Kendo UI Grid update event is not firing -

I have Kendo UI inline Grid. It read and populate the grid properly. but when i press edit and changes in any column and press update then update event is not firing.
and it also not calling controller method.
Hope someone can help me point out what I am doing wrong here.
following is my grid binding.
dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: function (options) {
type: 'POST',
url: "./GetIngredients",
dataType: "json",
success: function (result) {
update: function (options) {
type: 'POST',
url: "./UpdateData",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
parameterMap: function (options, operation) {
if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
return { models: kendo.stringify(options.models) };
batch: true,
pageSize: 20,
schema: {
model: {
id: "Id",
fields: {
Id: { editable: false, nullable: true },
Division: { type: "string", editable: true, nullable: false },
GroupName: { type: "string", validation: { required: true } },
CategoryName: { type: "string" },
TypeName: { type: "string" },
ItemName: { type: "string" }
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid(
dataSource: dataSource,
height: 430,
scrollable: true,
pageable: true,
navigatable: true,
columns: [
{ field: "Division", title: "Division", width: "80px" },
{ field: "GroupName", title: "Group Name", width: "70px" },
{ field: "CategoryName", title: "Category Name", width: "110px" },
{ field: "TypeName", title: "Type Name", width: "100px" },
{ field: "ItemName", width: "140px" },
{ command: ["edit", "destroy"], title: " ", width: "170px" }],
editable: "inline"
following is the method in Homecontroller.
public JsonResult GetIngredients()
IngredientData ingredientData = new IngredientData();
ingredientData.Id = 1;
ingredientData.DivisionId = 1;
ingredientData.Division = "Division Abc";
ingredientData.GroupId = 2;
ingredientData.GroupName = "Group -A";
ingredientData.CategoryId = 3;
ingredientData.CategoryName = "Category -D";
ingredientData.FoodTypeId = 4;
ingredientData.TypeName = "Type One";
ingredientData.ItemId = 5;
ingredientData.ItemName = "Item One";
return Json( ingredientData , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public void UpdateData()
// logic for update data in database.

Did you realize that you have batch set to true? When in batch mode, you have to invoke sync on dataSource or saveChanges in Grid definition.
Try adding a toolbar command for invoking saveChanges as follow:
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: dataSource,
height: 430,
scrollable: true,
pageable: true,
navigatable: true,
toolbar: [ "save" ],
columns: [
{ field: "Division", title: "Division", width: "80px" },
{ field: "GroupName", title: "Group Name", width: "70px" },
{ field: "CategoryName", title: "Category Name", width: "110px" },
{ field: "TypeName", title: "Type Name", width: "100px" },
{ field: "ItemName", width: "140px" },
{ command: ["edit", "destroy"], title: " ", width: "170px" }],
editable: "inline"
or simply remove batch mode.

I have faced same issue. But I have solved using this.
To fire create/delete/update we need to specify schema in dataSource( in schema we should mention atleast what is id field).
schema: {
model: {
id: "StudentID"
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: function (options) {
create: function (options) {
update: function (options) {
alert("update"); },
destroy: function (options) {
alert("destroy"); }
schema: {
model: {
id: "StudentID"


How to use data from Model to bind as kendo datasource

i have an empty div that i want to initialize into a kendo grid using data from should be something like the following but i am unable to load data
sortable: true,
dataSource: {
transport: {
dataType: "odata"
pageSize: 5
pageable: true,
resizable: true,
columnMenu: true,
navigatable: true,
editable: "incell"
#model List<KendoExample.Entities.ShortStudent>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 table-responsive" id="mapsDiv">
My Home Controller is as follows
List<ShortStudent> students = new List<ShortStudent>();
ShortStudent student1 = new ShortStudent();
student1.birthdate = new DateTime(1999, 4, 30);
student1.classname = "1B";
student1.firstname = "Fredie";
student1.surname = "Fletcher";
student1.studentid = 1;
ShortStudent student2 = new ShortStudent();
student2.birthdate = new DateTime(2010, 5, 4);
student2.classname = "1B";
student2.firstname = "Lee";
student2.surname = "Hobbs";
student2.studentid = 2;
return View(students);
I have seen examples using json but not odata...
Also, there are examples to use it like
.DataSource(ds => ds
.Schema(schema => schema
.Model(m =>
m.Id(f => f.MeetingID);
m.Field("title", typeof(string)).DefaultValue("No title").From("Title");
m.Field("start", typeof(DateTime)).From("Start");
m.Field("end", typeof(DateTime)).From("End");
m.Field("description", typeof(string)).From("Description");
m.Field("recurrenceID", typeof(int)).From("RecurrenceID");
m.Field("recurrenceRule", typeof(string)).From("RecurrenceRule");
m.Field("recurrenceException", typeof(string)).From("RecurrenceException");
m.Field("isAllDay", typeof(bool)).From("IsAllDay");
m.Field("startTimezone", typeof(string)).From("StartTimezone");
m.Field("endTimezone", typeof(string)).From("EndTimezone");
.Transport(new {
//the ClientHandlerDescriptor is a special type that allows code rendering as-is (not as a string)
read = new Kendo.Mvc.ClientHandlerDescriptor() {HandlerName = "customRead" }
which i am unable to understand/implement so please ignore this kind of a solution.
Currently i see a grid footer that says (1 - 2 of 4852 items) without any header or content(datarows) on my screen. What am I doing wrong?
var dataSource = new
transport: {
read: {
url: '#Url.Action("About", "Home")',
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json"
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
firstname: { type: "string" },
surname: { type: "string" },
birthdate: { type: "date" },
classname: { type: "string" }
type: "json",
serverPaging: false,
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: false
sortable: true,
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: dataSource
pageSize: 2
pageable: true,
resizable: false,
columnMenu: true,
navigatable: true,
editable: "incell",
field: "firstname",
field: "surname",
field: "classname",
field: "age",
public ActionResult About()
return View(students);
Now the grid with header is there but no data is present..
If i change action to json, it returns plain json on the page
public ActionResult About()
return Json(students, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Have you tried adding the fields to the grid?
sortable: true,
dataSource: {
transport: {
dataType: "odata"
pageSize: 5
columns: [
field: "classname",
title: "Class Name"
field: "firstname",
title: "First name"
field: "surname",
title: "Last name"
pageable: true,
resizable: true,
columnMenu: true,
navigatable: true,
editable: "incell"
I just visit demo of telerik. Try following. Hope to help, my friend. Or you can visit this link to refer more:
sortable: true,
dataSource: {
transport: {
dataType: "odata"
pageSize: 5
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
studentid: { type: "number" },
birthdate : { type: "date" },
classname : { type: "string" },
firstname : { type: "date" },
surname : { type: "string" }
pageable: true,
resizable: true,
columnMenu: true,
navigatable: true,
editable: "incell"
So here is what i found what should have been straight forward :)
var values = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(#Model));
sortable: true,
dataSource: {
pageSize: 2
pageable: true,
resizable: false,
columnMenu: true,
navigatable: true,
editable: "incell",
field: "firstname",
field: "surname",
field: "classname",
: "age",

Bind data to grid after page load MVC

I have problem here.With kendo grid i'm loading data from some action in controller.But in the last column i have link which should fire another action in same controller.When i delete this piece of code
type: "json",
transport: {
read: {
url: "#Html.Raw(Url.Action("ListFinances", "Jobs"))",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: additionalData
schema: {
data: "Data",
total: "Total",
errors: "Errors"
last column is working perfect,bit when is present this piece of code, last column is not working>please here some help, i;m new to mvc.Below is the code:
dataSource: {
data: #Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model.FinishedJobs)),
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
JobNumber: { type: "string" },
CustomerId: { type: "number" },
JobCount: { type: "number" },
JobYear: { type: "number" },
Status: { type: "number" },
Position: { type: "number" },
Finished: { type: "boolean" },
HasInvoice: { type: "boolean" },
type: "json",
transport: {
read: {
url: "#Html.Raw(Url.Action("ListFinances", "Jobs"))",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: additionalData
schema: {
data: "Data",
total: "Total",
errors: "Errors"
error: function(e) {
// Cancel the changes
pageSize: 20,
serverPaging: true,
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: true
//dataBound: onDataBound,
columns: [
field: "Status",
title: "Status",
template: '#= Status #'
field: "JobNumber",
title: "jobNumber",
template: '#= JobNumber #'
field: "CustomerId",
title: "Customer",
template: '#= Customer.Name #'
field: "Id",
title: "Id"
field: "ShortDesc",
title: "ShortDesc"
field: "DateCompletition",
title: "DateCompletition"
field: "Id",
title: "#T("Common.Edit")",
width: 130,
template: 'Edit'
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: [5, 10, 20, 50]
editable: {
confirmation: false,
mode: "inline"
scrollable: false,
// sortable: true,
// navigatable: true,
// filterable: true,
// scrollable: true,
selectable: true
It seems you want to add a command to the grid, The way to add a command as described here is as follows
var grid = $("#jobs-grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: {
pageSize: 20,
data: #Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model.FinishedJobs)),
pageable: true,
height: 550,
columns: [
{ field: "JobNumber", title: "JobNumber", width: "140px" },
{ field: "CustomerId", title: "Customer", width: "140px" },
{ field: "Id", title:"Id" },
{ field: "DateCompletition", title:"DateCompletition" },
{ command: { text: "Edit",
click: function(e){
// here you can add your code
title: " ",
width: "180px" }]
You might have a look on the documentation of the kendo grid here
Hope this will help you

kendo ui Grid "Popup mode" ,Edit And Delete Button, Not firing the Controller Action

This is My view with kendo ui grid, It's Read function firing just fine, but the problem just begins when I want to update,
The update Function in my controller Not even Firing,
$(document).ready(function () {
var dataSource = {
transport: {
type: "json",
read: {
url: "#Html.Raw(Url.Action("CommentList", "Comment"))",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json"
update: {
url: "#Html.Raw(Url.Action("CommentUpdate", "Comment"))",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json"
destroy: {
url: "#Html.Raw(Url.Action("CommentDelete", "Comment"))",
type: "POST",
dataType: "json"
schema: {
data: "Data",
total: "Total",
errors: "Errors",
model: {
id: "Id",
fields: {
Id: { type: "number" },
ProductName: { editable: false, type: "string"},
ProductPicture: { editable: false, type: "string"},
Text: { editable: false, type: "string"},
AdminConfirm: { editable: true, type: "boolean", validation: { required: true } }
requestEnd: function (e) {
if (e.type === "create" || e.type === "update") {;
error: function (e) {
alert("something wrong!");
// Cancel the changes
pageSize: 15,
serverPaging: true,
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: true
dataSource: dataSource,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: [10, 15, 20, 30, 50]
height: 550,
columns: [
field: "ProductName",
title: "product name",
width: "90px"
field: "ProductPicture",
title: "picture",
width: "100px",
field: "Text",
title: "comment",
width: "180px"
field: "AdminConfirm",
title: "adminconfirm",
width: "70px",
command: [
name: "edit" , text: { // sets the text of the "Edit", "Update" and "Cancel" buttons
edit: "edit",
update: "update",
cancel: "cancel"
title: " ", width: "250px"
editable : {
mode : "popup",
window : {
title: "confirmation form"
This is My first line of update Function
public ActionResult CommentUpdate(DataSourceRequest request, CommentViewModel comment)
Anybody Know Why?
Thanx in Advance

Using the kendo ui web grid, how do i make a cell in my grid a link to my ActionResult in my controller?

In the example below I want to be able to click on the ProductName in the grid so that it takes me to my actionresult in my controller. Any ideas?
$(document).ready(function() {
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: { url: '#Url.Action("GetCars", "Home")' }
pageSize: 20,
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true,
serverFiltering: true
toolbar: [ { name: "create", text: "Add a new car" }],
height: 550,
sortable: true,
pageable: true,
columns: [
{ field: "ProductID", title: "Product ID", width: 100 },
{ field: "ProductName", title: "Product Name" },
{ field: "UnitPrice", title: "Unit Price", width: 150 },
{ field: "QuantityPerUnit", title: "Quantity Per Unit" }

how to use kendo ui grid in mvc with GPL version

I am using mvc4. And for my views designing am using kendo ui GPL version, here am using only javascript of kendo.
<div id="grid" style="width:500px"></div>
$(document).ready(function () {
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: { url: "Movies/Index", dataType: "json" }
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
Title: { type: "string" },
ReleaseDate: { type: "date" },
Price: { type: "number" },
Genre: { type: "string" }
pageSize: 10,
serverPaging: true,
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: true,
filterable: true,
columnMenu: true,
groupable: true,
sortable: true,
pageable: true,
columns: [
field: "ID",
width: 90,
title: "ID"
}, {
field: "Title",
width: 90,
title: "Title"
field: "Genre",
width: 90,
title: "Genre"
}, {
width: 100,
field: "Price"
}, {
field: "ReleaseDate",
title: "ReleaseDate",
template: '#= kendo.toString(ReleaseDate,"dd MMMM yyyy") #'
and in my controller am using json action:
public JsonResult Index()
var ind = db.Movies.Select(a => new Models.Movie
ID = a.ID,
Title = a.Title,
Genre = a.Genre,
Price = a.Price,
ReleaseDate = a.ReleaseDate
}).OrderBy(a => a.Title);
return this.Json(ind, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
But the problem is data is not fetching into my view. Any help is greatly appreciated.
