Image segmentation with maxflow - image-processing

I have to do a foreground/background segmentation using maxflow algorithm in C++. ( I get an array of pixels from a png file according to their RBG but what are the next steps. How could I use this algorithm for my problem?

I recognize that source very well. That's the Boykov-Kolmogorov Graph Cuts library. What I would recommend you do first is read their paper.
Graph Cuts is an interactive image segmentation algorithm. You mark pixels in your image on what you believe belong to the object (a.k.a. foreground) and what don't belong to the object (a.k.a the background). That's what you need first. Once you do this, the Graph Cuts algorithm best guesses what the labels of the other pixels are in the image. It basically goes through each of the other pixels that are not labeled and figures out whether or not they belong to foreground and background.
The whole premise behind Graph Cuts is that image segmentation is akin to energy minimization. Image segmentation can be formulated as a cost function with a summation of two terms:
Self-Penalty: This is the cost of assigning each pixel as either foreground or background. This is also known as a data cost.
Neighbouring Penalties: This enforces that neighbouring pixels more or less should share the same classification label. This is also known as a smoothness cost.
This kind of formulation is well known as the Maximum A Posteriori Markov Random Field classification problem (MAP-MRF). The goal is to minimize that cost function so that you achieve the best image segmentation possible. This is actually an NP-Hard problem, and is actually one of the problems that is up for money from the Clay Math Institute.
Boykov and Kolmogorov theoretically proved that the MAP-MRF problem can be translated into graph theory, and solving the MAP-MRF problem is akin to taking your image and forming it into a graph with source and sink links, as well as links that connect neighbouring pixels together. To solve the MAP-MRF, you perform the maximum-flow/minimum-cut algorithm. There are many ways to do this, but Boykov / Kolmogorov find a more efficient way that is much faster than more established algorithms, such as Push-Relabel, Ford-Fulkenson, etc.
The self penalties are what are known as t links, while the neighbouring penalties are what are known as n links. You should read up the paper to figure out how these are computed, but the t links describe the classification penalty. Basically, how much it would cost to classify each pixel as belonging to the foreground or the background. These are usually based on the negative log probability distributions of the image. What you do is you create a histogram of the distribution of what was classified as foreground and a histogram of what was classified as background.
Usually, a uniform quanitization of each colour channel for both foreground and background suffices. You then turn these into PDFs but dividing by the total number of elements in each histogram, then when you calculate the t-links for each pixel, you access the colour, then see where it lies in the histogram, then take the negative log. This will tell you how much it will cost to classify that pixel to be either foreground or background.
The neighbouring pixel costs are more intuitive. People usually just take the Euclidean distance between one pixel and a neighbouring pixel and apply this distance to a Gaussian. To make things simple, a 4 pixel neighbourhood is what is usually used (North, South, East and West).
Once you figure out how to compute the cost, you follow this procedure:
Mark pixels as foreground or background.
Create a graph structure using their library
Compute the histograms of the foreground and background pixels
Calculate t-links and add to the graph
Calculate n-links and add to the graph
Invoke the maxflow routine on the graph to segment the image
Go through each pixel and figure out whether or not the pixel belongs to foreground or background.
Create a binary map that reflects this, then copy over image pixels where the binary map is true, and don't do this when it's false.
The original source of maxflow can be found here:
It also has a README so you can see how the library is supposed to work given some example images.
You have a lot to digest, but Graph Cuts is one of the most powerful interactive segmentation tools out there.
Good luck!


Counting number of bright spots in image (python)

I'm trying to develop a way to count the number of bright spots in an image. The spots should be gaussian point sources, but there is a lot of noise. There are probably on the order of 10-20 actual point sources in this image. My first though was to use a gaussian convolution with sigma = 15, which seems to do a good job.
First, is there a better way to isolate these bright spots?
Second, how can I 'detect' the bright spots, i.e. count them? I haven't had any luck with circular hough transforms from opencv.
Edit: Here is the original without gridlines, here is the convolved image without gridlines.
I am working with thermal infrared images which subject to quantity of noises.
I found that low rank based approaches such as approaches based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) or Weighted Nuclear Norm Metric (WNNM) give very efficient result in terms of reducing the noise while preserving the structure of the information.
Their main drawback is the fact they are quite slow to compute (several minutes per image)
Here is some litterature:
The second paper has some MatLab code available, there is quite a lot of files but the translation to python is should not that complex.
OpenCV implement as well (and it is available in python) a very efficient algorithm on the Non-Local Means algorithm:

How does background removal help reduce computation in CNN?

I read in many papers that a preprocessing of background removal help reduce the amount of computation. But why is this the case? My understanding is that he CNN works on a rectangular window no matter how is it filled up, 0 or positive.
See this for an example.
In the paper you provide, it seems that they do not pass the entire image to the network. Instead, they seem to be selecting smaller patches from the non-white background. This makes sense because it reduces the noise in their data, but it also reduces computational complexity, because of the effect it has on fully connected layers.
Suppose the input image is of size h*w. In your CNN, the image passes through a series of convolutions and max-poolings, and as a result, right before the first fully connected layer, you end up with a feature map of size
where m is the number of feature planes, and where k and d depend on the number of layers, the parameters of each convolution and max pooling modules (e.g. the size of the convolution kernel, etc). Usually, we'll have d==k. Now, assume that you feed this to a fully connected layer, to produce a vector of q parameters. What this layer does is basicaly a matrix multiplication
where A is a matrix of size q*sz, and x is just your feature map written as a vector.
Now, assume you pass a patch of size (h/t)*(w/t) to the network. You end up with a feature map of size
Given the size of the images in their datasets, this is a considerable reduction in the number of parameters. Also, small patches also means larger batches, and that too can accelerate training (better gradient approximation.).
I hope this helps.
Edit, following #wlnirvana's comment : Yes, patch size is a hyper parameter. In the example I gave, it is set via selecting t. Given the size of the images in the dataset, I'd say something like t>=6 would be realistic. As for how this relate to background removal, to quote the paper (section 3.1):
"To reduce computation time and to focus our analysis on regions of the slide most likely to contain cancer metastasis..."
This means that they select patches only around areas that are not background. This makes sense, since passing a completely white patch to the network would just be a waste of time (in figure 1, you can have so many white/gray/useless patches if you select them randomly, without removing the background). I didn't find any explanation on how patch selection is done in their paper, but I assume something like selecting a number of pixels p_1,...,p_n in the non-background regions, and considering n patches of size (h/t)*(w/t) around each of them would make sense.

Water Edge Detection

Is there a robust way to detect the water line, like the edge of a river in this image, in OpenCV?
This task is challenging because a combination of techniques must be used. Furthermore, for each technique, the numerical parameters may only work correctly for a very narrow range. This means either a human expert must tune them by trial-and-error for each image, or that the technique must be executed many times with many different parameters, in order for the correct result to be selected.
The following outline is highly-specific to this sample image. It might not work with any other images.
One bit of advice: As usual, any multi-step image analysis should always begin with the most reliable step, and then proceed down to the less reliable steps. Whenever possible, the less reliable step should make use of the result of more-reliable steps to augment its own accuracy.
Detection of sky
Convert image to HSV colorspace, and find the cyan located at the upper-half of the image.
Keep this HSV image, becuase it could be handy for the next few steps as well.
Detection of shrubs
Run Canny edge detection on the grayscale version of image, with suitably chosen sigma and thresholds. This will pick up the branches on the shrubs, which would look like a bunch of noise. Meanwhile, the water surface would be relatively smooth.
Grayscale is used in this technique in order to reduce the influence of reflections on the water surface (the green and yellow reflections from the shrubs). There might be other colorspaces (or preprocessing techniques) more capable of removing that reflection.
Detection of water ripples from a lower elevation angle viewpoint
Firstly, mark off any image parts that are already classified as shrubs or sky. Since shrub detection would be more reliable than water detection, shrub detection's result should be used to inform the less-reliable water detection.
Because of the low elevation angle viewpoint, the water ripples appear horizontally elongated. In fact, every image feature appears stretched horizontally. This is called Anisotropy. We could make use of this tendency to detect them.
Note: I am not experienced in anisotropy detection. Perhaps you can get better ideas from other people.
Idea 1:
Use maximally-stable extremal regions (MSER) as a blob detector.
The Wikipedia introduction appears intimidating, but it is really related to connected-component algorithms. A naive implementation can be done similar to Dijkstra's algorithm.
Idea 2:
Notice that the image features are horizontally stretched, a simpler approach is to just sum up the absolute values of horizontal gradients and compare that to the sum of absolute values of vertical gradients.

What does size and response exactly represent in a SURF keypoint?

I'm using OpenCV 2.3 for keypoints detection and matching. But I am a bit confused with the size and response parameters given by the detection algorithm. What do they exactly mean?
Based on the OpenCV manual, I can't figure it out:
float size: diameter of the meaningful keypoint neighborhood
float response: the response by which the most strong keypoints have
been selected. Can be used for further sorting or subsampling
I thought the best point to track would be the one with the highest response but it seems that it is not the case. So how could I subsample the set of key points returned by the surf detector to keep only the best one in term of trackability?
Size and response
SURF is a blob detector, in short, the size of a feature is the size of the blob. To be more precise, the returned size by OpenCV is half the length of the approximated Hessian operator. The size is also known as scale, this is due to the way the blob detectors work, i.e., being functionally equal to first blurring the image with the Gaussian filter at several scales and then downsampling the images and finally detecting blobs with a fixed size. See the image below showing the the size of the SURF features. The size of each feature is the radius of the drawn circle. The lines going out from the center of the features to the circumference show the angles or orientations. In this image, the response strength of the blob detection filter is color coded. You can see the majority of the detected features have a weak response. (see the full size image here)
This histogram shows the distribution of the response strengths of the features in the above image:
What features to track?
The most robust feature tracker tracks all the detected features. The more features the more robustness. But it's impractical to track a large number of features as often we want to limit the computation time. The number of features to track often should be empirically tuned for each application. Often the image is divided into regular sub-regions and in each one the n strongest features are kept to be tracked. n is usually chosen such that in total about 500~1000 features are detected per frame.
Reading the journal paper describing SURF definitely will give you a good idea of how it works. Just try not to get stuck in the details, specially if your background isn't in machine/computer vision or image processing. The SURF detector may seem extremely novel at the first glance but the whole idea is estimating the Hessian operator (a well established filter) using integral images (which have been used by other methods long before SURF). If you want to understand SURF very well and you're not familiar with image processing, you need to go back and read some introductory material. Recently I came across a new and free book, whose chapter 13 has a good and brief introduction to feature detection. Not everything said in there is technically correct, but it's a good starting point. Here you can find another good description of SURF with several images showing how each step works. On that page you see this image:
You can see the white and black blobs, these are the blobs that SURF detects at several scales and estimates their sizes (radius in the OpenCV code).
"size" is the size of the area covered by the descriptor in the original image (it is obtained by downsampling the original image in the scale space, hence it varies from key point to key point based on their scale).
"reponse" is indeed an indicator of "how good" (roughly speaking, in terms of corner-ness) a point is.
Good points are stable for static scene retrieval (this is the main purpose of SIFT/SURF descriptors). In the case of tracking, you can have good points appearing because the tracked object is on a well formed background, of half in the shadow... then disappearing because this condition has changed (change of light, occlusion...). So there is no guarantee for tracking tasks that a good point will always be there.

Finding the height above water level of rocks

I am currently helping a friend working on a geo-physical project, I'm not by any means a image processing pro, but its fun to play
around with these kinds of problems. =)
The aim is to estimate the height of small rocks sticking out of water, from surface to top.
The experimental equipment will be a ~10MP camera mounted on a distance meter with a built in laser pointer.
The "operator" will point this at a rock, press a trigger which will register a distance along of a photo of the rock, which
will be in the center of the image.
The eqipment can be assumed to always be held at a fixed distance above the water.
As I see it there are a number of problems to overcome:
Lighting conditions
Depending on the time of day etc., the rock might be brighter then the water or opposite.
Sometimes the rock will have a color very close to the water.
The position of the shade will move throughout the day.
Depending on how rough the water is, there might sometimes be a reflection of the rock in the water.
The rock is not evenly shaped.
Depending on the rock type, growth of lichen etc., changes the look of the rock.
Fortunateness, there is no shortage of test data. Pictures of rocks in water is easy to come by. Here are some sample images:
I've run a edge detector on the images, and esp. in the fourth picture the poor contrast makes it hard to see the edges:
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
I don't think that edge detection is best approach to detect the rocks. Other objects, like the mountains or even the reflections in the water will result in edges.
I suggest that you try a pixel classification approach to segment the rocks from the background of the image:
For each pixel in the image, extract a set of image descriptors from a NxN neighborhood centered at that pixel.
Select a set of images and manually label the pixels as rock or background.
Use the labeled pixels and the respective image descriptors to train a classifier (eg. a Naive Bayes classifier)
Since the rocks tends to have similar texture, I would use texture image descriptors to train the classifier. You could try, for example, to extract a few statistical measures from each color chanel (R,G,B) like the mean and standard deviation of the intensity values.
Pixel classification might work here, but will never yield a 100% accuracy. The variance in the data is really big, rocks have different colours (which are also "corrupted" with lighting) and different texture. So, one must account for global information as well.
The problem you deal with is foreground extraction. There are two approaches I am aware of.
Energy minimization via graph cuts, see e.g. (there are links to the paper and OpenCV implementation). Some initialization ("seeds") should be done (either by a user or by some prior knowledge like the rock is in the center while water is on the periphery). Another variant of input is an approximate bounding rectangle. It is implemented in MS Office 2010 foreground extraction tool.
The energy function of possible foreground/background labellings enforces foreground to be similar to the foreground seeds, and a smooth boundary. So, the minimum of the energy corresponds to the good foreground mask. Note that with pixel classification approach one should pre-label a lot of images to learn from, then segmentation is done automatically, while with this approach one should select seeds on each query image (or they are chosen implicitly).
Active contours a.k.a. snakes also requre some user interaction. They are more like Photoshop Magic Wand tool. They also try to find a smooth boundary, but do not consider the inner area.
Both methods might have problems with the reflections (pixel classification will definitely have). If it is the case, you may try to find an approximate vertical symmetry, and delete the lower part, if any. You can also ask a user to mark the reflaction as a background while collecting stats for graph cuts.
Color segmentation to find the rock, together with edge detection to find the top.
To find the water level I would try and find all the water-rock boundaries, and the horizon (if possible) then fit a plane to the surface of the water.
That way you don't need to worry about reflections of the rock.
Easier if you know the pitch angle between the camera and the water and if the camera is is leveled horizontally (roll).
ps. This is a lot harder than I thought - you don't know the distance to all the rocks so fitting a plane is difficult.
It occurs that the reflection is actually the ideal way of finding the level, look for symetric path edges in the rock edge detection and pick the vertex?
