Creating an alternative keyboard for UIWebView - ios

I have a note taking app. I want to add my own custom keyboard for user input. My app uses UIWebView. When app opens, a UIwebview loads index.html file that contains a content editable div.
I made a keyboard with javascript and when index.html is loaded, my keyboard (actually a table with buttons) shows and ios keyboard disappears.
I am hiding ios keyboard with this function
UIView *v=[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows] objectAtIndex:1];
I wonder will apple approve my app? I couldn't find anything says this is wrong? I just want to add my own keyboard to my app? UIWebView loads only my html file for note taking.

The guidelines says
If appropriate, you can design a custom input view to replace the system-provided onscreen keyboard.
So I guess, there should not be any issue. You can find more informations here.


How do I automatically switch to the iOS custom keyboard when entering my app?

I would like when entering my app to automatically switch to my custom keyboard like the Facemoji app.
Is this possible to force user to open only custom keyboard without going into setting option. I want whenever user opens the app. only custom keyboard should open, not other. In my app there is preview function, show as extended keyboard otherwise it will show default keyboard i will fail.
UITextField have property inputView
You can set any view you want inside yours application.
So you can use use the same view used for your's custom keyboard

UIWebView -> "Add to Reading list is not displaying"

I have a UIWebView and I open a website in it. The website contains lot of hyperlinks. I get an action sheet when I long-press it in Safari: Add to Reading list, Copy and Open are displaying. However in my UIWebView Add to Reading list is not displaying (below 6.1).
You need to add that option programmatically yourself. Also note that you cannot access Safari's Reading List programmatically.
For doing this, you would need to add an UIActionSheet to your view and display it when a link is tapped in your UIWebView.
For your reference have a look at this question: how to change UIWebView Tap events
I solved above problem. I customized the contextual menu of UIWebView,
Sample application for customize the contextual menu of UIWebView

How to change the keyboard in Phonegap iOS

I have making a phonegap app which have text fields in it.
Problem:- I want to remove the Done button from the keyboard or I want a Event listener of done button. Ether of the things will work for me.
My Problem is similar to this link
You can't remove the done button, since Phonegap uses a UIWebView to present the UI you will be stuck with keyboard used by the UIWebView.

iOS 6 - Keyboard does not show even the UIView is still first responder

I have an UIView work like a textEditor with can become first responder to show keyboard. When my UIView with keyboard is showing, I press home button to put app to background and open other app, open a file to my app. The problem is the keyboard is not automatically shown after the modal viewController is dismissed.
I have a check and see: the isFirstResponder of my UIView is YES. But the keyboard is still not available. At that time my application have 2 windows, but the second window does not contains keyboard as usual.
It's weird. Anyone have this problem like me ?
Note that this issue is only on iOS 6.0.

How do I trap focus within a modal popup on iOS using the UIAccessibility protocol?

I am launching a custom popup when the user clicks a button on iOS. How do I make sure that the focus stays within the custom popup (for accessibility reasons) when using voiceover on the iPhone? Currently the focus lands on the elements in the parent container as I swipe right.
If you're targetting for iOS >= 5.0 then there is a property called accessibilityViewIsModal. Using this definitely solve your problem.
If you're targetting for iOS < 5.0 then there is no a straight way for this. You need to customize your view controller's view and reorder the "_accessibleElements" as shown here. See the section Make the Contents of Custom Container Views Accessible.
