Tag appears more than once while using Quickfix market data incremental refresh - c#-2.0

I have implemented the fix client that request for market data. I have successfully logged on to the server but when the server sends us a MarketDataIncrementalRefresh message my application rejects with the message "Tag appears more than once" tag for which it is indicating is 55. Can you please help me in resolving it?
The message it rejects is:
8=FIX.4.2 9=196 35=X 34=14 49=Xenfin 56=newchange.api -price 52=20140528-08:54:32.144 262=156 268=2 279=1 269=0 278=B 55=EUR/USD 270=1.36201 271=1000000.00 279=1 269=1 278=A 55=EUR/USD 270=1.36205 271=1000000.00 10=133
and in my config file I have used no data dictionary and set UseDataDictionary=N

This usually means you have a configuration or DataDictionary problem, or both.
Configuration problem: Your config should have UseDataDictionary=Y, and DataDictionary=path/to/xml (or AppDataDictionary= and TransportDataDictionary= if you're on FIX5).
DataDictionary problem: Your counterparty has probably added custom fields to the message, and your DD hasn't been properly updated to reflect them. When parsing repeating groups, when the QF/n parser finds a field that doesn't belong (per DD) to the group, it assumes the group has ended. Any fields after that are considered to be outside the group.
You need to edit your DD file to reflect any changes that your counterparty has made to the standard message set. This will probably include adding custom fields, and may include rearranging field orderings or adding fields to groups that they don't normally belong in. See this page for more info about editing your DD:

That's because you have a repeating group, once for bid, once for offer
56=newchange.api -price
279=1 269=0 278=B 55=EUR/USD 270=1.36201 271=1000000.00
279=1 269=1 278=A 55=EUR/USD 270=1.36205 271=1000000.00
and you're not handling it properly.


How to Call a Pkg/Procedure Executing an API From a Pkg/Procedure. The API name needs to be Dynamic and Has In and Out Parms

We use APIs, baninst1.PP_DEDUCTION.p_update and baninst1.PP_DEDUCTION.p_create, to maintain our payroll tables of benefit/deduction data. Numerous packages utilize the APIs. We would like to create a package containing the API call that all the existing packages can use and remove the code that is repeated in each package. I tried EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for the purpose of having a dynamic API name. However, I have not been able to get the syntax correct. I’m hoping you will help me.
                                                                               pi_pidm                   IN pdrbded.pdrbded_pidm%TYPE,
                                                                               pi_status                  IN pdrdedn.pdrdedn_status%TYPE,
                                                                               pi_bdca_code          IN pdrbded.pdrbded_bdca_code%TYPE,
                                                                               pi_effective_date     IN pdrdedn.pdrdedn_effective_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,                                                                               pi_user_id                IN pdrdedn.pdrdedn_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,                                                                               pi_data_origin          IN pdrdedn.pdrdedn_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                                                                               po_base_rowid_out  OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type,
                                                                               po_detail_rowid_out OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type,
                                                                               pi_amount1              IN pdrdedn.pdrdedn_amount1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                                                                               pi_opt_code1            IN pdrdedn.pdrdedn_opt_code1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) IS
--Call the API for p_create or p_update.
baninst1.PP_DEDUCTION.pi_benefit_action(p_pidm                  => pi_pidm,
                                                                       p_status                 => pi_status,
                                                                       p_bdca_code          => pi_bdca_code,
                                                                       p_effective_date     => CASE
                                                                                                                 WHEN pi_benefit_action 'p_create' THEN
                                                                      p_user_id                =>   pi_user_id,
                                                                      p_data_origin          =>   pi_data_origin,
                                                                      p_base_rowid_out   =>   po_base_rowid_out,
                                                                      p_detail_rowid_out  =>  po_detail_rowid_out,                                                                      p_amount1              =>  pi_amount1,
                                                                      p_opt_code1            => CASE
                                                                                                                 WHEN LENGTH(pi_opt_code1) = 1 THEN
                                                                                                                        '0' || pi_opt_code1
                                                                                                                 ELSE pi_opt_code1
lv_base_rowid_out    gb_common.internal_record_id_type;
lv_detail_rowid_out   gb_common.internal_record_id_type;
--Pass data to the common benefits package for the api call
MM_BENEFITS_COMMON.PAY_P_EMPLOYEE_BENEFIT_ACTION('p_update', 9999999, 'A', 'VI1', '01-JAN-2022', 'MM_Test',     'MM_TEST', lv_base_rowid_out, lv_detail_rowid_out, 25.82, NULL);
I'm not sure what's bothering you, actually. You did post some code, but - I don't know what it represents.
Let's see what you said:
"We use APIs, baninst1.PP_DEDUCTION.p_update and baninst1.PP_DEDUCTION.p_create, to maintain our payroll tables of benefit/deduction data."
"Numerous packages utilize the APIs."
it means that there are many packages and they call those p_update and p_create procedures; that's also OK
"We would like to create a package containing the API call that all the existing packages can use and remove the code that is repeated in each package."
that would be a new package; you'd cut that piece of code from all of your packages and paste it into a new one.
OK, makes sense. Instead of all that code (in every package), you'd put call to newly created procedures (that reside in a newly created package)
"I tried EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for the purpose of having a dynamic API name. However, I have not been able to get the syntax correct."
why dynamic SQL? There's nothing dynamic here. Instead of dozens of lines of code you currently have (that do something), you'd put one line - the one that calls that newly created procedure (and pass parameters)
From my point of view, there's nothing unusual in what you want to do and I can't imagine what problems you could have in doing it; it's pretty much straightforward.

UI5-Application: Call to functionimport works ONLY in WebIDE but fails everywhere else

We are developing a custom UI5 application.
It is developed in the WebIDE, and therefore deployed as a BSP.
When we use the underlying model for calls ( currently 3, no CRUD ), we chose the path of using ONLY functionimports to communicate with the backend.
All of them work with the POST method.
And all of them work ONLY inside the WebIDE.
Once, I access the BSP URL otherwise, we get HTTP 500 error with "error while requesting the ressource.
We already created links, to enable special portfowarding, no result.
Let's stick to my URL from the BSP first.
I paste it into my 3 browsers: 500.
We also created a special non dialogue-user with proper roles and permissions, and in the SICF tree we assigned it .
Again, when calling from inside the WebIDE, the functionimport-calls work, otherwise not.
Error-Logs are empty.
Dumps do not happen.
ST05 trace shows where 500 is passed, deeply inside the HTTP framework, yet no chance to spot the code location, neither a breaktpoint.
In SICF logon-settings we have:
Types all, also flagged "all", SAML: inherited from parent node, sec-sessions Not limited, fix user and pw, sec: Standard, auth:Standard Sap user.
The gui-options contain ONLY one flag: ~CHECK_CSRF_TOKEN 0.
In my client I use :
Where the model is initialized as :
function initModelV2() {
var sUrl = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_this_is_a_company_secret_service/";
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel(sUrl);
What else can I do to get "at least closer" to the reason, WHY ?
I could solve it, and believe it or not, sometimes simple logic helps.
I debugged the backend of CL_HTTP_RESPONSE, and once I saw, GET_STATUS, I thought to look for SET_STATUS.
There it was:
this.rModel.setHeaders( {"X-Requested-With" : "X" } );
Was missing.
Though I set it in the manifest of my model, it was not passed.
Once set in the code, it worked.
I wonder, why it is not accepted in manifest.
I have an assumption.
1st: I have this in my manifest ( yellow arrow shows, where i HAD it set up before):
But I also have an instantiation in my code, in servicebindings.js with this code
Can it be, that, in the end, I have accidently created 2 models ?

Quickfixj- Custom FIX msg - 35=F not working for Multileg

I am using quickfixJ 2.3
To parse the FIX message , we have used
MessageUtils.parse(msgFactory,dd,inPutFixMsg, false)
I am able to place the list order ,multileg - 35= AB, AC order.
Now when I want to cancel the multileg order created by AB,
I just replaced 35=F, added 41 tag.
Now I am getting error while parsing in Message.parse : tag 600 appears more than once.
I am interested to know ,the other cancel( new order cancel, future cancel) working fine. Even I have mentioned the dd, then still why m I getting the error?
Or is there any other approach ?
You can't just change the message type (tag 35) and assume all the other tags are going to be compatible!
AB and F messages have different tags in their body. They are totally different messages!
The amount of stuff about FIX that you need to know exceeds what is appropriate for a StackOverflow answer. You really need to read some docs about how FIX messages are structured and decoded.

Push to Specific User

Writing in Delphi 10 Seattle, targeting the 'pusher' as Windows, and the receiver as iOs (for now). The aim is to be able to push a message to a specific user without relying on broadcast and client side filtering.
I've managed to achieve the following so far:
1. Send a broadcast push to my iOS app
2. Login as a user on my iOS app
3. Create a pointer in my Installation record for User -> _User
That's as far as I can get in Delphi. From what I understand, I have to update the Installation record on login to reflect the installations logged in user.
I cannot find out how to do that in Delphi's Parse/BAAS objects. What seems to be missing is that I can't get the logged in users Installation ID. I assume if I could I could then update that via the TBackendStorage Class.
Any help would be appreciated.
I've cross posted this question to Embarcadero forums and community site.
To retrieve the User Object Id
ACreatedObject: TBackendEntityValue; // REST.Backend.MetaTypes
To Update the Installation with the User Object iD
Assuming you have a column 'User' in your Installation table on Parse as a pointer to _User class.
Within the PushEventsDeviceRegistered Event:
JO,JOP:TJSonObject; // System.JSON
O:TBackendEntityValue; // REST.Backend.MetaTypes
if PushEvents.InstallationValue.TryGetObjectID(fInstallationObjectId) then
To Target the Push Message Based on User Name
Note, you could create the target via JSON objects,but I've used a string with formatting here.
Target = '{"where":{"User":{"$select":{"query":'+
BackendPush.Message:='Gratz on the Election Result';
Non Local Variables/Declarations
The following Delphi BaaS components were created at Design time.
ParseProvider: TParseProvider;
PushEvents: TPushEvents;
BackendUsers: TBackendUsers;
BackendStorage: TBackendStorage;
BackendPush: TBackendPush;
The following class (or global) variables are referred to:
fUserObjectId:string; // Must be set before push registration is activated.
NOTE: The original code is fully tested, however I've cut/paste (and edited to remove non-relevant stuff) so forgive me if there are any cut/paste errors.

Freeradius V3 meta-attributes. Check item attributes

I am trying to migrate from version 2 to version 3.
The same unlang code worked in version 2. However in version 3 the same code does not work.
This is the error:
/etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default[406]: Failed parsing expanded string:
/etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default[406]: %{sql:SET #reset_date = '%{check:Reset-Date}'; SELECT IFNULL((sum(acctinputoctets)+sum(acctoutp...
/etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default[406]: ^ Unknown module
If I remove check the parser does not throw errors.
Change '%{check:Reset-Date}' to '%{Reset-Date}'. However this will break my code, because Reset-Date is a radcheck attribute, stored in the radcheck table.
Any ideas?
It's control:Reset-Date. We've never had check as a list qualifier.
Check items are specific to the users file and sql modules.
This how you can use control to check on expiry with expiration as an attribute
userlock = 1
update reply {
Reply-Message := "Your account expired on %{control:Expiration}. Please refill your account to continue enjoying our service."
Now help us understand what you are trying to do.
