size of iOS app in relation to project size - ios

I'm making an iOS app on XCode and the project folder size was small, ~ 1MB. Then I needed a screen which showed some information and markers on a map, so I used Google Maps for iOS. This required me to add the Google maps framework into my project folder, so now the size is ~50MB. Will the size of the app be this huge? I have searched a LOT, and I can't find a way to check the size of my app without subscribing to the Apple Developer's Program (I am not ready to pay 99$ a year yet) and I do not have sudo privileges as well (I am trying out iOS app dev using a Mac in Cloud, it is not my own Mac).
I know it is a slightly stupid question, but I can't find solutions anywhere. If you feel compelled to downvote please at least leave a comment as to why you are doing so.

You can check the app size to following path:
/Users/saurav.nagpal(User)/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.0/Applications/yourAppFolder/ProductName
It gives you exact size of your application.


How do I access ipa files from an iPad?

I want to inspect one of the applications that I have downloaded from the iPad app store on my iPad 15.
I assume that it comes with an ipa file.
To locate the app folder or any ipa file, I open the "Files" app and enter "ipa".
Nothing is found.
Are these files hidden from the user?
How do I access / find them?
Thank you!
ps: The app is only available on the iPad app store, not for Mac.
ps2: I know that this board does not fit 100%.
However, I don't see which other board might fit.
When I search for "How do I access files on an iPad", I find hundreds of entries explaining how to find documents that the user has created on an iPad, but not where the apps themselves are stored.
AppStore hides this information due to security reasons, so you would not be able to access or locate the ipa file so one would be prevented performing reverse engineering or any other ways to violate the security and data that app provides.

Google Places iOS - App size is too large

I want to integrate the google places autocomplete service, in an iOS app. The problem with Google Maps SDK for iOS is the size of library. After install Google Maps(include Places) the increased the size to 130MB (before only 25MB).
My question is: is there some way to reduce that size? if not, how is a better solution to looking for an address? (with autocomplete)
To check the file size of the app in Xcode 8 and up.
First go to
and delete complete folder and build the application. Now you only have two folders specifically related to your current app.
First folder is the one in which you should be interested.
[First folder]/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/[Application
ID]/[app Name]
I believe you are concerned with the application's size, not the project.
The 130MB is the size of your project, not your Product/App. You can check the size of the app in your iPhone settings or if you use simulator:
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/[simulator version]/Applications/[appfolder]/[product name]
If you are concerned with the project's size you could use Swift solution instead of downloading the whole Google Places API:

FacebookSDK.a increasing installed app size dramatically on iOS with Unity

I have tried this with an empty project. Integrating the FacebookSDK.a lib which is linked by the official Unity Facebook plugin makes the size of the installed app ( jump from 8~9MB to 70MB.
Note that I am not talking about ipa size which stays normal, but really the installed app size.
I don't think this is normal and I am wondering if there is a way not to link the FacebookSDK.a and do it with the normal FBSDKCoreKit.framework instead ? or actually any other way that doesn't have such a huge impact on installed app size.

How to determine the exact iOS version using Google Analytics

While reading a tutorial on Google Analytics for iOS I wanted to know which version of iOS I was running.
I've googled for phrases like "ios version google analytics" but couldn't find anything useful.
Basically I want to know the number of users running my app on any iOS version, e.g. iOS 6, iOS 7 etc.
I've also checked the Google Analytics documentation, but couldn't find a proper method. The device info on Google Analytics dashboard just shows "iPhone" but does not mention the iOS version.
Is there a way to get the exact iOS version via Google Analytics?
I created you a custom report so you can see how the information is saved. Os Custom Report
I think what you are after is Operating system and Operating system version.
There is a method, go to
Audience > Technology > Browser & OS > The browser version matches the firmware*.
Might not match exactly, but in my experience its more than accurate enough and I am 95% it does match always.
Hope that helps Tushar
So I was looking for a solution here as well. I came across this article by Phillip Studiniski that shows you how to measure the iPhone screens by screen resolution.
I attempted to go this route. The problem I ran into was that I was just getting a raw output of the screen resolution in GTM, it would look something like this.
No problem I thought. I moved this into a RegEx table. Click here to see a sample RegEx for this Once I did this, I was able to properly identify the iPhone version with a variable and then send it to Google Analytics through Google Tag Manager variable.
I then had to update the iPhone models a bit since it has been a while since the article was written. ( This includes the models from 11 to 13.
BOOM! iPhone version now being sent to GA. Hope this helps everyone.

IPA file size Flash Builder export

i'm going to build an IOS app for the IPad, and i made a quick test.api. My issue is that the size of the file is already 13 MB big. i added a video and a sound for testing (together like 9 MB) so i was wondering is there a minimum file size when making a ipa in Flash Builder?
Maybe around 4 MB?
13MB - 9MB = 4 MB?
and then 4MB is the standard ipa size.
Flex/AS3 mobile apps must include the SDK in the output in order to run. It is referred to as "Captive Runtime" and is an option on Android, but mandatory on iOS. Essentially, they are native apps that run as virtual machines that allow you to display your AS3/Flex apps on the device without a hint of Objective-C or Java. Those SDKs are far from small. If you look in %FlashBuilder Install Directory%/sdks/, you'll see that those SDKs can be close to 1GB in size. Obviously, that doesn't all get included, but from my experience, the smallest IPA I have ever created was around 8MB.
I don't have a solid answer for what the absolute minimum size of those SDKs are, and Google turned up nothing, but my guess would be somewhere between 4-8MB, depending on if you used Flex or not.
