How can I get list of replies to my tweets using Tweetsharp or using any direct API - twitter

I am trying to get list of tweet replies using TweetSharp. I actually need complete list of replies of last x tweets so I am using chain process to get list of tweets first and then their replies. Is there anyone else has done the similar thing? Please help me. Thanks

When you retrieve a user's home timeline, replies to the tweets in that timeline are included, and you could pull the replies out that way.
However, the REST API does not appear to provide a method to return all of the replies to an individual tweet.
The streaming API may be more suited to this, but I have not worked with it.


Is there a workaround for non-premium Twitter developers for getting reply_count?

Does anyone know of a solution for checking if a tweet has replies or not, without checking the reply_count field of the JSON response?
I'm building a crawler and already have a method for scraping a timeline for tweets as well as replies to tweets. In order to increase efficiency I want to find out if a tweet has any replies at all before calling my reply method. I have a standard developer account with Twitter so I do not have access to reply_count.
Looking for this as well. Only way I found was scraping the page (which is against the Terms of Service)
reply-count-aria-${tweet.id_str}.*?(\d+) replies

Twitter streaming api - get comments

I am trying to get all tweets and comments related to specific topic by it's hashtag. I am able to use streaming API to get every new tweet with that hashtag, but my question is, if it is somehow possible to fetch also comments to those tweets? It doesn't need to be streaming API, but in REST API I can't find it as well.
Twitter currently doesn't allow you to get replies to a specific tweet. The best you can do is a search for #username and filter that by in_reply_to.

How should I get all the tweets of an specific hashtag?

I'm trying to develop some code in order to get all the tweets that were generated with certain hashtags, then parse them and finally analyse them. I believe I've already thought and solve the last two parts of this but I'm having some trouble with the first one. I've already read the Twitter Search API documentation but I haven't realised yet how to do this. Can anyone help me?
If you want to retrieve the tweets sent recently, you should use the search/tweets endpoint of twitter' REST API, and mention the hashtag inside q parameter
In case you want to listen to tweets containing the hashtag and receive them in real time, then twitter's streaming API is what you should use (statuses/filter endPoint).
Have a look at the documentation on twitter's website, there's also plenty of information on how to do this all around the web.

Twitter messages on website with votes

I am not sure how it is done, therefore my questions below:
I would like to ask folks on Twitter for a suggestion on a particular topic. Can I tell them to use certain hashtag and have all comments with that hashtag posted on my site?
Do I just pick a hashtag or does it need to be created somehow?
Can I have users on my site rate those suggestions? In that case, would I need to somehow grab twitter message and store locally?
Just trying to understand the process in order to implement it.
Hashtags don't have to be created - just use it in tweet.
In order to get all tweets with particular hashtag, use search API: and search for this hashtag. You should save all relevant tweets (twitter search is not reliable on old tweets).

How to crawl retweets of a certain user?

I studied the Twitter API Documentation today. Only find that we could use "Twitter REST API Method: statuses user_timeline" to acquire statuses of a certain user. Retweets are stripped out of the user_timeline for backwards compatibility reasons. If I want retweets included, API Documentation recommend "statuses retweeted_by_me", but retweeted_by_me cannot return the retweets by other users.
I think maybe we can analyse the twitter webpage of a certain user to get his retweets. However is there any elegant way to crawl retweets of a certain user?
Thanks in advance!
This was addressed recently by the Twitter devs. You can now add a include_rts=true to your call to user_timeline. See the full discussion here:
You want to use the retweeted_to_me API call and then create a union with user_timeline and sort by datetime. It's a little annoying that they don't mix the stream for you.
Call statuses/user_timeline for the specific user then for each status you will have to call either statuses/id/retweeted_by or statuses/retweets.
You have to manually use GET statuses/retweets/:id for every Tweet from the use_timeline.
