Saving data and displaying it in a form Rails 4 - ruby-on-rails

I have created a call report form with my contact's first name & contact's last name in my scaffold. Although I can clearly see the fields in the form and I can go ahead and edit them, the fields of contact_first_name & contact_last_name are always empty after being saved and returning to my view. I don't know what to do or how to approach this issue.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

There could be many problems:
contact_first_name or contact_last_name could be misspelled.
in controller they may not be permitted
you might be overriding these fields somewhere
etc etc
Possible solutions or the directions to the solution are:
check database for their existence
check spells
check them in permit list
check the logs
But Code would be helping for both you and answering persons. So please post code with your question.


Xtext - Temporarily tolerate unresolvable references and make the reference name user readable

Let's say I have a language that models a part of stackoverflow. Users are held in one resource, questions in another.
user fred :
user notfred :
question 123 by fred message "smart question"
question 124 by notfred message "not so smart question"
Now, the user "fred" wants to remove his account, but this wouldn't work because after loading both resources into my ResourceSet I would have a non-empty Resource#getErrors().
I can work around this by filtering XtextLinkingDiagnostic from the errors, but still other users reading the "smart question" cannot tell anymore that it was asked by someone called "fred". The info is still there, I can access it for example when I set a LinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider with LazyLinkingResource#setDiagnosticMessageProvider(...); however, the best thing I can now do is, show other users validation errors that "fred" was deleted, but they wouldn't know "fred" wrote the message they are just reading. Knowing this would help them a lot because everybody knows that "fred" writes great questions, right?
Long story short, I have an application into which users can load a declaration and a definition file. In very few cases something goes wrong and both files don't match perfectly, which means the definition has entries that are not declared in the declaration. However, I know that ~95% of the entries will still match!
Users cannot fix this quickly, but it is likely that they are happy just editing the 95% definitions, but they still need to be able to read the names of the 5% declarations without editing them!
I am not currently using any UI-parts of Xtext to edit the definitions, but rather a custom UI in form of a table. The current state with the missing declarations is that everything except a value column will be empty. The reference ID would be in another column, and knowing this ID would help the user a lot! Is there a clean way to achieve this?
Have a look at the 'Node Model' e.g. org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.util.NodeModelUtils.findNodesForFeature(EObject, EStructuralFeature) allows you to access the text that is written in the file

Is there any way to keep validate field optional in rails?

I have User model which includes 7 fields. for all these fields validation is written.i have two form where i am displaying fields depend on condition. in one form i have name password and city and other form i have role,phone and name.
When i try to submit the first form i got the error which says phone and role field are required resulting into failure of form.
Is there any way by which i can submit both form without getting the validation errors ??
Note : i want my logic to be in model only.. Please help me with this problem.
You could use a conditional validation to achieve what you want:
See here:
However, this can quickly get hard to manage. Depending on the condition you're switching on, it'd probably be a cleaner design to use a 'Form Object' which will give you more control and let you do validations without the messy conditional logic.
See section #3 of this blog post for more detail:
Using this pattern, you would check for your condition in the controller then determine which form object to send to the view.

Access 2010 form not displaying query

I'm sure this is an easy fix but I can't seem to find it. I just have a form, that will be a subform of another, that needs to display the results of a query.
The query is simple enough, just displays all fields of records that fall between specified dates. The query works great, but when I attach it to the form as its record source it doesn't display the data. I can see the correct amount of record selectors so I know its understanding the query but its as if all fields are hidden!
I have also tried building a query to the forms record source that was simply Select query.* From query. Oddly I have had this working before but I had to specify every field. What I mean is:
Select title From query
Select type From query
Select date From query
And so on for all the fields but this seems foolish, can anyone think of what I may be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Edit, forgot to mention I also tried the foolish solution that I mentioned above and it didn't work so its definitely some issue that I'm not seeing, some property that's probably not appropriately set
#sshekhar well its not really code at the moment I'm using Access 2010. I have a form that needs to display a subform that executes this query of displaying records that have a data field that fall between dates specified by the user. The query works and displays the correct records, but the form that it is attached to only shows the record selectors and all the fields appear to be "hidden." I thought it may be one of the form's properties set incorrectly but I checked on the test form from another database that I used and each have what appears to be identical settings. So I'm at a loss!
So it turns out even though I using a query that holds all the fields it will not display the content unless you go to the Add Existing Fields and add all the the fields you want to see. This seems really silly especially when the results in the query but at least its working now.
I had this problem and discovered that having the property DataEntry set to YES will only display new records. From Microsoft Help:
You can use the DataEntry property to specify whether a bound form
opens to allow data entry only. The Data Entry property doesn't
determine whether records can be added; it only determines whether
existing records are displayed. Read/write Boolean.

Symfony Embedded Relation Many2Many - linking unique fields or creating new fields

I'm using an embedded relation to allow the user to edit/add books to a library and in the same form to add/remove n authors who wrote the book within the auto generated admin.
Here is my problem: An authors name is unique, so when I enter an author that already exists the sfValidatorDoctrineUnique produces the error.
An object with the same "name" already exist.
What I want to do is catch this error and tell the form not to try to add the exisiting author anew.
Do I use the event system for that, or modify the validators or how can I do that?
thank you very much
after some searching I found something that might be a solution but I haven't made it work yet
I my opinion you should not to add new author if it already exists.
sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin do the same way. It searches for an existing tags and merge them with current (added by user from form) tags.
But here is one issue: Two authors - Aleksander Pushkin and Alexander Pushkin, is it same authors for us, but different for machine.

Saving data in rails session to use in form on next request

Let's say I have a table called positions (as in job positions). On the position show page I display all the detail about the job - awesome. At the bottom I need the prospective applicant to input their professional license # before continuing onto the next page which is the actual applicant creation form. I also need to take that license # and have it populate that field on the applicant form (again on the proceeding page).
I realize there are a couple ways to do this. Possibly the more popular option would be to store that value in the session. I am curious how to do this in the simplest manner?
My idea:
Create a table specifically for license #'s.
Add a small form on the position show page to create license # (with validation)
Store newly created license in session - not sure what to put in which controller?
On applicant creation form populate from session the license #.
This would assume applicants only have one license.
Appreciate the help!
Don't store this in the session! Pass that as an hidden field.
Let's say the user starts the form, then open the form again in a new window or something... then the session variable would be shared between the two forms. Other problems would occur if the cookie gets removed (session expire, user clear cache...)
This is not good. The best way is using a POST variable. GET works as well but messes up the URL
Seems like a good idea. As for #3, for whatever controller is called in the transition from 2 -> 4, that would be the controller where you store the session, as such:
session[:license_number] = your_license_number_information
From there, it can be called the same way (session[:license_number]) to get it.
The hidden field is safer for data persistence. However is not not then coded in the HTML output? That can be a great data security issue.
This is a trade-off to be considered.
