Docker - server hitting EOF - docker

I just installed docker and boot2docker on Mavericks. I did the usual
boot2docker init
boot2docker start
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:4243
and it says the server is up and running. But when I try to connect (e.g. docker info) I get
2014/06/07 10:45:55 Get http://localhost:4243/v1.11/info: EOF
I'm guessing something is wrong with the daemon but I can't crack this one... Does anyone know what it could be?
Note: I didn't install the bundled copy of VirtualBox when I installed docker/boot2docker because I already had it installed. Could there be something missing from that?
Note: this update changes the exposed Docker port from 4243 to 2375,
and will require the v0.12.0 version of the new boot2docker management tool.
This Boot2Docker release is not backwards compatible with older management tools

I have the same problem, but couldn't really use boot2docker v0.12.0 yet.
I just install boot2docker using Go directly go get


System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to deploy distro docker-desktop to <localpath>: exit code: -1

I am trying to run docker Desktop in my windows 10 Local. have installed it successfully but while running it I am getting the below error.
Failed to deploy distro docker-desktop to <localpath>: exit code: -1
stdout: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
I think it is saying some windows services need to be enabled, but I don't know which service has to be enabled could someone please help me with this concern?
docker version
C:\Users\lenova>docker --version
Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61
Uninstall Docker.
Uncheck Containers, Hyper-V, Windows Subsystem for Linux in Windows features
Restart the system
Install Docker Desktop
Restart System
Start Docker Desktop
Right click on docker icon, run as administrator (if you have administrator rights on your computer). It solved the problem for me.
Try delete %USERPROFILE%/.wslconfig. If it helps then you can try to modify it so that it work. As for me I deleted the file, because on my workstation docker didn't want to work with it
Almost sure, that the accepted answer will work. However, it won't be an option, if you utilize WSL for other purposes as well. In that case, you may have several configurations/apps in WSL and just reinstalling or deleting your configuration will probably be a bad solution.
Furthermore: WSL is not the issue for this error! It is created by Docker engine configuration which will kill the WSL service (LxxsManager). This may happen because of
changed configuration (by you) or
because of a Docker update, maybe also
because of Windows updates
You can find a detailed discussion about this issue on Docker's GitHub Issues.
I personally experienced this problem after installing updates on Windows while running Docker v3.5.2. And again, reinstalling/killing WSL is not an option for me! So I tried to kill all services (Docker and WSL) and update Docker. Unfortunately that did not work in first place, since LxxsManager was in some weird state and I could not even kill it any more (even a kill command as admin with force switch did not do it's job!)... So here is my solution to fix that problem:
Remove Docker from autostart
Restart Windows (Yippiee: WSL works again! 🥰)
Install a new version of Docker (in my case v.4.2.0)
Restart Windows again (probably not necessary, but for me it was because Docker engine did not start before a Windows restart)
Start Docker (Yippiee: Docker works again! ☺️)
Note: Since I did not change Docker configuration, I installed an update. If you changed configuration options resulting in that crash, your solution may be different. Literally, instead of updating Docker (step 3) you would probably roll back your Docker configuration changes instead.
The quality of Docker for Windows is very bad. I catch these dangerous very often.
Check list:
(1) Use this tool . Search docker, delete all.
(2) Remove WSL sub system, Hyper-V, then restart
(3). Create file foo.reg has content
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
(4) Uninstall Docker
(5) Run cmd type ... . Delete folder .docker
Delete Docker folder in Program Files
(6) delete
(7) Install latest version of Docker.
(8) Re-install feature WSL for Windows.
Install Ubuntu from Windows store
(9) Re-install Docker (as Administrator)
(10) Run Docker as Administrator .
In my case, I was getting a similar error. This was happening because Docker desktop didn't have permissions to access the path C:\Users\Adithya\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\distro. This started happening after I switched to WSL2 backend.
The solution was to kill all docker process. Next, Run Docker Desktop as Administrator.
Failed to deploy distro docker-desktop to C:\Users\Adithya\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\distro:
exit code: -1 stdout: The operation timed out because a response was not received from the virtual machine or container.
run as administrator , and you switch the container to windows by clicking the icon bar in the right corner taskbar and choose switch to windows container
If you don't need to run Linux and Windows containers side-by-side, an option is to turn off the WSL and use Hyper-v instead. This should work fine.
I had to exit Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN to get docker to work on my system. Not sure why.
I had the PgAdmin 4 app running, and when I closed it and tried starting Docker Desktop again it booted normally.
Not sure if there is a link, but an easy solution to try.
This worked for me:
Copy below snippet:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Save it as a file wsl.reg
Execute the file to update the registry
Launch Ubuntu again
Issue resolved
In my case, the issue was caused by Acrylic DNS server. Anything that holds port 53, would be a problem.
Interesting that it all worked fine for a few days after installation, maybe because I did not reboot the laptop all that time, only used the deep hibernation. So it was hard to guess what could break the docker setup, I was sure that it was because of the recently installed windows or docker updates.
Restarting wsl worked for me.
Run the following
wsl --shutdown, wait for it to shutdown
wsl, wait for it to start
Start Docker Desktop after this.
On Windows 10:
Open Services
Right click on LXSSMANAGER -> Restart
Close wsl using cmd with following command:
wsl --shutdown
Execute following start wsl again:
I solved by the following steps:
Uninstall Docker and WSL 2 kernel.
Uncheck Containers, Hyper-V, Windows Subsystem for Linux in Windows
Restart the system
Install Docker Desktop
Restart System
Start Docker Desktop
The problem is in WSL as it becomes unresponsive and returns a service error if you try the following command in PowerShell:
wsl -l -v
I believe the process can be simplified a bit more with:
Uncheck Windows Subsystem for Linux in Windows Features
Turn the feature back on
Re-apply the WSL2 update
No need to uninstall/reinstall Docker Desktop.
This got me back up and running with Windows 10 Home (which requires WSL2) and Docker Desktop 2.4.0

Docker for mac on machine that previously had boot2docker installed complains about TLS configuration

I took an older macbook back in use. It previously had boot2docker installed when the native docker for mac didn't exist yet. That might be the root cause of my issue.
I've installed the new docker for mac but when I run docker-compose I've got the following error:
docker.errors.TLSParameterError: Path to a certificate and key files must be provided through the client_config param. TLS configurations should map the Docker CLI client configurations. See for API details.
I don't want to install a docker machine with virtual box or anything. I just want to run it natively like a fresh docker for mac installation. All the solutions I've found so far require me to use a docker-machine.
Fixed it by unsetting all legacy docker machine environment variables so that it uses the correct docker commands
unset ${!DOCKER_*}
I've found the solution on the docker troubleshooting page over here.

Docker for linux is giving error

I am new learner for Docker.I have a very simple question.
I want my application to work on Linux system but I am writing application in Windows.So do I need to install Docker for Windows or Linux?
If I run using Docker for Linux,i am not getting option to run in windows and it is getting failed(I understand it might be some other unrelated error) but I need to confirm if my approach is correct or not.
Am I right in installing Docker for Linux?
Also,in case I plan to move to AWS, what docker I need in that case.
Consider docker as any software. if your OS is windows you install windows version of a software. if your is a linux distro then you install linux version of a software.
So you need to install docker for windows afterwards you can install any docker image/container you want under your operating system. Could be windows, linux or anything else.

How to install docker-engine using docker binary without internet connection

I have downloaded docker binary version 1.8.2 and copied that to my backup server (centos server) which doesn't have internet connectivity. I have marked this as executable and started the docker daemon as mentioned in [][1]. But it doesn't seem to get installed as a docker service. For all the commands, I have to execute as sudo ./docker-1.8.2 {command}. Is there a way to install docker-engine as a service? Currently sudo docker version shows command not found. I'm a newbie to docker setup. Please advise.
Why not download the rpm package (there are also centos 6 packages), copy to USB stick and then to your server and simply install it with rpm command and that's it. That way you'd get the same installation as if you were to run yum.
Of course you may have some dependencies missing, but you could download all of these as well.
Firstly, if you're downloading bare binaries on an enterprise linux, you're probably doing things in a very bad way. Immediately, you're breaking updates and consistency, and leaving your system in a risky, messy state.
Try using yumdownloader --resolve to get the docker installable and anything it needs.
A better option may be to mirror the installation artifacts, and grab it from the local mirror, but that's beyond the scope if you don't do this already.

unable to run boot2docker-vm in windows

I am having issues with Boot2Docker for Windows in windows 7. When I run the "" script for starting Boot2Docker, after initializing the boot2docker-vm, starting the vm fails.
I have tried uninstalling and re-installing. It did not help. I have deleted the boot2docker-vm and tried which also did not help. When I open Oracle VM VirtualBox manager, it is showing the VM "boot2docker-vm" with state Powered-Off and I could not start VM from there as well.
Any help on how to fix this problem?
Try and use boot2docker with a regular account instead of the Administrator one.
And make sure to use for now a VirtualBox 4.3.x, not the latest 5.0
As illustrated by issue 600, it relies on a "standard" %USERPROFILE% (C:\Users\aUser)
A boot2docker start -v can add more information on the exact root cause.
