Grails domain class Constraints vs Legacy DB constraints - grails

I am using grails GORM for database mapping and oracle as database which is already populated with values.My question is can I define a new constraint like Foreign key in the domain class even if its not defined in the underlying table in my legacy db?The grails app is still going to accept the constraints right?The constraints dont have to exactly match those of database right?

you can define attributes of a class, which are not saved in the db and due to this don't need a representation in the db these attributes are defined as follows:
class Person {
String name
static transients = ['name']
see information about transients. In 2.x transients are not auto-bound as listed in the docs here, so you have to do a bindable: true explicitly.

Yes, the constraints you define in your domain class will be respected regardless of what you have in your database. The only time the 2 really relate is if you are letting Hibernate generate DDL for you (which most folks do not do for their production environment) in which case there are certain constraints which affect the DDL that is generated. Since you already have a database you almost certainly have that turned off.
An example of a constraint which affects DDL is the size constraint. If you constrain a String field with something like size: 5..15, by default the DDL that is generated will create a column that is 15 characters wide. If you are not allowing the app to generate DDL that constraint is still applied at validation time and if the property has more than 15 characters or fewer than 5, validation will fail. Once validation passes and the data is sent to the database, the framework assumes everything will be ok there. If it isn't, then corresponding exceptions may be thrown. For example, if the String has 12 characters it will pass validation in the app and will be sent to the database. If the database column is only 8 characters wide, you are going to get a SQLException. I hope that makes sense.


Grails dynamic "inList"

This is almost identical to this old question: Dynamic define the inList constraint using database query which was essentially unaddressed, perhaps there have been advances in the years since that was asked.
I'd like to populate the inList parameter of a domain attribute with values from another domain. Due to auto-generated views (scaffolding, filterpane), this needs to come from inList rather than a custom validator.
class MyDomain {
String someValue
static constraints = {
someValue(nullable: true, maxSize: 50, inList: SomeOtherDomain.list()*.name)
This gives the following error on startup:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Either class [thepackage.SomeOtherDomain] is not a domain class or GORM has not been initialized correctly or has already been shutdown. Ensure GORM is loaded and configured correctly before calling any methods on a GORM entity.
I know, the "correct" way to handle this is to make someValue an instance of SomeOtherDomain instead of just storing the name, but that doesn't quite fit. We want to be able to delete an instance of SomeOtherDomain without breaking the saved value of the owning domain... the domain with the deleted value will be invalid going forward, and would have to be updated before saving, but archived/locked records will still exist and can be displayed.
You can specify value lists for filterpane like this:
<filterpane:filterPane domain="MyObject" filterPropertyValues="${['someValue':[values: SomeOtherDomain.list().collect{}]]}" />
And then just use a custom validator to actually validate. I'm not sure what scaffolding might use the inList but easy enough to get around that if you're OK with replacing a few scaffolded pages with static ones.

Change Grails GORM format without dropping existing tables

I have one Grails application that has been running for a while. But now I want to change the GORM format and I wonder if there are simple ways to do so, i.e. ways that I don't need to drop existing tables, only modifying my application will do.
To be specific, I used to have one HashSet field that is mapped to varbinary in DB. There are some existing rows in this User table.
public class User{
//irrelevant attributes omitted
HashSet<String> friends=new HashSet<>();
static mapping={
friends sqlType: 'VARBINARY(10000)'
Now I've changed the field friends to a HashMap<String,Integer>. Now although I still map the field to varchar, Grails throws an exception every time I save an User object:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
I first suspected that Grails keeps the old converting rule transforming HashSet to varbinary and it wasn't updated. So I tried changing the mapping from varbinary to blob and text, but neither worked.
I'm wondering if there are ways that I keep this column in varbinary in DB while letting Grails know that the attribute is now in HashMap and it should generate new ruls to convert.
Appreciate your insightful advice!
Edit: Im using Grails 2.4.4
There is one way I know of doing this: log into the database server so you have access to the database in a term window. Do this first on your development machine. Look at the relevant columns and see exactly which data types they use. Then, on your development machine, drop those columns and deploy the changed project. The new columns will be created if you've got the gorm set to 'update.' Again inspect the relevant columns and see if there's any way of changing the old columns (alter table...) in your production database to the new columns. You'll have to stop your production server, make the changes, deploy the new project and restart it. If you can't just change the columns you may have to create the new ones, move data over and delete the old ones - all with the application server stopped.

use grails unique constraint only for generating DDL

I would like to generate multicolumn unique constraints in Grails such as one defined in following entity class
class Relationship {
Element source
Element destination
Type type
// other properties omitted
static constraints = {
type unique: ['source', 'destination']
but I don't want to have that constraint active during the validation as it consumes lot of resources (see alternative to grails multicolumn unique constraint (optimistic inserts)) for stats.
Is there any way to achieve that? What are the alternatives to generate the unique index automatically (with checking for existing one)?
I've done this in an app where I knew that a column's values were unique based on how they were generated, so I didn't want Grails to run a select query during validation, but wanted the database check just in case something weird happened.
I would do this using a database migration. Add whatever constraints and indexes you like, in addition to the updates that are needed to keep the code and database in sync (e.g. adding/removing columns or tables, changing column types, etc.)

GORM read only columns

Most of our tables have one or more columns which are set by the database, either by a trigger, or we want to use the database default value (which requires not sending the field at all in the insert or update)
This includes transaction dates set in the dB (so all the times are times stamped very accurately by a single source, not relying on the accuracy of the time on an arbitrary server or pc.)
The second VERY common use case is say if a customer record has his address and a last logged in field. the last logged in field (and number of failed logins) is set by another part of the system (e.g. by a web site server). The current overly simplistic CRUD system which GORM provides would overwrite such a field when an operator or customer edits their address for example. This is because GORM includes in its update and insert statements every field, even if it's null, or if it has not been changed.
We need a way to scrub the field from inserts and updates, but still have it used in the read calls.
I.e. a true "read only" attribute.
We tried this:
failedLogins editable: false, attributes: [readonly:true]
Which has no effect on the SQL generated (and doesn't even affect the scaffolded UIs - its still editable in create and edit, in grails 2.4.4 at least, but thats another story)
When we do want to explicitly write one of these fields, such as number of failed logins, we would resort to using embedded SQL.
I saw this post: Read-Only columns
Which asks exactly the same question, but only gives one solution, which is this plugin:
extended GORM mappings
Unfortunately, this plugin has not been updated since 2010, and only works with 1.3. We need something which works with 2.4.4.
Any grails app which has multiple systems which edits independent fields needs something like this, or to do extensive locking (Which is usually out of the question).
E.g. an operator opens the customer details for editing, edits something editable (e.g. address), then the operator fails a login on the website (a different grails or non-grails app), then the operator saves the player details. If the saving included the numberOfFailedLogins field, the system would fail. If opening the player details for editing locked the player, then the player would not be able to login, as updating the "lastLoggedIn" or "numFailedLogins" would fail to be able to write due to the lock. The solution is VERY simple - read only columns. Another way would be to put each read only type field in their own tables, but this would be untenable (and result in hundreds of one field tables)
Or we go back to using MyBatis, which has no such issues, and full control. Sadly, there is no good mybatis plugin for grails.
You can use derived properties for string and number properties:
class Batch {
String name
Integer timesRun
static mapping = {
timesRun formula: 'times_run' //times_run is a column in the "batch" table
In the code above, timesRun would be read in from the database but ignored in inserts and updates as Hibernate considers the column a calculated one.
Updated the example because the original one may have been misleading
This probably doesn't specifically answer your question, but you can use dynamicUpdates to tell GORM to only update the properties of the domain object that have changed during the current session. So as long as you don't change the "read-only" property in your code it won't be set in the SQL update statement generated by Grails. For added safety you could override (and noop) the setter so that your code can never change that property.
One of the downsides of dynamicUpdates is that it might make the Hibernate query cache less useful. However, it seems that some Grails/Hibernate experts recommend that you disable the query cache anyway (at least in older versions of Grails). Not sure if that's true of Grails 2.4+

How to create model from database preserving 'default' constraint values

My existing table contains nearly 50 columns, most of them have the 'default' constraint.
I have created the model based on this database table. All seemed ok, until i tried to insert a new row. I've got a sql server error stating that some column cannot be null. It appears that creating a model from the database did not preserve the default constraints.
I edited the model manually adding all the defaults and after that inserting didn't fail.
So my question is, how do i create a model that automatically picks up default constraints associated to the columns?
Using mvc4, visual studio 2010, sql server 2008 r2.
Google search didnt make sense as all the people seemed to be talking about something different than what i need.
Pretty sure my answer from Possible to default DateTime field to GETDATE() with Entity Framework Migrations? will work for you too. By using a modified MigrationCodeGenerator class and iterating through the operations list you can update the columns and add DefaultValueSql values based on whatever rules you need.
Well, you have a number of options. You could set the default values in the Model's default constructor. I think this is the better solution.
If you must have the default constraints in your database you could do set defaultValueSql in your data migrations like this:
AddColumn("ExistingTable", "NewColumn",c => c.Int(nullable: false, defaultValueSql: "0"));
