Set certain size and content to an array - ruby-on-rails

I am developing an Rails 3.2.14 app and in this app I am creating
an array with exactly 31 zeros in it:
<% #total = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] %>
I know there must be a better way to do this right?
Thankful for all input! is probably the cleanest way to do this:, 0)
The first argument is the size, the second is the default value.
Some other alternatives:
[0] * 31
31.times.inject([]){|array, count| array << 0}
These methods are trivial if you're filling with zeros, but if you are calculating values then they can be quite powerful.

You can use Array#new or Array#fill.
Example:, 0)
[].fill(0, 0..30)
both yields the same result.


Shorter way to convert an empty string to an int, and then clamp

I'm looking for a way to simplify the code for the following logic:
Take a value that is either a nil or an empty string
Convert that value to an integer
Set zero values to the maximum value (empty string/nil are converted to 0 when cast as an int)
.clamp the value between a minimum and a maximum
Here's the long form that works:
minimum = 1
maximum = 10_000
value = value.to_i
value = maximum if
value = value.clamp(minimum, maximum)
So for example, if value is "", I should get 10,000. If value is "15", I should get 15. If value is "45000", I should get 10000.
Is there a way to shorten this logic, assuming that minimum and maximum are defined and that the default value is the maximum?
The biggest problem I've had in shortening it is that null-coalescing doesn't work on the zero, since Ruby considers zero a truthy value. Otherwise, it could be a one-liner.
you could still do a one-liner with your current logic
minimum, maximum = 1, 10_000
value = ( ? maximum: value.to_i ).clamp(minimum, maximum)
but not sure if your issue is that if you enter '0' you want 1 and not 10_000 if so then try this
minimum, maximum = 1, 10_000
value = (value.to_i if Float(value) rescue maximum).clamp(minimum, maximum)
Consider Fixing the Input Object or Method
If you're messing with String objects when you expect an Integer, you're probably dealing with user input. If that's the case, the problem should really be solved through input validation and/or looping over an input prompt elsewhere in your program rather than trying to perform input transformations inline.
Duck-typing is great, but I suspect you have a broken contract between methods or objects. As a general rule, it's better to fix the source of the mismatch unless you're deliberately wrapping some piece of code that shouldn't be modified. There are a number of possible refactorings and patterns if that's the case.
One such solution is to use a collaborator object or method for information hiding. This enables you to perform your input transformations without complicating your inline logic, and allowing you to access the transformed value as a simple method call such as user_input.value.
Turning a Value into a Collaborator Object
If you are just trying to tighten up your current method you can aim for shorter code, but I'd personally recommend aiming for maintainability instead. Pragmatically, that means sending your value to the constructor of a specialized object, and then asking that object for a result. As a bonus, this allows you to use a default variable assignment to handle nil. Consider the following:
class MaximizeUnsetInputValue
MIN = 1
MAX = 10_000
def initialize value=MAX
#value = value
def set_empty_to_max
#value = MAX if
def value
#value.clamp MIN, MAX
You can easily validate that this handles your various use cases while hiding the implementation details inside the collaborator object's methods. For example:
inputs_and_expected_outputs = [
[0, 10000],
[1, 1],
[10, 10],
[10001, 10000],
[nil, 10000],
['', 10000]
] do |input, expected| == expected
#=> [true, true, true, true, true, true]
There are certainly other approaches, but this is the one I'd recommend based on your posted code. It isn't shorter, but I think it's readable, maintainable, adaptable, and reusable. Your mileage may vary.

How do I sum the product of two values, across multiple objects in Rails?

Imagine I have a portfolio p that has 2 stocks port_stocks. What I want to do is run a calculation on each port_stock, and then sum up all the results.
[60] pry(main)> p.port_stocks
=> [#<PortStock:0x00007fd520e064e0
id: 17,
portfolio_id: 1,
stock_id: 385,
volume: 2000,
purchase_price: 5.9,
total_spend: 11800.0>,
id: 18,
portfolio_id: 1,
stock_id: 348,
volume: 1000,
purchase_price: 9.0,
total_spend: 9000.0>]
[61] pry(main)>
So, in essence, using the code above I would like to do this:
ps = p.port_stocks.first #(`id=17`)
first = ps.volume * ps.purchase_price # 2000 * 5.9 = 11,800
ps = p.port_stocks.second #(`id=18`)
second = ps.volume * ps.purchase_price # 1000 * 9.0 = 9,000
first + second = 19,800
I want to simply get 19,800. Ideally I would like to do this in a very Ruby way.
If I were simply summing up all the values in 1 total_spend, I know I could simply do: and that would be that.
But not sure how to do something similar when I am first doing a math operation on each object, then adding up all the products from all the objects. This should obviously work for 2 objects or 500.
The best way of doing this using Rails is to pass a block to sum, such as the following:
p.port_stocks.sum do |port_stock|
port_stock.volume * port_stock.purchase_price
That uses the method dedicated to totalling figures, and tends to be very fast and efficient - particularly when compared to manipulating the data ahead of calling a straight sum without a block.
A quick benchmark here typically shows it performing ~20% faster than the obvious alternatives.
I've not been able to test, but give that a try and it should resolve this for you.
Let me know how you get on!
Just a quick update as you also mention the best Ruby way, sum was introduced in 2.4, though on older versions of Ruby you can use reduce (also aliased to inject):
p.port_stocks.reduce(0) do |sum, port_stock|
sum + (port_stock.volume * port_stock.purchase_price)
This isn't as efficient as sum, but thought I'd give you the options :)
You are right to use Array#map to iterate through all stocks, but instead to sum all total_spend values, you could calculate it for each stock. After, you sum all results and your done:{|ps| ps.volume * ps.purchase_price}.sum
Or you could use Enumerable#reduce like SRack did. This would return the result with one step/iteration.

Ruby method returns hash values in binary

I wrote a method that takes six names then generates an array of seven random numbers using four 6-sided dice. The lowest value of the four 6-sided dice is dropped, then the remainder is summed to create the value. The value is then added to an array.
Once seven numbers have been generated, the array is then ordered from highest to lowest and the lowest value is dropped. Then the array of names and the array of values are zipped together to create a hash.
This method ensures that the first name in the array of names receives the highest value, and the last name receives the lowest.
This is the result of calling the method:
{:strength=>1, :dexterity=>1, :constitution=>0, :intelligence=>0, :wisdom=>0, :charisma=>1}
As you can see, all the values I receive are either "1" or "0". I have no idea how this is happening.
Here is the code:
module PriorityStatGenerator
def self.roll_stats(first_stat, second_stat, third_stat, fourth_stat, fifth_stat, sixth_stat)
stats_priority = [first_stat, second_stat, third_stat, fourth_stat, fifth_stat, sixth_stat].map(&:to_sym)
roll_array = self.roll
return Hash[]
def self.roll
roll_array = []
7.times {
roll_array <<{ 1 + rand(6) }.sort.drop(1).sum
This is how I'm calling the method while I'm testing:
render plain: PriorityStatGenerator.roll_stats(params[:prioritize][:first_stat], params[:prioritize][:second_stat], params[:prioritize][:third_stat], params[:prioritize][:fourth_stat], params[:prioritize][:fifth_stat], params[:prioritize][:sixth_stat])
I added require 'priority_stat_generator' where I'm calling the method, so it is properly calling it.
Can someone help me make it return proper values between 1 and 18?
Here's a refactoring to simplify things and use an actually random number generator, as rand is notoriously terrible:
require 'securerandom'
module PriorityStatGenerator
def self.roll_stats(*stats)
def self.roll(n = 7)
(n + 1) do { 1 + SecureRandom.random_number(6) }.sort.drop(1).inject(:+)
This makes use of inject(:+) so it works in plain Ruby, no ActiveSupport required.
The use of *stats makes the roll_stats function way more flexible. Your version has a very rigid number of parameters, which is confusing and often obnoxious to use. Treating the arguments as an array avoids a lot of the binding on the expectation that there's six of them.
As a note it's not clear why you're making N+1 roles and then discarding the last. That's the same as generating N and discarding none. Maybe you meant to sort them and take the N best?
Update: Added sort and reverse to properly map in terms of priority.
You need to learn to use IRB or PRY to test snippets of your code, or better, learn to use a debugger. They give you insight into what your code is doing.
In other words, delete_at(6) is doing what it's supposed to, but that's not what you want. Instead, perhaps slicing the array will behave more like you expect:
>> [7,6,5,4,3,2,1][0..-2]
[0] 7,
[1] 6,
[2] 5,
[3] 4,
[4] 3,
[5] 2
Also, in your code, it's not necessary to return a value when that operation is the last logical step in a method. Ruby will return the last value seen:
As amadan said, I can't see how you are getting the results you are, but their is a definite bug in your code.
The last line in self.roll is the return value.
Which is going to return the value that was deleted. You need to add a new lines to return the roll_array instead of the delete_at value. You are also not sorting your array prior to removing that last item which will give you the wrong values as well.
def self.roll
roll_array = []
7.times {
roll_array <<{ 1 + rand(6) }.sort.drop(1).sum

BigDecimal to Currency with -0.0

I am working on reports for a website and I am currently thinking of what would be the best way to handle BigDecimal -0.0's.
The database I'm working with has a lot of them. When these -0.0's are put through number_to_currency(), I get "$-0.00". My format for negative numbers is actually "-$x.xx", so note that number_to_currency is not formatting it as a negative number (otherwise there would also be a negative sign in front of the dollar sign), but for some reason the negative sign is being translated along with the 0.
Right now my solution is to do this every time I get an amount from the database:
amount *= -1 if amount == 0 && amount.sign == -1
This changes the -0.0 to a 0.0. It's simple enough, but I can't help but wonder if there is a better solution, or something on BigDecimals or number_to_currency to handle this situation that I'm just not finding.
That is so because the number is converted into a string to be displayed. And:
# to_d converts to BigDecimal, just FYI
"-0".to_d.to_s #=> "-0.0"
Therefore you will have to make it a 0 yourself. But the sign-checks are redundant - a simple comparison with 0 will do the trick:
bdn = "-0".to_d # or"-0")
value = ? 0 : bdn
number_to_currency(value, other_options)
However, you wouldn't want to manually add this check everywhere you're calling number_to_currency. It would be more convenient to create your own modified_number_to_currency method, in your ApplicationHelper, like so:
def modified_number_to_currency( number, options )
value = ? 0 : number
number_to_currency(value, options)
And then use modified_number_to_currency instead of number_to_currency.
Alternatively, you could overwrite number_to_currency and have it call super in the end. That might also work but I'm not 100% certain.
Coming to your check specifically:
amount *= -1 if amount == 0 && amount.sign == -1
It should simply be:
amount = 0.to_d if # the to_d might or might not be required

Ruby ceil is not working for my data in method, only in view

I have such code in controller's method for rounding (only higher) and display ceil part of number:
#constr_num.each do |cn|
non_original_temp_var2 = get_non_tecdoc_analogs(cn.ARL_SEARCH_NUMBER, #article.supplier.SUP_BRAND, false)
non_original << non_original_temp_var2
#non_original = non_original.flatten!
#non_original.each do |n_original|
n_original.price = my_round2(n_original.price * markup_for_user)
def my_round2 a
res = (a / 1.0).ceil * 1
But for some reasons i see with every price comma with 0 after it, for example: 5142.0 but it must be 5142
Main strange part is that, if i try to write:
n_original.price = 123
in view i see 123.0
What happend?
Only when i write in view (when displaying price):
i see normal numbers, without comma
What i di wrong? How to ceil my numbers with rounding (but only high, for example 2.24 is 3 3.51 is 4 and 2.0 is 2)? Becouse now for some reasons i see comma and nul after my number, even if i try to "hardcode" number in controller.
How about using the next or succ function of the Integer class? Try something like the following:
def my_round2 a
(a.is_a? Integer) ? a :
If a is an Integer then return a otherwise cast it to Integer using the to_i method and call next or succ method on it.
I guess I missed the second part of your question. To avoid the decimal places I guess you would have to use the a.to_i like Philip Hallstrom has suggested.
My guess is that your price field is a Float. Floats will be printed with a decimal spot by default. You need to either cast it to an Integer earlier on (say in my_round2 method) or in your view task a .to_i onto the output.
