Parsing variable byte length message - parsing

I'd like to parse a proprietary message with the following format. The messages are of variable length from 8bytes to 16 bytes. If the message is more than 8 bytes, it is put into multi packet message.
Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7-14 Byte15
Header Header Flags SlaveID Sequence Command Command Data Chksum
I send these messages to a device and expect a response from said device with similar format. I know what the messages are supposed to say, but I'm really struggling to find a away to parse the data in real time and display the information in somesort of GUI framework. Currently, I'm planning on dumping the data into a .txt/.csv file and post-processing with matlab.
I'm a hardware guy. This is not my strong suit.
Command, Reponse
0xAC 04 01 01 00 8C 01 01 chksum
0x04 AC 83 01 00 8C 01 01 0B D9 chksum
0x8c01 command to test power supply 0x01
Device echos the command and power supply it was checking and also returns the bit-shifted value of the power supply voltage 0x0BD9


iOS network extension packet parsing

I am developing a VPN (iOS Network Extension), and using C/C++ to read file-descriptor directly (instead of Swift), currently it successfully captures device's request Packets, but I don't know how to parse iOS's packets, I could not even find what network layer or protocol the packets are formatted in.
I converted Packet's binary into Hex to be able to decode with online tools; below are samples of what I need to parse:
But when tried parsing with online decoder, they fail saying invalid packet.
What network layer or protocol is above?
Note that above are 3 packet samples (not one splitted by me).
It's tun-layer protocol with 4 bytes prefix:
1. Once we use C/C++ to read file-descriptor, in NEPacketTunnelProvider like:
let tunFd = self.packetFlow.value(forKeyPath: "socket.fileDescriptor") as! Int32
// ... pass above to C/C++ backend
Instead of using Swift like:
self.packetFlow.readPackets { [weak self] (packets: [Data], protocols: [NSNumber]) in
// Handle packets here...
2. There are 4 additional bytes prefixed to the tun-layer packet (e.g. 00 00 00 02), each time we read packets.
3. To allow most online-tools to understand the packet, remove those starting 4 bytes, and instead prefix it with Mac-Header-Hex like:
01 00 5E 00 00 09 C2 01 17 23 00 00 08 00
Note that by doing above, we convert initial tun-layer packet to a tap-layer packet.
Also, remember to prefix again those 4 bytes, once writing a packet into the file-descriptor (after removing Mac-Header).
Update 2021; Apple discourages accessing file-descriptor directly (and it may be removed in future iOS releases).

What is this unusual text being used with loadstring() in Lua?

I have some Lua code which appears to be an attempt to secure the code by obscurity. My understanding of the loadstring() function is a text string is composed of Lua source code text and then converted to executable Lua code by the loadstring() method.
With the following Lua source, I tried to read the contents of the variable code by invoking print on the variable code; while I did see some valid source text in the converted string, a majority of the characters were not displayed (I assume ones with character codes below 40 and above 176). Note that there are some particularly high values in there for ASCII, e.g. 231 is obviously in the extended set, being the trademark sign. Additionally, there are several null characters in there. All this makes me doubt if it is indeed ASCII.
Could someone please tell me if the string is valid Lua source, and how to be able to get Lua to return the string as printable characters so that I can see what this code does?
When I run my version with print in the Lua console on Windows I get many empty boxes, presumably the console can only print pure ASCII?
Note that the code is executed using Lua version 5.0.2
return loadstring(code)();
This string is valid chunk of Lua code precompiled into bytecode. Header say it's for Lua 5.0. It's not a text, it doesn't need decoding, so can be run directly with loadstring()
To provide a few more details than Vlad's answer for anyone who may come across this posting.
The Lua loadstring() function accepts a string of characters that are either Lua source text or Lua bytecode. It appears that the function determines type of the text by looking at the first character of the string to see if it is an escape character (0x1b or decimal 27) or not.
The loadstring() function returns an anonymous function so in the code sample:
return loadstring(code)();
you have a text string that contains Lua bytecode, as indicated by the leading escape character of \27, and then a call to loadstring() to create a function which is then executed.
The first few characters of the text string contain the precompiled Lua header (see Lua 5.2 Bytecode and Virtual Machine). The length of this header varies depending on the version of Lua. However the first few characters seem to be fairly standard. code='\27\76\117\97\80 ... contains the escape character (0x1b or decimal 27), the capital letter L (decimal 76), the lower case letter u (decimal 117), the lower case letter a (decimal 97), and the Lua version (decimal 80 is 0x50 indicating version 5.0).
The following example is from Lua 5.2 Bytecode and Virtual Machine.
What exactly is in the bytecode? Here is the hexdump of hello.luac
(made by hd on my system).
00000000 1b 4c 75 61 52 00 01 04 04 04 08 00 19 93 0d 0a |.LuaR...........|
00000010 1a 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 04 07 00 00 |................|
00000020 00 01 00 00 00 46 40 40 00 80 00 00 00 c1 80 00 |.....F##........|
00000030 00 96 c0 00 01 5d 40 00 01 1f 00 80 00 03 00 00 |.....]#.........|
00000040 00 04 06 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 00 04 06 00 00 |......Hello.....|
The format is not officially documented, and needs to be
reverse-engineered. The necessary material is in the Lua source code,
of course, in several places, mainly ldump.c and lundump.c. I have
also cross-checked with NFI and LAT, but any remaining errors are
The code starts with an 18-byte file header, which is the same for all
official Lua 5.2 bytecode compiled on a machine like yours, whether by
luac or load or loadfile. Lua 5.1 only had a 12-byte header, similar
to the first 12 bytes of this one.
Byte numbers are in origin-1 decimal (mostly showing the arithmetic)
and origin-0 hex.
1 x00: 1b 4c 75 61 LUA_SIGNATURE from lua.h.
5 x04: 52 00
Binary-coded decimal 52 for the Lua version, 00 to say the bytecode is
compatible with the "official" PUC-Rio implementation.
5+2 x06: 01 04
04 04 08 00 Six system parameters. On x386 machines they mean:
little-endian, 4-byte integers, 4-byte VM instructions, 4-byte size_t
numbers, 8-byte Lua numbers, floating-point. These parameters must all
match up between the bytecode file and the Lua interpreter, otherwise
the bytecode is invalid.
7+6 x0c: 19 93 0d 0a 1a 0a
Present in all
bytecode produced by Lua 5.2 from PUC-Rio. Described in lundump.h as
"data to catch conversion errors". Might be constructed from
binary-coded decimal 1993 (the year it all started), Windows line
terminator, MS-DOS text file terminator, Unix line terminator.
After these 18 bytes come the functions defined in the file. Each function
starts with an 11-byte function header.
13+6 x12: 00 00 00 00 Line number in source code where chunk starts.
0 for the main chunk.
19+4 x16: 00 00 00 00 Line number in source
code where chunk stops. 0 for the main chunk.
23+4 x1a: 00 01 04
Number of parameters, vararg flag, number of registers used by this
function (not more than 255, obviously). Local variables are stored in
registers; there may not be more than 200 of them (see lparser.c).

Unexpected binary sequences in Postscript generated by Canon printer driver

We are having issues with the Postscript code generated by the "Canon iR-ADV C5235/5240 PS3" printer driver. We print a test document (3 A4 pages of Lorem Ipsum text) and get the following Postscript output in the Windows spool directory:
We have tried various Postscript viewers/converters, and they are unable to handle this file. The reason is that the file contains sections of binary data at the beginning and end, and also the following byte sequence at position 0x1060b:
cd ca 10 02 00 1a 00 01 82 6f ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
If we remove these three binary sequences, we get the resulting file, which works fine in most Postscript viewers/converters we have tried:
Has anybody else encountered similar issues with Canon printer drivers? Does anybody know what these binary sequences signify, or what format they are in?
The binary sequences are CPCA codes. One can download documentation about the data structures used in CPCA after registering here:
It is then reasonably straightforward to write a program that strips the CPCA codes out of the file. The file can then be loaded successfully by 3rd-party Postscript viewers/converters.

Type-of-address of the sender number (SMS)

I would like to know what kind of type-of-address of the sender number exist. For example, the PDU below contains 91 type-of-address:
91 means international format of the phone number and I have to add + before this number. Sometimes I face type-of-address such as D0, C8 and so on. So what do they mean? Where can I find information about it? Thanks in advance.
I have found the program called PDUspy. It can recognise type-of-address. So I have found that D0 - Alpha (acc. to TS 03.38) and the number is represented as text, for example Nikolas. C8 - subscriber number. But what do they mean and how to parse these numbers depending on its type?
The TON/NPI information can be found on section of 3GPP TS 23.040.
The address value (phone number) are BCD left coded, padded with optional 'F' to make it even and then swapped.
Example of parsing the APDU data from an SMS proactive command (also need to refer to 3GPP TS 11.14)
D0 16 81 03 06 13 01 82 02 81 83 0B 0B 01 00 03 81 00 F7 00 F2 02 70 6C
Command Details Tag [81]
Length : 03
Command Number : 06
Command Type : Send Short Message
Command Qualifier : 01H, 0000 0001 (SMS packing by the ME required)
Device Identities Tag [82]
Length : 02
Source device : SIM
Destination device : Network
Length : 0B
TP-MTI : SMS Submit/Submit Report
TP-RD : Instruct the SC to accept an SMS-SUBMIT
TP-VPF : TP-VP field not present
TP-RP : TP-Reply Path parameter is not set in this SMS SUBMIT/DELIVER
TP-UDHI : The TP-UD field contains only the short message
TP-SRR : a report is not requested
TP-MR : 00
Number of digits: 3
TON/NPI : Unknown - ISDN/Telephone numbering plan
Address Value : "007"
TP-PID : 00
TP-UDL : 02
TP-UD : "pl"
The number is represented as text, you can decode it with 7bit type. CEF4FACD0ECF01=Nikolas

Addressing memory data in 32 bit protected mode with nasm

So my book says i can define a table of words like so:
table: dw "13,37,99,99"
and that i can snatch values from the table by incrementing the index into the address of the table like so:
mov ax, [table+2] ; should give me 37
but instead it places 0x2c33 in ax rather than 0x3337
is this because of a difference in system architecture? maybe because the book is for 386 and i'm running 686?
0x2C is a comma , and 0x33 is the character 3, and they appear at positions 2 and 3 in your string, as expected. (I'm a little confused as to what you were expecting, since you first say "should give me 37" and later say "rather than 0x3337".)
You have defined a string constant when I suspect that you didn't mean to. The following:
dw "13,37,99,99"
Will produce the following output:
Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B
31 33 2C 33 37 2C 39 39 2C 39 39 00
Why? Because:
31 is the ASCII code for '1'
33 is the ASCII code for '3'
2C is the ASCII code for ','
39 is the ASCII code for '9'
NASM also null-terminates your string by putting 0 byte at the end (If you don't want your strings to be null-terminated use single quotes instead, '13,37,99,99')
Take into account that ax holds two bytes and it should be fairly clear why ax contains 0x2C33.
I suspect what you wanted was more along the lines of this (no quotes and we use db to indicate we are declaring byte-sized data instead of dw that declares word-sized data):
db 13,37,99,99
This would still give you 0x6363 (ax holds two bytes / conversion of 99, 99 to hex). Not sure where you got 0x3337 from.
I recommend that you install yourself a hex editor and have an experiment inspecting the output from NASM.
