I can not use the * wildcard, but I want to append multiple files into one output file. If there is a variation of the following line that will work I can't find it.
convert -append /home/file1.png /home/file2.png /user/file3.png /test/output.png
Thanks in advance.
waits for the traditional question down voting. :)
This may help:
montage balloon.gif medical.gif present.gif shading.gif \ -mode Concatenate -tile x1 montage_cat.jpg
Just use brace expansions
convert -append /home/file[123].png /test/output.png
convert -append /home/file_{1..3}.png /test/output.png
I have two folders, A and B, with image files that have corresponding names.
For example, each contain files labelled 01.png, 02.png, 03.png, etc.
How can I merge the corresponding files such that I have a third folder C that contains all merged photos so that both of the originals are side by side.
I am on Linux, if that changes anything.
I am not near a computer to thoroughly test, but this seems easiest to me:
# Goto directory A
cd A
# For each file "f" in A
for f in *.png; do
# Append corresponding file from B and write to AB
convert "$f" ../B/"$f" +append ../AB/"$f"
Or use GNU Parallel and do them all at once!
cd A
parallel convert {} ../B/{} +append AB/{} ::: *.png
Using ImageMagick version 6, if your images are all the same dimensions, and if your system memory can handle reading all the input images into a single command, you can do that with a command like this...
convert FolderA/*.jpg -set filename:f "%[f]" \
-set option:distort:viewport %[fx:w*2] -distort SRT 0 null: \
FolderB/*.jpg -gravity east -layers composite FolderC/"%[filename:f]"
That starts by reading in all the images from FolderA and extending their viewport to double their width to the right.
Then it adds the special built-in "null:" to separate the lists of images before reading in the second list. Then it reads in all the images from FolderB.
Then after setting the gravity to "east", it composites each image from FolderB over the extended right half of each corresponding image from FolderA. That creates the effect of appending the images side by side.
The command sets a variable at the beginning to hold the filenames of the first list of input files, then uses those as the names of the output files and writes them to FolderC.
If you're using ImageMagick version 7, use the command "magick" instead of "convert".
You can do that with some bash scripting code. Assume you have two folders A and B with the corresponding image names in them. Also you have an empty folder AB to hold the results. Then using ImageMagick with the bash looping code, you can do something like this:
Collect the names of all the files in folder A and put into an array
Collect the names of all the files in folder B and put into an array
Loop over the number of images in the folders
Process them with ImageMagick +append and save to folder AB
aArr=(`find /Users/fred/desktop/A -type f -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.png"`)
bArr=(`find /Users/fred/desktop/B -type f -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.png"`)
if [ $numA -eq $numB ]; then
for ((i=0; i<numA; i++)); do
nameA=`basename "${aArr[$i]}"`
nameA=`convert "$nameA" -format "%t" info:`
nameB=`basename "${bArr[$i]}"`
nameB=`convert "$nameB" -format "%t" info:`
convert "${aArr[$i]}" "${aArr[$i]}" +append ${outdir}/${nameA}_${nameB}.jpg
When converting an image, ImageMagick's default behavior seems to be to overwrite any existing file. Is it possible to prevent this? I'm looking for something similar to Wget's --no-clobber download option. I've gone through ImageMagick's list of command-line options, and the closest option I could find was -update, but this can only detect if an input file is changed.
Here's an example of what I'd like to accomplish: On the first run, convert input.jpg output.png produces an output.png that does not already exist, and then on the second run, convert input.jpg output.png detects that output.png already exists and does not overwrite it.
Just test if it exists first, assuming bash:
[ ! -f output.png ] && convert input.png output.png
Or slightly less intuitively, but shorter:
[ -f output.png ] || convert input.png output.png
Does something like this solve your problem?
It will write to output.png but if the file already exists a new file will be created with a random 5 character suffix (eg. output-CKYnY.png then output-hSYZC.png, etc.).
convert input.jpg -resize 50% $(if test -f output.png; then echo "output-$(head -c5 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' | head -c5).png"; else echo "output.png"; fi)
I would like to mogrify -resize 500 my files and append the new filesize to the filename ie: image-500*500.png
Can someone help me out please.
I don't think you can do that with mogrify because it overwrites the original filename rather than creating a new one. So, I think you will need to do it with convert.
So, for one file called input.png:
convert input.png -resize 400x500\! -set filename:f "%[t]-%[w]x%[h]" "%[filename:f].png"
and your output file will be input-400x500.png
If you wanted to do a whole directory full of PNG files on a Mac, you would make a backup and, then on a spare copy do:
for f in *.png; do
convert "$f" -resize 400x500\! -set filename:f "%[t]-%[w]x%[h]" "%[filename:f].png"
I have created video from list of images using ffmpeg
system("ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 out.mp4")
Now i want to add Ken burn effect, can i do it with ffmpeg or imagemagic or any command line tool on linux.
I can't speak of ruby-on-rails, linux, or ffmpeg technologies. But if you would like to create a panning effect made popular by Ken Burn, you would extract regions of an image, and animate them together.
# A 16:10 ratio
# Extract parts of an image with -extent operator
for index in $(seq 40)
TOP=$(expr 120 + $index)
LEFT=$(expr 150 + $index)
FILENAME=$(printf /tmp/wizard-%02d.jpg $index)
convert wizard: -extent "${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}+${TOP}+${LEFT}" $FILENAME
# Replace this with your ffmpeg script
SLICES=$(ls /tmp/wizard-*.jpg)
RSLCES=$(ls /tmp/wizard-*.jpg | sort -rn)
convert $SLICES $RSLCES -set delay 15 -layers Optimize /tmp/movie.gif
Edited by Mark Setchell beyond this point... (just trying to help out)
Much as I hate editing other people's posts, the first part of Eric's code can equally be written this way if you find that easier to understand:
# Extract parts of an image with -extent operator
for index in {1..40}
((TOP=120 + $index))
((LEFT=150 + $index))
FILENAME=$(printf /tmp/wizard-%02d.jpg $index)
convert wizard: -extent "${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}+${TOP}+${LEFT}" $FILENAME
I have 600 TIFF files in a directory, c:\temp.
The file names are like:
The combined files should be placed in same directory and the files should be named like:
I am looking for any single command-line /batch-file to do so through ImageMagick convert/ mogrify command or any other command/tools.
Please note the overall time taken should not be more than 5 second.
Assuming you want to combine the 600 single-page TIFFs into one single multi-page TIFF (per set of 3), it is as simple as:
convert 001_*.tiff 1_merged.tiff
convert 002_*.tiff 2_merged.tiff
convert 200_*.tiff 200_merged.tiff
Please note that nobody will be able to guarantee any timing/performance benchmarks... least while we don't even have any idea how exactly your input TIFFs are constituted. (Are they 10000x10000 pixels or are they 20x20 pixels?, Are they color or grayscale?, etc.pp.)
This is different from Mark's answer, because he seems to have assumed you want to combine the input files all into a 1-page image, where the originals are tiled across a larger page...
This should do it - I will leave you to do error checking in case you haven't actually got all the images you suggest!
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,200) DO (
set "formattedValue=000000%%A"
set "x=!formattedValue:~-3!"
convert !x!_*.tif +append !x!_merged.tif
echo !x!
So, if your images look like this
you will get this in merged_001.tif
If you change +append to -append then merged_001.tif will be like this:
If you remove +append altogether, you will get 200 multi-page TIFs with 3 pages each - same as Kurt's answer.