Web Server and App Server - ruby-on-rails

I just want to know that how the web server call to app server code and pass the response to the client, Eg :-
Nginx web serve
Unicorn app server
Rails application
Our request sends to web server and how web server(nginx) pass that request to the app server(unicorn) and how app server runs the rails code or route and sends back the response.

To understand the collaboration of a web server to an app server you must study the architecture of the server first. I guess this link will give you a good idea about architecture and it's bonding.
Have a look here:


API Access Using SSL

Ubuntu 14.04
SSL enabled
Rails 3.2 Application
I have SSL implemented, using a self-generated certificate.
I have a REST API implemented as part of the Rails application (for a limited set of REST calls). I can call the API fine, using curl, and the http url end point.
When I try using the https end point, I get no response.
I tested https access to the application, from a web browser, and that's working fine, although the browser give me a warning, that the site is not safe.
Any ideas?

Creating HTTPS server in iOS device

My requirement is running a HTTPS server on the device it won't connect to the external clients. Both client and server is my application only.
For example, if there is a request https://myip/getUserData from my app, my app fetch information from core data and returns to the client(that is also my app)
I was able to create an HTTP server in my app following the below link. but I want the same in HTTPS. That means to run the HTTPS server.

What approach to be used on application side in migrating web services to HTTPS from HTTP?

i have an app running on Apple app store with webservices from HTTP Server but now i want to migrate my webservices from HTTP Server to newly brought HTTPS Server. What is the best approach to achieve this without affecting older application users running application on HTTP Server?
P.S: After migrating to new server, older server will not work.
Edit: my older server domain is going to expire and also i have amazon server on which i am going to move my webservices. So the older and new server link are different.

How to implement websocket-based push service through Rails?

I'm building a messaging app like WhatsApp. My goal is to expose only REST API through Rails and "push notifications" to connected clients via websockets. So clients communicate with server only with the REST API. Only the server sends data through the websocket. Clients can only receive data from it.
Currently I've built an eventmachine server listening for websocket connections and Unix domain socket connections. When a client performs a request on the REST API, Rails connects to the Unix domain socket to tell the eventmachine what connected client needs to be notified through the websocket.
My concern is about how it will behave in production (my server runs Apache Passenger). So I'm looking for some project to solve my problem. I had a look at Faye but I can't understand how to force it to send notifications to connected clients from an external process (that might be rails while is performing a request). Any ideas?
Have you looked at the sync gem I am doing something similar and that is what i use
They have a really good video on integration and a example https://github.com/chrismccord/sync_example
and this fully supports Faye and Pusher.
I use Faye for dev and Pusher for production

Retrieve Web Server Request URL in Application Server

I have below scenario. I have a Application running in an App Server
behind a Web Server
Web Server <---------------------------> App Server
url: http://webserver url: http://appserver:7012
Now when I do a request.getRequestURL or URI in my Servlet Filter.
I get the App Server Url (http://appserver:7012) not the
Web Server Url(http://webserver).
I need to get the Web Server url not App Server url. How do I get it ?
Any suggestions on how do I go about it.
