-all_load AND -ObjC cause problems with other libraries - ios

I'm using CatchoomSDK in my app, and now I want to use socialize framework.
Socialize needs -all_load AND -ObjC flags and with these flag i am getting:
duplicate symbol error.
if I remove the -all_load flags, the app crashes with:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFConstantString socializeTrim]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

After long research got the solution steps to resolve the issue:
Remove -all_load flag from Other Linker Flags in Build Phase
Added -force_load followed by path of Socialize library(Means Socialize.a).
For Example
-force_load $(SOURCE_ROOT)/Socialize.embeddedframework/Socialize.framework/Versions/A/Socialize


FireBase-Analytics IOS

i'm new mobile developer, today i add firebase analytics framework in my project using code [FIRApp configure], so when i running app, the app be crash.Someone can help me fix this bug? Thanks all! Here's log in xcode:
* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[NSData gtm_dataByGzippingData:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1a0c5a8b8'
* First throw call stack:
(0x1834f9900 0x182b67f80 0x183500514 0x1834fd5b8 0x18340168c 0x1001cda2c 0x1001e17c8 0x1001e13b8 0x1012d1bf0 0x1012d1bb0 0x1012de6c8 0x1012d58a0 0x1012d1bb0 0x1012e0e10 0x1012e04d8 0x183161470 0x183161020)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
Please download the latest zip file. I had similar crash when I forgot to add the linker flag -ObjC. Are you by any chance missing that flag:
Add the -ObjC flag to "Other Linker Settings": a. In your project settings, open the Settings panel for your target b. Go to the Build
Settings tab and find the "Other Linking Flags" setting
in the Linking section. c. Double-click the setting, click the '+' button, and add "-ObjC" (without quotes)
Here is where it should be1

How to fix unrecognized selector issue in AdMob implementation?

I have following problem:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[GADSlot state]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
I have linked all required frameworks.
I was missing -ObjC flag in Other Linker flags
Go to Project settings > Build Settings And set -ObjC in Other Linker Flags.

Crash on [__NSCFConstantString gck_matchesPattern:]

When you are creating a Chromecast iOS app by yourself, not copied from cast-ios-sample, it will crash because the framework raises an uncaught exception.
[__NSCFConstantString gck_matchesPattern:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1c99c
Add "-ObjC" to "Other Linker Flags" in the Build Settings for your target app in Xcode, as the sample app does.
Add -all_load in Target section --> Other Linker Flag

Admob Ads on iOS 4.3 Error-GADObjectPrivate

I am getting the following error on a new app:
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[GADObjectPrivate
changeState:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1ed49a90'.
I have a couple ad networks-Chartboost and Admob. This seems like an Admob error, but it is causing the app to terminate on launch. I have removed the admob code and files, and I am still getting the error.
I don't know if this helps anyone:
* First throw call stack: (0x374ca2a3 0x34fca97f 0x374cde07 0x374cc531 0x37423f68 0x9e950 0xa0314 0x9deb0 0x6e147 0x36e53595
0x36e93d79 0x36e8faed 0x36ed11d1 0x6de0d 0x36e94ad9 0x36e94663
0x36e8c84b 0x36e34c41 0x36e346d5 0x36e34123 0x350c75a3 0x3749f683
0x3749eee9 0x3749dcb7 0x37410ebd 0x37410d49 0x36e8b485 0x36e88301
0x6db2d 0x6da90) libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an
Which version of AdMob are you using? If you are using v6.2, you must use the -ObjC linker flag in the "Other Linker Flags" section of Build Settings. If you are using v6.1 or below, you have to use the -all_load linker flag.
Also, if you're using v6.2, you must be using XCode 4.5 and targeting iOS 6 (you can set your minimum deployment target to iOS 4.3 though).

bing map integration in iphone

I am trying to implement bing maps in iphone. I am able to show the map. But the problem is that whenever I try any interaction with the map, it crashes. Here's the error:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[BMMapViewInternal touchesBegan:withEvent:inView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4e777e0'
any idea as to how this can be solved?
Check the read-me, section "Add Linker Flags":
- Set the value of the Other Linker Flags environment variable to -ObjC -all_load.
