Can't get Google Analytics user data to show in Rails app - ruby-on-rails

I'm attempting a server-to-server connection between my Google Analytics account and my Rails app. For this, I'm using the Legato, omniauth-google-oauth2, and google-api-client gems. My intention is to have a rake task that sieves out pageview data from a particular site. However, I can't seem to get any user data out of it. Here's the code:
require 'google/api_client'
def service_account_user(scope="")
client =
:application_name => "Listmaker",
:application_version => "2.0"
key =, "notasecret")
service_account =, scope, key)
client.authorization = service_account.authorize
oauth_client ="", "", {
:authorize_url => '',
:token_url => ''
token =, client.authorization.access_token)
class Pageviews
extend Legato::Model
metrics :pageviews
dimensions :page_path
filter :for_page_path, &lambda {|page_path| matches(:page_path, page_path)}
puts profile = service_account_user.profiles.first
I appear to be getting an empty array for the profile variable after running the task. I've definitely added the developer email address to the Google Analytics View I'm interested in. Not sure what's wrong.

For a service account to work with Google Analytics the Service account email must be added at the Account level. It wont work if it was only added at the view level.


Is there a way Facebook Test User posts with privacy EVERYONE?

I am writing automated tests for Facebook integration with Facebook Test users feature:
And I need to test that post is public, but cannot make that because when I set post privacy value to EVERYONE, it sets it to ALL_FRIENDS and in response I get:
"success" => true
I am using Ruby gem Koala, my code looks like this:
#test_users = => ENV['FACEBOOK_KEY'], :secret => ENV["FACEBOOK_SECRET"])
fb_data = #test_users.create(true, "user_posts,publish_actions")
graph = get_graph(fb_data["access_token"])
graph.put_object("/", "/#{post_id}", privacy: {value: "EVERYONE"}.to_json)
It may be unclear, but graph variable contains test user created access_token

Creating OAuth connection for Google Calendar API

I'm using this gem
which is built on
In the client class it creates a connection as follows:
def initialize(consumer_key, consumer_secret, token, token_secret)
consumer =, consumer_secret, {
:site => "",
:scheme => :header
#connection =,token, token_secret)
#calendars =
For the consumer_key do I put what the Google API console lists as 'Client ID'?
For the consumer_secret do I put what the Google API console lists as 'Client secret'?
I know the token is what I get back after the OAuth authentication.
And I assume I set token_secret to "" ?
This is what I'm doing and I keep getting:
"GoogleCalendarApiV2::AuthenticationError (GoogleCalendarApiV2::AuthenticationError):"
when I call:
client = {'Client ID'}, {'Client secret'}, params[:access_token], ""
calendar = client.calendars.all
Any idea what's going on?
The client id is your domain.
Should look like this:
client = '', 'some_secret_key_for_your_domain', 'oauth_token_for_the_user', 'oauth_secret_for_the_user'
Remember that this Gem is for OAuth1 and the APIv2, the newer APIv3 doesn't work like this. It use OAuth2 which is different.
Calendar API v3 is supported by the new Google APIs Client Library for Ruby:

How to use Twitter gem in Rails, need small to figure out the whole thing?

I got access for the user using twitter_auth gem. Here is the code for that.
def twitter
client =
:consumer_key => '******',
:consumer_secret => '********'
request_token = client.request_token(:oauth_callback => new_user_url)
session[:request_token] = request_token
redirect_to request_token.authorize_url
def new
client =
:consumer_key => '*****',
:consumer_secret => '******'
access_token = client.authorize(
:oauth_verifier => params[:oauth_verifier]
#For testing purpose, i tried posting a status and its working perfectly fine
client.update('I am authorized')
I am confused in using twitter gem cause every example from the docs says:
Twitter.user("sferik").location // throws an error, Twitter::Error::Unauthorized: Invalid / expired Token
From friends and followers
Twitter.accept("sferik") // throws an error, Twitter::Error::Unauthorized: Invalid / expired Token
Twitter.follow("sferik") // throws an error, Twitter::Error::Unauthorized: Invalid / expired Token
All these errors makes sense, cause we are applying these methods on Class not an object. But how to create an object for this. I have a authorized user but how to take actions on his profile using token we got.
Use client instead of Twitter.
You can see here how you should do it.

Getting an Access Token with OAuth-Ruby and Tumblr API (Rails 3)

I am using OAuth-Ruby to do an OAuth authentication with a Tumblr application. I am able to write code that progresses through the various steps of OAuth, but I cannot get an access token or actually make a request. I can get a request key, redirect the user to Tumblr to authenticate and grant access, and receive an authenticated request key. But I can't get any farther than that.
I have registered my Tumblr application; let's assume for this question that it has provided me with the following keys:
OAuth Consumer Key: #oauth_consumer_key
Secret Key: #secret_key
(I have actual values, but I am keeping them concealed here for obvious reasons.)
I am running the following code within a controller that runs when the user submits a form, which form stores information in the #tumblog variable:
#0. provided when registering application
#key = #oauth_consumer_key
#secret = #secret_key
#site = ''
#consumer =, #secret,
{ :site => #site,
:request_token_path => '/oauth/request_token',
:authorize_path => '/oauth/authorize',
:access_token_path => '/oauth/access_token',
:http_method => :post } )
if #consumer
#1. get a request token
#request_token = #consumer.get_request_token;
session[:request_token] = #request_token
session[:tumblog] = #tumblog
#2. have the user authorize
redirect_to #request_token.authorize_url
flash[:error] = "Failed to acquire request token from Tumblr."
render 'new'
This code gets me to the right page at Tumblr, where the user grants or denies my application access to the user's account. Assuming the user grants access, Tumblr redirects back to my application, to a callback I provided when I registered the application with Tumblr. To that point, everything works beautifully.
My OAuth callback runs the following code in the controller:
if params[:oauth_token] && params[:oauth_verifier]
#tumblog = session[:tumblog]
#request_token = session[:request_token]
#3. get an access token
#access_token = #request_token.get_access_token
. . . .
At Step 3, there is a problem. I cannot seem to actually get an access token with the line:
#access_token = #request_token.get_access_token
Can someone tell me what I need to do to get the access token? When I run that line, I get a OAuth::Unauthorized error.
I truly appreciate any advice. I've been Googling and trying different things for multiple days. Thanks!
i use Pelle's oauth plugin and modified it a little to support xauth like this :
require 'rubygems'
require 'oauth'
consumer =, CONSUMER_SECRET, :site => '')
access_token = consumer.get_access_token(nil, {}, { :x_auth_mode => 'client_auth',
:x_auth_username => "",
:x_auth_password => "password"})
tumblr_credentials = access_token.get('')
puts access_token
puts access_token.token
puts access_token.secret
puts tumblr_credentials.body

Ruby OAuth Nightmare: Using Contacts API

I've been spending the last few days banging my head against the wall on supporting the ability to add a contact to the Google Contacts API in my Rails 3 application. Despite many false starts, I've finally made some progress by employing the Ruby OAuth gem, and following the tutorial here:
When I follow this in the console, I get further than I do in my Rails app. I can create an access token, authenticate against Google's service with the specific scope of the Contacts API, and apply the oauth_verifier token to get an access token. But when it comes time to push the data, I get this error:
response ="", gdata)
=> #<Net::HTTPUnauthorized 401 Unknown authorization header readbody=true>
Where does the "readbody=true" header come from, and how would I get rid of it?
But it's worse in the Rails app. I have one controller action ("googlecontacts") that creates the request token and leads the user to the authentication site with Google:
def googlecontacts
#card = Card.find_by_short_link(params[:id])
#consumer =
:site => '',
:request_token_path => '/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken',
:access_token_path => '/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken',
:authorize_path => '/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken',
:signature_method => 'HMAC-SHA1',
:oauth_version => '1.0'
#request_token = #consumer.get_request_token(
{:oauth_callback => ''+#card.short_link},
{:scope => ""}
session[:request_token] = #request_token
redirect_to #request_token.authorize_url
This appears to work; I get a working request token object, and the user is forwarded to the Google service to authenticate. The callback URL ("google_auth") should take the oauth_verifier token to create an access token. Here's the beginning of the controller:
def google_auth
#access_token = session[:request_token].get_access_token(:oauth_verifier=>params[:oauth_verifier])
And here's where it craps out. The error on that last line is:
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]
But the values that are in there -- the session[:request_token] and the params[:oauth_verifier] -- are present and accounted for in that action! I can't figure out what is nil here.
So I guess I need to figure out this second problem first, but bonus points for answering the first problem as well. :-)
Thanks for reading.
Try setting/getting the session data with a string not symbol, i.e. session["request_token"], not session[:request_token]. I know I've had that issue before in the past.
Unknown authorization header typically means that your signature didn't match what you sent. I do not recommend the oauth gem. It's full of bugs and weird issues and it doesn't properly escape certain parameters.
The Signet gem is the officially supported gem for accessing Google APIs in Ruby.
Here's how you'd implement this with Signet:
require 'signet/oauth_1/client'
require 'addressable/uri'
card = Card.find_by_short_link(params[:id])
callback = Addressable::URI.parse('')
callback.query_values = {'redir' => card.short_link}
client =
:temporary_credential_uri =>
:authorization_uri =>
:token_credential_uri =>
:client_credential_key => 'anonymous',
:client_credential_secret => 'anonymous',
:callback => callback
session[:temporary_credential] = (
client.fetch_temporary_credential!(:additional_parameters => {
:scope => ''
