XNA mouse 'position relative-to' changes every build - xna

Okay so I'm starting to make a main menu for a small flash game and to do this I want to use the mouse to click on buttons etc. I have a button class in which I create two rectangles: a rectangle for the button and a rectangle for the mouse based on its X and Y, 1 pixel by 1 pixel. I use Rectangle.Intersects to check if they are touching before seeing if left mouse button is down. Problem is, the thing the mouse position is relative to changes every time so no matter where the mouse button is on the screen, it's never the same co-ordinates as in a different build in that exact same position. I seriously just need ideas now as I'm running out. If I didn't explain it very well or you need further details to help please ask - I WOULD BE SO GRATEFUL.
Will post back if I find an answer
Update - Okay here's the button class
class OnScreenButton
public Texture2D texture;
Vector2 position;
Rectangle rectangle;
Color colour = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
public Vector2 size;
public OnScreenButton(Texture2D newtexture, GraphicsDevice graphics)
texture = newtexture;
// ScreenW = 500, ScreenH = 600
// Img W = 80, Img H = 20
size = new Vector2(graphics.Viewport.Width / 10, graphics.Viewport.Height / 30);
size = new Vector2(texture.Width, texture.Height);
bool down;
public bool isClicked;
public void Update(MouseState mouseState)
rectangle = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, (int)size.X, (int)size.Y);
Rectangle mouseRectangle = new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1);
if (mouseRectangle.Intersects(rectangle))
if (colour.A == 255)
down = false;
if (colour.A == 0)
down = true;
if (down)
colour.A += 3;
colour.A -= 3;
if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
isClicked = true;
else if (colour.A < 255)
colour.A += 3;
isClicked = false;
colour.A = (255);
public void SetPosition(Vector2 newPos)
position = newPos;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, rectangle, colour);
(Sorry for weird formatting, brand new to stack overflow and the posting is still a little confusing)
Here is some other code I think is relevent...
Game.1 initializing stuff
GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
protected override void Initialize()
// TODO: Add your initialization logic here
Mouse.WindowHandle = Window.Handle;
public Main()
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
KeyboardState keyboardState;
MouseState mouseState;
Main menu update routine...
private void UpdateMainMenu(GameTime gameTime)
// Button options
if (buttonPlay.isClicked == true)
currentGameState = GameState.playing;
if (buttonExit.isClicked == true)
// Press enter to play
if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
currentGameState = GameState.playing;
Here's thee draw routine for main menu...
public void DrawMainMenu()
spriteBatch.Draw(mainMenuBackground, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White);
spriteBatch.DrawString(playerAmmoFont, String.Format("{0}", mouseState), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White);
okay that's all I can think of
UPDATE - Okay so I know a few things that aren't the problem...
The whole of my button class is fine, I made a new project and inserted all the relevant code into it and it worked absolutely perfectly so I'm starting to think its something to do with the code positioning and the graphics device stuff although I still don't have a clue how to fix it.
the window appears at the same spot every time
there is no pattern to the change in coordinates at all
this is really annoying
UPDATE - OKAY. I spent a long time writing down the coordinates that I got each time I ran the code and stuck to cursor in the top right corner of the screen. Here is what I got.
(-203, -225)
(-253, -275)
(-53, -75)
(-103, -125)
(-153, -175)
(-203, -225)
(-253, -275)
(-53, -75)
(-103, -125)
(-153, -175)
(-203, -225)
(-253, -275)
(-53, -75)
(-103, -125)
(-153, -175)
(-203, -225)
(-253, -275)
(-53, -75)
(-103, -125)
(-153, -175)
(-203, -225)
(-78, -100)
(-128, -150)
(-178, -200)
(-228, -250)
(-28, -50)
(-53, -75)
(-103, -125)
I just don't get how the same code can execute a different bug on different executions like this.
Also, mouse.Wheel doesn't go up or down whereas it works on the project that I made to test the relevant code where the mouse position was relevant to the top left pixel of the game window.
UPDATE - EVEN MORE DAMN COMPLICATIONS - So I just rand it a few times again and the offset values are offset... the increase is the same but I got values like (-178, -200) then (-228, -250). I have also discovered that the mouse is not relative to the game window what so ever, if I jam the mouse in the top right corner of the screen and check the coordinates, then move the game window and do the same again, the coordinates don't change. Please please please help me, or tell me if I'm being stupid, or something. Thanks.

The mouse coordinates are relative to the monitor. Here is my general button class to try and work for your situation.
public class Button
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Clicked;
public Vector2 Position { get; set;}
public Texture2D Texture { get; set;}
public Color Tint { get; set; }
public float Scale { get; set; }
public float Rotation { get; set; }
public int Width
if (texture == null)
return 0;
return texture.Width;
public int Height
if (texture == null)
return 0;
return texture.Height;
private void OnClick()
if (Clicked != null)
Clicked(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public Button(Vector2 position, Texture2D texture)
: base(parent)
Position = position;
Texture = texture;
Tint = Color.White;
Scale = 1.0f;
Rotation = 0.0f;
public bool HandleClick(Vector2 vector)
if (vector.X >= Position.X)
if (vector.X <= Position.X + Width)
if (vector.Y >= Position.Y)
if (vector.Y <= Position.Y + Height)
return true;
return false;
public bool HandleEntered(Vector2 vector)
if (vector.X >= Position.X)
if (vector.X <= Position.X + Width)
if (vector.Y >= Position.Y)
if (vector.Y <= Position.Y + Height)
return true;
return false;
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
spriteBatch.Draw(Texture, Position, null, Tint, Rotation, Vector2.Zero, Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f);
Declare a button:
Button btn = new Button(position where you want the button, texture for the button);
btn.Clicked += () => { /* Handle button clicked code here */ };
In your update method inside your main game:
public void Update (GameTime gameTime)
MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
if(mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) // check if mouse is clicked
btn.HandleClicked(new Vector2(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y)); // If true then the button clicked event will fire
// Here you can also change the color of the button if the button is currently clicked
// Here you can change the color of the button if the mouse is hover over the control
// Example:
btn.Tint = btn.HandleEntered(new Vector2(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y)) ? Color.White * 0.75f : Color.White;
Note: You can also use a rectangle for the button to adjust its size instead of strictly using the textures dimensions. Hope this gives some insight.

So here's what was going on: I had a bullet class in my game for every bullet shot. In this class I check whether the bullets hits nothing, hits the asteroid, or destroys the asteroids. If the latter is true then I would increment playerScore by 5. PlayerScore was a Game1 attribute so I thought the easiest way to do this would be to create a new Game1 in bullet.cs to allow me to refer to the variable. Deleting the "Main mainGame = new Main():" in Bullet.cs fixed this issue and I think the issue was coming from a new graphics device being made every single time I fired a single bullet.


How to Flip FaceOSC in Processing3.2.1

I am new to the Processing and now trying to use FaceOSC. Everything was done already, but it is hard to play the game I made when everything is not a mirror view. So I want to flip the data that FaceOSC sent to processing to create video.
I'm not sure if FaceOSC sent the video because I've tried flip like a video but it doesn't work. I also flipped like a image, and canvas, but still doesn't work. Or may be I did it wrong. Please HELP!
//XXXXXXX// This is some of my code.
import oscP5.*;
import codeanticode.syphon.*;
OscP5 oscP5;
SyphonClient client;
PGraphics canvas;
boolean found;
PVector[] meshPoints;
void setup() {
size(640, 480, P3D);
oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
oscP5.plug(this, "found", "/found");
oscP5.plug(this, "loadMesh", "/raw");
// plugin for mouth
oscP5.plug(this, "mouthWidthReceived", "/gesture/mouth/width");
oscP5.plug(this, "mouthHeightReceived", "/gesture/mouth/height");
// initialize the syphon client with the name of the server
client = new SyphonClient(this, "FaceOSC");
// prep the PGraphics object to receive the camera image
canvas = createGraphics(640, 480, P3D);
void draw() {
// flip like a vdo here, does not work
/* pushMatrix();
translate(canvas.width, 0);
image(canvas, -canvas.width, 0, width, height);
popMatrix(); */
image(canvas, 0, 0, width, height);
if (found) {
void drawFeature(int[] featurePointList) {
for (int i = 0; i < featurePointList.length; i++) {
PVector meshVertex = meshPoints[featurePointList[i]];
if (i > 0) {
PVector prevMeshVertex = meshPoints[featurePointList[i-1]];
line(meshVertex.x, meshVertex.y, prevMeshVertex.x, prevMeshVertex.y);
ellipse(meshVertex.x, meshVertex.y, 3, 3);
public void found(int i) {
// println("found: " + i); // 1 == found, 0 == not found
found = i == 1;
The scale() and translate() snippet you're trying to use makes sense, but it looks like you're using it in the wrong place. I'm not sure what canvas should do, but I'm guessing the face features is drawn using drawFeature() calls is what you want to mirror. If so, you should do place those calls in between pushMatrix() and popMatrix() calls, right after the scale().
I would try something like this in draw():
void draw() {
//flip horizontal
translate(width, 0);
if (found) {
The push/pop matrix calls isolate the coordinate space.
The coordinate system origin(0,0) is the top left corner: this is why everything is translated by the width before scaling x by -1. Because it's not at the centre, simply mirroring won't leave the content in the same place.
For more details checkout the Processing Transform2D tutorial
Here's a basic example:
boolean mirror;
void setup(){
void draw(){
//translate, otherwise mirrored content will be off screen (pivot is at top left corner not centre)
//scale x -= 1 mirror
//draw mirrored content
//this could be be the face preview
void drawStuff(){
text("press m to toggle mirroring",450,470);
void keyPressed(){
if(key == 'm') mirror = !mirror;
Another option is to mirror each coordinate, but in your case it would be a lot of effort when scale(-1,1) will do the trick. For reference, to mirror the coordinate, you simply need to subtract the current value from the largest value:
void setup(){
void draw(){
//subtract current value(mouseX in this case) from the largest value it can have (width in this case)
You can run these examples right here:
var mirror;
function setup(){
function draw(){
//translate, otherwise mirrored content will be off screen (pivot is at top left corner not centre)
//scale x -= 1 mirror
//draw mirrored content
//this could be be the face preview
function drawStuff(){
text("press m to toggle mirroring",450,470);
function keyPressed(){
if(key == 'M') mirror = !mirror;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.5.4/p5.min.js"></script>
function setup(){
function draw(){
//subtract current value(mouseX in this case) from the largest value it can have (width in this case)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.5.4/p5.min.js"></script>

gotoAndPlay not finding Frame Label AS3

I'm trying to build a simple Flash game where the user drags a sombrero onto a cactus. I've got it so that when you drag the sombrero anywhere but the cactus, it snaps back to it's original position. I had it so when you drag it onto the cactus, it stays there.
What I want is when the user drags the sombrero onto the cactus, it takes you to a screen that says "YAY! Play again?" I put a gotoAndPlay() inside my if statement:
if(dropTarget.parent.name == "cactus")
//scaleX = scaleY = 0.2;
//alpha = 0.2;
//y = stage.stageHeight - height - -100;
//buttonMode = false;
//removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down);
trace("dropped on cactus");
I labeled my second frame as "playAgain." I get an error saying:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label playAgain not found in scene playAgain.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
at net.dndgtal.Cactus_Game::sombrero/stageUp()
I have Googled and checked and double checked all the suggestions, but cannot get it to work. I don't have a scene "playAgain," only "scene1." I've tried specifying both the scene and the frame- that doesn't work either. And I tried just putting in gotoAndPlay(2), for frame two, but that just does nothing.
Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated. Here is all of my code if that helps:
package net.dndgtal.Cactus_Game
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.geom.Point;
public class sombrero extends MovieClip
protected var OriginalPosition:Point;
public function sombrero ()
OriginalPosition = new Point(x, y);
buttonMode = true;
addEventListener ( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down );
//trace("sombrero constructor");
protected function down (event:MouseEvent):void
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stageUp);
protected function stageUp(event:MouseEvent):void
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stageUp);
if (dropTarget)
if(dropTarget.parent.name == "cactus")
//scaleX = scaleY = 0.2;
//alpha = 0.2;
//y = stage.stageHeight - height - -100;
//buttonMode = false;
//removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down);
trace("dropped on cactus");
protected function returnToOriginalPosition(): void
x = OriginalPosition.x;
y = OriginalPosition.y;
Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions.
Your issue is likely one of scope. When you use gotoAndPlay("playAgain"), it will take the current timeline (scope), which is the sombrero class, and attempt to find a frame label or scene called "playAgain" on it's timeline.
Presumably, you want the main timeline to gotoAndPlay the frame label "playAgain", not the sombrero.
To access the main timeline, you can use MovieClip(root).gotoAndPlay("playAgain").
If it's not the main timeline, but the parent of sombrero, you can access it with MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay("playAgain")
If the relationship between the sombrero and whichever timeline your trying to advance is more complicated than that, then you could pass in a reference to it in your sombrero constructor:
private var targetTimeline:MovieClip;
public function sombrero (targetTimeline_:MovieClip)
targetTimeline = targetTimeline_;
//...rest of constructor code
And then:
if(dropTarget.parent.name == "cactus"){
And when you create the sombrero, pass in the target timeline:
var hat:sombrero = new sombrero(target);

XNA 2D Platformer Collision and Gravity

I know this question might get asked a lot and for that I am sorry. But I have had trouble with collisions in my game for a while and I would like some help.
First off, the game is a 2D Platformer. Each solid is put in a list. I have this code for collision detection which works pretty good for me:
if (player.rectangle.Intersects(rect))
player1Collision = true;
colSolid = solid;
colRectangle = rect;
if (player1Collision)
Vector2 pos = player.position;
Vector2 pLeft = new Vector2(player.BoundingBox.Left, 0);
Vector2 pRight = new Vector2(player.BoundingBox.Right, 0);
Vector2 pTop = new Vector2(0, player.BoundingBox.Top);
Vector2 pBottom = new Vector2(0, player.BoundingBox.Bottom);
Vector2 sLeft = new Vector2(colSolid.BoundingBox.Left, 0);
Vector2 sRight = new Vector2(colSolid.BoundingBox.Right, 0);
Vector2 sTop = new Vector2(0, colSolid.BoundingBox.Top);
Vector2 sBottom = new Vector2(0, colSolid.BoundingBox.Bottom);
if (player.rectangle.Intersects(colRectangle))
if (player.velocity.X > 0 && Vector2.Distance(pRight, sLeft) < player.texture.Width / 2)//left
player.velocity.X = 0f;
pos.X = colSolid.BoundingBox.Left - player.BoundingBox.Width;
else if (player.velocity.X < 0 && Vector2.Distance(pLeft, sRight) < player.texture.Width / 2)//right
player.velocity.X = 0f;
pos.X = colSolid.BoundingBox.Right;
if (player.velocity.Y > 0 && Vector2.Distance(pBottom, sTop) < player.texture.Height/ 2) //top
player.velocity.Y = 0f;
player.gravityOn = false;
pos.Y = colSolid.BoundingBox.Top - player.BoundingBox.Height;
else if (player.velocity.Y < 0 && Vector2.Distance(pTop, sBottom) < player.texture.Height / 2)//bottom
player.velocity.Y = 0f;
pos.Y = colSolid.BoundingBox.Bottom;
player.position = pos;
player.gravitySpeed = 0.15f;
player.gravityOn = true;
However the problem is that if the player is not intersecting with the rectangle I set the gravity to on, therefore he falls continuously as he collides with the solid and then is put on top to not collide with it. All I need to know is: how can I avoid this? Is there any other way that I could set the gravity to on without the player falling towards the solid continuously, only to be put back on top of the solid to fall again?
Any help is appreciated.
The way I address this problem may not be optimal (in fact I'm sure it probably isn't) but it has worked for me in all my 2D platforming projects so far.
I begin by defining a second rectangle for the sprite class. This rectangle will have the same Width and X coordinate as the main bounding box, but it will be slightly taller (in my case 2 or 3). You will also need to offset it so that the bottom edges of both rectangles are inline, to illustrate:
Rectangle boundingRect = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, texture.Width, texture.Height);
Rectangle gravityRect = new Rectangle((int)boundingRect.X, (int)boundingRect.Y - 3, texture.Width, texture.Height + 3);
The sprite class also needs a bool to keep track of if the player should be falling. And one to keep track of whether it is solid (which you obviously assign as desired, during initialization).
public bool isGrounded = false;
bool isSolid;
At the top of my Game1 class, I declare 2 ints:
int gravityTotalI = 0;
int gravityCounterI = 0;
When initializing my sprites, I usually add them all to a List. So that I can do this:
foreach (Sprite s in spriteList)
if (s.isSolid)
Now, I use this bit of logic in the Game1 Update Method:
foreach (Sprite s in spriteList)
if (!s.Equals(player)
if (player.boundingRect.Intersects(s.boundingRect) || player.boundingRect.Intersects(s.gravityRect))
player.isGrounded = true;
gravityCounterI = 0;
if (gravCounterI >= gravTotalI)
player.isGrounded = false;
gravCounterI = 0;
if (player.boundingRect.Intersects(s.boundingRect))
player.position.Y -= 2f; //set the resistance of the platform here
} //end of foreach loop.
if (!player.isGrounded)
player.position.Y += 2f; //set the force of gravity here.
Building a decent directional collision engine is a different thing, but this technique will handle the basics (and get rid of that infernal bouncing).
Hope this isn't too long-winded/doesn't miss out anything important, and I really hope it helps - I struggled with exactly the same problem as you for a long time, and I know how frustrating it can be!
I'm looking forward to seeing others' techniques for handling this!

Dealing with game cursor, not windows cursor

Earlier, I had an issue with my Windows cursor being uncoordinated with the game and asked here how I could solve this. A member suggested me to hide the Windows cursor and create a custom game cursor, so I did this. However, a new problem occurred.
My game cursor is usually offset to the right of the Windows mouse, so when I want to move the game cursor to the left side of the window and click my left mouse button, it causes a disturbance to the game, such as bringing an application in the background to the top.
Here is a picture of what I mean: http://i.imgur.com/nChwToh.png
As you can see, the game cursor is offset to the right of the Windows cursor, and if I use game cursor to click on something on the left side of the window, the application in the background (Google Chrome in this case), will be brought up to the front, causing disturbance to the game.
Is there anything I can do to use my game cursor without any disturbances?
I have just tried to move everything out of their classes, all into the main Game class.
This fixed the problem, but does not give me an answer to WHY this happens.
The code is exactly the same, it's just organized to separate classes.
So, does anyone know why this is?
Why is using object-oriented programming instead of putting everything in the game class going mess up my mouse coordination and stuff?
Normally, you would have a texture for you in-game cursor where, for instance, the pixel at [16,16] is where you are "aiming" (the center of a crosshair, for instance). What you owuld to to draw this centered on the mouse is to use Mouse.GetState() to get the position, and then offset the drawing of your mouse-texture by the negative of the "center" of the "aim"-point.
so let's say we make a custom Mouse-Class:
public class GameMouse
public Vector2 Position = Vector2.Zero;
private Texture2D Texture { get; set; }
private Vector2 CenterPoint = Vector2.Zero;
public MouseState State { get; set; }
public MouseState PreviousState { get; set; }
//Returns true if left button is pressed (true as long as you hold button)
public Boolean LeftDown
get { return State.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed; }
//Returns true if left button has been pressed since last update (only once per click)
public Boolean LeftPressed
get { return (State.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) &&
(PreviousState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released); }
//Initialize texture and states.
public GameMouse(Texture2D texture, Vector2 centerPoint)
Texture = texture;
CenterPoint = centerPoint;
State = Mouse.GetState();
//Calling Update will set previousstate and update Position.
public void Update()
PreviousState = State;
State = Mouse.GetState();
Position.X = State.X;
Position.Y = State.Y;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
spriteBatch.Draw(Texture, Position - CenterPoint, Color.White);

Newly loaded sprites not behaving properly in XNA 4.0

Here is the code for a project im working on, where an enemy moves back and forth at the bottom of the screen.
class enemy1
Texture2D texture;
public Vector2 position;
bool isAlive = false;
Random rand;
int whichSide;
public enemy1(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position)
this.texture = texture;
this.position = position;
public void Update()
if (isAlive)
if (whichSide == 1)
position.X += 4;
if (position.X > 1000 + texture.Width)
isAlive = false;
if (whichSide == 2)
position.X -= 4;
if (position.X < 0)
isAlive = false;
rand = new Random();
whichSide = rand.Next(1, 3);
private void SetInStartPosition()
isAlive = true;
if (whichSide == 1)
position = new Vector2(0 - texture.Width, 563 - texture.Height);
if (whichSide == 2)
position = new Vector2(1000 + texture.Width, 563 - texture.Height);
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, position, Color.White);
Now i want there to be a few enemys going back and forth but they start at differant positions so it looks like there is a few enemys going back and forth at the bottom of the screen. I have managed to draw a few other enemies on the screen, except they do not behave like the first enemy. They just are pictures on a screen not moving anywhere. So now all i have is the hero moving around and one enemy at the bottom of the screen, along with 5 other enemys sitting at the top of the screen doing nothing. How do i easily add a new sprite from a class that has the same behavior, at any time, while not making a billion variables to store them in?
Generally it's a good idea to have similar logic contained within the proper class, so if all Sprites where to do the same thing, then all you would need to do is put your movement code inside a public method and then call that method inside Update().
So, if your Sprite class looks something like this:
public class Sprite
private Vector2 Position;
public Sprite(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position)
Position = position;
//then just add this
public void MoveSprite(int amount)
position.X += amount;
Now, the object name "Sprite" is pretty generic, you will more than likely have many "Sprites" in your game.
So you're going to want to follow good OOP practices and maybe name this specific sprite something different and then have it derive from this class we're looking at right now. (But i'm not going to make design decisions for you)
This was a vague question, but that's my best shot at an answer for you.
