iOS, quicktime and html5 captioned videos - ios

I’m using captions in video. It works well on desktop browsers and some android devices. The problem is on iOS because it overrides the video with quicktime. As far as I understand, captions in quicktime are coded into the movie.
Example: The first video on this page uses captions that aren’t viewable on an iOS device.
Is it possible to do any of the following:
Disable quicktime programatically?
Control quicktime programatically from the browser?
Place captions over quicktime using data from the browser?
Any other solutions to this problem are welcome.


Embedded 360 Videos from YouTube not replaying correctly on iOS browsers

Im recording 360° videos for my real estate agency and embed the videos on my wordpress website on the various listings. However after being uploading new videos for properties for about 3 days now. Ive realized they dont play correctly on iOS devices.
Basically you cant move the camera around with your finger or by moving the device around.
Android does work, but iOS doesnt. Tried different browsers too its something to do with how ioS or the player iOS uses when playing a youtube video.
How can I fix this problem? As its a massive issue that I must fix somehow.
Thanks in advance!
Example link:
Video works fine on android/desktop/mac/windows but not if on iOS. Tested Safari and Chrome. Both didnt work.
This has been a limitation for some time on Mobile devices unfortunately - embedded 360 videos require the YouTube App to play. See note from YouTube (
To watch 180° or 360° videos, you need the latest version of Chrome, Opera, Firefox, or MS Edge. On mobile devices, use the latest version of the YouTube app.
It does appear to work on Android devices when embedded now, but on iOS this seems to still be a restriction.

html5 video playback on iOS (iPhoneX)

Hey everyone,
we have a serious issue with a website where we have an html5 video on the landingpage. It's a muted autoplay 5second loop that is supposed to play as a background-video on the site.
Now … we have two persons testing it, with the exact same device.
iPhoneX with Google Chrome (caches cleared and tested on both devices with Incognito and without)
On my phone the autplay works just fine. Video plays in the background.
On my collegues iPhoneX (same build, bought at the same date, same iOS version, same Browser (caches cleared)) it does not play automatically. He get's the play-icon.
Any idea why?
For everyone looking into that. The reason is iOS Low-Power-Mode. in low power mode the videos do not automatically play.

you tube video does not autoplay on tablet

The video automatically plays when it's a computer, but when the website is opened from any tablet, it doesn't play.
It cannot be done. Apple doesn't allow that.
In Safari on iOS (for all devices, including iPad), where the user may
be on a cellular network and be charged per data unit, preload and
autoplay are disabled.
Safari HTML5 Audio and Video Guide

iPad stopped streaming quicktime movie clips

I wasn't sure where to exactly ask this question, so here seemed most appropriate i guess. Something weird happened, quicktime movieclips suddenly stopped streaming in Safari on my Ipad, if i try to load one in the adres bar now i just get a crossed out video icon. I became aware of this because i tried streaming a video thats in an app i developed and all of a sudden it didn't work anymore whereas it had been working perfectly fine before... So i figured trying streaming them in Safari to see if that would work but well... It didn't. This is one of the files , can someone confirm maybe whether or not this is streaming on an iPad (in safari), like i said it has been working fine on my Ipad before...
No this does not stream, which suggests it is a codec issue. I had this problem with developing websites. If you have access to this video to change it, the best format is MP4 which is the only safari supported video format according to W3C schools HTML5 section. This should fix the problem.

Embedded Vimeo videos do not work on iPad Safari via ios simulator

I have googled the heck out of this question, but I have found no information that is at all helpful. My question is simple: why can't I play embedded Vimeo videos (using the universal iframe embed code) on iOS Simulator running an iPad in Safari?
Is it because this is not supported on iOS Simulator, or is it a more complex problem? Thanks
I had the same problem with my Vimeo embeds. I first noticed it in Safari on iPhone through the simulator. Then I tried it in Safari on the iPad (through the simulator). Finally, I tried just watching any video on the Vimeo site itself. None worked on the iPad/iPhone using the simulator. So I don't think the problem is specific to embeds, or any particular video. It's a problem with playing Vimeo videos in Safari on iOS, through the simulator, it seems.
Is this universal to every vimeo video you encounter or only specific ones you are trying to embed? For example, if you visit on mobile safari are you able to play any of their videos in iOS simulator?
If you can play videos on then the problem lies with the specific videos you're trying to embed. Certain Vimeo videos uploaded >2 years ago did not process well when Vimeo made the switch to HTML5. This is rectified be re-uploading the videos back into Vimeo and letting them re-process. Then use the new generated embed code.
