iOS: Connecting to BLE device when 20+ such devices are in the room? - ios

I'm developing an iOS app that connects to a certain type of BLE device, but I'm writing the code in a room that has 20+ such devices sitting around, powered up. I consistently find that in the morning, I can connect to my personal device just fine, but as the day wears on, it becomes impossible to connect to my device, as if the 20+ other devices have woken up somehow and are blocking my signal. No one is using most of these devices; they're just sitting on tables. Is this a known bug? Is Apple working on it?

Are all the devices Advertising?
If they are advertising with say 20ms then it could be difficult to hear all. There are "only" 3 advertising channels to share between all devices. The connection happens on the same channels (the peripheral listens after it's own advertising to hear if someone want to connect).
It has nothing to do with Apple CoreBluetooth. In my experience CoreBluetooth can handle around 20 devices after connection has succeeded and the activity has moved to the traffic channels.
1) Try using a slower advertising interval. This should work okay if your app is in the foreground.
2) Use a BLE sniffer (TI USB dongle is fine) and see if connections fail on protocol level, then it is not CoreBluetooth's fault.
3) Only advertise with fast interval when needed or you really really need a fast discovery.
As a rule of thumb apple needs up to 55 advertisements in background mode to see a device when it's the only one visible. So if you really need around 1.1second discovery then you might need 20ms advertisement interval, else use 100ms or even more (see Apple advertising interval guidelines for the exact number that will optimise discovery)
100ms gives so much more capacity and not too bad discovery.
1-2s gives a much longer battery lifetime and will be found in 1-2 minutes if your app is in the background. This would be quite fine for eyeBeacons in malls or the like while you might want 100-200ms in smaller areas.


ios background ping every minute

I have looked at some posts within this domain (e.g. iOS background fetch custom interval) and I am concluding that what I need to do is not possible.
I have an external device communicating to ios over bluetooth (NFC chip card reader). The external device goes to sleep if not pinged every minute (59 seconds).
When the app is in the foreground I can manage the pinging. When in the background I want to continue to ping. Is this impossible?
The ping operation is fast; it is just to send a message and I dont need a response back to ios.
(What works really well is the opposite, bluetooth communication can flow from the device to ios from the background. That is done via UIBackgroundModes in Info.plist to bluetooth-peripheral.)
Please note that I am feeding the iphone from external power in the application here. It is an industrial application; and the normal iphone usecase is not applicable.
Short answer, no. The best iOS offers is back ground fetch. But there is no guarantee when background delegate method is called. You can specify a timespan as a guide but it primarily based on how often the app is accessed.

IOS : Background Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) scanning rules

After spending hours around the web, I cannot find any documentation about the background BLE scanning rules used by IOS.
As it is not possible to set the scan window on IOS, I am looking for the rules defined by Apple when IOS is scanning in background.
I am working on a wearable peripheral which can be disconnected sometimes when it is out of reach with the phone. The goal is to reconnect quickly (less than 5s) when the peripheral is close enough to the phone. The peripheral has battery constraints so I cannot advertise every 20ms forever, so I am looking for a clever way to reconnect my peripheral to the phone.
If I know how the background scanning mode is working, I would be able to define a smart advertising interval in order to save battery.
Use case
If my peripheral advertises every 1285ms, how long does it will take to be discovered by my IOS application in background mode for 10 minutes?
Not sure exactly what your question is.
I suppose you have read Apple's "Bluetooth Accessory Design Guidelines for Apple Products"?
In it, they state:
3.5 Advertising Interval
The advertising interval of the accessory should be carefully
considered, because it affects the time to discovery and connect
performance. For a battery-powered accessory, its battery resources
should also be considered.
To be discovered by the Apple product, the accessory should first use
the recommended advertising interval of 20 ms for at least 30 seconds.
If it is not discovered within the initial 30 seconds, Apple
recommends using one of the following longer intervals to increase
chances of discovery by the Apple product:
152.5 ms
211.25 ms
318.75 ms
417.5 ms
546.25 ms
760 ms
852.5 ms
1022.5 ms
1285 ms
Note: Longer advertising intervals usually result in longer discovery and connect times.
Upon discovering the BLE device, iOS will notify apps that are looking for it (based on the advertised service UUID), which will then be able to connect to it.
Apple recommend a 100 ms interval for iBeacons.
This (pretty old, from 2012) discussion states that:
the median discovery time when the phone is in standby is about 60
times the advertising interval. The 95-percentile discovery time when
the phone is in standby mode is about 300 times the advertising
This (slightly more recent, but from Dec 2013) answer states that:
While scanning in the foreground will likely immediately discover a
device advertising next to it, discovery in the background can take up
to ~60 times longer.
There's a problem when (average) advertising interval is near to an integer multiple of the scan interval, then chances are that discovery-time can rise infinitely (, i.e. scanner will never see the advertising, as ADV always occurs outside the scan window).
Probably the ADV-interval list from Apple's design guideline shows optimum values, but it does not tell how to determine discovery-times. That's a mess!
I'd even go further and say: If the Smartphone (Apple or any other) manufacturer does not exactly specify the scan parameters (interval, window, and eventually filter settings) for each power mode, then you're lost and cannot correctly estimate discovery performance.

CoreBluetooth: detect device out of range/ connection timeout

I am designing an iOS framework to handle multiple BLE devices (all of the same kind). Everything is working very well at the moment, except one thing:
The client wants a list with available devices. But how can I detect when a device, that has been discovered in the past, is not available anymore?
Another problem occurs, when I try to connect to a device that is not available anymore. Documentation says: Connection attempts never time out and
And yes, I never get an error via didFailToConnectPeripheral.
I did some research but couldn't figure out how handle these problems via CoreBluetooth properly. So I developed my own solutions, but I am not sure if that is the right way (or at least a good way, cause there may be several ways to do it).
1. Detecting devices that are not available anymore
I scan with
[_centralManager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:services options:#{CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: #(TRUE)}];
so I receive advertisments all the time as long as a device is not connected. I check with a timer that the advertisement reoccured in a given time interval (large enough corresponding to the devices ad interval). If the advertisement didn't occur in the interval, I remove the device from the list.
2. Detecting connection timeout
Well, that's a pretty easy one I think. I use my own timeout function and cancel the connection request if the timer expires.
If somebody ever came across these problem, I would be very interested in your opinion and/or your solution of course.
UPDATE 2014-12-17:
In the meantime I worked on my own solution using timers and it seems to work pretty well.
Connection timeout is straight forward. Simply set a timer to 5 seconds or whatever you think is good for you. If the timer expires and the device did not connect, simply cancel the connection and tell the user that there was a problem.
Detecting devices that go out of range was a bit trickier. For every discovered device I start a timer that fires after double the time, the device sends advertisements. If the device does send another advertisement till the timer expires, it probably went out of range or was turned off or connected to another device.
I don't want to answer my own question because I hope that maybe Apple will one day take care of those problems.
The correct way to determine whether a device is available is to store the peripheral identifier value. Before you attempt to reconnect, call retrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers. However, this still does not guarantee that the device will be in range by the time you attempt to connect!
Connection attempts do not time out at the OS level, and this is explicitly documented.
Some apps may need to use the Core Bluetooth framework to perform
long-term actions in the background. As an example, imagine you are
developing a home security app for an iOS device that communicates
with a door lock (equipped with Bluetooth low energy technology). The
app and the lock interact to automatically lock the door when the user
leaves home and unlock the door when the user returns—all while the
app is in the background. When the user leaves home, the iOS device
may eventually become out of range of the lock, causing the connection
to the lock to be lost. At this point, the app can simply call the
connectPeripheral:options: method of the CBCentralManager class, and
because connection requests do not time out, the iOS device will
reconnect when the user returns home.

iOS: detect app users nearby

I want to build and app which can detect other iPhones with my app within 65 feet range. As I understand I have the following choices:
Use Bluetooth to check periodically whether there is device with my app in the range. Send list of found devices to the server. The problem here is battery consumption. Is it true that Bluetooth will be disabled after some period of time automatically?
Can I use BLE technology for this purpose? If so, do you know what devices support BLE?
What is the best option on your opinion? Did I miss some other option?
I plan to run search every 20 seconds or even more often.
There is no simple answer to this problem.
Bluetooth has 2 flavors: "Regular" bluetooth, used for hands-free devices, headphones, and the like, and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
Regular bluetooth devices must be paired. (I'm less familiar with regular bluetooth than BLE, so take my explanation of this bit with a grain of salt.) In order to be paired they have to be put into "discoverable" mode, which broadcasts their ID. That is a battery-draining and only done briefly. It's not an "always on" solution.
BLE has a range of up to 60 meters, so it should meet your need in that regard.
BLE devices can "advertise" as a "peripheral" for extended periods. Other Bluetooth devices can act as a "central" and ask to be notified when certain peripheral devices are detected. I'm not sure if you can make an iOS device advertise (broadcast) as a BLE peripheral while it's in the background and/or if the device is locked, but it will certainly advertise while it's running. I'm pretty sure you can register to be notified when you detect a certain BLE peripheral from the background, but not positive.
iBeacons are a specific use of BLE with some extra limitations and some extra abilities. An iBeacon is a dirt-simple transmitter that sends a UUID plus a major and minor value and a signal strength calibration value periodically (usually once a second.) You can't add any other data to an iBeacon transmission. iOS can only act as an iBeacon transmitter when the app is in the foreground. If your app moves to the background, it stops transmitting. Period.
However, you can listen for iBeacon signals even from the background. AND, if you've registered as a listener for an iBeacon and the system terminates your app due to low memory, the system still listens for those beacons on your behalf. If iOS detects a beacon you're listening for, you get re-launched if needed, and notified in the background. You can then post a local notification to get the user's attention.
iBeacons are probably your best bet, but you will need your users to be actively running your app in the foreground in order to transmit a signal. That will drain your user's battery fairly quickly.
One possible solution would to have have every single device send their locations to your server every predetermined time period (more frequent the better but more resource intensive). Then, query the data from the server and get the location of all the devices near you.
Keep in mind, that this probably won't be very useful for real-time data collection. For example, if you want to send data every 30 seconds or so, this isn't a good option.
Use this option if you want to get data every 15-20 minutes or so.

Peripheral and central at the same time on iOS

I've looked everywhere and tried everything, but nothing seems to work :(
On iOS, I'm making an app (for iOS 6 and above) in which iOS devices need to exchange data. Therefore, both devices need to be peripheral and central at the same time. I've done exactly as specified in the WWDC video, but the devices can't connect successfully with each other.
When I make one device only central and the other only peripheral, the central connects seamlessly to the peripheral.
However, when both devices are peripheral and central at the same time, I get random errors: at any stage (discovering services/characteristics or setting notify value to YES) errors sometimes happen, and sometimes discoverServices doesn't even call didDiscoverServices
Is there something different I should be doing? I simply merged the peripheral and central code into one view controller. I've noticed that if device "a" connects to device "b", and then device "b" connects to device "a", it works more often than not. I manage this by using NSThread sleepForTimeInterval: manually for different amounts of time on each device, but how could I get one device to connect first (and then the other) in a reliable (and not manually pre-defined) way?
If I do get errors, usually they're simply Unknown error
Please let me know if you need any code or any other information :)
Yes, it can be in both roles at the same time. You just have to initialize a CBPeripheralManager and a CBCentralManager. As soon as the peripheral manager is initialized and you receive the POWER ON state the device starts acting as a peripheral. You can add your services at this point and receive connections from other devices. At the same time you can use the central manager to scan and initiate connections to other peripherals.
Note that you cannot connect to your own device even if it acts as a peripheral.
For your errors, I suggest:
Turn off scanning before initiating a connection. That is, scan, find peripheral, stop scan, connect. Connection and scanning do not like each other.
Use a dedicated queue for handling bluetooth events, not the main queue. [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:my_dedicated_bluetooth_q]
Unfortunately, the stack sometimes become unstable. Even restarts are possible. But this usually happens only under heavy loads or several simultaneous connections. Hopefully, this will be improved in iOS7.
The unfamous Unknown error started to appear for several developers recently. Judging from your description there are probably a number of reasons why your setup may fail and it would require much more info that what fits well into a SO question.
For more info I suggest you search the bluetooth-dev mailing list archives or send a mail The community provides great help if you approach with reasonable questions like this.
As per my understanding one device can work with one mode at a time . That is if the device is working in the peripheral mode then it you cant work it as a central mode .If you see some standard examples like BTLE transfer or lilke Light Blue those are working in one mode at a time .
Firstly, what do you mean "the same time"?
If you mean the device advertising to other devices while it scanning for other devices, it can not.
But you can create two threads which share same lock to advertising and scanning.
Before scanning, stop advertising, before advertising, stop scanning.
I tested on my iPhone 4s and iPad air, worked well.
