TableView Controller shows cells under status bar - ios

In my view controller, I have an UIImageView with a frame of (0, 0, and a hidden UITableView with a UISearchBar on top. The tableview has a frame of (0, 20, 320, 548) to show the imageview under the status bar whenever the tableview is shown. However, when I scroll the cells up past the search bar, the cells go over the imageview but under the status bar text.
Why is this happening when the tableview's frame starts at (0, 20)? How can I make the imageview show under the status bar when the tableview is shown, without having the cells block it?
I started with a ViewController created in storyboard. Both the UIImageView and UITableView are subviews of the main view. The button's outlet is called searchBarLikeButton.
- (IBAction)searchBarLikeAction:(id)sender {
//Hide button, show table, make searchBar the first responder.
self.searchBarLikeButton.hidden = YES;
self.carTableView.hidden = NO;
[self.searchBarByName becomeFirstResponder];


Scroll UITableView to dismiss UIView Above

I have a UIViewController with following:
UIView as navigation (Button, Label, Button) Height: 60
UIView with Information (Labels) height: 110
I would like when the user scroll up, the 2nd UIView right above the UITableVIew to move with it and move off the screen, like this:
Finally, when user scroll down again, the UIView will appear again back to initial screen.
Delete your 2nd information view from ViewController and set it as a header view of your tableView
tableView.tableHeaderView = informationView

Set image view underneath the navigation bar

In my UIViewController I have UIImageView that takes up the full size of the controller (screen) and serves as a background. On top of UIImageView I have a UITableView with a clear background. I set the navigation bar to translucent like this:
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = YES;
UIImageView is underneath the navigation bar as I want it to be. Unfortunately the same happens to UITableView. I want to put UITableView at the bottom of navigation bar, leaving UIImageView underneath. If I set:
[self setEdgesForExtendedLayout:UIRectEdgeBottom]
then UITableView is at the bottom of the navigation bar, but the same happens also to UIImageView. What would be the easiest solution to leave UIImageView underneath the navigation bar and push down the UITableView at the bottom of the navigation bar?
By default in iOS 7 the content extends to the top and bottom of the screen, underneath any navigation bars, tool bars, or tab bars. If you were to set the frame of the table view to be start after the navigation bar, the content of the table view would not scroll beneath the navigation bar providing the nice blur effect.
What you'll probably want to do instead, is keep the y origin of your table view at 0, underneath the navigation bar, and set the content inset so the content starts after the navigation bar.
This is pretty simple. If you're using auto layout the top layout guide of the view controller will recognise the height of the status bar and navigation bar so you don't need to calculate this yourself. The bottom of the navigation bar should end at 66.
//Using Auto Layout
CGFloat navigationBarHeight = self.topLayoutGuide.length;
//Not using Auto Layout
UINavigationBar *nav = self.navigationController.navigationBar;
CGFloat navigationBarHeight = nav.frame.origin.y + nav.frame.size.height;
myTableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(navigationBarHeight, 0, 0, 0)
And of course if you actually do want the frame to start after the navigation bar the height above stays the same, you just need to manually set the frame of the table view.
CGRect tableViewFrame = self.view.bounds;
tableViewFrame.origin = CGPointMake(tableViewFrame.origin.x, navigationBarHeight);
tableViewFrame.size = CGSizeMake(tableViewFrame.size.width, tableViewFrame.size.height - navigationBarHeight*2);
myTableView.frame = tableViewFrame;
EDIT: Ah, almost forgot. You'll also want to change the scrollIndicatorInsets to match the contentInset, so your scroll bars don't move offscreen.
myTableView.scrollIndicatorInsets = myTableView.contentInset;

How do I position UITableView programmatically while using iOS7's UINavigationBar?

I have a quite regular UIViewController that is a part of a UINavigationController-hierarchy, which naturally makes the view have a UINavigationBar at the top. As we all know, iOS7's navigation bars are very different from previous versions.
If I drag a UITableView into my view in Storyboard, then the 'frame' for the table view is covering the entire view (I.E [tableView setFrame:self.view.frame];). Even behind the NavigationBar.
This makes so that if I scroll, the content will be faintly visible through the bar.
Contrary to most people, I actually like this.
In my current view controller, I would like to create the UITableView programmatically and place it as a subview here. However, I am unable to achieve the same effect this way.
I have tried
UITableView *table = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
[self.view addSubview: table];
This makes the 'top scrolling point' stay behind the navigation bar. Imagine a single cell in a tableView, and it's faintly visible through the top bar. If I scroll down, it pops right up behind it. That's the default 'top position'.
I have also tried
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0, 'nav.y+nav.height', self...width, self...height-y);
UITableView *table = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[self.view addSubview: table];
to simply place the table view in the rect below the UINavigationBar, but then I won't get the scrolling transparency effect behind the bar.
I also tried the first example along with this:
[tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, 'below navbar')];
which makes it stay exactly where I want it to stay, but as soon as I touch it (scroll and release), it scrolls back up behind the navigation bar, and stays there.
What's the programmatic solution to achieve this effect? Do I have to set the offset every time I scroll too far up, or is there a simpler solution? Along with this iOS7-style, I'd imagine they would add something like [tableView setVisibleFrame:] or something..?
Add the table in storyboard like normal but make sure you have it connected to an outlet (we will call it _tableView for now).
Then in your view controller's -viewDidLoad set the top inset to be the status bar plus the navigation bar:
`self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake( (self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.origin.y + self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.size.height), 0, 0, 0);'
This will make sure that all of the cells will be visible but will also fill the area behind the navigation bar with white so the bar doesn't end up gray.

NavigationBar coincides with status bar when searchDisplayController is activated iOS 7

I have a tableView controller which has a searchbar added to tableHeaderView. When I click on searchBar it animates to cover the screen. However, the view behind gets adjusted and navigationBar overlaps with status bar as shown below:
It adjusts back fine, when the search is cancelled. How to hold the view at the back of searchDisplayController not to overlap the status bar?
fixed by doing: [[[parentFileViewController navigationController] navigationBar] setHidden: YES]; in searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch method where parentFileViewController contains the searchBar

Image view hide navigation bar in scroll view

In my ipad app, there is one navigation bar and one image view within scroll view.
When i run my app, the image view hide the navigation bar.
So, i remove image view and run again, then i see navigation bar.
But, i can't click the button in navigation bar.
Please, tell me how can i solve it?
Keep in mined the hierarchy of the view , if the UIScrollView is on top of the views , then any view behinde it will not receive any touch event.
The navigation bar added with XIB is a part of the subviews in you main view so you have to start the UIScrollView under the navigation bar , y = 44
ScrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 44, self.view.frame.size.width,self.view.frame.size.height-44)];
and do not forget to subtract 44 from the ScrollView height to fit the screen.
