Add alternative text to a phrase in a document file -

I use LibreOffice Writer and I want to insert an alternative text to a specific phrase in the document, how can I do it?
Example if we have an image in the document we can make double left click and add the alternative text like this:
Is it possible to make the same if we select a whole phrase of text? If yes how? And if No is there any other proposal?

The alternative text in 'word'/odt documents is actually intended as the 'alt' attribute in HTML (web) pages:
The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a
user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an
error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).
It's only purpuse is thus to provide the user with information in case he/she can not view the image. Since having alternative text in case some text cannot be displayed is, well, silly, this 'alt' attribute is not defined for pieces of text. Alternatively, you could have a hyperlink pointing to nothing ("#"), which does provide a tooltip attribute.
What is it that you're intending to achieve anyway? It's not going to show up on any prints, which is the intended purpose of Writer... Footnotes (for prints) or Comments (for communication with co-editors) might suit you better.


XPages form in A4 format

I would like to create a XPages form to print it out. I am not sure which is the best way to do this. I mean I need to create a panel or table or any other design elements then put all my staff in it?
I need advise:)
Cumhur Ata
Speak after me: browsers don't print.
If you need precision layout a browser is your worst enemy. Each one renders slightly different, so don't bother.
Your best bet is to create a PDF file for printing. There you have pixel-perfect rendering as you deem fit.
You can use iText, PDFBox or XSL:FO to generate PDF. There are code samples on OpenNTF or you read my blog entries about it.

ios/xcode/coredata: How to mimic ajax call in objective c

For a tag system, when entering a new item, I'd like the user to start typing a letter or two and see possible tags...similar to how SO tags work on the website i.e. Ajax.
Is there a way to do this on IOS?
Basically the Add Item screen has some empty text fields where you put the name etc.
I'd like to have an additional empty field where as you enter letters you see possible tags appear below and can then select one to tag the item.
The tags would be served from an entity or table so there would have to be a call to core data to supply them based on the letters typed.
Do I have to implement a full blown tableview to do this? Or is there a way to make the possible tags show up below the textfield box.
Thanks for any suggestions.
You could try a third party development in order to make what you want. In a recent project I have used this one:

Sitecore webforms for marketers and general link

I have a webform that has a "create item" action. The target item has a "general link" field. I can't find the correct way to populate this field. the other fields are saved correctly, the general link is always blank.
The easiest way to go here would be to create the item of the template you're creating programatically and then put a link value into it using one of the link options.
If you then go to 'View' and tick the raw values option you can see how it formats the link. If you're using a General link field, you'll likely find that the formatting needs to be in a specific way. If you do some searching on the web/Sitecore doco, you'll be able to find some examples of people handing all the various link options.
as opposed to just plonking your link into a single line text field or something like that which is just plain text..

How do I make a field required if another field has content in Expressionengine

I have a channel fieldgroup called blog
This fieldgroup has 3 fields
{body}: Textarea, required field
{image}: file field, optional field
{image_credit}: text field, optional field, that turns into a required field, when {image} has content.
Rationale behind this: An entry can be text only, but if an image is published it has to have credits.
As far as I´m aware of, this can´t be done natively with EE and I searched Devot-ee for an add-on, but to no avail.
I´d like to have this fixed on the field level. Ohterwise I have to write some code in the template, that will check for if {image_credit}=="" don´t publish any {image}. But this will lead to confusion, as why an image, that is shown in the CP will not be published...
I don't know of any way to do this natively or with an addon, but an addon may be out there.
I'd suggest writing your own jQuery validation. You can pop it into the instructions for one of the fields on that channel form. Should do the trick nicely
If you have Pixel&Tonic's Matrix add-on installed, you could create a new Matrix field in this Channel's field group.
The Matrix field has zero rows by default, and contains two field columns within:
Image field for the pic (required)
Text field for caption (required)
So, if there's an image with this entry, the client clicks the plus icon to create a row, and must fill in both the image and caption. If there's no image, they leave it as is.
Pixel & Tonic also have this addon which enables you to add your own custom js to the control panel. So you could do a check to see if the image field has content and then prevent the form from being submitted if the caption field is empty.

extract text from word or pdf based on format (font name and size)

I need to parse large text (about 1000 pages of word or pdf document)and place some of the text inside this document into database fields
I found that the only thing I can distinguish the text I want to extract is the format , it is always "Helvetica-Condensed" size 12
can I do that ? I know how to use the string functions but what I should use to test the format ?
as I said the text is stored inside word document or PDF
if there is third party component can do no problem please refer it to me
There is QuickPDF. The price is $249,00.
The other option is to code it yourself. The file specification is available online, and if your only trying to rip the text out of the document this should guide you most of the way.
The only thing to be careful of are documents which are built entirely from images. In that scenario (no matter what you use to read the file) you will also need an OCR type of application. To see if this is the case or not, open a sample of the type of file you are wanting to "extract" text from, select the text to copy then try to paste into notepad.
