Polygon geofencing with iOS - ios

I am trying to find a way to create several polygon geofences with iOS. I need to draw multiple zones in a city to represent areas, streets, etc. From what I've read so far, iOS only allows circular zone from a geolocated device.
Is it feasible with iOS?
Is there a web app somewhere to draw polygons on a map and generate the coordinates in an array?

1) iOS only allows to create circular geofences indeed however what you are trying to achieve is possible with some extra logic.
I have developed similar features so I suggest you to do the following:
create a circular geofence that embeds your polygon
when the device gets notified as being within the circular geofence,
start the GPS
every time you get a location update, check if its coordinates are
within the polygon
turn off the GPS as soon as the device's location is found within the
polygon, unless you need to be notified when exiting the polygon as
turn off the GPS when the device gets notified as outside the
circular geofence
As you need polygon geofences I guess you expect a good level of accuracy, so you would need to use an extra layer of GPS on top of the geofencing anyways, as geofencing is not accurate at all.
2) Have a look at those links:


Create track motion app in iOS

I just want some hint of how can I create an app in iOS which can do following.
When a user is at point X, user will click on start button so app will start a timer and track the movement. User will be on a horse and user needs to ride in a full circle. When user comes back to point X the app should draw the route taken by the user on the horse.
Aim is to ride completely in a circle. I want to make this app to
practice and see how close to a circle I ride.
I tried to look at GPS locator but I am not sure whether it will give me efficient results because the circle I ride can be as small as 60m or less in radius.
I don't know if iOS GPS can be this accurate. I read article on motion sensor and how to track rotation and acceleration.
But I am not quite sure how to use that to my advantage.
I just need some tips like which API to use etc.
Using the Standard Positioning Service one can achieve 15 meter
horizontal accuracy 95% of the time. This means that 95% of the time,
the coordinates you read from your GPS receiver display will be within
15 meters of your true position on the earth.
More Information click here
For integrate Map and draw path using current position google map is good option for integrate in iOS mobile .
small and range and get accurate result use indoor position system.
For more information about Indoor positioning system (IPS) click here
and Github iOS demo : get code

Draw polylines which follow the roads gemoetry

In my app I want to highlight certain roads, which can easily be achieved just by drawing polylines on top of the roads. (I am using the Google Maps SDK, by the way). However these polylines won't follow the road's geometry, they will just connect two coordinates with a straight line. (I have a coordinate for the start of the road which I want to highlight and the end of it). The coordinates won't change, the same roads will be highlighted through out the whole time in the app.
The question is: Is there a way I could draw these polylines not to be straight but to follow the road's geometry? If it's not possible in the SDK, is there a tool on the internet which will connect two coordinates following the roads between them? Because if there is, than I could get the coordinates of those poylines and parse them in my app.
as #Fabian has suggested, if you have a small set of polylines to show in your app, and your app works mostly offline, it would be better to get all the polylines during the development. And there are two ways:
1) through the direction API, you might able to skip all the implementation by using the WEB API, which is meant for webserver.
2) or, with the Snap to Road API, which might gives you a better control over your route compare to the direction API. This API is meant to fix the pool GPS data you get from the sensor and snap those on the road.

Indoor Atlas: iOS SDK doesn't give accurate position when device stops moving

I downloaded the Indoor Atlas iPhone SDK and also generated path maps and test paths for my venue. SDK navigates me perfectly when I am moving from one place to another but when I stop moving it generates scattered output with the position radius from 10 to 25. I am expecting precise co-ordinates in both the above cases in my project.
Is there any way to get more precision?
IndoorAtlas technology is using the history of magnetic field observations for computing the precise location. This means that the device needs to move some distance in order to collect enough data to converge to a correct location estimate, i.e., to have a location fix. We are constantly improving our service to decrease the time needed for the first location fix.
If you experience your position moving after you've already stopped walking yourself, please contact support#indooratlas.com with details of your application and venue where this is experienced and we'll look into it. Thanks!

iOS MapKit - defining irregular touchable regions

I'm working on an app that lets a user select locations on a map. The entire map is subdivided into irregular regions (administrative boundaries), and when a user touches a point on a map, I need to be able to figure out which region the point belongs to. Just to clarify, there is no finite set of points for a user to choose from, they just tap anywhere on the map.
What is the best way to achieve this? I have been looking at MKPolygon class but cannot really figure out if this is the way to go. If it is, would I be using intersectsMapRect: method of the MKOverlay protocol to check for a match? Are there any good tutorials on this kind of map operations?
A good approach here might be the MapBox iOS SDK and it's RMInteractiveSource, which is designed for this. Check out this sample app which shows interactive regions.
This is done by a space-optimized, offline-capable key-value store of sorts that keys pixels at varying zoom levels to arbitrary content values (region name, data, imagery, etc.)
In MapKit proper, you'll need some sort of spatial analysis (maybe Spatialite?) to determine intersections between points touched and irregularly-shaped regions.

How to find the inverse of the China transform in MKMapView?

It seems to be a known fact that MKMapView (and Google's maps in general) have a varying offset on 100-600m which makes annotations display incorrectly on the map.
According to this thread, Google has a private method called _applyChinaLocationShift, and it works, but apparently only for CLLocations that are given by CLLocationManager. For arbitrary CLLocations, it returns nil. The app I'm writing only needs to work in one city, so I've thought of pre-sampling the area using _applyChinaLocationShift and store the inverse transforms in the shipped app if that was possible.
So basically, is there any way to convert a coordinate to a coordinate that corresponds to the transformed China maps?
How about using location simulation in the Simulator and feeding it a bunch of coordinates in that particular city.
