gets the SWT token to use with subsequent REST requests.
I'm stuck at about step 5--getting the SWT token, and the existing examples I've found don't seem to address this scenario. In addition, I'm actually trying to build a proof of concept with a desktop client in WPF, which may complicate things. Can anyone suggest a specific tutorial or a path to pursue that uses the per-user authentication vs. per-service? Thanks.
As I'm digging into this deeper, I've realized that the examples posted below (and most others) are based on OAuth WRAP, which has been deprecated in favor of OAuth 2.0. Can anyone suggest a more up to date reference? Googling has turned up and but they're not the most intuitive.
You should look into the ACS Windows Phone sample:
Here instead of using Silverlight you will be using WPF. Most of the code should be re-usable. Note that since you are using WPF you will need to register your own object for scripting e.g:
public class NotifyHandler
public void Notify(string notifyString)
// Here I have the token.
this.webBrowser1.ObjectForScripting = new NotifyHandler();
The sample above uses OAuth Wrap to contact the secured service. If you would like to use OAuth2 you should change the way the "Authorization" header set:
OAuth WRAP case:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.Headers["Authorization"] = "OAuth " + _rstrStore.SecurityToken;
OAuth2 case:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.Headers["Authorization"] = string.Format("OAuth2 access_token=\"{0}\"", token);
You can use the "Simple Service" sample as a guide to implement your token validation in your REST service:
Yet if you would like to implement a more complete sample you can look at how CustomerInformationService is protected in the CTP version 1.4:
Take a look at this one:
WPF Application With Live ID, Facebook, Google, Yahoo!, Open ID
