iOS 7 navigation bar visual glitch when transitioning between view controllers - ios

I've got a very simple setup using segues to display a simple master/details configuration. When pushing or popping from the navigation controller, the right hand side of the navigation bar has a strange grey shadow. See this video for a demo.
If I remove all subviews from the detail controller and simply set the background as red (see video), I still get the grey artefact, and strangely, the red only appears behind the navigation bar once the entire transition has finished.
Any idea why this is happening?

Well, very strange, but simply deleting and re-creating an identical view controller in the storyboard fixed this issue.


xcode and iPhone simulations show weird top grey bar behind views after navigation, how to remove them?

I am trying to update an old Storyboard and viewControllers. in Interface Builder, my viewControllers has the following grey bar that I do not know how and why they are appearing, they were not there previously:
These are also visible when I try to simulate my apps in the iPhone simulator as follow:
When I start my app, the views are stretched with a tiny view of this space as follow:
However, when I start navigating to other viewControllers the space is visible as shown in the previous screenshot.
Any idea of how to stretch my views all the way to cover these areas?
I am currently using swift. The navigation is being done using Storyboard Segue.
Thank you.
This is just the storyboard showing the way the screen will be presented, that grey bar represents the view that will be behind that view controller. This kind of presentation is called modal (page sheet or form sheet) the two have different effects on iPad
Code Fix
To fix this, change the modalPresentationStyle to overCurrentContext on the view controller you're going to present. So in code do viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext
Storyboard Fix
in storyboard select the segue (the line linking the two screens) and then on the far right menu select the item 3rd in from the right, you should see a section called presentation, change it to Current Context.

UISplitViewController in UITabBarController - SplitView Navigation Bar Glitch / Bug or me doing something wrong?

PROBLEM: I discovered a strange behavior of UISplitViewController when embedding it in a UITabBarController. The setup is quiet simple and can be reproduced without any coding. Create a StoryBoard based app and drag a UITabBarController onto the StoryBoard and make it the initial view controller. Then drag a UISplitViewController onto the board and make it an item of the UITabBarController. Embed the UISplitViewControllers detail view controller in a UINavigationController as well. Finally, set the background color of the master and detail view controllers to something noticeable.
The StoryBoard should look like this:
Step 1: Run the application on an device which can show master and detail at the same time (e. g. iPad or big screen iPhone). You should notice that the master is not extending under the bars and instead, the background of UISplitViewController shines through.
Step 2: Rotate the screen to portrait so the master gets collapsed. Swipe in from the side to reveal the master. At this point, both navigation bars are showing the correct background color.
Step 3: Rotate the screen back to landscape. Now the detail has the background of the UISplitViewController and the master is showing the correct color.
On start, the tableview of the master is not extending under the navigation bar.
When and only if revealing the master in portrait mode and then rotating back, the glich changes so that now the master extends under the bars and the detail does not anymore.
If not revealing the master in portrait, you can rotate as many times as you want without changing the behavior
It only happens on devices which can show master and detail at the same time
It only happens when embedding a UISplitViewController in a UITabBarController
Why are master and detail not expanding correctly under their navigation bar?
Why does this only happen on iPad/iPhone Plus and not on regular iPhones (there everything works exactly as expected)?
Is there any fix I could apply to make this work on iPad?
Is there a better design approach than having a TabBar with a master-detail flow embedded? For me a TabBar just seems right to switch between different types of content in my app and I don't want to have a full width tableview on iPads. The SplitViewController also seems to be the right approach to display my content...
5 Month later there is still no solution for this. Moreover, as I was stumbling across this issue once again while developing another app, I found this old post from 2015 having the same issue: Navigation bar for split view controller is darker when inside a tab bar controller
So I guess Apple has no intention on fixing their own controllers and we developers are screwed. The only way we can have a UITabBar at the bottom while showing a UISplitViewController above with proper translucent UINavigationBars is to implement our own container view controllers.
I finally solved the issue by using a plain UIViewController with a UITabBar pinned to the bottom while using the UIViewController containment API to show/hide my UISplitViewControllers.

How to get rid of the glitch that occurs right after pressing the back button?

A strange glitch happens when I press the back button.
The glitch happens during the transition from the actual View Controller to
the previous view controller.
A portion of another view controller appears for a brief moment between the
search bar and the first cell, and then it disappear.
(The black rectangle in the screen shots)
here are some screen shots and a link to a side project where I recreated
the problem.
Link to the project :
you are using opaque navigation bar in some view controllers and translucent in some,that's y it's causing the issue,Change the navigation controller to Translucent
Change your UINavigationController to Translucent and this issue will be fixed.
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = YES;

Deformed Navigation bar

I'm not sure what happened, but while editing the title of my Navigation bar, the Navigation bar suddenly became deformed like this:
On the device, the navigation bar seems to be twice the regular height:
The navigation bar is generated by connecting a navigation controller via the storyboard. It was working fine for weeks until now. I tried the following in an attempt to remedy the problem:
Clean + Build
Restart Xcode
Restart my macbook
Turning off and on my size classes
Deleting the Navigation controller and dragging a new one back on screen.
Anyone know how to solve this problem?
Sounds more like the view controller embedded in the navigation controller is whats corrupt.
Did you try re-creating the view controller as well?

iOS Push Navigation Controller, without a bar on the second view

I have an iOS App, designed within a UINavigationController. One of the pushed view controllers, however, needs a full screen view, without the navigation bar on the top. (to get back, there is just a small, circular button). However, any method I've tried of 'hiding' the navigation bar (navigationCtl.navigationBar.hidden=TRUE) leaves me with ugly artifacts - calling that before the view is pushed (in viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear) causes the previous view controllers bar to flash white just as the slide left animation starts. Similarly, calling it in viewDidAppear leaves a white bar at the top of the second view, along with several subviews pushed down, out of the way. Is there any way I can just have the new view slide over as it usually does, but when it comes over, there's simply no navigation bar up top?
Please note, to help Google, essentially the question here is:
How to animate between two UIViewControllers, when one has a navigation bar at the top, and the other one does not have a navigation bar at the top. So, how to navigate from a UIViewController with a navbar to one without a navbar - avoiding the horrible flickering.
The amazing answer is given below by Ev ... awesome.
give this a spin and see how it works for you.
in the destination view controller in viewWillAppear
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:YES];
It actually has a cool effect and can be useful. in the viewWillAppear everything happens before the view is displayed so it takes away the strange artifacts.
be well
