jenkins doesn't generate the builds automatically using local git repository - jenkins

In my system i create a local git repository and i clone the bitbucket central repository and perform all the operation well.
Now i am trying to generate build automatically whenever there is a push is from local git repository to bitbucket repository for that i download the git plugin and installed in the jenkins and i provide my local git repository address as the source code management and i marked the build trigger "Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket".
But it doesn't generate the builds automatically if i click manually "build now" button then it generates.
can you please hemp to me.

You have to configure a hook in Bitbucket so it can tell Jenkins when someone pushed new code.
Have you tried following this tutorial:

Sometimes "Build when a change is pushed to BitBucket" doesn't work properly. Rather than use Polling to bitbucket every minute
You have to write 5 * symbol separate by spaces.


Jenkins Build Trigger after each commit to Github

I want to set in Jenkins jobs triggering Build after each commit
I dont have access to Setting in my repository on Github, so I don't have possibility using WebHook.
What is the best/.easy way to set this in other way?
I have jobs for private repository Github, and clone project by SSH
I also using Github Oauth Token
Jenkins Continuous Integration Server is on running on a Ubuntu host
You can use local git hook pre-push. It runs after you issue the "git push" command. (but executes before pushing)
See example: pre-push hook

Bitbucket webhook to trigger Jenkins job

I'm having trouble getting my webhook in bitbucket server to start a Jenkins job. I've read through the other answered questions on here and can't get it going.
Bitbucket setup:
No special plugins installed
In repository settings I have a webhook set up
URL: http://[my jenkins url]/bitbucket-hook/ (yes I have the trailing slash)
Repo Push event selected
Jenkins setup:
Bitbucket plugin installed
Created new job
Set SCM to Git and added repo details
Set branches to build to either ** or refs/heads/rob-jenkins (a branch in git)
Build when a change is pushed to bitbucket selected
What I do:
I make a change to a file in rob-jenkins branch, push and the job is not started in Jenkins.
What I see:
In bitbucket, repo settings, webhooks I can see the webhook fired as soon as the commit is pushed. It has a 200 http status code, response body is empty.
In Jenkins I've set up a logger for
And when I look at those logs I can see only 1 entry from com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.BitbucketHookReceiver
Received commit hook notification : {"eventKey":"repo:refs_changed","date":"2018-05-22T12:18:11+1000","actor":{"name":"xxxxxx","emailAddress":"","id":53,"displayName":"xxxxxx","active":true,"slug":"xxxxxxx","type":"NORMAL"},"repository":{"slug":"xxxxx","id":1,"name":"xxxxx","scmId":"git","state":"AVAILABLE","statusMessage":"Available","forkable":true,"project":{"key":"SS","id":2,"name":"xxxxx","description":"xxxxxx","public":false,"type":"NORMAL"},"public":false},"changes":[{"ref":{"id":"refs/heads/rob-jenkins","displayId":"rob-jenkins","type":"BRANCH"},"refId":"refs/heads/rob-jenkins","fromHash":"1d9ad42fa404c893853094b0072e5b839f787589","toHash":"9bf7dc873f355259e4338ee80afbd246ecbb48a9","type":"UPDATE"}]}
There are no other entries in the log.
In the job itself, the BitBucket Hook Log screen just says "Polling has not run yet."
No idea why it isn't triggering the Jenkins job... what am I missing?
I've tried setting the Poll SCM manually and that didn't make a difference.
I've done a manual build and it works fine
as commented by #tomas-bjerre the resolution was to use a different plugin
I would recommend using thie plugin instead: – Tomas Bjerre yesterday
No plugin needed. Just add a post-recieve hook under your repo in Bitbucket. On Jenkins, under Build Triggers, Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) and specify an Authentication Token. A bash or python script can be used for the hook. Anytime a git push is run (not just a commit), you trigger a build!

Triggering CI builds using Jenkins on remote build machine

I am trying to implement CICD with Jenkins. I have my code in git repo. The moment I make a change to git repo files, I wish to trigger a Build that should run on remote machine.
This means If I change a file in Git Repo 10 times, I should have 10 Builds, each build corresponding to one change.
Can anyone tell me how this can be done ?
I tried to make use of post-commit hook, but its not working.
What flavor of GIT? Do you use? If you share you config details of webhook and Jenkins additional info can be provided. Per my experience it is a two step process.
Enable the webhook in GIT
Create a job with appropriate configuration to map to the repository and get triggered on commit

Openshift - trigger Jenkins build on git push

I work with Openshift now and I have a problem.
I created an application server with Jenkins and when I push to the master branch of the git repository the Jenkins build is triggered automatically.
The point is that the build isn't triggered when I push to another branch (not master).
I've read topics like this one (How to configure Git post commit hook) and I do realize what the ways to make Jenkins build on git push are.
Unfortunately I haven't found any information about how this is done in the Openshift Jenkins. This mechanism is already implemented there and I simply want to replace the trigger from the "master" branch to another one.
How can I do it?
You can refer to the "Configuring Which Branch to Deploy" section from the following page:

jenkins doesn't generate the build automatically using local git repository

In my system i am using local git repository and jenkins server,I clone the bitbucket repository into my local git repository and perform all the operations it does well.
I would like to generate the bulids automatically whenever there is push is going from local git to bitbucket for that i give the git repository url in the source code management and mark the build trigger `when a change is pushed to bitbucket
Later i apply and press save.
Now I did some modifications in local git and pushed it also,it is successfully pushed and data is updated in bitbucket also but in jenkins there is no build
can any one please help to me.
If you do not want to poll, you must configure BitBucket to notify your Jenkins when something happens. These are called "hooks". You can read about them at and there is a whole section on how to configure a hook for Jenkins.
