Grails 2.4 throws EHCache class not found error - grails

I created a fresh Grails 2.4 project, removed hibernate and database migration plugin added latest spring security and mongo db plugin and when I ran grails compile I got following error
| Error Fatal error during compilation java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/ehcache/config/CacheConfiguration (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
If I remove spring security plugin it compiles and if I remove mongoDB plugin and use spring-security with hibernate it still works only the combination of spring security with solo mongoDB plugin is giving above error.
Any Idea ?

Looks like spring-security depends on ehcache, but doesn't declare as such. We had a similar problem with the cache plugin depending on ehcache. Add this to the dependencies section of your BuildConfig:
compile "net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:2.4.8"


"No builders" error GrailsClasspath when running grails run-app

When running grails run-app I get the following error:
| Error Error initializing classpath: No builders are available to build a model of type 'org.grails.gradle.plugin.model.GrailsClasspath'. (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
Any ideas anyone?
This is logged as an unresolved issue presently:
I'm seeing this same issue with both grails 3.0.11 and 3.1.1. I was able to get around it for my project by installing grails 2.4.5 then executing grails set-grails-version 2.4.5.
Just had the problem where i took an existing grails project. That grails project was specified as 3.0 but actually contained many references to 2.5 in the build.gradle
Had To make changes to the gradle configuration to make it run.
To get you on track: create a new app somewhere and compare the gradle configuration between the 2

error while running grails command line

in my grails 2.3.4 application (after upgrading from grails 2.2.3) , when I run the grails command line grails install-plugin pluginname I get the below error , even I tried grails list-plugins I'm getting the same error:
Error Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Failed to resolve dependencies (Se log level to 'warn' in BuildConfig.groovy for more information): org.grails.plugins:tomcat:2.3.4 (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
i reviewed the BuildConfig.groovy there is no tomcat 2.3.4 what i'm using is 7.0.47 , here are my plugins :
runtime ":hibernate:"
runtime ":jquery:1.8.3"
runtime :resources:1.1.6
build ":tomcat:7.0.47"
runtime database-migration:1.2.1
compile :cache:1.0.1
how i can solve this issue ?
you problem seems slovable due to the fact that need to clean the grails project first without building it and then do
grails refresh-dependencies
and then finally
grails clean
grails compile
When you run refresh-dependencies your Grails application will try to resolve your grails plugins defined in BuildConfig.groovy file. If this doesn't work remove the plugins and do the above step until the error you have posted in the question vanished then add the correct plugin format and version with the correct precedence dependency, then make sure everything should work well.
Your dependencies are in a dependency block, but they are plugins. Put them in the plugins block of your BuildConfig.groovy file. So instead of what you have, put this:
plugins {
runtime ":hibernate:"
runtime ":jquery:1.8.3"
runtime ":resources:1.1.6"
build ":tomcat:7.0.47"
runtime ":database-migration:1.2.1"
compile ":cache:1.0.1"
Also, this is no "dependency" block. This is a dependencies block, however. See this link for information on dependency resolution in Grails.
I need to add the following repo in buildconfig.groovy to the repositories section:
mavenRepo ""

How to resolve external dependencies defined in a Grails plugin in a Grails 2.2.x application

I asked this question on the Grails user list but didn’t get a response, so I’ll rephrase it here. I’m the author of a Grails plugin (, which has two external dependencies defined in BuildConfig.groovy.
When the plugin is installed in a new Grails 2.2.x application, the external dependencies are not resolved in the app. When running it I get "unable to resolve class" errors on the import statements for the classes defined in the plugin’s dependencies.
A plugin user should be able to insert the plugin dependency in an app’s BuildConfig.groovy and have the two external dependencies resolved automatically. grails.project.dependency.resolution.legacyResolve should be the default value of false.
Additionally, I want to test the plugin using before publishing it to the Grails plugin portal. I have an artifactory repo running on localhost (defined as localPluginReleases in the plugin's BuildConfig.groovy).
The plugin is built using Grails 2.2.3 and uses release plugin version 2.2.1. I've tried varying combinations of the below without success:
grails clean
grails compile
grails maven-install
grails generate-pom
grails package-plugin
grails publish-plugin --noScm --repository=localPluginReleases
grails maven-deploy --repository=localPluginReleases
What is the correct step-by-step to get this working?

Why grails run-app tries to access remote servers during compiling

I found there are some errors during my grails application compiling.
| Loading Grails 2.0.4
| Configuring classpath
:: problems summary ::
Server access Error: Unexpected end of file from server
But I can access the above url using my browser. What does the error mean? and is there any way to avoid such problems during compiling? Or can I compile my grails app locally?
when I need some grails plugin, I usually run
grails install-plugin xxx
to install xxx plugins. I noticed that there are some records automatically written in ''. And the plugins are always installed in my ~/.grails//projects/plugins/, I am wondering whether there are ways to compile grails app locally?
You have a SNAPSHOT plugin, that means that Grails have to refresh this plugin periodically (once a day).
To disable remote repositories you can use --offline to work offline:
grails --offline run-app
Or disable it completelly by adding into BuildConfig.groovy:
See docs for Dependecy Resoultion -
P.S. Latest stable version of Shiro plugin is 1.1.4, you could also use it instead of 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT. Stable version will be downloaded only once.

install spring-security-core plugin into plugin, which then is installed in application

I've just switched to grails 2.2 and have got a major plugin problem. I've got an application - my-app and a plugin - my-plugin. I want to install spring-security-core plugin into my-plugin, and then install my-plugin into my-app. When I've done this and did s2-quickstart, so that LoginController got created. I can start my-plugin with no problems now, but when I try to start my-app it complains that it cannot find any springsecurity classes. Errors looks like this:
12: unable to resolve class # line 12, column 1.
7: unable to resolve class # line 7, column 1.
11: unable to resolve class # line 11, column 1.
It looks to me, like only my-plugin can see spring security plugin dependencies, and my-app cannot, so they didn't cascade even thought according to manual they should have.
I've also tryed to install spring-security-core plugin by adding in BuildConfig.conf this:
compile ":spring-security-core:"
but it didn't work either.
Any ideas?
If you use install-plugin in a plugin, it's only installed locally by adding a line in It doesn't get exported as a dependency of your plugin. This could be used for plugins like code-coverage where you want to use it during development and testing but not force users to also install it.
In older versions of Grails the dependsOn map in the plugin descriptor was used to express plugin dependencies. This is now deprecated in favor of dependencies registered in the plugins secton of BuildConfig.groovy. This is both for consistency and to take advantage of the more fine-grained features supported by the dependency DSL including specifying scopes and exclusions. This is also true for applications - don't use install-plugin for either apps or plugins, always use BuildConfig.groovy.
Take a look at the spring-security-ldap plugin's BuildConfig.groovy. It has a compile-scope dependency on the core plugin, plus one for the hibernate plugin that's not exported (since it's just for testing) and a build-scope dependency on the release plugin (also not exported since it's just used to release the plugins).
You should probably using a similar dependency on the core plugin in your BuildConfig.groovy. Delete any plugin references in your and convert to BuildConfig.groovy syntax and run grails clean followed by grails compile.
Thank you Burt for your advice. I've used it and here's what I came to:
I created a plugin-app and installed spring-security-core plugin in it (using DataSource.groovy, and not install plugin). Then I created a main-app and installed my plugin-app (again using DataSource.groovy). When I did this in grails 2.1.1 everything worked just fine - I could use spring-security in my main-app, so the dependency got pulled just right. When I did everything the same, but in grails 2.2 I couldn't use spring-security in my main-app, so dependencies didn't get pulled. That's why I think this might be some kind of a bug in new grails version.
