How does adding a 3rd party logging service affect how much i have to pay to Heroku - ruby-on-rails

This would sound very newbie but I've just added a centralized logging service (Splunkstorm free version) to my rails app on heroku and it completely changed my life. I don't know why i never thought of this before.
I can just read all the logs from web interface without running heroku logs --tail which spawns a new dyno everytime i do it.
Which makes me curious: Does adding this type of logging service affect how much i have to pay to heroku? I mean, it's sending out packets every time something happens.

Bandwidth is included in the dyno pricing (including the one you get for free).
There is a soft limit at 2TB of bandwidth, but you're unlikely to come anywhere near that from logging.


Heroku configuration for Ruby on Rails application

I’ve set a client up with Heroku for their Ruby on Rails application and have had a great deal of trouble over the years with their application not running well regardless of how much money we spend on additional resources, find their documentation highly confusing. I’ve never been able to understand their specific terminology and documentation. We are constantly getting "H12" errors and "R14" errors etc. The memory usage and dyno loads are constantly spiking. And yet this is a small to medium-sized business without a massive amount of traffic. Wondering if anybody out there who does understand the ins and outs of Heroku can look this configuration over and tell me if it makes sense:
Ruby 2.7
Rails 6.0
8 2x web dynos
5 1x worker dynos
$50 Postgres standard 0 database
$15 Memcachier
$10 Rediscloud
...etc addons
Your WEB_CONCURRENCY is too high for your Standard-2x dynos. The recommended default is 2:
This is likely contributing to your R14 errors as higher web concurrency means more memory usage. So you need to either lower your web concurrency (which may mean you also need to increase the # of dynos to compensate) or you need to use bigger dynos.
You already have MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=2 but not sure if you are using jemalloc. You might want to try that too.
Of course, you may also have other memory issues in your app - check out some tips here. I also recommend adding a monitoring tool like AppSignal as it's capable of tracking memory allocations per transaction.
For mitigating H12s:
Ensure you have installed something like the rack-timeout gem, which ensures that a long-running request is dropped at the dyno-level and thus avoids the H12 error (you get a Rack::TimeoutError exception instead). Set the timeout to 15s so that it is well under the 30s for H12 timeout.
Investigate your slow transactions. A monitoring tool is key here, i.e. New Relic (start with lowest-priced paid plan - free plan does not allow transaction tracing). Here is their blog post on how to trace transactions
When you've identified the problem - fix it!
if the bottleneck is external:
check for external API limits and throttling
add timeouts and make app resilient to slow external responses
if the bottleneck is due to the database:
optimize slow queries
check cache hit rates
check for the # of waiting connections and db locks -> if the number of waiting connections is consistently above 0 for X minutes, that indicates you have some long locks that you'll need to investigate. Waiting connections is easiest to track over time with Librato (free plan should do fine)
if the bottleneck is other app code:
add more custom instrumentation to get more insights, i.e. New Relic instructions
address app code issues
I want to stress the importance of monitoring tools to help diagnose issues and help determine optimal resource usage. Doing things like figuring out the correct concurrency configs, the correct size and # of dynos to run are virtually impossible without proper monitoring tools. Hopefully you have some already that are covered by your etc add-ons that are not listed, but if you do not, I'll summarize my recommendations and mention a couple other tips:
To get more metrics info, ensure you have enabled log-runtime-metrics
Also enable Ruby language metrics
Add a monitoring tool that can track Ruby memory allocations like AppSignal. Scout APM can do this too but I think their plans capable of this are more expensive (requires Scout Insights feature)
Add the lowest-paid version of New Relic. This is my go-to tool for transaction tracing. AppSignal can do this too if you don't want to pay for another tool, but I find it easier with New Relic.
Add Librato. It offers some great charts out of the box, including a set of Postgres charts in its own dashboard.
Set alerts in your monitoring apps to warn you about things like response times so you can look into them!
And of course, make all your changes in staging first AND load test them to see the impacts of your changes before attempting in production!
Update: I also just noticed that you said you are using Standard-0 Postgres, which means it has a 120 connection limit. So if you end up lowering your WEB_CONCURRENCY and increasing the # of dynos, watch out for your total connections to that database. Beyond just the fact that there is a limit, more connections also mean more overhead for your db anyway so if you are close to your connection limit, you are more likely to see db performance suffer. You may want to upgrade to another plan that has a higher connection limit or use pgbouncer as your connection pooler to avoid connection limits.

What is worker , dyno and zero-downtime deploys in heroku

These three terms have given a lot of importance in understanding different app server in heroku tutorials but I can't understand the purpose and definition of these three terms.
Can anybody have info about that. Kindly share
The Heroku reference guide has a lot of information on all of this, and lots more, but in answer to your question;
A dyno is effectively a small virtual server instance set up to run one app (it's behind an invisible load balancer, so you can have any number of them running side-by-side). You don't need to worry about the server admin side of things, as it just takes your source code from a Git push and runs it.
A worker is a type of dyno, usually designed to process tasks in the background (in contrast to a web dyno, which just serves web pages. For example, Rails has ActiveJob, which plugs into something like Resque or Sidekiq, completes tasks which would slow down the web interface if it has to complete them, like sending e-mails, or geocoding addresses.
Zero-downtime deploys is really marketing speak for "if you push your code, it will wait until the new version is up and running before swapping the web interface to use it". It means you don't need to do anything, and your web app won't go offline while it is switched over to.

Is paid heroku faster than free version?

I am currently developing a rails3.2 app and finding Heroku load times exceptionally slow. Can someone please tell me if this is what is to be expected with a paid server on Heroku?
There's no actual speed difference between paid Heroku and free. As others have mentioned, your app will "spin down" after a period of inactivity on the free service, and this does not happen on any level of paid service. The only other performance difference is that your app can only handle as many concurrent connections as there are dynos - so if two users connect to your free app at the same time, one has to wait for the other's request to finish (this is usually minimal and shouldn't bother anything until you start to get some traffic).
That having been said, you should also consider when your app is slow. If it's slow for the first request, and spry for requests after that, it's the spin-down issue and nothing to worry about. If all requests are slow, that's probably something that needs to be troubleshot in the app (though a paid Heroku account is probably still not the answer).
The free version idles after a period of inactivity. This is probably the slowness you are experiencing. The paid version does not idle.
I went through the same problem a couple of days ago and it seems like the best fix for this is to install the NewRelic addon to your heroku app. The NewRelic addon keeps on monitoring your web application (subsequently making periodic request to your app), ensuring that the dyno stays active. This effectively cancels out the idling issue.
One thing to note though, its probably best to install the addon only after you have finish a huge part of your development and are actively testing the app with beta users.
Also, note that in the paid version of heroku, the dyno never idles (as per their documentation). Hope this helps.

Zero downtime on Heroku

Is it possible to do something like the Github zero downtime deploy on Heroku using Unicorn on the Cedar stack?
I'm not entirely sure how the restart works on Heroku and what control we have over restarting processes, but I like the possibility of zero downtime deploys and up until now, from what I've read, it's not possible
There are a few things that would be required for this to work.
First off, we'd need backwards compatible migrations. I leave that up to our team to figure out.
Secondly, we'd want to migrate the db right after a push, but before the restart (assuming our migrations are fully backwards compatible, this should not affect anything)
Thirdly, we'd want to instruct Unicorn to launch a new master process and fork some workers, then swap the PIDs and gracefully shut down the old process/workers
I've scoured the docs but I can't find anything that would indicate this is possible on Heroku. Any thoughts?
I can't address migrations, but the part about restarting processes and avoiding wait time:
There is an beta feature for heroku called preboot. After a deploy, it boots your new dynos first and waits a while before switching traffic and killing the old ones:
I also wrote a blog post that has some measurements on my app's performance improvements using this feature:
You might be interested in their feature called preboot.
Taken from their documentation:
This feature provides seamless deploys by booting web dynos with new code before killing existing web dynos.
Some apps take a long time to boot up, and this can cause unacceptable delays in serving HTTP requests during deployment.
There are a few caveats:
You must have at least two web dynos to use this feature. If you have your web process type scaled to 1 or 0, preboot will be disabled.
Whoever is doing the deployment will have to wait a few minutes before the new code starts serving user requests; this happens later than it would without preboot (but in the meanwhile, user requests are still served promptly by old dynos).
There will be a short period (a minute or two) where heroku ps shows the status of the new code, but user requests are still being served by old code.
There is much more information about it, so refer to their documentation.
It is possible, but requires a fair amount of forward planning. As of Rails 3.1 there's three tasks that need carrying out
Upload the new code
Run any database migrations
Sync the assets
Uploading code and restarting is fairly straightforward, the main problem lies with the other two, but the way round them is the pretty much the same.
Essentially you need to:
Make the code compatible with the migration you need to run
Run the migration, and remove any code written specifically for it
For instance, if you want to remove a column, you’ll need to deploy a patch telling ActiveRecord to ignore it first. Only then you can deploy the migration, and clean up that patch.
In short, you need to consider your database and the code compatability an work around them so that the two can overlap in terms of versioning.
An alternative to this method might be to have two versions of the application running on Heroku at the same time. When you deploy, switch the domain to the other version, do the deploy, and switch it back again. This will help in most instances, but again, database compat is an issue.
Personally, I would say that if your deployments are significant to require this sort of consideration, taking parts of the application offline are probably the safest answer. By breaking up an application into several smaller applications can help mitigate this and is a mechanism that I use regularly.
No - this is currently not possible using Unicorn on Heroku cedar. I've been bugging Heroku about this for weeks.
Here was Heroku Support's reply to my email on March 8, 2012:
Hi, you could enable maintenance mode when doing a deploy, at least your users would see a maintenance page instead of an error, and also request queue wouldn't build up.
We're definitely aware this is a pain and we're working to offer rolling / zero-downtime deploys in the future. We have no ETA to announce, though.

Is Heroku dependable?

I have been hosting a site on Heroku for a few months that is very soon to go into production.
Since I began with them, there have been at least three significant outages, one of which was the disastrous Amazon outage last month and another of which is a multi-hour outage happening today.
I believe in Heroku's vision and I think they are a great company, but I am faced with the ultimate problem: if they can't keep sites up and running, everything I like about them doesn't really matter.
Is Heroku a reliable provider to run a production site on Rails?
Are there any other providers I might look into that have a better reputation for reliability than Heroku?
In my opinion, downtime can happen with almost any provider. What you need to see is how well or badly the host handles the downtime and the effort they make in keeping the customer updated about possible resolution.
In my opinion Heroku is a great place to host your app. The advantages and ease of deploying there covers up for the recent (and rare) downtime FOR ME.
I am user of Heroku with Amazon RDS plugin for the past 7-8 months and my conclusion is there is nothing to appreciate about Heroku except their architecture. Here is why I think:
Even though it is sold for $250 million+ they were still NOT using the Amazon multiple zones feature of Amazon. Below is the link how SmugMug survived amazon crash by using Amazon's multiple zones feature.
No phone contact support in the event of issues (not application but Heroku's), lot to learn from Rackspace
The application I am hosting, people will starve if it goes down for few hours on Friday forget about 60 hours downtime.
I see intermittent deployment and connectivity issues. Please visit this link for a confirmation:
I know developers love it because they throw a cheap web process called 'dyno' for free.
So far Heroku does not offer multiple availability zone redundancy. If you want something more reliable than Heroku you can create your own EC2 instances in multiple availability zones. Of course this will require significantly more server upkeep, admin, and deployment time.
I have seem Heroku to be reliable. I highly recommended it for starting out and validating your idea. I believe when you start your project you want get it out quickly (to customer or to public).
As mentioned in other comments at some point you might need to switch over to EC2 as you might need zone redundancy and it might actually become cheaper to run of EC2 especially if you already have an SA in the company.
No. It is not. As a customer I've experienced multiple critical outages. These things happen and I get that. But what makes Heroku unreliable is their nearly non-existent support when things do go wrong. I would use caution when evaluating Heroku or any provider for that matter and really understand what you're paying for. Paying as much as I did for Heroku I expected more.
As an example one of their databases went offline early on a Sunday. I immediately was made aware, not from Heroku but from our customers and new relic alerts. I contacted Heroku support just to get the ball rolling as I began to troubleshoot. 24 hours later I had literally no responses from Heroku. I could not fork, follow, or take snapshot of the database as they suggest (because they were experiencing issues) so I basically sat on my hand and waited. Hoping that somebody would respond as I frantically attempt to recover somehow, someway.
Was this their fault. No. Not at all. I should/could have done something to mitigate this failure. But as much as I pay for their servies each month I expected something resembling a response to my critical issue.
Our our app is hosted by Heroku and went down mutliple times over the last 12 months.
Two times it was caused by one of the third-party apps that Heroku offers:
We used Zerigo (recommended by Heroku) for our DNS. This has caused our site to go down twice - one time it took over 12 hours te recover. This is absolutely crazy for something like DNS, so we have switched to a more reliable provider.
The Redistogo app went down once.
Heroku does bring some benefits, but be careful about the apps you select.
In my org i build simple SPA productivity apps, and have been using Heroku to host them for the last year after migrating away from a physical box server to cloud VMs.
I've had multiple days lost due to Heroku development hindering outages. Usually while running apps stay online, and work, when Heroku goes down you can't push updates or restart apps.
Lets also not forget the ridiculous times for scheduled maintenance (usually 2PM EST, midweek....REALLY?)
As of writing this, the Logging system for Heroku has now been acting up (more or less down) for over 24 hour.
Thankfully my apps aren't mission critical. While I like Heroku's ease of use, it's just not worth this much headache for what is nothing other than an AWS middle-man.
That said, I'm moving over to just pure AWS EC2 instances.
