Extension project templates not appearing in Xcode 6 - ios

I'm not sure if I am the only one experiencing this program, but I have tried searching and have not been able to find anyone in my current situation. I downloaded Xcode 6 beta and was interested in Extension programming for iOS 8. However, I have been unable to locate the extensions in my project templates when creating a new project in Xcode, I saw a YouTube video (unrelated to extension programming) but I did notice that the option was not there for the said video. Now, I have had a look through the contents of the Xcode 6 beta package and have been able to locate the actual templates themselves, so I have no doubt they are present, it just seems that they are not actually being loaded.
For the record, I also downloaded some example custom keyboard code from GitHub in order to see whether Xcode will recognise it and it does, going as far as actually displaying the 'E' icon beside the build target. I should also mention that I do have a build of Xcode 5 also present on my machine.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue, or does anyone know how to overcome it?

You create a extension by creating a new target in an existing project.
Check this link for more information

I had the same problem. The solution was to not try to add the extension in File/new/File... menu but in File/new/Target... menu.
You can add extension to any existing project.


GoogleMobileAds.h file not found

I know that there must be a whole bunch of questions like this, but I tried everything, and nothing would work.
I'm creating a iOS app, and I use Google Ad Mob. I built my Xcode project from Unity, but when I tried to archive it in Xcode, there is this annoying error "GoogleMobileAds.h file not found"! I have the Google Mobile Ad Framework, but when I put it in the project, the error still shows! I looked up this problem, and tried to follow some of the people to fixed it, but the error still wouldn't go away.
Could anyone help please?
Here is the link to the project you can download.
Xcode project
I fixed this by going to Framework Search Paths in build settings, and putting in the GoogleMobileAd.framework!
as #SullyBully already correctly mentioned.
You have to add your folder with the Admob SDK to Framework Search Paths in Build Settings.
Additionally you have to include your GoogleMobildeAds.framework into your frameworks section in xcode (no ideas whats that called)
See screenshot 1 and 2 (I literally spent now hours because of it, hopefully this finds a soul helpful :P)
By the way it is completely neccessary just to include GoogleMobildeAds.framework.
You dont need to include the others like GoogleUtilities, or GoogleAppMeasurement etc.
After you build the the game in Unity.You also have to add google admob iOS library to your Xcode project. You can get from : [https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/download][1]

How can I transform my iOS/Swift project to a state where I will be able to use live views?

I have been working on my first iOS/Swift application for the past month or so, and have created all of my class declaration files (i.e. my .Swift files) in my main project folder. I would really like to use live views in my app, because as of right now I cannot build/run the app at all due to errors I don't know how to fix (I'll be posting about those later today in hope of finding someone who can help me fix them).
What would be the best way to go about converting all of my views into embedded frameworks so that I could use the Live Views feature of Xcode ? I am running Xcode 7 and wrote my app in Swift 2.0
You apparently don't need to use frameworks for that anymore. At least it works just fine in Xcode 7 for me - for classes that are part of the main project. Just mark your class as #IBDesignable.
But in order to show the preview, your code needs to be able compile, so you will need to resolve your issues first.

Test flight SDK Updated but deprecated in ios

I had using TestFlight SDK 2.0 before,After that I had download TestFlight SDK 2.2.1 and replace the all files, integrated in my App.And removes the old files also.
But I'm facing a problem while uploading latest build to TestFlight.
Still The SDK is showing 2.0 and deprecated.
Please suggest me to resolve this.
I had the same problem where I updated the SDK, but the old SDK was still showing up in TestFlight. Turns out I had to go into Build Settings --> Search Paths --> Library Search Paths and sure enough, this was still pointing to the old SDK folder. I just updated this to the new folder.
The odds are pretty good the old one is still around somewhere in your project.
Once trick that I've used before to find out if something is still in the project somewhere is to open the project file with a text editor. (BareBones Softeware's BBEdit is great, but their freeware Text Wrangler will also work just fine for this.)
Once it is open just search for the "bad" file and search the entire project. You might find it there and that will help you track it down. You can edit this file but be careful, it is XML and it had better still be valid XML when you save it.

Interface Builder cannot find .xib - Xcode 5.0.2

I recently became interested in mobile app development and want to take my coding experience from elec. engring to the iphone. Im having trouble though. I am trying to compile my first app onto my phone (got it to run perfectly on the iOS simulator last night). However, upon compiling i get the following error:"Interface Builder XIB Compiler Error: Interface Builder could not open the document "xxx.xib" because it does not exist"
I've tried going into my target and setting Main Interface to xxx.xib and I still get the same error on both iPhone and iOS simulation. I've tried setting my interface to Xcode 4.6 and messing with the builds and views, still have the same issue. I built it from scratch - same issue.
All help appreciated. I know the default is building with story board, but I am following a book I am happy with and I want to go through it with the .xib because thats what the book uses. Thanks -
Select your project (blue icon) in the project navigator then choose:
Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources
Make sure your xib file is on the list. You can add it by clicking the plus (+) icon on the lower left.
Consider opening a new project as a sanity check. Change the background color and verify that it runs in the simulator. If it does then this will point to a project settings issue rather than an installation problem.
You may also want to look at the following walkthrough by Apple. Hopefully following the steps will help illustrate anything you might be missing.
Apple also has a latest tutorial that I recommend you walkthrough. After completing please let me know if you are continuing to have this problem. The number of potential problems is greater than simply walking through the 15 min tutorial.

xcode build settings for imported libraries (xcode 5)

I'm having a small issue with xcode (I'm assuming it's mostly due to being unfamiliar with xcode itself) and was hoping someone could lend me a hand.
I'm working with a group of people and we're using the GPUimage framework.
The problem is this:
For every person referencing GPUimage we get additional entries in the build settings for the xcode project.
For example build products path would be:
I would rather it be:
The reason I want to fix this is because we need to package up our application and library together so that whoever wants to use it only needs to open the xcode project file to see what we've done (to mark it, school project).
Can anyone suggest what I should do or look for here?
Try adding the following to the beginning of the user path:
That should instruct XCode to use the user path of whoever is using the library
Hope this helps!
