TFS Parallel Builds - tfs

We have 1 build controller and 2 build agents. One build agent (tfsbuild01) is on the build controller machine (tfsbuild01). Another is on a separate machine (tfsbuild02).
We have 2 branches:
and 3 build definitions
Main (Gated Checkin)
8.0 (Gated Checkin)
Main Coded UI Tests (Scheduled for 12PM daily)
If someone queues up an 8.0 build and a Main build at the same time, the builds are correctly distributed across the two build agents and they build at the same time.
If the Coded UI Tests are running (which take an hour) and someone tries to check in to Main (which is Gated), the Main build sits in the queue until the Coded UI Tests finish. How can I get concurrent builds in the same branch working?
Tags configuration on all build definitions look like this:

This is really a horses for courses question. You have your build of your asset and your instance tests mixxed up. I would recommend that you push your CodedUI tests off to an environment and only run the tests that can be executed from code, and ideally unit tests only, with no instance on the build box.
To execute your codedUI tests you should create a release pipleine in Release Management and also set up your release environment as a Lab environment. This way you can have quick builds and then ouch the longer validation out of that pipeline.
This will free up your build agents and hopefully make your environment slicker.


Is there a feature to summarize tests from multi trigger builds in tfs 2018

In my builds I trigger some 'mini' builds that run tests.
Each build that finish summarize to me how many tests in this run failed/passed.
I'm looking for a way to summarize all the builds that were triggered and their results in the main build.
Does there is a way or a feature that support its?
In TFS 2018/2019.
For example, I have 3 builds:
Build Tests (compile etc)
Run parallel tests
Run non parallel tests
The last 2 builds are triggered from the first build.
Each of them has their tests summarize.
I want to see a summarize of both builds (how many tests in total from all builds past, failed, did not run) in the main build.

Configure Jenkins jobs depending on other jobs

Currently I have one big job for a big C++ project, which does everything, compiling, running unit tests, coverage, release binaries and creating docs.
As the job takes 40 minutes I would like to split the job in different smaller ones.
I want to use the following approach:
main job every 15 minutes, which checks out the SCM, compiles the Debug configuration and runs basic unit tests
Several jobs for code analysis, coverage, integration tests, compiling Release builds and deployment to our application server running once per night, if the main job and each previous job were successful
I need the SVN revision, the build number and the workspace of the main job in all following jobs.
So far I was unable to achieve this.
The Parameterize Trigger plugin doesn't support triggers only once a day, the Build Trigger plugin doesn't support parameters, the built-in trigger also didn't work.
I understand that pipelines would probably make my approach easier, but e.g. my used CMake plugin won't support pipelines in a while.
Any other ideas or solutions?
You can just configure a job with parameters ( as post build job, for all your downstream jobs and this plugin:
As parameter you can pass any var you need like buildNr and workspace.
Or just have a look at Jenkins Pipeline.

Jenkins, Multijob, how to run in parallel?

We have set up a Jenkins instance as a remote testing resource for our developers. Every time a tag is created matching our refspec a job is triggered and the results emailed to the developer.
A job is defined as follows:
1 phase consisting of three jobs (frontend tests, integration tests,
unit tests)
All subjobs are executed, irrespective of success
Email the developer the test results
This setup mostly works except for two issues:
I cannot get the job to run in parallel. The subjobs run in
parallel, but only one instance of the job runs at a time. Is this
something I can configure differently somewhere, or is this inherent
in the way the plugin works?
The main job checks out and occupies one of our build servers for
the duration of the job. Is there a way to do git polling and then
just grab the hashref and release the build server on which the
polling was done before continuing building the subjobs?
In the multi job plugin, everything runs in parallel that is listed in the same "Phase", however the multijob itself needs somewhere to run. If you have a build followed by a test phase, you can add a "Build Phase" prior to the test phase, and only that phase will require a "build server".
There is an option called "Execute concurrent builds if necessary" that will allow multiple jobs of the same name to run simultaneously. This option must be set for the parent job and the subjobs as the default behavior of Jenkins is to only allow one build of a Project (job) to run at a time. Beware: Read the comments as this may have unintended side effects.
Not clear what you mean about polling however if using git, you may want to use webhooks so that pushes to the git repository directly invoke Jenkins. No need to poll.

How to configure jenkins multi-configuration build and test

I need to build and test on multiple configurations: linux, osx and
solaris. I have slave nodes labeled "linux", "osx" and "solaris". On
each configuration, I want to (a) build (b) run smoke tests
(c) if smoke tests pass, then run full tests, and perhaps more.
I thought that multi-configuration jobs might be the answer, so I setup a
multi-configuration build job and it starts concurrent builds on each
OS. The build job will trigger a downstream smoke-test build, which, in
turn, triggers the full-test job.
I've run into the following issues
If one of the configurations fails, the job as a whole fails, and
Jenkins will not fire any downstream jobs (e.g., if the solaris build
fails, Jenkins will not run smoke tests or full tests for osx and
The solaris build takes about twice as long as the others (on the
order of an hour), and I'd prefer the linux and osx smoke tests not
wait for the solaris build to finish.
Does that mean I'm left with hand-crafting three pipelines of jobs, and
putting them behind a "start-all" job (i.e., creating and hand-chaining
the following jobs)?
build-linux smoke-test-linux full-test-linux
build-osx smoke-test-osx full-test-osx
build-solaris smoke-test-solaris full-test-solaris
Did I miss something obvious?
As far as I know the answer is to create 3 matrix jobs, one for each system. They then would have 3 subjobs (build, smoke-test, fulltest) with the build-job as a touchstone.
Have you thought about combining the build, smoke-test and full tests into a single multi-configuration job? Other than being a little messy, this should work for you.
To answer your first issue: to trigger a downstream job regardless of result, use trigger parameterized build to run when complete (always trigger) and then check "build w/o parameters"
To answer your second issue: either use an all encompassing multi-configuration (matrix) job or use three separate job streams as you mentioned. UPDATE: you could run 3 sequential matrix jobs for each step (build, smoke-test, full tests) but it would mean that if any of the build steps failed then none of the smoke-tests would be run.

Why and when to have multiple build agents?

Consider TFS 2010's ability for a Build Controller to have 1+ build agents. Since builds are a subjective topic to the team/environment, consider an environment where builds are performed on commit/check-in. Each Project Collection will have 10+ Team Projects, but perhaps only 1 or 2 are being committed to in a day.
When should a TFS administrator consider creating a new build agent?
Do multiple agents run in parallel?
When a single agent is defined to a Build Controller, does it run serially?
MSDN states: "if you set up your agents to have specialized capabilities..." . What does this mean? A technology/platform differentiator? How can you setup your agents to have specialized capabilities?
How can 'tagging' build agents be used effectively in an environment where builds are (typically) performed on each check-in.
You use multiple build agents to support multiple build machines (I work currently with a build farm with 3 build machines - and thus 3 build agents - to distribute the load).
You also might want to have multiple build agents to be able to run builds in parallel. This is a nice feature to share resources, but a requirement when you start working with Test/Lab Management features.
With the capabilities: for example you can setup a build agent with version 1 of a 3rd party component, and a second build agent with version 2. With tagging you can specify in the build definition which build agent it will choose from out of the pool of build agents.
We use 2 build agents on the same machine at work, since we only have one build machine.
The first one handles our CI builds, and is tag with CI. The build definition for the CI build is set up to only use agents that have the CI tag.
The second one is for manually queued builds, mostly for the release branch builds.
I specialized the CI build agent, because it was not uncommon when we were preparing a new build for QA to have several developers check into the development branch, which would slowing down being able to release the build to QA.
One of our builds takes 9 minutes. Its nice that you don't have to be in the Queue behind it if you happen to deploy at the wrong time.
