IOS change bundle identifer for google map - ios

I wanna use google maps in my IOS application
I got a key with this projectID com-vmp-roma
However, my bundle identifier is com.romatest.testgooglemap. and the project name in xcode is tableviewtutorial
I must change the identifer of my project to match the project id that I have used when getting the key.
what I have tried
So I read through internet and I found that I have to :
right click on the project
show package content
double click on the project.pbxproj
in the Begin PBXBuildFile section change the productName to be com-vmp-roma
clean and rebuild.
But, I just can see the marker of the map, the map is not showing: help please
this is what I see

You can look the link: []
Register your app by your bundle identifier : com.romatest.testgooglemap. Get iOS API key and use method
[GMSServices provideAPIKey:#"YOUR_API_KEY"];
at your AppDelegate.


How to get iOS bundle id for Firebase?

I am trying to connect the Firebase project to my current react-native app (Windows 10 OS).
I am following steps from
However when I try to add iso app, I need the iOS bundle ID of the project, but I seem not to find it.
The only thing I find, after 2 hours of research on Google, is that the info.plist suppose to have this data but mine got only this:
Does anyone have a solution?
that string is set in project.pbxproj. You can find it by global searching PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER.
Or you can open the Xcode by opening .xcworkspace file and
select the top project item in the project navigator at the left.
select TARGETS -> General.
Bundle Identifier is found under Identity.
the ${PRODUCT_NAME: rfc1034identifier} is a formatted string with product_name.
rfc1034Identifier: Replaces any non-rfc1034 identifier characters with a hyphen (-).
BTW, you should set one yourself.
FYI, using react-native-rename

How to change app display name in Xcode 8 to add a space

I am trying to put a space in my app name (standalone sticker pack) in Xcode 8. The solutions I've seen on here are to change the Product Name (in packaging) or to change the "Bundle Display Name".
I've changed the product name and that hasn't worked (I cleaned, rebuilt, reset content and settings in simulator and logged out of xcode, logged back in and rebuilt app).
I can't see "Bundle Display Name" anywhere. Should I add it and if so, how do I do that?
I've read the thread How to change the name of an iOS app? and done the suggestions, but it's still showing in simulator and testflight without the space. Have I missed something?
1. Open project Info.
2. Add a property Bundle display name into Custom iOS Target Properties. (as "Key")
3. Enter the display name, that will be shown on iPhone/iPad screen under an app icon. (as "Value")
It's my solution that works properly. Also you should delete previously installed app and reinstall it.
Just go to Target -> General -> In Identity -> Display Name. By default, it has your app display name which is unhighlighted. Enter here your new app display name.
There are two ways to change app display name.
Solution 1:
Goto Targets -> General Tab -> Identity section
In this you’ll find Display Name field where you set app display name.
Solution 2:
Bundle Display Name property is not present by default in Info.plist. You need to explicitly add this property.
Below image shows how to add this property.
Note: If still this new name is not reflected in your app then delete app and install it again.
When creating a new project, Xcode uses the Product Name by default. You can just change that in your Build Settings, even setting separate names for your schemes.
After changed Bundle display name make a Clean of project.
Change the Bundle Display Name (CFBundleDisplayName) in your Info.plist file
Check if you have any localization (InfoPlist.strings) files, and change the corresponding CFBundleDisplayName values in those files to the localized values.
That's it.
Goto Info.plist and add "Bundle display name" and set your rename in value box make sure the Bundle display name type is a string run the project automatically it will be changed
For xcode 9.3, Goto Targets, Build Settings, under packaging change Produce Name. See below screen shot
After this if it not changed, clean product to reopen X code.

Uncaught NSInvalidArgumentException when using Google Sign In for iOS

I tried today to upgrade to Google Sign In for iOS (we have an existing app built against Google+ Sign In).
I followed the getting started guide to build the configuration out, and added my proper URL schemes (for instance, the app's client ID).
Upon launching the app and attempting sign in with Google, I get the following uncaught exception:
2015-06-09 03:43:23.800 <appname>[238:7171] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason:
'Your app must support the following URL schemes: (null)'
The exception occurs outside of our control, between GIDSignIn.signIn and GIDSignIn.delegate.signIn.
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
What's going on is that the Google SDK is retrieving your client configuration from the dictionary in GoogleService-Info.plist but it most likely is not finding any configurations or is not able to find the file.
When you call [[GGLContext sharedInstance] configureWithError: .., e.g.:
NSError* configureError;
[[GGLContext sharedInstance] configureWithError: &configureError];
The code parses your client ID from the Google-ServiceInfo.plist file, which you should add to a supporting files or other shared resources folder, and then checks that you have also added a URI for the reversed client ID, which is pulled from the plist dictionary.
First of all, if you don't have this file, generate it by following the wizard on the new Enable Google services for your app page.
Next, make sure that you're copying the GoogleService-Info.plist file as a resource in your Xcode project in the build phases section. When you have successfully added it to your project (usually best added in a Shared Resources section) the error message will no longer indicate a null URI is required.
Finally, make sure that you have added the bundle ID and reversed client ID in your application's URLs - which should be easy to do because the error message will tell you what's missing at this point.
If all this is still giving you trouble, you might want to try Google Sign-In for iOS using the quickstart sample by running:
pod try Google
And starting from the SignInExample.xcodeproject sample...
Once go through with this :
Here you'll get all about URL Scheme problem
Add the configuration file to your project
Drag the GoogleService-Info.plist file you just downloaded into the root of your Xcode project and add it to all targets.
Add URL schemes to your project
Google Sign-in requires two custom URL Schemes to be added to your project.
To add the custom schemes:
Open your project configuration:
1. double-click the project name in the left tree view. Select your app from the TARGETS section,
2. then select the Info tab, and expand the URL Types section.
3. Click the + button, and add a URL scheme for your reversed client ID.
To find this value, open the GoogleService-Info.plist configuration file,
4. and look for the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID key. Copy the value of that key,
5. and paste it into the URL Schemes box on the configuration page.
Leave the other fields blank.
6. Click the + button, and add a second URL scheme.
This one is the same as your app's bundle ID.
For example, if your bundle ID is,
7. type that value into the URL Schemes box.
8. You can find your app's bundle ID in the General tab of the project configuration (Identity > Bundle Identifier).
Wait ! Update iOS 9+
In iOS 9 you must whitelist any URL schemes your App wants to query in Info.plist under the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key (an array of strings)
so you need to add under LSApplicationQueriesSchemes, your bundle id and the reverse id in Google-ServiceInfo.
I search for a long time and google doc doesn't mention it yet ...
my app crashed everytime in appDelegate until I add these lines in info.plist...
Starting from iOS9 you have to set 4 (four) values to your info.plist file.
URL Types
Select your target app in Project Settings
Select info on top bar
Scroll down to URL Types
Add a URL type
Fill out URL Schemes using the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID key from your GoogleService-Info.plist file, leave other fields as they are
Add a 2nd URL type, this time with your application bundle id from General tab
Add a new Target Property named LSApplicationQueriesSchemes. Should be a type of array.
Add one item equal to the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID value
Add a second item with your app bundle id again
Compile and enjoy.

Apple's web service operation was not successful and Unable to Authenticationthe package?

When I'm trying to upload an app with Application Loader but I get following error :
Apple's web service operation was not successful.
Unable to Authenticationthe package 787376632.itmsp
ERROR ITMS-9000:"Invalid Image Path _ No image found at the path referenced under key 'CGBundleIcons':'iTunesArtwork"" at Software/SoftwareAsset (MZItemspSoftwareAssetPackage)
ERROR ITMS-9000:"Invalid Image Path _ No image found at the path referenced under key 'CGBundleIcons':'iTunesArtwork#2x"" at Software/SoftwareAsset (MZItemspSoftwareAssetPackage)
Please any one help me
Yesterday I was facing the same problem uploading a app in appStore. I get rid of these by doing the following:
Got to project setting. From there select general tab. Make sure your project bundle identifier is same as app identifier (that you created in app store). Bundle Identifier is under Identity tab.
In App Icon select source " Use Asset Catalog". If you do so, App Icon will be changed into this.
Click on the arrow sign this will take you here.
Provide necessary image of specific size.
Thats how I got rid of these error.
For Xcode 4.6.1 if you want to change the bundle identifier do as follow:
From target go to Summary
From target go to info
From Resource info.plist
For changing the app icon do as follow:
From target go to Summary.
App Icon can be also add in target >> info >> Icon files
Please find out where you are using the artworks. May be you changed the artwork or They are missing somehow. Let me know if it works. :)
In my case, doesn't worked neither even using the asset catalog for the icon. It was because despite of using it, at the same time a had a couple lines at my Info.plist indicating the names of the icons CFBundleIcons/Icon files, for example. After a lot of pain trying to find what was wrong, removing this lines worked for me.
Disconnect the device first
Clean it
quit the xcode
reopen the project
And thats it , it will work now

Can't change bundle ID in project, greyed out

I'm having a problem with bundle identifiers. In the Summary section of my project in Xcode and under 'Identifiers', I can't seem to change the name of my bundle ID as it is greyed out. For example, my project name is 'My App'. In the identifier text box in Summary, it says this 'My-App' and is greyed out. However, my bundle id in my provisioning profile is this, 'com.mycompany.myapp'. I would like to change my bundle ID in my project to that but I can't seem to be able to. Any ideas why it is greyed out? Thanks!
If anybody else runs into this, it is likely because you have a product name variable, something like .${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}, appended to the end of your bundle identifier under Target (your application) > Info (info.plist). Try removing that.
Not sure why this is happening to you, but try to change in the info.plist file.
Go to info.plist file
Go to Bundle Identifier key-value pair
Remove .${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} from the value and save the file
Your bundle identifier has been modified as required.
If you want to edit the Product Name, rather than remove it; you can set it in your target, using the following steps:
Open the Target in XCode
Go to the Build Settings tab
Scroll down to Packaging->Product Name
The name set in Product Name is added to the Bundle Identifier (spaces are changed to dashes e.g "Test App" becomes "Test-App").
You may want to consider changing the value of PRODUCT_NAME instead of directly changing the bundle identifier. This can be done thru the XCODE interface (and should have the added benefit of not possibly causing problems with certificates and code signing later on...which can be a real bear to resolve):
Click here to see stackoverflow thread for detailed instructions on how to do this thru XCode interface
With Xcode 14.x
Just press the arrow beside the bundle identifier field, it will jump to Signing & Capabilities, here you can edit bundle id.
Select Project and then click Target
Under General scroll to Identity section
Click arrow beside bundle id
Edit the bundle id (it will be reflected in Identity section)
It may be that it's set in a .xcconfig file instead. For example, one Parse sample project has a 'debug.xcconfig' with:
BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.parse.Anypic
If so, this is the place to change it.
I saw this also happen when the iOS Deployment Target is higher than your version of Xcode supports. Between World Wide Developers Christmas when they release the betas and when the new version is finalized.
So say you have a project with a min deployment for the current iOS beta version, but you are using the release version of Xcode. Just open the project in the current Xcode beta version.
This can also be related to user defined variables under [Target] > Build Settings > User-Defined
